859 research outputs found

    Suitability Testing for PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidates using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator with an IVA Spacesuit

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    This paper evaluates key functional data parameters that must be considered for suborbital spaceflight participants wearing pressurized suits for intravehicular activity (IVA). Data parameters of an analog spacesuit worn in an analog flight environment were obtained from 40 civilian participants using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator (SSFS) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) while donning Final Frontier Design’s (FFD) fully pressurized third-generation spacesuit as part of their training for Project PoSSUM (the Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere Project). The physiological data collected included: blood pressure, electrocardiograms, heart rate, grip strength, and skin temperature. These parameters were measured using a blood pressure monitor, a Zephyr Bioharness, and a BioRadio respectively. Other data collected include participants’ motion sickness, discomfort and mobility, and stress and workload. These parameters were self-assessed using the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), the Modified Cooper Harper Rating Scale, and the NASA-Task Load Index (TLX) respectively. Preliminary results show that 29% of the participants experienced basic spacesuit donning discomfort, while 17% of the participants showed some doffing discomfort. Feet, shoulders, neck, arms, and ankles were the most sensitive parts in this process and throughout their use of the suit. Our results also indicate that the spacesuit limited participants by approximately 24% of their normal cross-body reach range of motion. Nevertheless, the operational capability of this suit is currently being evaluated as a viable option for supporting future suborbital, orbital, and exploration missions. This research will enhance the functionality of the suit, standardize suit testing procedures, aid in identifying key parameters for reducing physiological deconditioning in the use of emerging spacesuit technologies, and provide comparative analysis reference for future studies

    Development of a standing disruptive concept for the mobility of individuals with motor disability

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Biomedical EngineeringThe present project intends to explore the idea of creating a new and better kind of mobility device, capable of transporting individuals who suffer of mobility impairments. The developments of the dissertation culminated in an explanatory prototype based of a set of requirements and of withdrawn conclusions of the state of the art of mobility devices. It is proposed a novel concept of vertical transport for the mobility impaired. The present idea allows the user greater agility than most mobility devices, improved self-autonomy and operating while in a vertical stance, reducing health risks which the mobility disabled are prone to, both mental and physical. Firstly, it is presented a literature review of the mobility devices targeted for the mobility impaired developed thus far. The analysis of the development throughout history and of the devices currently presented in the market allowed to understand which necessities of the mobility disabled are yet to be answered. Said knowledge is the foundation of a project intended to further improve the quality of life of whoever has such special needs. To counter the list of requirements and specifications, the complex engineering problem was divided in smaller subfunctions that could be more easily answered to. After presenting several solutions to each subfunction, the ones considered best were selected and developed. For designing the device, several steps were taken. For a broader triage of concepts, it was used sketching. Later, the best notions were recreated on the CAD software SolidWorks, which allowed for virtual testing of the wouldbe prototype. Once a design was deemed worthy, the pieces of the mechanism were 3D printed, creating a physical model of the final goal of the project. Thus, it was created the basis of a mobility device for the individuals who suffer from mobility impairments that can be used in the outdoors, reach running speeds and assists in maintaining a vertical stance, diminishing the risks of developing health problems triggered from prolonged times in a seated position.O presente projeto pretende explorar a ideia de criar um novo e melhor dispositivo de mobilidade, capaz de transportar indivíduos que sofrem de deficiências de mobilidade. A evolução da dissertação culminou num protótipo elucidativo baseado num conjunto de requisitos e conclusões retiradas do estado da arte de dispositivos de mobilidade. Propõe-se um novo conceito de transporte vertical para quem sofre de problemas de mobilidade. A ideia permite ao usuário uma maior agilidade do que a maioria dos dispositivos de mobilidade, auto autonomia aprimorada e ser operável em posição vertical, reduzindo os riscos de saúde a que os deficientes de mobilidade são propensos, tanto a nível mental como físico. Em primeiro lugar, é apresentada a revisão da literatura sobre os dispositivos de mobilidade desenvolvidos até agora para quem sofre de problemas de mobilidade. A análise do desenvolvimento ao longo da história e dos dispositivos atualmente apresentados no mercado permitiu entender quais as necessidades dos deficientes que ainda necessitam de ser respondidas. O referido conhecimento é o fundamento de um projeto destinado a melhorar ainda mais a qualidade de vida de quem tem tais necessidades especiais. Para a lista de requisitos e especificações, o complexo problema de engenharia foi dividido em subfunções menores que poderiam ser mais facilmente respondidas. Depois de apresentar várias soluções para cada subfunção, os considerados melhores foram selecionados e desenvolvidos. Para projetar o dispositivo, foram tomadas várias etapas. Para uma triagem mais ampla de conceitos, foram utilizados esboços. Mais tarde, as melhores noções foram recriadas no software CAD SolidWorks, o que permitiu testes virtuais do potencial protótipo. Uma vez que um design foi considerado digno, as peças do mecanismo foram impressas em 3D, criando um modelo físico do objetivo final do projeto. Assim, foi criada a base de um dispositivo de mobilidade para os indivíduos que sofrem de deficiências de mobilidade que pode ser usado no exterior, alcança velocidades de corrida e ajudam a manter uma posição vertical, diminuindo os riscos de desenvolver problemas de saúde desencadeados por períodos prolongados na posição sentada

