3,627 research outputs found

    Outsourcing in Healthcare Through Process Modularization - A Lean Perspective

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    Looking for efficiency, quality and profitability gains, healthcare organizations are adopting outsourcing solutions in the attempt of “doing more with less”. Seeking for cost reduction, risk mitigation, adapting to quick changes without compromising internal resources, these organizations also take big risks in control and flexibility variables. In order to understand how healthcare organizations find the best value equation combining internal and external resources in a modular service conception, a case study on a start‐up Long‐term Care unit with innovative format, great levels of customization and following an outsourcing strategy, was carried out. The main conclusion, among others, is that in ambitious start‐ups, having speed of entrance as the conditioning factor, a process orientation and management approach may offer a clear view of the gains related with trade‐off decisions regarding time and cost (agility) and cost and quality (Leanness) ie, decisions under the “leagile” paradigm. This study contributes for a wider understanding of the “leagile” concept associated to an outsourcing operational strategy. Additionally, it also provides new insights to the concept of modularity in services settings in a complex service as healthcare

    Outsourcing in healthcare through process modularization: a lean perspective

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    Looking for efficiency, quality and profitability gains, healthcare organizations are adopting outsourcing solutions in the attempt of "doing more with less". Seeking for cost reduction, risk mitigation, adapting to quick changes without compromising internal resources, these organizations also take big risks in control and flexibility variables. In order to understand how healthcare organizations find the best value equation combining internal and external resources in a modular service conception, a case study on a start-up Long-term Care unit with innovative format, great levels of customization and following an outsourcing strategy, was carried out. The main conclusion, among others, is that in ambitious start-ups, having speed of entrance as the conditioning factor, a process orientation and management approach may offer a clear view of the gains related with trade-off decisions regarding time and cost (agility) and cost and quality (Leanness) ie, decisions under the "leagile" paradigm. This study contributes for a wider understanding of the "leagile" concept associated to an outsourcing operational strategy. Additionally, it also provides new insights to the concept of modularity in services settings in a complex service as healthcare

    Enabling the Twin Transitions: Digital Technologies Support Environmental Sustainability through Lean Principles

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    Manufacturing companies seek innovative approaches to achieve successful Green and Digital transitions, where adopting lean production is one alternative. However, further investigation is required to formulate the approach with empirical inputs and identify what digital technologies could be applied with which lean principles for environmental benefits. Therefore, this study first conducted a case study in three companies to collect empirical data. A complementary literature review was then carried out, investigating the existing frameworks, and complementing practices of digitalized lean implementations and the resulting environmental impact. Consequently, the Internet of Things and related connection-level technologies were identified as the key facilitators in lean implementations, specifically in visualization, communication, and poka-yoke, leading to environmental benefits. Furthermore, a framework of DIgitalization Supports Environmental sustainability through Lean principles (DISEL) was proposed to help manufacturing companies identify the opportunities of digitalizing lean principles for Environmental sustainability, thus enabling the twin transitions and being resilient

    Industry 4.0 and Lean Six Sigma Integration in Manufacturing: A Literature Review, an Integrated Framework and Proposed Research Perspectives

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    This paper explores the literature on lean management (LM), Six Sigma (SS), Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and their relationship. A systematic literature review (SLR) combined with bibliometric analysis was conducted to identify, select and evaluate articles and was supported by content analysis to classify papers into group discussed clusters. A total of 134 articles were retrieved from relevant databases and publisher engines between 2011 and June 2022. The analysis of these articles enabled us to identify the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on Lean Six Sigma; the relationship between LM, SS and Industry 4.0 and the implications of their combination on operational excellence. The results show that while a majority of researchers consider Industry 4.0 to be a driver of LSS and a prerequisite for helping companies access the data and analytics needed, others find them to be complementary and synergistic. Similarly, various authors support the idea that LSS could be a facilitator of Industry 4.0. This study provides an overview of the main research streams in this field and its shortcomings and presents an LSS4.0 framework integrating lean six sigma and Industry 4 which will be of great value to academics and practitioners working in this area

    Sustainability in the Aerospace, Naval, and Automotive Supply Chain 4.0: Descriptive Review

