4,810 research outputs found

    PMU-based distribution system state estimation with adaptive accuracy exploiting local decision metrics and IoT paradigm

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    A novel adaptive distribution system state estimation (DSSE) solution is presented and discussed, which relies on distributed decision points and exploits the Cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. Up to now, DSSE procedures have been using fixed settings regardless of the actual values of measurement accuracy, which is instead affected by the actual operating conditions of the network. The proposed DSSE is innovative with respect to previous literature, because it is adaptive in the use of updated accuracies for the measurement devices. The information used in the estimation process along with the rate of the execution are updated, depending on the indications of appropriate local metrics aimed at detecting possible variations in the operating conditions of the distribution network. Specifically, the variations and the trend of variation of the rms voltage values obtained by phasor measurement units (PMUs) are used to trigger changes in the DSSE. In case dynamics are detected, the measurement data are sent to the DSSE at higher rates and the estimation process runs consequently, updating the accuracy values to be considered in the estimation. The proposed system relies on a Cloud-based IoT platform, which has been designed to incorporate heterogeneous measurement devices, such as PMUs and smart meters. The results obtained on a 13-bus system demonstrate the validity of the proposed methodology that is efficient both in the estimation process and in the use of the communication resources

    Resource Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks for an Improved Field Coverage and Cooperative Target Tracking

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    There are various challenges that face a wireless sensor network (WSN) that mainly originate from the limited resources a sensor node usually has. A sensor node often relies on a battery as a power supply which, due to its limited capacity, tends to shorten the life-time of the node and the network as a whole. Other challenges arise from the limited capabilities of the sensors/actuators a node is equipped with, leading to complication like a poor coverage of the event, or limited mobility in the environment. This dissertation deals with the coverage problem as well as the limited power and capabilities of a sensor node. In some environments, a controlled deployment of the WSN may not be attainable. In such case, the only viable option would be a random deployment over the region of interest (ROI), leading to a great deal of uncovered areas as well as many cutoff nodes. Three different scenarios are presented, each addressing the coverage problem for a distinct purpose. First, a multi-objective optimization is considered with the purpose of relocating the sensor nodes after the initial random deployment, through maximizing the field coverage while minimizing the cost of mobility. Simulations reveal the improvements in coverage, while maintaining the mobility cost to a minimum. In the second scenario, tracking a mobile target with a high level of accuracy is of interest. The relocation process was based on learning the spatial mobility trends of the targets. Results show the improvement in tracking accuracy in terms of mean square position error. The last scenario involves the use of inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) to predict the destination of a given target. This lay the ground for future exploration of the relocation problem to achieve improved prediction accuracy. Experiments investigated the interaction between prediction accuracy and terrain severity. The other WSN limitation is dealt with by introducing the concept of sparse sensing to schedule the measurements of sensor nodes. A hybrid WSN setup of low and high precision nodes is examined. Simulations showed that the greedy algorithm used for scheduling the nodes, realized a network that is more resilient to individual node failure. Moreover, the use of more affordable nodes stroke a better trade-off between deployment feasibility and precision