32 research outputs found

    Author index volume 170 (1996)

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    Model and Proof Theory of Constructive ALC, Constructive Description Logics

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    Description logics (DLs) represent a widely studied logical formalism with a significant impact in the field of knowledge representation and the Semantic Web. However, they are equipped with a classical descriptive semantics that is characterised by a platonic notion of truth, being insufficiently expressive to deal with evolving and incomplete information, as from data streams or ongoing processes. Such partially determined and incomplete knowledge can be expressed by relying on a constructive semantics. This thesis investigates the model and proof theory of a constructive variant of the basic description logic ALC, called cALC. The semantic dimension of constructive DLs is investigated by replacing the classical binary truth interpretation of ALC with a constructive notion of truth. This semantic characterisation is crucial to represent applications with partial information adequately, and to achieve both consistency under abstraction as well as robustness under refinement, and on the other hand is compatible with the Curry-Howard isomorphism in order to form the cornerstone for a DL-based type theory. The proof theory of cALC is investigated by giving a sound and complete Hilbert-style axiomatisation, a Gentzen-style sequent calculus and a labelled tableau calculus showing finite model property and decidability. Moreover, cALC can be strengthened towards normal intuitionistic modal logics and classical ALC in terms of sound and complete extensions and hereby forms a starting point for the systematic investigation of a constructive correspondence theory.Beschreibungslogiken (BLen) stellen einen vieluntersuchten logischen Formalismus dar, der den Bereich der Wissensrepräsentation und das Semantic Web signifikant geprägt hat. Allerdings basieren BLen meist auf einer klassischen deskriptiven Semantik, die gekennzeichnet ist durch einen idealisierten Wahrheitsbegriff nach Platons Ideenlehre, weshalb diese unzureichend ausdrucksstark sind, um in Entwicklung befindliches und unvollständiges Wissen zu repräsentieren, wie es beispielsweise durch Datenströme oder fortlaufende Prozesse generiert wird. Derartiges partiell festgelegtes und unvollständiges Wissen lässt sich auf der Basis einer konstruktiven Semantik ausdrücken. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Model- und Beweistheorie einer konstruktiven Variante der Basis-BL ALC, die im Folgenden als cALC bezeichnet wird. Die Semantik dieser konstruktiven Beschreibungslogik resultiert daraus, die traditionelle zweiwertige Interpretation logischer Aussagen des Systems ALC durch einen konstruktiven Wahrheitsbegriff zu ersetzen. Eine derartige Interpretation ist die Voraussetzung dafür, um einerseits Anwendungen mit partiellem Wissen angemessen zu repräsentieren, und sowohl die Konsistenz logischer Aussagen unter Abstraktion als auch ihre Robustheit unter Verfeinerung zu gewährleisten, und andererseits um den Grundstein für eine Beschreibungslogik-basierte Typentheorie gemäß dem Curry-Howard Isomorphismus zu legen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der Beweistheorie von cALC umfassen eine vollständige und korrekte Hilbert Axiomatisierung, einen Gentzen Sequenzenkalkül, und ein semantisches Tableaukalkül, sowie Beweise zur endlichen Modelleigenschaft und Entscheidbarkeit. Darüber hinaus kann cALC zu normaler intuitionistischer Modallogik und klassischem ALC durch vollständige und korrekte Erweiterungen ausgebaut werden, und bildet damit einen Startpunkt für die systematische Untersuchung einer konstruktiven Korrespondenztheorie

    19th Brazilian Logic Conference: Book of Abstracts

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    This is the book of abstracts of the 19th Brazilian Logic Conferences. The Brazilian Logic Conferences (EBL) is one of the most traditional logic conferences in South America. Organized by the Brazilian Logic Society (SBL), its main goal is to promote the dissemination of research in logic in a broad sense. It has been occurring since 1979, congregating logicians of different fields — mostly philosophy, mathematics and computer science — and with different backgrounds — from undergraduate students to senior researchers. The meeting is an important moment for the Brazilian and South American logical community to join together and discuss recent developments of the field. The areas of logic covered in the conference spread over foundations and philosophy of science, analytic philosophy, philosophy and history of logic, mathematics, computer science, informatics, linguistics and artificial intelligence. Previous editions of the EBL have been a great success, attracting researchers from all over Latin America and elsewhere. The 19th edition of EBL takes place from May 6-10, 2019, in the beautiful city of João Pessoa, at the northeast coast of Brazil. It is conjointly organized by Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), whose main campus is located in João Pessoa, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), whose main campus is located in the nearby city of Campina Grande (the second-largest city in Paraíba state) and SBL. It is sponsored by UFPB, UFCG, the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the State Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba. It takes place at Hotel Luxxor Nord Tambaú, privileged located right in front Tambaú beach, one of João Pessoa’s most famous beaches

    Decidability for Residuated Lattices and Substructural Logics

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    We present a number of results related to the decidability and undecidability of various varieties of residuated lattices and their corresponding substructural logics. The context of this analysis is the extension of residuated lattices by various simple equations, dually, the extension of substructural logics by simple structural rules, with the aim of classifying simple equations by the decidability properties shared by their extensions. We also prove a number of relationships among simple extensions by showing the equational theory of their idempotent semiring reducts coincides with simple extensions of idempotent semirings. On the decidability front, we develop both semantical and syntactical methods for establishing decidability as well as tractability of decision procedures. On the undecidability front, we develop a notion of algebraic machines for which the theory of residuated frames will allow us to encode decision problems within the theories of residuated lattices and their substructural analogues. We prove the undecidability of the word problem for a broad class of simple extensions for both commutative and non-commutative residuated lattices. Furthermore, through a deduction theorem we establish the undecidability of the equational theory for a broad class of simple extensions. Translated in terms of substructural logics, we prove that the undecidability of both provability and deducibility for a multitude of extensions of FLe by simple rules

    Automated Reasoning

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    This volume, LNAI 13385, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2022, held in Haifa, Israel, in August 2022. The 32 full research papers and 9 short papers presented together with two invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 85 submissions. The papers focus on the following topics: Satisfiability, SMT Solving,Arithmetic; Calculi and Orderings; Knowledge Representation and Jutsification; Choices, Invariance, Substitutions and Formalization; Modal Logics; Proofs System and Proofs Search; Evolution, Termination and Decision Prolems. This is an open access book