580 research outputs found

    Increasing Combat Aircraft Survivability Through Coherent Self-Protection Jammers

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    When the battlefields were within the visual range, the objective of deception tactics in warfare was to deceive the human senses. In the battlefield of electromagnetic spectrum, the objective of deception is to deceive the sensors of the enemy weapon systems. The survivability of the aircraft operating in hostile environment is of prime importance to the mission planner. If the aircraft can deny its location information to the tracking radar of the radar guided threat missile system, this, in return, may increase its survivability. The deception, a tactic which stems from the wisdom of ancient battles, incarnated in the form of Electronic Attack (EA) can give this capability to the aircraft operating in a hostile environment. Self-Protection Jammers (SPJs) mounted on aircraft that employ deception-repeater jamming techniques and the resulting effect of the deception jamming on the enemy sensor systems will be examined in this study. The impact of the specific flight path and formation geometry should be considered both from the perspective of coherent SPJs effectiveness and the survivability. The individual effectiveness of the EA by SPJs is usually limited by the available Effective Radiated Power (ERP). Due to limitations on the size of the aircraft, one can not afford to build powerful SPJs. The jamming technique and the effect of multiple jammers with respect to jamming effectiveness need to be examined for mission planning analysis. The specific jamming technique evaluated is the combined Range Gate Pull-Off (RGPO) and Velocity Gate Pull-Off (VGPO) against pulse Doppler radar. The challenge is to decide the least vulnerable flight path and the formation geometry for a strike formation in an air-to-ground engagement scenario. The degree of survivability provided by the combination of the formation geometry, flight path and the EA (multiple spatially dispersed coherent jammers) is the focus of this research. The modeling and simulation of the interactions between the self-protection jammer and the pulse Doppler tracking radar with respect to formation geometry and flight path is the initial objective

    Information-based view initialization in visual SLAM with a single omnidirectional camera

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This paper presents a novel mechanism to initiate new views within the map building process for an EKF-based visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) approach using omnidirectional images. In presence of non-linearities, the EKF is very likely to compromise the final estimation. Particularly, the omnidirectional observation model induces non-linear errors, thus it becomes a potential source of uncertainty. To deal with this issue we propose a novel mechanism for view initialization which accounts for information gain and losses more efficiently. The main outcome of this contribution is the reduction of the map uncertainty and thus the higher consistency of the final estimation. Its basis relies on a Gaussian Process to infer an information distribution model from sensor data. This model represents feature points existence probabilities and their information content analysis leads to the proposed view initialization scheme. To demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the approach we present a series of real data experiments conducted with a robot equipped with a camera sensor and map model solely based on omnidirectional views. The results reveal a beneficial reduction on the uncertainty but also on the error in the pose and the map estimate

    Biologically inspired computational structures and processes for autonomous agents and robots

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    Recent years have seen a proliferation of intelligent agent applications: from robots for space exploration to software agents for information filtering and electronic commerce on the Internet. Although the scope of these agent applications have blossomed tremendously since the advent of compact, affordable computing (and the recent emergence of the World Wide Web), the design of such agents for specific applications remains a daunting engineering problem;Rather than approach the design of artificial agents from a purely engineering standpoint, this dissertation views animals as biological agents, and considers artificial analogs of biological structures and processes in the design of effective agent behaviors. In particular, it explores behaviors generated by artificial neural structures appropriately shaped by the processes of evolution and spatial learning;The first part of this dissertation deals with the evolution of artificial neural controllers for a box-pushing robot task. We show that evolution discovers high fitness structures using little domain-specific knowledge, even in feedback-impoverished environments. Through a careful analysis of the evolved designs we also show how evolution exploits the environmental constraints and properties to produce designs of superior adaptive value. By modifying the task constraints in controlled ways, we also show the ability of evolution to quickly adapt to these changes and exploit them to obtain significant performance gains. We also use evolution to design the sensory systems of the box-pushing robots, particularly the number, placement, and ranges of their sensors. We find that evolution automatically discards unnecessary sensors retaining only the ones that appear to significantly affect the performance of the robot. This optimization of design across multiple dimensions (performance, number of sensors, size of neural controller, etc.) is implicitly achieved by the evolutionary algorithm without any external pressure (e.g., penalty on the use of more sensors or neurocontroller units). When used in the design of robots with limited battery capacities , evolution produces energy-efficient robot designs that use minimal numbers of components and yet perform reasonably well. The performance as well as the complexity of robot designs increase when the robots have access to a spatial learning mechanism that allows them to learn, remember, and navigate to power sources in the environment;The second part of this dissertation develops a computational characterization of the hippocampal formation which is known to play a significant role in animal spatial learning. The model is based on neuroscientific and behavioral data, and learns place maps based on interactions of sensory and dead-reckoning information streams. Using an estimation mechanism known as Kalman filtering, the model explicitly deals with uncertainties in the two information streams, allowing the robot to effectively learn and localize even in the presence sensing and motion errors. Additionally, the model has mechanisms to handle perceptual aliasing problems (where multiple places in the environment appear sensorily identical), incrementally learn and integrate local place maps, and learn and remember multiple goal locations in the environment. We show a number of properties of this spatial learning model including computational replication of several behavioral experiments performed with rodents. Not only does this model make significant contributions to robot localization, but also offers a number of predictions and suggestions that can be validated (or refuted) through systematic neurobiological and behavioral experiments with animals

