40 research outputs found

    Establishing Awareness through Pointing Gestures during Collaborative Decision-Making in a Wall-Display Environment

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    Sharing a physical environment, such as that of a wall-display, facilitates gaining awareness of others' actions and intentions, thereby bringing benefits for collaboration. Previous studies have provided first insights on awareness in the context of tabletops or smaller vertical displays. This paper seeks to advance the current understanding on how users share awareness information in wall-display environments and focusses on mid-air pointing gestures as a foundational part of communication. We present a scenario dealing with the organization of medical supply chains in crisis situations, and report on the results of a user study with 24 users, split into 6 groups of 4, performing several tasks. We investigate pointing gestures and identify three subtypes used as awareness cues during face-to-face collaboration: narrative pointing, loose pointing, and sharp pointing. Our observations show that reliance on gesture subtypes varies across participants and groups, and that sometimes vague pointing is sufficient to support verbal negotiations.Comment: \c{opyright} Authors | ACM 2023. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in the CHI'23 proceedings, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3544549.358583

    Development and evaluation of mixed reality-enhanced robotic systems for intuitive tele-manipulation and telemanufacturing tasks in hazardous conditions

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    In recent years, with the rapid development of space exploration, deep-sea discovery, nuclear rehabilitation and management, and robotic-assisted medical devices, there is an urgent need for humans to interactively control robotic systems to perform increasingly precise remote operations. The value of medical telerobotic applications during the recent coronavirus pandemic has also been demonstrated and will grow in the future. This thesis investigates novel approaches to the development and evaluation of a mixed reality-enhanced telerobotic platform for intuitive remote teleoperation applications in dangerous and difficult working conditions, such as contaminated sites and undersea or extreme welding scenarios. This research aims to remove human workers from the harmful working environments by equipping complex robotic systems with human intelligence and command/control via intuitive and natural human-robot- interaction, including the implementation of MR techniques to improve the user's situational awareness, depth perception, and spatial cognition, which are fundamental to effective and efficient teleoperation. The proposed robotic mobile manipulation platform consists of a UR5 industrial manipulator, 3D-printed parallel gripper, and customized mobile base, which is envisaged to be controlled by non-skilled operators who are physically separated from the robot working space through an MR-based vision/motion mapping approach. The platform development process involved CAD/CAE/CAM and rapid prototyping techniques, such as 3D printing and laser cutting. Robot Operating System (ROS) and Unity 3D are employed in the developing process to enable the embedded system to intuitively control the robotic system and ensure the implementation of immersive and natural human-robot interactive teleoperation. This research presents an integrated motion/vision retargeting scheme based on a mixed reality subspace approach for intuitive and immersive telemanipulation. An imitation-based velocity- centric motion mapping is implemented via the MR subspace to accurately track operator hand movements for robot motion control, and enables spatial velocity-based control of the robot tool center point (TCP). The proposed system allows precise manipulation of end-effector position and orientation to readily adjust the corresponding velocity of maneuvering. A mixed reality-based multi-view merging framework for immersive and intuitive telemanipulation of a complex mobile manipulator with integrated 3D/2D vision is presented. The proposed 3D immersive telerobotic schemes provide the users with depth perception through the merging of multiple 3D/2D views of the remote environment via MR subspace. The mobile manipulator platform can be effectively controlled by non-skilled operators who are physically separated from the robot working space through a velocity-based imitative motion mapping approach. Finally, this thesis presents an integrated mixed reality and haptic feedback scheme for intuitive and immersive teleoperation of robotic welding systems. By incorporating MR technology, the user is fully immersed in a virtual operating space augmented by real-time visual feedback from the robot working space. The proposed mixed reality virtual fixture integration approach implements hybrid haptic constraints to guide the operator’s hand movements following the conical guidance to effectively align the welding torch for welding and constrain the welding operation within a collision-free area. Overall, this thesis presents a complete tele-robotic application space technology using mixed reality and immersive elements to effectively translate the operator into the robot’s space in an intuitive and natural manner. The results are thus a step forward in cost-effective and computationally effective human-robot interaction research and technologies. The system presented is readily extensible to a range of potential applications beyond the robotic tele- welding and tele-manipulation tasks used to demonstrate, optimise, and prove the concepts