    Design guidelines for pregnant occupant safety

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    During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes a considerable change in size and shape, and this can impact upon her safety during car travel. The two main issues are proper seat belt use and positioning, and steering wheel clearance. A comprehensive analysis of the questionnaire responses by pregnant women and anthropometric measurements demonstrates that the difficulties experienced can be explained by the physical changes and interactions throughout the body during gestation. Analysis of the anthropometry of pregnant women highlights that many pregnant users could easily be excluded from designs inadvertently if the design is based on males or non-pregnant females. Thus incorporation of pregnant women’s anthropometry into automotive design could reduce the exclusion rates and alleviate problems. This paper presents guidelines for the automotive industry generated from experiences and anthropometry of pregnant women, with the aim of improving safety for pregnant car occupants

    Suitability Testing for PoSSUM Scientist-Astronaut Candidates Using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator with an IVA Spacesuit

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    This paper evaluates key functional data parameters that must be considered for suborbital spaceflight participants wearing pressurized suits for intravehicular activity (IVA). Data parameters of an analog spacesuit worn in an analog flight environment were obtained from 40 civilian participants using the Suborbital Space Flight Simulator (SSFS) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) while donning Final Frontier Design’s (FFD) fully pressurized third-generation spacesuit as part of their training for Project PoSSUM (the Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere Project). The physiological data collected included: blood pressure, electrocardiograms, heart rate, grip strength, and skin temperature. These parameters were measured using a blood pressure monitor, a Zephyr Bioharness, and a BioRadio respectively. Other data collected include participants’ motion sickness, discomfort and mobility, and stress and workload. These parameters were self-assessed using the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ), the Modified Cooper Harper Rating Scale, and the NASA-Task Load Index (TLX) respectively. Preliminary results show that 29% of the participants experienced basic spacesuit donning discomfort, while 17% of the participants showed some doffing discomfort. Feet, shoulders, neck, arms, and ankles were the most sensitive parts in this process and throughout their use of the suit. Our results also indicate that the spacesuit limited participants by approximately 24% of their normal cross-body reach range of motion. Nevertheless, the operational capability of this suit is currently being evaluated as a viable option for supporting future suborbital, orbital, and exploration missions. This research will enhance the functionality of the suit, standardize suit testing procedures, aid in identifying key parameters for reducing physiological deconditioning in the use of emerging spacesuit technologies, and provide comparative analysis reference for future studies

    Human performance in rail: determining the potential of physiological data from wearable technologies

