454 research outputs found

    The Role of Synthetic Data in Improving Supervised Learning Methods: The Case of Land Use/Land Cover Classification

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information ManagementIn remote sensing, Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) maps constitute important assets for various applications, promoting environmental sustainability and good resource management. Although, their production continues to be a challenging task. There are various factors that contribute towards the difficulty of generating accurate, timely updated LULC maps, both via automatic or photo-interpreted LULC mapping. Data preprocessing, being a crucial step for any Machine Learning task, is particularly important in the remote sensing domain due to the overwhelming amount of raw, unlabeled data continuously gathered from multiple remote sensing missions. However a significant part of the state-of-the-art focuses on scenarios with full access to labeled training data with relatively balanced class distributions. This thesis focuses on the challenges found in automatic LULC classification tasks, specifically in data preprocessing tasks. We focus on the development of novel Active Learning (AL) and imbalanced learning techniques, to improve ML performance in situations with limited training data and/or the existence of rare classes. We also show that much of the contributions presented are not only successful in remote sensing problems, but also in various other multidisciplinary classification problems. The work presented in this thesis used open access datasets to test the contributions made in imbalanced learning and AL. All the data pulling, preprocessing and experiments are made available at https://github.com/joaopfonseca/publications. The algorithmic implementations are made available in the Python package ml-research at https://github.com/joaopfonseca/ml-research

    The differential geometric structure in supervised learning of classifiers

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    In this thesis, we study the overfitting problem in supervised learning of classifiers from a geometric perspective. As with many inverse problems, learning a classification function from a given set of example-label pairs is an ill-posed problem, i.e., there exist infinitely many classification functions that can correctly predict the class labels for all training examples. Among them, according to Occam's razor, simpler functions are favored since they are less overfitted to training examples and are therefore expected to perform better on unseen examples. The standard technique to enforce Occam's razor is to introduce a regularization scheme, which penalizes some type of complexity of the learned classification function. Some widely used regularization techniques are functional norm-based (Tikhonov) techniques, ensemble-based techniques, early stopping techniques, etc. However, there is important geometric information in the learned classification function that is closely related to overfitting, and has been overlooked by previous methods. In this thesis, we study the complexity of a classification function from a new geometric perspective. In particular, we investigate the differential geometric structure in the submanifold corresponding to the estimator of the class probability P(y|x), based on the observation that overfitting produces rapid local oscillations and hence large mean curvature of this submanifold. We also show that our geometric perspective of supervised learning is naturally related to an elastic model in physics, where our complexity measure is a high dimensional extension of the surface energy in physics. This study leads to a new geometric regularization approach for supervised learning of classifiers. In our approach, the learning process can be viewed as a submanifold fitting problem that is solved by a mean curvature flow method. In particular, our approach finds the submanifold by iteratively fitting the training examples in a curvature or volume decreasing manner. Our technique is unified for both binary and multiclass classification, and can be applied to regularize any classification function that satisfies two requirements: firstly, an estimator of the class probability can be obtained; secondly, first and second derivatives of the class probability estimator can be calculated. For applications, where we apply our regularization technique to standard loss functions for classification, our RBF-based implementation compares favorably to widely used regularization methods for both binary and multiclass classification. We also design a specific algorithm to incorporate our regularization technique into the standard forward-backward training of deep neural networks. For theoretical analysis, we establish Bayes consistency for a specific loss function under some mild initialization assumptions. We also discuss the extension of our approach to situations where the input space is a submanifold, rather than a Euclidean space.2018-11-30T00:00:00

    Fusion-based Few-Shot Morphing Attack Detection and Fingerprinting

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    The vulnerability of face recognition systems to morphing attacks has posed a serious security threat due to the wide adoption of face biometrics in the real world. Most existing morphing attack detection (MAD) methods require a large amount of training data and have only been tested on a few predefined attack models. The lack of good generalization properties, especially in view of the growing interest in developing novel morphing attacks, is a critical limitation with existing MAD research. To address this issue, we propose to extend MAD from supervised learning to few-shot learning and from binary detection to multiclass fingerprinting in this paper. Our technical contributions include: 1) We propose a fusion-based few-shot learning (FSL) method to learn discriminative features that can generalize to unseen morphing attack types from predefined presentation attacks; 2) The proposed FSL based on the fusion of the PRNU model and Noiseprint network is extended from binary MAD to multiclass morphing attack fingerprinting (MAF). 3) We have collected a large-scale database, which contains five face datasets and eight different morphing algorithms, to benchmark the proposed few-shot MAF (FS-MAF) method. Extensive experimental results show the outstanding performance of our fusion-based FS-MAF. The code and data will be publicly available at https://github.com/nz0001na/mad maf

    Super-resolution assessment and detection

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    Super Resolution (SR) techniques are powerful digital manipulation tools that have significantly impacted various industries due to their ability to enhance the resolution of lower quality images and videos. Yet, the real-world adaptation of SR models poses numerous challenges, which blind SR models aim to overcome by emulating complex real-world degradations. In this thesis, we investigate these SR techniques, with a particular focus on comparing the performance of blind models to their non-blind counterparts under various conditions. Despite recent progress, the proliferation of SR techniques raises concerns about their potential misuse. These methods can easily manipulate real digital content and create misrepresentations, which highlights the need for robust SR detection mechanisms. In our study, we analyze the limitations of current SR detection techniques and propose a new detection system that exhibits higher performance in discerning real and upscaled videos. Moreover, we conduct several experiments to gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the detection models, providing a better understanding of their behavior and limitations. Particularly, we target 4K videos, which are rapidly becoming the standard resolution in various fields such as streaming services, gaming, and content creation. As part of our research, we have created and utilized a unique dataset in 4K resolution, specifically designed to facilitate the investigation of SR techniques and their detection

    A survey on generative adversarial networks for imbalance problems in computer vision tasks

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    Any computer vision application development starts off by acquiring images and data, then preprocessing and pattern recognition steps to perform a task. When the acquired images are highly imbalanced and not adequate, the desired task may not be achievable. Unfortunately, the occurrence of imbalance problems in acquired image datasets in certain complex real-world problems such as anomaly detection, emotion recognition, medical image analysis, fraud detection, metallic surface defect detection, disaster prediction, etc., are inevitable. The performance of computer vision algorithms can significantly deteriorate when the training dataset is imbalanced. In recent years, Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANs) have gained immense attention by researchers across a variety of application domains due to their capability to model complex real-world image data. It is particularly important that GANs can not only be used to generate synthetic images, but also its fascinating adversarial learning idea showed good potential in restoring balance in imbalanced datasets. In this paper, we examine the most recent developments of GANs based techniques for addressing imbalance problems in image data. The real-world challenges and implementations of synthetic image generation based on GANs are extensively covered in this survey. Our survey first introduces various imbalance problems in computer vision tasks and its existing solutions, and then examines key concepts such as deep generative image models and GANs. After that, we propose a taxonomy to summarize GANs based techniques for addressing imbalance problems in computer vision tasks into three major categories: 1. Image level imbalances in classification, 2. object level imbalances in object detection and 3. pixel level imbalances in segmentation tasks. We elaborate the imbalance problems of each group, and provide GANs based solutions in each group. Readers will understand how GANs based techniques can handle the problem of imbalances and boost performance of the computer vision algorithms