    Device-free indoor localisation with non-wireless sensing techniques : a thesis by publications presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics and Computer Engineering, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems provide accurate and reliable outdoor positioning to support a large number of applications across many sectors. Unfortunately, such systems do not operate reliably inside buildings due to the signal degradation caused by the absence of a clear line of sight with the satellites. The past two decades have therefore seen intensive research into the development of Indoor Positioning System (IPS). While considerable progress has been made in the indoor localisation discipline, there is still no widely adopted solution. The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices within the modern built environment provides an opportunity to localise human subjects by utilising such ubiquitous networked devices. This thesis presents the development, implementation and evaluation of several passive indoor positioning systems using ambient Visible Light Positioning (VLP), capacitive-flooring, and thermopile sensors (low-resolution thermal cameras). These systems position the human subject in a device-free manner (i.e., the subject is not required to be instrumented). The developed systems improve upon the state-of-the-art solutions by offering superior position accuracy whilst also using more robust and generalised test setups. The developed passive VLP system is one of the first reported solutions making use of ambient light to position a moving human subject. The capacitive-floor based system improves upon the accuracy of existing flooring solutions as well as demonstrates the potential for automated fall detection. The system also requires very little calibration, i.e., variations of the environment or subject have very little impact upon it. The thermopile positioning system is also shown to be robust to changes in the environment and subjects. Improvements are made over the current literature by testing across multiple environments and subjects whilst using a robust ground truth system. Finally, advanced machine learning methods were implemented and benchmarked against a thermopile dataset which has been made available for other researchers to use

    Enhanced Virtuality: Increasing the Usability and Productivity of Virtual Environments

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    Mit stetig steigender Bildschirmauflösung, genauerem Tracking und fallenden Preisen stehen Virtual Reality (VR) Systeme kurz davor sich erfolgreich am Markt zu etablieren. Verschiedene Werkzeuge helfen Entwicklern bei der Erstellung komplexer Interaktionen mit mehreren Benutzern innerhalb adaptiver virtueller Umgebungen. Allerdings entstehen mit der Verbreitung der VR-Systeme auch zusĂ€tzliche Herausforderungen: Diverse EingabegerĂ€te mit ungewohnten Formen und Tastenlayouts verhindern eine intuitive Interaktion. DarĂŒber hinaus zwingt der eingeschrĂ€nkte Funktionsumfang bestehender Software die Nutzer dazu, auf herkömmliche PC- oder Touch-basierte Systeme zurĂŒckzugreifen. Außerdem birgt die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Anwendern am gleichen Standort Herausforderungen hinsichtlich der Kalibrierung unterschiedlicher Trackingsysteme und der Kollisionsvermeidung. Beim entfernten Zusammenarbeiten wird die Interaktion durch Latenzzeiten und Verbindungsverluste zusĂ€tzlich beeinflusst. Schließlich haben die Benutzer unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Visualisierung von Inhalten, z.B. GrĂ¶ĂŸe, Ausrichtung, Farbe oder Kontrast, innerhalb der virtuellen Welten. Eine strikte Nachbildung von realen Umgebungen in VR verschenkt Potential und wird es nicht ermöglichen, die individuellen BedĂŒrfnisse der Benutzer zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Um diese Probleme anzugehen, werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Lösungen in den Bereichen Eingabe, Zusammenarbeit und Erweiterung von virtuellen Welten und Benutzern vorgestellt, die darauf abzielen, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und ProduktivitĂ€t von VR zu erhöhen. ZunĂ€chst werden PC-basierte Hardware und Software in die virtuelle Welt ĂŒbertragen, um die Vertrautheit und den Funktionsumfang bestehender Anwendungen in VR zu erhalten. Virtuelle Stellvertreter von physischen GerĂ€ten, z.B. Tastatur und Tablet, und ein VR-Modus fĂŒr Anwendungen ermöglichen es dem Benutzer reale FĂ€higkeiten in die virtuelle Welt zu ĂŒbertragen. Des Weiteren wird ein Algorithmus vorgestellt, der die Kalibrierung mehrerer ko-lokaler VR-GerĂ€te mit hoher Genauigkeit und geringen Hardwareanforderungen und geringem Aufwand ermöglicht. Da VR-Headsets die reale Umgebung der Benutzer ausblenden, wird die Relevanz einer Ganzkörper-Avatar-Visualisierung fĂŒr die Kollisionsvermeidung und das entfernte Zusammenarbeiten nachgewiesen. DarĂŒber hinaus werden personalisierte rĂ€umliche oder zeitliche Modifikationen vorgestellt, die es erlauben, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Arbeitsleistung und soziale PrĂ€senz von Benutzern zu erhöhen. Diskrepanzen zwischen den virtuellen Welten, die durch persönliche Anpassungen entstehen, werden durch Methoden der Avatar-Umlenkung (engl. redirection) kompensiert. Abschließend werden einige der Methoden und Erkenntnisse in eine beispielhafte Anwendung integriert, um deren praktische Anwendbarkeit zu verdeutlichen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass virtuelle Umgebungen auf realen FĂ€higkeiten und Erfahrungen aufbauen können, um eine vertraute und einfache Interaktion und Zusammenarbeit von Benutzern zu gewĂ€hrleisten. DarĂŒber hinaus ermöglichen individuelle Erweiterungen des virtuellen Inhalts und der Avatare EinschrĂ€nkungen der realen Welt zu ĂŒberwinden und das Erlebnis von VR-Umgebungen zu steigern

