5 research outputs found

    Towards the semantic formalization of science

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    The past decades have witnessed a huge growth in scholarly information published on the Web, mostly in unstructured or semi-structured formats, which hampers scientific literature exploration and scientometric studies. Past studies on ontologies for structuring scholarly information focused on describing scholarly articles' components, such as document structure, metadata and bibliographies, rather than the scientific work itself. Over the past four years, we have been developing the Science Knowledge Graph Ontologies (SKGO), a set of ontologies for modeling the research findings in various fields of modern science resulting in a knowledge graph. Here, we introduce this ontology suite and discuss the design considerations taken into account during its development. We deem that within the next years, a science knowledge graph is likely to become a crucial component for organizing and exploring scientific work

    ResearchFlow: Understanding the Knowledge Flow between Academia and Industry

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    Understanding, monitoring, and predicting the flow of knowledge between academia and industry is of critical importance for a variety of stakeholders, including governments, funding bodies, researchers, investors, and companies. To this purpose, we introduce ResearchFlow, an approach that integrates semantic technologies and machine learning to quantifying the diachronic behaviour of research topics across academia and industry. ResearchFlow exploits the novel Academia/Industry DynAmics (AIDA) Knowledge Graph in order to characterize each topic according to the frequency in time of the related i) publications from academia, ii) publications from industry, iii) patents from academia, and iv) patents from industry. This representation is then used to produce several analytics regarding the academia/industry knowledge flow and to forecast the impact of research topics on industry. We applied ResearchFlow to a dataset of 3.5M papers and 2M patents in Computer Science and highlighted several interesting patterns. We found that 89.8% of the topics first emerge in academic publications, which typically precede industrial publications by about 5.6 years and industrial patents by about 6.6 years. However this does not mean that academia always dictates the research agenda. In fact, our analysis also shows that industrial trends tend to influence academia more than academic trends affect industry. We evaluated ResearchFlow on the task of forecasting the impact of research topics on the industrial sector and found that its granular characterization of topics improves significantly the performance with respect to alternative solutions

    Generating knowledge graphs by employing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques within the scholarly domain

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    The continuous growth of scientific literature brings innovations and, at the same time, raises new challenges. One of them is related to the fact that its analysis has become difficult due to the high volume of published papers for which manual effort for annotations and management is required. Novel technological infrastructures are needed to help researchers, research policy makers, and companies to time-efficiently browse, analyse, and forecast scientific research. Knowledge graphs i.e., large networks of entities and relationships, have proved to be effective solution in this space. Scientific knowledge graphs focus on the scholarly domain and typically contain metadata describing research publications such as authors, venues, organizations, research topics, and citations. However, the current generation of knowledge graphs lacks of an explicit representation of the knowledge presented in the research papers. As such, in this paper, we present a new architecture that takes advantage of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning methods for extracting entities and relationships from research publications and integrates them in a large-scale knowledge graph. Within this research work, we i) tackle the challenge of knowledge extraction by employing several state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing and Text Mining tools, ii) describe an approach for integrating entities and relationships generated by these tools, iii) show the advantage of such an hybrid system over alternative approaches, and vi) as a chosen use case, we generated a scientific knowledge graph including 109,105 triples, extracted from 26,827 abstracts of papers within the Semantic Web domain. As our approach is general and can be applied to any domain, we expect that it can facilitate the management, analysis, dissemination, and processing of scientific knowledge

    De la ética a la bioética en las ciencias de la salud

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    Cada capítulo va dedicado por los autores/as a profesionales hombres y mujeres que quieren profundizar en la temática del libro: ética y bioética en diversas disciplinas sanitarias, para conocer y respetar a cabalidad el cumplimiento de los códigos y la normatividad, en espacios en los que les corresponde su accionar y a quienes en una u otra orilla cumplen con sus debe- res y defienden sus derechos en pro de la dignidad humana. En los escritos se evidencia que sus aportes se derivan de sus estudios, de sus lecturas, de su experiencia, de sus relaciones dialógicas en la práctica clínica y saberes académicos en su trayectoria como docentes en Educación Superior. Con la compilación de estos escritos se demuestra que el trabajo interdisciplinario permite la construcción de nuevos conocimientos por medio de la investigación, dando lugar a reflexiones sobre la ética y la moral de los profesionales de la salud, en busca del respeto por la integralidad del ser humano. “Atravesemos el puente de la praxis bioética, que nos conduzca a la orilla de la Esperanza humana”. −Myriam Bermeo de Rubio