308 research outputs found

    Design, Modeling, and Control Strategies for Soft Robots

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    Energy-based approach to develop soft robots

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    Soft robotic systems offer advantages against rigid robot systems in applications that involve physical robot-human interactions, unstructured or extreme environments, and manipulating delicate objects. Soft robots can offer inherently safe operation and adapt to unknown geometry of the environment or object. The current soft robot development approach is an empirical approach starting from a type of soft actuation technology, whereas the development of rigid robots can start from a top-level task in a System Engineering framework. The rigid robot developer can select from well-defined components to construct the task-orientated system. Soft robots are relatively novel systems compared with rigid robots and do not have well-defined components due to a wide range of soft actuation technologies. The initial choice of soft actuation technology places constraints on the system to perform the task. Soft robotic systems are not widely used despite the advantages compared to rigid robots. In this thesis, I study an abstraction approach to enable a System Engineering framework to develop soft robotic systems. My research focus is on an energy-based approach that encompasses the multi-domain nature of soft robotic systems. The impact on the final system from the energy transfer characteristics of the initial choice of the soft actuator has not been fully explored in the literature. I study how energy, and rate of energy transfer (power), can describe different components of each type of soft actuation and how the total energy can model the top-level system. This thesis includes (i) a literature review of soft robots; (ii) an abstraction approach based on bond-graph theory applied to soft actuation technologies; (iii) a port-Hamiltonian theory to describe the top-level soft robotic system, and (iv) an experimental application of the approach on a type of soft actuation technology. In summary, I explore how energy and rate of energy transfer can provide the abstraction approach and in time provide the well-defined components necessary for task-orientated design approaches in a System Engineering framework. In particular, I applied the approach to soft pneumatic systems for additional insights relevant to the development of future task-orientated soft robotic systems.EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Robotics and Autonomous Systems funding

    Energy shaping control of soft continuum manipulators with in-plane disturbances

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    Soft continuum manipulators offer levels of compliance and inherent safety that can render thema superior alternative to conventional rigid robotsfor a variety of tasks, such as medical interventions or human-robot interaction. However, the ability of soft continuum manipulators to compensate external disturbances need to be further enhanced to meet the stringent requirements of many practical applications.In this paper, we investigate the control problem forsoft continuum manipulators that consist of one inextensible segmentof constant section, which bends under the effect of the internal pressure and is subject to unknown disturbances acting in the plane of bending. A rigid-link model of the manipulatorwith a single input pressureis employed for control purposes and an energy-shaping approach isproposedto derive thecontrol law. A method for the adaptive estimation of disturbances is detailed and a disturbance compensation strategy is proposed.Finally, the effectiveness of the controlleris demonstrated with simulations and with experiments on an inextensible soft continuum manipulator that employs pneumatic actuation

    Model Based Control of Soft Robots: A Survey of the State of the Art and Open Challenges

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    Continuum soft robots are mechanical systems entirely made of continuously deformable elements. This design solution aims to bring robots closer to invertebrate animals and soft appendices of vertebrate animals (e.g., an elephant's trunk, a monkey's tail). This work aims to introduce the control theorist perspective to this novel development in robotics. We aim to remove the barriers to entry into this field by presenting existing results and future challenges using a unified language and within a coherent framework. Indeed, the main difficulty in entering this field is the wide variability of terminology and scientific backgrounds, making it quite hard to acquire a comprehensive view on the topic. Another limiting factor is that it is not obvious where to draw a clear line between the limitations imposed by the technology not being mature yet and the challenges intrinsic to this class of robots. In this work, we argue that the intrinsic effects are the continuum or multi-body dynamics, the presence of a non-negligible elastic potential field, and the variability in sensing and actuation strategies.Comment: 69 pages, 13 figure

    Soft Robots for Ocean Exploration and Offshore Operations: A Perspective

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    The ocean and human activities related to the sea are under increasing pressure due to climate change, widespread pollution, and growth of the offshore energy sector. Data, in under-sampled regions of the ocean and in the offshore patches where the industrial expansion is taking place, are fundamental to manage successfully a sustainable development and to mitigate climate change. Existing technology cannot cope with the vast and harsh environments that need monitoring and sampling the most. The limiting factors are, among others, the spatial scales of the physical domain, the high pressure, and the strong hydrodynamic perturbations, which require vehicles with a combination of persistent autonomy, augmented efficiency, extreme robustness, and advanced control. In light of the most recent developments in soft robotics technologies, we propose that the use of soft robots may aid in addressing the challenges posed by abyssal and wave-dominated environments. Nevertheless, soft robots also allow for fast and low-cost manufacturing, presenting a new potential problem: marine pollution from ubiquitous soft sampling devices. In this study, the technological and scientific gaps are widely discussed, as they represent the driving factors for the development of soft robotics. Offshore industry supports increasing energy demand and the employment of robots on marine assets is growing. Such expansion needs to be sustained by the knowledge of the oceanic environment, where large remote areas are yet to be explored and adequately sampled. We offer our perspective on the development of sustainable soft systems, indicating the characteristics of the existing soft robots that promote underwater maneuverability, locomotion, and sampling. This perspective encourages an interdisciplinary approach to the design of aquatic soft robots and invites a discussion about the industrial and oceanographic needs that call for their application

    Haptics in Robot-Assisted Surgery: Challenges and Benefits

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    Robotic surgery is transforming the current surgical practice, not only by improving the conventional surgical methods but also by introducing innovative robot-enhanced approaches that broaden the capabilities of clinicians. Being mainly of man-machine collaborative type, surgical robots are seen as media that transfer pre- and intra-operative information to the operator and reproduce his/her motion, with appropriate filtering, scaling, or limitation, to physically interact with the patient. The field, however, is far from maturity and, more critically, is still a subject of controversy in medical communities. Limited or absent haptic feedback is reputed to be among reasons that impede further spread of surgical robots. In this paper objectives and challenges of deploying haptic technologies in surgical robotics is discussed and a systematic review is performed on works that have studied the effects of providing haptic information to the users in major branches of robotic surgery. It has been tried to encompass both classical works and the state of the art approaches, aiming at delivering a comprehensive and balanced survey both for researchers starting their work in this field and for the experts