    Designing to Support Workspace Awareness in Remote Collaboration using 2D Interactive Surfaces

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    Increasing distributions of the global workforce are leading to collaborative workamong remote coworkers. The emergence of such remote collaborations is essentiallysupported by technology advancements of screen-based devices ranging from tabletor laptop to large displays. However, these devices, especially personal and mobilecomputers, still suffer from certain limitations caused by their form factors, that hinder supporting workspace awareness through non-verbal communication suchas bodily gestures or gaze. This thesis thus aims to design novel interfaces andinteraction techniques to improve remote coworkers’ workspace awareness throughsuch non-verbal cues using 2D interactive surfaces.The thesis starts off by exploring how visual cues support workspace awareness infacilitated brainstorming of hybrid teams of co-located and remote coworkers. Basedon insights from this exploration, the thesis introduces three interfaces for mobiledevices that help users maintain and convey their workspace awareness with their coworkers. The first interface is a virtual environment that allows a remote person to effectively maintain his/her awareness of his/her co-located collaborators’ activities while interacting with the shared workspace. To help a person better express his/her hand gestures in remote collaboration using a mobile device, the second interfacepresents a lightweight add-on for capturing hand images on and above the device’sscreen; and overlaying them on collaborators’ device to improve their workspace awareness. The third interface strategically leverages the entire screen space of aconventional laptop to better convey a remote person’s gaze to his/her co-locatedcollaborators. Building on the top of these three interfaces, the thesis envisions an interface that supports a person using a mobile device to effectively collaborate with remote coworkers working with a large display.Together, these interfaces demonstrate the possibilities to innovate on commodity devices to offer richer non-verbal communication and better support workspace awareness in remote collaboration

    Exploring Robot Teleoperation in Virtual Reality

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    This thesis presents research on VR-based robot teleoperation with a focus on remote environment visualisation in virtual reality, the effects of remote environment reconstruction scale in virtual reality on the human-operator's ability to control the robot and human-operator's visual attention patterns when teleoperating a robot from virtual reality. A VR-based robot teleoperation framework was developed, it is compatible with various robotic systems and cameras, allowing for teleoperation and supervised control with any ROS-compatible robot and visualisation of the environment through any ROS-compatible RGB and RGBD cameras. The framework includes mapping, segmentation, tactile exploration, and non-physically demanding VR interface navigation and controls through any Unity-compatible VR headset and controllers or haptic devices. Point clouds are a common way to visualise remote environments in 3D, but they often have distortions and occlusions, making it difficult to accurately represent objects' textures. This can lead to poor decision-making during teleoperation if objects are inaccurately represented in the VR reconstruction. A study using an end-effector-mounted RGBD camera with OctoMap mapping of the remote environment was conducted to explore the remote environment with fewer point cloud distortions and occlusions while using a relatively small bandwidth. Additionally, a tactile exploration study proposed a novel method for visually presenting information about objects' materials in the VR interface, to improve the operator's decision-making and address the challenges of point cloud visualisation. Two studies have been conducted to understand the effect of virtual world dynamic scaling on teleoperation flow. The first study investigated the use of rate mode control with constant and variable mapping of the operator's joystick position to the speed (rate) of the robot's end-effector, depending on the virtual world scale. The results showed that variable mapping allowed participants to teleoperate the robot more effectively but at the cost of increased perceived workload. The second study compared how operators used a virtual world scale in supervised control, comparing the virtual world scale of participants at the beginning and end of a 3-day experiment. The results showed that as operators got better at the task they as a group used a different virtual world scale, and participants' prior video gaming experience also affected the virtual world scale chosen by operators. Similarly, the human-operator's visual attention study has investigated how their visual attention changes as they become better at teleoperating a robot using the framework. The results revealed the most important objects in the VR reconstructed remote environment as indicated by operators' visual attention patterns as well as their visual priorities shifts as they got better at teleoperating the robot. The study also demonstrated that operators’ prior video gaming experience affects their ability to teleoperate the robot and their visual attention behaviours

