983,564 research outputs found

    Exploring the support needs of young adult caregivers, their issues, and preferences towards a web-based tool: a mixed-method study

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    BackgroundYoung adult caregivers (YACs, aged 18–25) who take care of a loved one may juggle between caregiving responsibilities and other life areas such as education and social life, leading to an imbalance in their lives. The web-based tool ‘MantelzorgBalans’ aims to support informal caregivers (ICGs) in balancing caregiving tasks and activities in other life areas. However, this tool was designed to support ICGs of loved ones receiving palliative care and is not yet tailored to the needs of YACs. In order to do so, in this study we aim to explore (i) challenges and support needs of YACs in caregiving, (ii) their needs towards the content of the ‘MantelzorgBalans’ tool, and (iii) issues they encountered in using the tool and their preferences for adaptation of the tool.MethodWe conducted semi-structured interviews and usability testing with 13 student YACs in the Netherlands. Within usability testing, we used three approaches: (i) a thinking-aloud approach (verbalizing thoughts while using the tool), (ii) a task-based performance approach (scoring task completion rate), and (iii) questionnaires. We used thematic analysis to synthesize the qualitative data. For the quantitative data, we calculated frequencies and mean scores.ResultsOur findings suggest that the majority of YACs faced challenges in balancing caregiving with life areas such as education and social life. They needed support from healthcare professionals who could listen to them without judging them. With respect to the MantelzorgBalans tool, YACs needed more information on how to provide emotional support to their loved one and the emotional support that is available for them. In regards to the aesthetics, they preferred bright colours and more visuals in the tool. Overall, they were satisfied with the information presented in the tool, but they were neutral in their willingness to use it in the future.ConclusionFrom this study, we learn that YACs may experience specific challenges and needs in general, and towards a web-based tool in specific. In the near future, it will be important to develop digital tools to support YACs that match their specific needs. This may enable healthcare professionals to offer targeted and personalized digital support to YACs in future

    ‘It is empowering
’ Teachers’ voices on action research using Flanders' Interactional Analysis Categories (FIAC) for peer observation to improve teaching and learning of English language

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    Observing teachers especially experienced teachers can be a difficult task. Nevertheless, observation is an effective means to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning practice of any course or programme. Peer observation is one of the effective ways with relative ease. This paper discusses the findings of a study that involves three ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers at Changlon Secondary School in Kedah Malaysia. This study incorporates the use of Flanders' Interactional Analysis Category (FIAC) for Teacher Support Team (TST) programme between Universiti Utara Malaysia(UUM) and the school. The paper begins first by explaining the involvement of the teachers and their feelings about peer observation. This paper then highlights teachers’ feelings and perceptions towards FIAC as an alternative tool to observe and improve teaching effectiveness and how its use create an awareness of the kind of teaching that takes place in their classrooms. The dogma of learner-centred versus teacher-centred teaching was evidently discussed. The paper concludes by providing ways to make the classrooms more learner-centred as opposed to the current practice of the teachers which are more teacher-centred

    An analysis of the control hierarchy modeling of the CMS detector control system

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    The supervisory level of the Detector Control System (DCS) of the CMS experiment is implemented using Finite State Machines (FSM), which model the behaviours and control the operations of all the sub-detectors and support services. The FSM tree of the whole CMS experiment consists of more than 30.000 nodes. An analysis of a system of such size is a complex task but is a crucial step towards the improvement of the overall performance of the FSM system. This paper presents the analysis of the CMS FSM system using the micro Common Representation Language 2 (mcrl2) methodology. Individual mCRL2 models are obtained for the FSM systems of the CMS sub-detectors using the ASF+SDF automated translation tool. Different mCRL2 operations are applied to the mCRL2 models. A mCRL2 simulation tool is used to closer examine the system. Visualization of a system based on the exploration of its state space is enabled with a mCRL2 tool. Requirements such as command and state propagation are expressed using modal mu-calculus and checked using a model checking algorithm. For checking local requirements such as endless loop freedom, the Bounded Model Checking technique is applied. This paper discusses these analysis techniques and presents the results of their application on the CMS FSM system

    Analyzing collaborative learning processes automatically

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    In this article we describe the emerging area of text classification research focused on the problem of collaborative learning process analysis both from a broad perspective and more specifically in terms of a publicly available tool set called TagHelper tools. Analyzing the variety of pedagogically valuable facets of learners’ interactions is a time consuming and effortful process. Improving automated analyses of such highly valued processes of collaborative learning by adapting and applying recent text classification technologies would make it a less arduous task to obtain insights from corpus data. This endeavor also holds the potential for enabling substantially improved on-line instruction both by providing teachers and facilitators with reports about the groups they are moderating and by triggering context sensitive collaborative learning support on an as-needed basis. In this article, we report on an interdisciplinary research project, which has been investigating the effectiveness of applying text classification technology to a large CSCL corpus that has been analyzed by human coders using a theory-based multidimensional coding scheme. We report promising results and include an in-depth discussion of important issues such as reliability, validity, and efficiency that should be considered when deciding on the appropriateness of adopting a new technology such as TagHelper tools. One major technical contribution of this work is a demonstration that an important piece of the work towards making text classification technology effective for this purpose is designing and building linguistic pattern detectors, otherwise known as features, that can be extracted reliably from texts and that have high predictive power for the categories of discourse actions that the CSCL community is interested in

    Towards Runtime Monitoring of Node.js and Its Application to the Internet of Things

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    In the last years Node.js has emerged as a framework particularly suitable for implementing lightweight IoT applications, thanks to its underlying asynchronous event-driven, non blocking I/O model. However, verifying the correctness of programs with asynchronous nested callbacks is quite difficult, and, hence, runtime monitoring can be a valuable support to tackle such a complex task. Runtime monitoring is a useful software verification technique that complements static analysis and testing, but has not been yet fully explored in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Trace expressions have been successfully employed for runtime monitoring in widespread multiagent system platforms. Recently, their expressive power has been extended to allow parametric specifications on data that can be captured and monitored only at runtime. Furthermore, they can be language and system agnostic, through the notion of event domain and type. This paper investigates the use of parametric trace expressions as a first step towards runtime monitoring of programs developed in Node.js and Node-RED, a flow-based IoT programming tool built on top of Node.js. Runtime verification of such systems is a task that mostly seems to have been overlooked so far in the literature. A prototype implementing the proposed system for Node.js, in order to dynamically check with trace expressions the correct usage of API functions, is presented. The tool exploits the dynamic analysis framework Jalangi for monitoring Node.js programs and allows detection of errors that would be difficult to catch with other techniques. Furthermore, it offers a simple REST interface which can be exploited for runtime verification of Node-RED components, and, more generally, IoT devices

    Integrated engineering environments for large complex products

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    An introduction is given to the Engineering Design Centre at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, along with a brief explanation of the main focus towards large made-to-order products. Three key areas of research at the Centre, which have evolved as a result of collaboration with industrial partners from various sectors of industry, are identified as (1) decision support and optimisation, (2) design for lifecycle, and (3) design integration and co-ordination. A summary of the unique features of large made-to-order products is then presented, which includes the need for integration and co-ordination technologies. Thus, an overview of the existing integration and co-ordination technologies is presented followed by a brief explanation of research in these areas at the Engineering Design Centre. A more detailed description is then presented regarding the co-ordination aspect of research being conducted at the Engineering Design Centre, in collaboration with the CAD Centre at the University of Strathclyde. Concurrent Engineering is acknowledged as a strategy for improving the design process, however design coordination is viewed as a principal requirement for its successful implementation. That is, design co-ordination is proposed as being the key to a mechanism that is able to maximise and realise any potential opportunity of concurrency. Thus, an agentoriented approach to co-ordination is presented, which incorporates various types of agents responsible for managing their respective activities. The co-ordinated approach, which is implemented within the Design Co-ordination System, includes features such as resource management and monitoring, dynamic scheduling, activity direction, task enactment, and information management. An application of the Design Co-ordination System, in conjunction with a robust concept exploration tool, shows that the computational design analysis involved in evaluating many design concepts can be performed more efficiently through a co-ordinated approach

    Designing for designers: Towards the development of accessible ICT products and services using the VERITAS framework

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    Among key design practices which contribute to the development of inclusive ICT products and services is user testing with people with disabilities. Traditionally, this involves partial or minimal user testing through the usage of standard heuristics, employing external assisting devices, and the direct feedback of impaired users. However, efficiency could be improved if designers could readily analyse the needs of their target audience. The VERITAS framework simulates and systematically analyses how users with various impairments interact with the use of ICT products and services. Findings show that the VERITAS framework is useful to designers, offering an intuitive approach to inclusive design.The work presented in this article forms part of VERITAS, which is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme (FP7) (grant agreement # 247765 FP7-ICT-2009.7.2)

    Smart technologies for effective reconfiguration: the FASTER approach

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    Current and future computing systems increasingly require that their functionality stays flexible after the system is operational, in order to cope with changing user requirements and improvements in system features, i.e. changing protocols and data-coding standards, evolving demands for support of different user applications, and newly emerging applications in communication, computing and consumer electronics. Therefore, extending the functionality and the lifetime of products requires the addition of new functionality to track and satisfy the customers needs and market and technology trends. Many contemporary products along with the software part incorporate hardware accelerators for reasons of performance and power efficiency. While adaptivity of software is straightforward, adaptation of the hardware to changing requirements constitutes a challenging problem requiring delicate solutions. The FASTER (Facilitating Analysis and Synthesis Technologies for Effective Reconfiguration) project aims at introducing a complete methodology to allow designers to easily implement a system specification on a platform which includes a general purpose processor combined with multiple accelerators running on an FPGA, taking as input a high-level description and fully exploiting, both at design time and at run time, the capabilities of partial dynamic reconfiguration. The goal is that for selected application domains, the FASTER toolchain will be able to reduce the design and verification time of complex reconfigurable systems providing additional novel verification features that are not available in existing tool flows