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    This research focuses on how personal data from wearable physiological measures can be used to assess the Mental Workload (MWL) of staff in the rail industry. Automation technologies are being implemented in the rail industry to improve operational performance and capacity. These new technologies are changing the role of staff. This research considers how temporal physiological data present an opportunity to supplement existing workload assessment methods to measure the impact of these technology changes. The research explores how wearable physiological measures could be applied in live operations to collect real-time data with minimal task interference. Whilst the research focuses on railway signallers, the research has implications for other roles in the rail industry and other industries. The research included three studies and two literature reviews. The initial industry interview study identified the benefit of more continuous data to assess human performance, including successful performance. A detailed review of candidate technologies was then performed solely on physiological measures to extend the knowledge in this area. To assess the potential of physiological measures to provide this continuous data, a simulation study of railway signalling tasks was conducted with an Electrodermal Activity (EDA) wrist strap for alertness and stress and a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) chest strap for uncertainty and increased MWL. The limited application of these measures in rail research provided a suitable research gap for the research to pursue. The simulation study found physiological data provided visibility of individuals’ personal experience of workload. The interplay of EDA, HRV, task demand and subjective workload over time were visible in the storyboard for each participant. The simulation study provided two key contributions to the thesis. Firstly, EDA identified moments in workload during the task, indicating moments of realisation, and periods of uncertainty, or strain due to time pressure. Such data could be used in staff debriefs to better understand their workload, and tailor training. Secondly, average HRV had a strong negative correlation with average subjective workload. HRV could provide a real time indicator of workload and provide visibility of staff effort to managers. The final study was an interview and survey study of staff perspectives on the potential use of these measures. This study replaced a live trial which could not proceed during COVID-19 related restrictions. The study found wearable devices suit use in the live operational environment, with the wrist strap rated the most suitable due to low distraction. Trust emerged as a key factor for staff to accept the use of wearables, particularly if named data is shared. Tangible benefits that lead to improvement in operations was identified as one way to build this trust. An additional contribution of the thesis, drawing on all studies and literature reviews, was to propose a new theoretical perspective on MWL, based on physiological data. A Novelty of Events and Autonomic State (NEAS) model is proposed as a preliminary conceptualisation. It shows how individuals may vary in the impact workload has on their performance and how physiological data may be used to identify this. The concept of Novelty of Events includes aspects of tasks that an individual has not performed before, including those introduced by new technology or procedures. The NEAS model suggests how support in the form of tailored training, or shift breaks, could be used to support improved human performance. Following on from this thesis, a priority for further empirical work would be to trial EDA using a wrist strap that uses a repeated measures approach to determine to what extent individual physiological data changes over time

    FRAMED Human Powered Vehicle Frame

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    The following is the Final Design Review (FDR) Report for Framed, a team tasked with designing and fabricating the frame of the 2018-2019 Cal Poly Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) Club bike. The bike is to be raced at the 2019 World Human Powered Speed Challenge in Battle Mountain, Nevada with the goal of breaking the American collegiate speed record. The purpose of the FDR Report is to introduce the project’s background and objectives, discuss the final design, and present the results of manufacturing and testing. Prior to beginning work on the design of the frame, the group conducted extensive research on human powered vehicles. This began with interviews and observations at Battle Mountain 2018, where Cal Poly HPV club members got a first-hand account of the competition, its top competitors, and their bikes. Shortly thereafter, the project team was assembled and began working to better understand how to build a bike. The team investigated existing designs of both custom and mass-produced bikes. Research was performed on material selection, aerodynamics and ergonomics, and loading cases. Applicable standards and regulations of the competition were also researched. This research clearly defined the project outline. The team identified the problem and the customer’s needs and wants. The major systems under the project scope were determined to be the frame, fork, and steering system, and the customers to be both the Cal Poly Human Powered Vehicle club and the rider, Josh Gieschen. This allowed the team to make considerations that addressed a wide range of specifications and compile a list of needs and wants. After identifying specifications and their target values, several testing procedures were developed that would verify the success of the design. Moving forward with the specifications led to the concept design process. The team began with several methods of brainstorming in order to come up with ideas for components, materials, and functions. Prototypes were then constructed that highlighted specific concepts and demonstrated their functionality. The next step was narrowing down design choices, which was accomplished with a series of matrices. The weighted decision matrix brought the team to its final concept design – a steel frame with a roll hoop, side supports with trusses, and a bottom support. The design was presented at a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and iterated upon for the Interim Design Review (IDR). Valuable feedback was received and implemented into the design and several improvements and additions were made for the Critical Design Review (CDR). The design was supported with extensive research and analysis, as well as designs for jigs to help build the frame and fork. The team also included corresponding risks, challenges, and unknowns. The Final Design Report contains the entire design and manufacturing process, as well as successes and issues encountered. It also presents in detail all testing procedures conducted, their results, and the final values met for all specifications. Although the specification of speed will not be measured until the World Human Powered Speed Challenge, the team can confirm that all other specifications were met, and the final design was manufactured and tested with complete success. An operator’s manual is included to provide instructions for both the rider and bystanders during testing and racin

    Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge

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    The FPVC combines mechanical engineering disciplines to design and manufacture a vehicle that utilizes hydraulic power. The FDR covers the final manufacturing process and verification processes developed during the front end of research and analysis built upon the Critical Design Review (CDR) and the PDR (Preliminary Design Review). This report showcases the design decisions and extensive research that supports the continuing efforts by the Team Pump My Ride, to build upon the accomplishments of Cal Poly’s previous team, The Incompressibles. The FDR presents how Team Pump My Ride produced the design changes from the CDR and PDR to achieve improvements to the vehicle’s performance. The FDR is detailed with the procurement methods, validation procedures, results, conclusions, recommendations for next year’s team. In addition, details about the virtual competition are included in this report. Major changes that were made during manufacturing included reconstruction of the rear drive train, installation of the new manifold with soft lines, mounting the controller unit, re-designing the controller software and hardware, installation of new bike tires, and re-orientating the accumulator. Testing that was completed include a full trial run for competition as well as testing different pre-charge pressures. In addition, a user manual was developed in order to aid the next team’s members to operate the bike. This report proceeds to conclude team Pump My Ride’s efforts to improve the vehicle and finish as a high-ranking competitor in the 2020 Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge. Disclaimer: This report is meant to be used as a guide for basic orientation with the 2020 Cal Poly Fluid Powered Vehicle. This is a dangerous machine that can cause grave bodily injury if misused. This report is in no way complete and should not be treated as such. High pressure hydraulics are inherently dangerous, and care should be taken whenever in the vicinity of the vehicle. Likewise, the Li-Po battery used on this project must be fully understood to prevent injury or fires. By using the vehicle, you take full responsibility for your safety and the safety of those around you

    Full Issue 15(4)

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    Human performance in rail: determining the potential of physiological data from wearable technologies

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    This research focuses on how personal data from wearable physiological measures can be used to assess the Mental Workload (MWL) of staff in the rail industry. Automation technologies are being implemented in the rail industry to improve operational performance and capacity. These new technologies are changing the role of staff. This research considers how temporal physiological data present an opportunity to supplement existing workload assessment methods to measure the impact of these technology changes. The research explores how wearable physiological measures could be applied in live operations to collect real-time data with minimal task interference. Whilst the research focuses on railway signallers, the research has implications for other roles in the rail industry and other industries. The research included three studies and two literature reviews. The initial industry interview study identified the benefit of more continuous data to assess human performance, including successful performance. A detailed review of candidate technologies was then performed solely on physiological measures to extend the knowledge in this area. To assess the potential of physiological measures to provide this continuous data, a simulation study of railway signalling tasks was conducted with an Electrodermal Activity (EDA) wrist strap for alertness and stress and a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) chest strap for uncertainty and increased MWL. The limited application of these measures in rail research provided a suitable research gap for the research to pursue. The simulation study found physiological data provided visibility of individuals’ personal experience of workload. The interplay of EDA, HRV, task demand and subjective workload over time were visible in the storyboard for each participant. The simulation study provided two key contributions to the thesis. Firstly, EDA identified moments in workload during the task, indicating moments of realisation, and periods of uncertainty, or strain due to time pressure. Such data could be used in staff debriefs to better understand their workload, and tailor training. Secondly, average HRV had a strong negative correlation with average subjective workload. HRV could provide a real time indicator of workload and provide visibility of staff effort to managers. The final study was an interview and survey study of staff perspectives on the potential use of these measures. This study replaced a live trial which could not proceed during COVID-19 related restrictions. The study found wearable devices suit use in the live operational environment, with the wrist strap rated the most suitable due to low distraction. Trust emerged as a key factor for staff to accept the use of wearables, particularly if named data is shared. Tangible benefits that lead to improvement in operations was identified as one way to build this trust. An additional contribution of the thesis, drawing on all studies and literature reviews, was to propose a new theoretical perspective on MWL, based on physiological data. A Novelty of Events and Autonomic State (NEAS) model is proposed as a preliminary conceptualisation. It shows how individuals may vary in the impact workload has on their performance and how physiological data may be used to identify this. The concept of Novelty of Events includes aspects of tasks that an individual has not performed before, including those introduced by new technology or procedures. The NEAS model suggests how support in the form of tailored training, or shift breaks, could be used to support improved human performance. Following on from this thesis, a priority for further empirical work would be to trial EDA using a wrist strap that uses a repeated measures approach to determine to what extent individual physiological data changes over time
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