    Merging the Real and the Virtual: An Exploration of Interaction Methods to Blend Realities

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    We investigate, build, and design interaction methods to merge the real with the virtual. An initial investigation looks at spatial augmented reality (SAR) and its effects on pointing with a real mobile phone. A study reveals a set of trade-offs between the raycast, viewport, and direct pointing techniques. To further investigate the manipulation of virtual content within a SAR environment, we design an interaction technique that utilizes the distance that a user holds mobile phone away from their body. Our technique enables pushing virtual content from a mobile phone to an external SAR environment, interact with that content, rotate-scale-translate it, and pull the content back into the mobile phone. This is all done in a way that ensures seamless transitions between the real environment of the mobile phone and the virtual SAR environment. To investigate the issues that occur when the physical environment is hidden by a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) HMD, we design and investigate a system that merges a realtime 3D reconstruction of the real world with a virtual environment. This allows users to freely move, manipulate, observe, and communicate with people and objects situated in their physical reality without losing their sense of immersion or presence inside a virtual world. A study with VR users demonstrates the affordances provided by the system and how it can be used to enhance current VR experiences. We then move to AR, to investigate the limitations of optical see-through HMDs and the problem of communicating the internal state of the virtual world with unaugmented users. To address these issues and enable new ways to visualize, manipulate, and share virtual content, we propose a system that combines a wearable SAR projector. Demonstrations showcase ways to utilize the projected and head-mounted displays together, such as expanding field of view, distributing content across depth surfaces, and enabling bystander collaboration. We then turn to videogames to investigate how spectatorship of these virtual environments can be enhanced through expanded video rendering techniques. We extract and combine additional data to form a cumulative 3D representation of the live game environment for spectators, which enables each spectator to individually control a personal view into the stream while in VR. A study shows that users prefer spectating in VR when compared with a comparable desktop rendering

    Exploring Robot Teleoperation in Virtual Reality

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    This thesis presents research on VR-based robot teleoperation with a focus on remote environment visualisation in virtual reality, the effects of remote environment reconstruction scale in virtual reality on the human-operator's ability to control the robot and human-operator's visual attention patterns when teleoperating a robot from virtual reality. A VR-based robot teleoperation framework was developed, it is compatible with various robotic systems and cameras, allowing for teleoperation and supervised control with any ROS-compatible robot and visualisation of the environment through any ROS-compatible RGB and RGBD cameras. The framework includes mapping, segmentation, tactile exploration, and non-physically demanding VR interface navigation and controls through any Unity-compatible VR headset and controllers or haptic devices. Point clouds are a common way to visualise remote environments in 3D, but they often have distortions and occlusions, making it difficult to accurately represent objects' textures. This can lead to poor decision-making during teleoperation if objects are inaccurately represented in the VR reconstruction. A study using an end-effector-mounted RGBD camera with OctoMap mapping of the remote environment was conducted to explore the remote environment with fewer point cloud distortions and occlusions while using a relatively small bandwidth. Additionally, a tactile exploration study proposed a novel method for visually presenting information about objects' materials in the VR interface, to improve the operator's decision-making and address the challenges of point cloud visualisation. Two studies have been conducted to understand the effect of virtual world dynamic scaling on teleoperation flow. The first study investigated the use of rate mode control with constant and variable mapping of the operator's joystick position to the speed (rate) of the robot's end-effector, depending on the virtual world scale. The results showed that variable mapping allowed participants to teleoperate the robot more effectively but at the cost of increased perceived workload. The second study compared how operators used a virtual world scale in supervised control, comparing the virtual world scale of participants at the beginning and end of a 3-day experiment. The results showed that as operators got better at the task they as a group used a different virtual world scale, and participants' prior video gaming experience also affected the virtual world scale chosen by operators. Similarly, the human-operator's visual attention study has investigated how their visual attention changes as they become better at teleoperating a robot using the framework. The results revealed the most important objects in the VR reconstructed remote environment as indicated by operators' visual attention patterns as well as their visual priorities shifts as they got better at teleoperating the robot. The study also demonstrated that operators’ prior video gaming experience affects their ability to teleoperate the robot and their visual attention behaviours