41 research outputs found

    Mixed-Criticality on the AFDX Network: Challenges and Potential Solutions

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    In this paper, we first assess the most relevant existing solutions enabling mixed-criticality on the AFDX and select the most adequate one. Afterwards, the specification of an extended AFDX, based on the Burst-Limiting Shaper (BLS), is detailed to fulfill the main avionics requirements and challenges. Finally, the preliminary evaluation of such a proposal is conducted through simulations. Results show its ability to guarantee the highest criticality traffic constraints, while limiting its impact on the current AFDX traffic

    QoS Routing with worst-case delay constraints: models, algorithms and performance analysis

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    In a network where weighted fair-queueing schedulers are used at each link, a flow is guaranteed an end-to-end worst-case delays which depends on the rate reserved for it at each link it traverses. Therefore, it is possible to compute resource-constrained paths that meet target delay constraints, and optimize some key performance metrics (e.g., minimize the overall reserved rate, maximize the remaining capacity at bottleneck links, etc.). Despite the large amount of literature that has appeared on weighted fair-queueing schedulers since the mid '90s, this has so far been done only for a single type of scheduler, probably because the complexity of solving the problem in general appeared forbidding. In this paper, we formulate and solve the optimal path computation and resource allocation problem for a broad category of weighted fair-queueing schedulers, from those emulating a Generalized Processor Sharing fluid server to variants of Deficit Round Robin. We classify schedulers according to their latency expressions, and show that a significant divide exists between those where routing a new flow affects the performance of existing flows, and those for which this do not happen. For the former, explicit admission control constraints are required to ensure that existing flows still meet their deadline afterwards. However, despite this major difference and the differences among categories of schedulers, the problem can always be formulated as a Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone problem (MI-SOCP), and be solved at optimality in split-second times even in fairly large networks

    On service guarantees of fair-queueing schedulers in real systems

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    Abstract In most systems, fair-queueing packet schedulers are the algorithms of choice for providing bandwidth and delay guarantees. These guarantees are computed assuming that the scheduler is directly attached to the transmit unit with no interposed buffering, and, for timestamp-based schedulers, that the exact number of bits transmitted is known when timestamps need to be updated. Unfortunately, both assumptions are unrealistic. In particular, real communication devices normally include FIFO queues (possibly very deep ones) between the scheduler and the transmit unit. And the presence of these queues does invalidate the proofs of the service guarantees of existing timestamp-based fair-queueing schedulers. In this paper we address these issues with the following two contributions. First, we show how to modify timestamp-based, worst-case optimal and quasi-optimal fair-queueing schedulers so as to comply with the presence of FIFO\queues, and with uncertainty on the number of bits transmitted. Second, we provide analytical bounds of the actual guarantees provided, in these real-world conditions, both by modified timestamp-based fair-queueing schedulers and by basic round-robin schedulers. These results should help designers to make informed decisions and sound tradeoffs when building systems

    Analysis of multi-server round robin service disciplines

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    Downstream Bandwidth Management for Emerging DOCSIS-based Networks

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    In this dissertation, we consider the downstream bandwidth management in the context of emerging DOCSIS-based cable networks. The latest DOCSIS 3.1 standard for cable access networks represents a significant change to cable networks. For downstream, the current 6 MHz channel size is replaced by a much larger 192 MHz channel which potentially can provide data rates up to 10 Gbps. Further, the current standard requires equipment to support a relatively new form of active queue management (AQM) referred to as delay-based AQM. Given that more than 50 million households (and climbing) use cable for Internet access, a clear understanding of the impacts of bandwidth management strategies used in these emerging networks is crucial. Further, given the scope of the change provided by emerging cable systems, now is the time to develop and introduce innovative new methods for managing bandwidth. With this motivation, we address research questions pertaining to next generation of cable access networks. The cable industry has had to deal with the problem of a small number of subscribers who utilize the majority of network resources. This problem will grow as access rates increase to gigabits per second. Fundamentally this is a problem on how to manage data flows in a fair manner and provide protection. A well known performance issue in the Internet, referred to as bufferbloat, has received significant attention recently. High throughput network flows need sufficiently large buffer to keep the pipe full and absorb occasional burstiness. Standard practice however has led to equipment offering very large unmanaged buffers that can result in sustained queue levels increasing packet latency. One reason why these problems continue to plague cable access networks is the desire for low complexity and easily explainable (to access network subscribers and to the Federal Communications Commission) bandwidth management. This research begins by evaluating modern delay-based AQM algorithms in downstream DOCSIS 3.0 environments with a focus on fairness and application performance capabilities of single queue AQMs. We are especially interested in delay-based AQM schemes that have been proposed to combat the bufferbloat problem. Our evaluation involves a variety of scenarios that include tiered services and application workloads. Based on our results, we show that in scenarios involving realistic workloads, modern delay-based AQMs can effectively mitigate bufferbloat. However they do not address the other problem related to managing the fairness. To address the combined problem of fairness and bufferbloat, we propose a novel approach to bandwidth management that provides a compromise among the conflicting requirements. We introduce a flow quantization method referred to as adaptive bandwidth binning where flows that are observed to consume similar levels of bandwidth are grouped together with the system managed through a hierarchical scheduler designed to approximate weighted fairness while addressing bufferbloat. Based on a simulation study that considers many system experimental parameters including workloads and network configurations, we provide evidence of the efficacy of the idea. Our results suggest that the scheme is able to provide long term fairness and low delay with a performance close to that of a reference approach based on fair queueing. A further contribution is our idea for replacing `tiered\u27 levels of service based on service rates with tiering based on weights. The application of our bandwidth binning scheme offers a timely and innovative alternative to broadband service that leverages the potential offered by emerging DOCSIS-based cable systems