    Post-Westgate SWAT : C4ISTAR Architectural Framework for Autonomous Network Integrated Multifaceted Warfighting Solutions Version 1.0 : A Peer-Reviewed Monograph

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    Police SWAT teams and Military Special Forces face mounting pressure and challenges from adversaries that can only be resolved by way of ever more sophisticated inputs into tactical operations. Lethal Autonomy provides constrained military/security forces with a viable option, but only if implementation has got proper empirically supported foundations. Autonomous weapon systems can be designed and developed to conduct ground, air and naval operations. This monograph offers some insights into the challenges of developing legal, reliable and ethical forms of autonomous weapons, that address the gap between Police or Law Enforcement and Military operations that is growing exponentially small. National adversaries are today in many instances hybrid threats, that manifest criminal and military traits, these often require deployment of hybrid-capability autonomous weapons imbued with the capability to taken on both Military and/or Security objectives. The Westgate Terrorist Attack of 21st September 2013 in the Westlands suburb of Nairobi, Kenya is a very clear manifestation of the hybrid combat scenario that required military response and police investigations against a fighting cell of the Somalia based globally networked Al Shabaab terrorist group.Comment: 52 pages, 6 Figures, over 40 references, reviewed by a reade

    Robot Mapping and Navigation in Real-World Environments

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    Robots can perform various tasks, such as mapping hazardous sites, taking part in search-and-rescue scenarios, or delivering goods and people. Robots operating in the real world face many challenges on the way to the completion of their mission. Essential capabilities required for the operation of such robots are mapping, localization and navigation. Solving all of these tasks robustly presents a substantial difficulty as these components are usually interconnected, i.e., a robot that starts without any knowledge about the environment must simultaneously build a map, localize itself in it, analyze the surroundings and plan a path to efficiently explore an unknown environment. In addition to the interconnections between these tasks, they highly depend on the sensors used by the robot and on the type of the environment in which the robot operates. For example, an RGB camera can be used in an outdoor scene for computing visual odometry, or to detect dynamic objects but becomes less useful in an environment that does not have enough light for cameras to operate. The software that controls the behavior of the robot must seamlessly process all the data coming from different sensors. This often leads to systems that are tailored to a particular robot and a particular set of sensors. In this thesis, we challenge this concept by developing and implementing methods for a typical robot navigation pipeline that can work with different types of the sensors seamlessly both, in indoor and outdoor environments. With the emergence of new range-sensing RGBD and LiDAR sensors, there is an opportunity to build a single system that can operate robustly both in indoor and outdoor environments equally well and, thus, extends the application areas of mobile robots. The techniques presented in this thesis aim to be used with both RGBD and LiDAR sensors without adaptations for individual sensor models by using range image representation and aim to provide methods for navigation and scene interpretation in both static and dynamic environments. For a static world, we present a number of approaches that address the core components of a typical robot navigation pipeline. At the core of building a consistent map of the environment using a mobile robot lies point cloud matching. To this end, we present a method for photometric point cloud matching that treats RGBD and LiDAR sensors in a uniform fashion and is able to accurately register point clouds at the frame rate of the sensor. This method serves as a building block for the further mapping pipeline. In addition to the matching algorithm, we present a method for traversability analysis of the currently observed terrain in order to guide an autonomous robot to the safe parts of the surrounding environment. A source of danger when navigating difficult to access sites is the fact that the robot may fail in building a correct map of the environment. This dramatically impacts the ability of an autonomous robot to navigate towards its goal in a robust way, thus, it is important for the robot to be able to detect these situations and to find its way home not relying on any kind of map. To address this challenge, we present a method for analyzing the quality of the map that the robot has built to date, and safely returning the robot to the starting point in case the map is found to be in an inconsistent state. The scenes in dynamic environments are vastly different from the ones experienced in static ones. In a dynamic setting, objects can be moving, thus making static traversability estimates not enough. With the approaches developed in this thesis, we aim at identifying distinct objects and tracking them to aid navigation and scene understanding. We target these challenges by providing a method for clustering a scene taken with a LiDAR scanner and a measure that can be used to determine if two clustered objects are similar that can aid the tracking performance. All methods presented in this thesis are capable of supporting real-time robot operation, rely on RGBD or LiDAR sensors and have been tested on real robots in real-world environments and on real-world datasets. All approaches have been published in peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. In addition to that, most of the presented contributions have been released publicly as open source software

    Interaction and Intelligent Behavior

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    We introduce basic behaviors as primitives for control and learning in situated, embodied agents interacting in complex domains. We propose methods for selecting, formally specifying, algorithmically implementing, empirically evaluating, and combining behaviors from a basic set. We also introduce a general methodology for automatically constructing higher--level behaviors by learning to select from this set. Based on a formulation of reinforcement learning using conditions, behaviors, and shaped reinforcement, out approach makes behavior selection learnable in noisy, uncertain environments with stochastic dynamics. All described ideas are validated with groups of up to 20 mobile robots performing safe--wandering, following, aggregation, dispersion, homing, flocking, foraging, and learning to forage
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