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    The search for sustainability in the Supply Chain (SC) is one of the tasks that most concerns business leaders in all manufacturing sectors because of the importance that the Supply Chain has as a transversal tool and due to the leading role that it has been playing lately. Of all the manufacturing sectors, this study focuses on the aerospace, shipbuilding, and automotive sectors identified as transport. The present study carries out a descriptive review of existing publications in these three sectors in relation to the sustainability of the Supply Chain in its 4.0 adaptation as an update in matters that are in constant evolution. Among the results obtained, Lean practices are common to the three sectors, as well as different technologies focused on sustainability. Furthermore, the results show that the automotive sector is the one that makes the greatest contribution in this sense through collaborative programs that can be very useful to the other two sectors, thus benefiting from the consequent applicable advantages. Meanwhile, the Aerospace and Shipbuilding sectors do not seem to be working on promoting a sustainable culture in the management of the Supply Chain or on including training programs for their personnel in matters related to Industry 4.0

    Business process management and digital innovations : a systematic literature review

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    Emerging technologies have capabilities to reshape business process management (BPM) from its traditional version to a more explorative variant. However, to exploit the full benefits of new IT, it is essential to reveal BPM’s research potential and to detect recent trends in practice. Therefore, this work presents a systematic literature review (SLR) with 231 recent academic articles (from 2014 until May 2019) that integrate BPM with digital innovations (DI). We position those articles against seven future BPM-DI trends that were inductively derived from an expert panel. By complementing the expected trends in practice with a state-of-the-art literature review, we are able to derive covered and uncovered themes in order to help bridge a rigor-relevance gap. The major technological impacts within the BPM field seem to focus on value creation, customer engagement and managing human-centric and knowledge-intensive business processes. Finally, our findings are categorized into specific calls for research and for action to let scholars and organizations better prepare for future digital needs

    Towards a Lean Product Service Systems (PSS) Design: State of the Art, Opportunities and Challenges

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    AbstractAs for conventional products, the profit generation and the market success of Product Service Systems (PSS) critically depend on the decisions taken during the initial lifecycle stages, when PSSs are conceptualized, designed, developed and engineered. Successful cases show the adoption of lean techniques in the early stages of products development, impelling the authors to assess the application of the same approaches also to PSS development. For this reasons the paper aims to report the state of the art of PSS Design research, relating this strategic process to the Lean Thinking approaches typically applied in traditional Product Development and Manufacturing. The literature about PSS is classified and Lean Thinking evolvement from product manufacturing to design phases is described. On this basis, the paper defines which are the aspects of Lean Thinking already applied in PSS Development also uncovering gaps and lacks of the methods proposed by the scientific literature so far. This opens the way to new opportunities and challenges through many further research and industrial projects

    The Lean Urban Policies’ Design A values-centered method for sustainable urban planning.

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    In these past years, the necessity and urgency has emerged for policies tied to an alternate development to be efficiently applied, and not limited to single operations. The policies must be defined by a clear and effective method of action. Starting by investigating what are the relationship among human being, built environment and natural sources, in fact, we think it is possible to enrich the sustainable urban planning policies with new contents and possibly, new tools. By describing the frame, the objective is to define the most effective method, to be able to convey an effective project action and governance for the territory, to achieve predefined social and energy based objectives. The research will focus on those tools (top-down and bottom-up policies) that today have this specific purpose and action-research studies made in order to possibly deduct some assumptions for a general method: - City, urban environmentalism and sustainable development. - Policies for efficiency, present and future expectations. - Action research studies - Discussion: the Lean way to urban policies’ design By analysing the common methodological characteristics these two different approach have, we have found a possible link with the application of the “lean” method, directly borrowed from economy’s application, to what is involved in the process of “values-centered” project for the territory. The “lean process” and its logics seem to answer to the need of “circular” planning processes (integrating top-down and bottom-up strategies) our cities need. Applying the lean thinking method on an urban scale aims to generate, for whom is in charge of urban planning, the ability to clearly find value and engage policies on more levels and objectives, making them effective through an iteration process of optimization of all resources, to be able to simplify the dynamics and finally render the complex project for the territory simple and sustainable

    Introduction to innovation in the East Asian automotive industry:Exploring the interplay between product architectures, firm strategies, and national innovation systems