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    The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application has observed the fastest growth in the world of telecommunication. The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is the most assuring of technologies among the wireless networks, which has facilitated high-rate voice services at low cost and good flexibility. In a voice conversation, each client works as a sender and as a receiver depending on the direction of traffic flow over the network. A VoIP application requires a higher throughput, less packet loss and a higher fairness index over the network. The packets of VoIP streaming may experience drops because of the competition among the different kinds of traffic flow over the network. A VoIP application is also sensitive to delay and requires the voice packets to arrive on time from the sender to the receiver side without any delay over WLANs. The scheduling system model for VoIP traffic is still an unresolved problem. A new traffic scheduler is necessary to offer higher throughput and a higher fairness index for a VoIP application. The objectives of this thesis are to propose a new scheduler and algorithms that support the VoIP application and to evaluate, validate and verify the newly proposed scheduler and algorithms with the existing scheduling algorithms over WLANs through simulation and experimental environment. We proposed a new Voice Priority Queue (VPQ) scheduling system model and algorithms to solve scheduling issues. VPQ system model is implemented in three stages. The first stage of the model is to ensure efficiency by producing a higher throughput and fairness for VoIP packets. The second stage will be designed for bursty Virtual-VoIP Flow (Virtual-VF) while the third stage is a Switch Movement (SM) technique. Furthermore, we compared the VPQ scheduler with other well known schedulers and algorithms. We observed in our simulation and experimental environment that the VPQ provides better results for the VoIP over WLANs

    Optimal joint path computation and rate allocation for real-time traffic

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    Computing network paths under worst-case delay constraints has been the subject of abundant literature in the past two decades. Assuming Weighted Fair Queueing scheduling at the nodes, this translates to computing paths and reserving rates at each link. The problem is NP-hard in general, even for a single path; hence polynomial-time heuristics have been proposed in the past, that either assume equal rates at each node, or compute the path heuristically and then allocate the rates optimally on the given path. In this paper we show that the above heuristics, albeit finding optimal solutions quite often, can lead to failing of paths at very low loads, and that this could be avoided by solving the problem, i.e., path computation and rate allocation, jointly at optimality. This is possible by modeling the problem as a mixed-integer second-order cone program and solving it optimally in split-second times for relatively large networks on commodity hardware; this approach can also be easily turned into a heuristic one, trading a negligible increase in blocking probability for one order of magnitude of computation time. Extensive simulations show that these methods are feasible in today's ISPs networks and they significantly outperform the existing schemes in terms of blocking probability


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    Modern broadband internet access cable systems follow the Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (DOCSIS) for data transfer between the individual cable modem (CM) and the Internet. The newest version of DOCSIS, version 3.0, provides an abstraction referred to as bonding groups to help manage bandwidth and to increase bandwidth to each user beyond that available within a single 6MHz. television channel. Channel bonding allows more than one channel to be used by a CM to provide a virtual channel of much greater bandwidth. This combining of channels into bonding groups, especially when channels overlap between more than one bonding group, complicates the resource allocation problem within these networks. The goal of resource allocation in this research is twofold, to provide for fairness among users while at the same time making maximum possible utilization of the available system bandwidth. The problem of resource allocation in computer networks has been widely studied by the academic community. Past work has studied resource allocation in many network types, however application in a DOCSIS channel bonded network has not been explored. This research begins by first developing a definition of fairness in a channel bonded system. After providing a theoretical definition of fairness we implement simulations of different scheduling disciplines and evaluate their performance against this theoretical ideal. The complexity caused by overlapped channels requires even the simplest scheduling algorithms to be modified to work correctly. We then develop an algorithm to maximize the use of the available system bandwidth. The approach involves using competitive analysis techniques and an online algorithm to dynamically reassign flows among the available channels. Bandwidth usage and demand requests are monitored for bandwidth that is underutilized, and demand that is unsatisfied, and real time changes are made to the flow-to-channel mappings to improve the utilization of the total available bandwidth. The contribution of this research is to provide a working definition of fairness in a channel bonded environment, the implementation of several scheduling disciplines and evaluation of their adherence to that definition, and development of an algorithm to improve overall bandwidth utilization of the system

    Design and Performance of Scalable High-Performance Programmable Routers - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    The flexibility to adapt to new services and protocols without changes in the underlying hardware is and will increasingly be a key requirement for advanced networks. Introducing a processing component into the data path of routers and implementing packet processing in software provides this ability. In such a programmable router, a powerful processing infrastructure is necessary to achieve to level of performance that is comparable to custom silicon-based routers and to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. This work aims at the general design of such programmable routers and, specifically, at the design and performance analysis of the processing subsystem. The necessity of programmable routers is motivated, and a router design is proposed. Based on the design, a general performance model is developed and quantitatively evaluated using a new network processor benchmark. Operational challenges, like scheduling of packets to processing engines, are addressed, and novel algorithms are presented. The results of this work give qualitative and quantitative insights into this new domain that combines issues from networking, computer architecture, and system design