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    East Asia is the origin and target market for an increasing number of technological innovations. We use the East Asian automotive industry as a focal point to discuss central questions of innovation research such as modularity, product architecture, and the dynamics of state sponsorship in national innovation systems. Two developments in the East Asian automotive industry are of particular interest to the broader innovation community: 1) East Asian firms and consumers are forerunners in the current transition to energy-efficient innovations and the future of automobiles. These technological developments will lead to a 'hybridization' of product architectures that need to be reflected in firm's competitive strategies. 2) Particularly in China, the role of the state for national innovation systems is pronounced in the automotive sector. The way national and regional frameworks interact with broader technology trends shapes business innovation, and this understanding can inform firms in other sectors as well. Before highlighting the contributions of each paper of the special issue, we provide contextual background regarding the unique trajectories of the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean automotive industry, and summarize the current state of research. We conclude with an outlook on future research topics

    C-business et urbanisation d'entreprise

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    Les évolutions permanentes du marché ont forcé la plupart des entreprises à se focaliser sur les processus liés à leur coeur de métier. Ce recentrage les conduit alors soit à externaliser certaines parties de leurs processus, soit former temporairement une association avec d autres partenaires. Ces scénarios de collaboration imposent plusieurs contraintes sur la conception et l organisation du système d information à fin de le rendre facilement adaptable pour suivre les changements au niveau d organisation. Pour que le système d information soit facilement adaptable il est possible de restructurer le système d information en respectant les principes de l urbanisation du système d information couplé par une architecture orienté service, toute fois, cette organisation conduit à des systèmes assez rigides ne donnant pas réellement les capacités d initier des processus collaboratifs. Or, la collaboration impose de prendre en compte les contraintes de sécurité car l approche traditionnelle d urbanisation ne prend pas en considération la possibilité de collaboration et forme des îlots de sécurité ce qui s oppose à la nature transversale de la sécurité. En plus,dans un modèle orienté services, les applications distribuées sur plusieurs site ont peu ou pas de visibilité en matière de l information nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité au nouveau globale. C est dans ce contexte que nous avons proposé d adopter une démarche d urbanisation d entreprise qui promeut une organisation transversale du système de production de l entreprise qui permet une construction incrémentale des processus collaboratifs. Nous sommes parvenus à spécifier un modèle de service industriel construit par regroupement de toutes les fonctions nécessaires autour de la fabrication du produit. Ensuite, nous nous somme proposé de construire un middleware supportant ces services industriels. Cela induit d ajouter un niveau sémantique capable de gérer les propriétés fonctionnelles et non fonctionnelles (qualité de service et sécurité) aux bus de services traditionnels (ESB). Dans le cadre du projet ANR SEMEUSE visant à doter un ESB Open source (PETALS) d un niveau sémantique, notre contribution a plus particulièrement portée sur la spécification et la mise en oeuvre des composants permettant d intégrer de manière contextuelle les politiques de sécuritéMarket evolution has lead most of the enterprise to focus on their core business while setting outsourcing and collaborative strategies to be able to propose the best product-service offers. This Collaborative Business environment challenges Information System (IS) re-organisation to set agile, reactive and interoperable IT supports. To fulfil these requirements, one can reorganise the information system according to the urbanisation paradigm. Coupled to Service Oriented Architecture, this approach provides interoperable information systems. Nevertheless, traditional urbanization strategies lead to a partitioned and rather rigid IS organization aligned on the company s functional structure, which hinders initiating collaborative production processes, since production process is transversal and bypasses all enterprise business areas. To overcome these limits, we propose to adopt a new urbanization strategy that combines the transversal production logic with a service orientation to allow incremental production process building, based on goals to be reached. Despite of the advantages of the collaboration, in the dynamic collaboration scenarios, lack of trust can be a braking force while developing collaborative strategies. To this end, we proposed to integrate security needs and constraints into the definitions of business processes, organizational structure and technical components. Hence, the architecture we propose to implement our enterprise urbanization approach is based on a service-oriented model. We extend the traditional IT service to capture semantics associated to the industrial activity so that an industrial service model is proposed. Then security requirements are added in this model to govern access to different interfaces in a composite service. The implementation of this architecture is achieved using an industrial service bus by adding a security module extended with semantic layer on the top of PEtALS , an open source ESBVILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF