11 research outputs found

    Augmenting Graphical User Interfaces with Haptic Assistance for Motion-Impaired Operators

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    Haptic assistance is an emerging field of research that is designed to improve human-computer interaction (HCI) by reducing error rates and targeting times through the use of force feedback. Haptic feedback has previously been investigated to assist motion-impaired computer users, however, limitations such as target distracters have hampered its integration with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). In this paper two new haptic assistive techniques are presented that utilise the 3DOF capabilities of the Phantom Omni. These are referred to as deformable haptic cones and deformable virtual switches. The assistance is designed specifically to enable motion-impaired operators to use existing GUIs more effectively. Experiment 1 investigates the performance benefits of the new haptic techniques when used in conjunction with the densely populated Windows on-screen keyboard (OSK). Experiment 2 utilises the ISO 9241-9 point-and-click task to investigate the effects of target size and shape. The results of the study prove that the newly proposed techniques improve interaction rates and can be integrated with existing software without many of the drawbacks of traditional haptic assistance. Deformable haptic cones and deformable virtual switches were shown to reduce the mean number of missed-clicks by at least 75% and reduce targeting times by at least 25%

    An investigation into accessible Web navigation for the blind people

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    Current screen-reader program used by the blind people to access the Internet inflicts navigation restrictions since the blind users can only perceive the content in serial mode.The serialized access using screen-reader program restricts the blind users from having the multi-dimensional effects required to fully understand the page layout. We believe that by accessing web pages using bi-modal interaction, a blind user would be able to perceive a two-dimensional perspective of a web page in his or her mental model.The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in the mental models created by blind people from a two-dimensional web page using two different means: one using a screen-reader only and the other using a touch screen with audio feedback. Ten blind people and thirty sighted blindfolded participants participated in this study. This study employed within-subjects repeated measures experiments together with observations, verbal protocols and semi-structured questionnaires to achieve the objectives of the study. Besides, the influence of user’s spatial ability on the user’s performance was investigated using Tactual Performance Test (TPT). The study revealed that using touch screen with audio feedback, the blind people achieved more accurate orientation. However, the accuracy seems to be affected by page complexity.In addition, investigation of blind users’ spatial ability on users’ sense of position revealed that using touch screen with audio feedback, blind participants with lower spatial ability took longer time to locate information. Therefore, users’ spatial ability plays an important determinant for the Web navigability using touch screen with audio feedback

    Re-Presenting Text in a Website for Visually Impaired Users using Braille Line

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    As new web technologies emerging and being adopted in the design of a website, web accessibility has become a major issue especially for people with disabilities .Limitation of assistive technology to render webpage has also been contributing factor for poor web accessibility by the visually impaired users. This issue has caused visually impaired users loss semantic information of webpage besides creating frustration situation of web browsing. In this paper, factors that cause web browsing frustration to the visually impaired users and types of tactile effects that can be implemented in the Braille Line device to render the semantic information of webpage are explored. The main objectives of this project is to build a website reader and program a Braille Line 20 cell device for web browsing focusing on presenting non visual text elements such as font attributes and text hierarchy that can be critical to meaning of the text. Tactile technology have been chosen to be adopted in the Braille Line as the touch is the most active sense of visually-impaired people to acquire knowledge .From the prototype to be build, a sample group of visually impaired users will be taken to test and evaluate the website and the device in terms of technology as well as its effectiveness. The results and recommendations were shared by the end of the project as a key milestone for future renditions of the project

    Synchronizing Audio and Haptic to Read Webpage

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    Constantly emerging technologies present new interactive ways to convey information on the Web. The new and enhanced website design has gradually improved sighted users‟ understanding on the Web content but on the other hand, it creates more obstacles to the visually impaired. The significant technological gap in assistive technology and the Web presents on-going challenges to maintain web accessibility, especially for disabled users. The limitations of current assistive technology to convey non-textual information including text attributes such as bold, underline, and italic from the Web further restrict the visually impaired from acquiring comprehensive understanding of the Web content. This project addresses this issues by investigating the problems faced by the visually impaired when using the current assistive technology. The significance of text attributes to support accessibility and improve understanding of the Web content is also being studied. For this purpose several qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are adopted to test the hypotheses. The project also examines the relationship between multimodal technology using audio and haptic modalities and the mental model generated by the visually impaired while accessing webpage. The findings are then used as a framework to develop a system that synchronizes audio and haptic to read webpages and represents text attributes to visually impaired users is to be develop. From the prototype built, pilot testing and user testing are conducted to evaluate the system. The result and recommendations are shared at the end of project for future enhancement

    Re-Presenting Text in a Website for Visually Impaired Users using Braille Line

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    As new web technologies emerging and being adopted in the design of a website, web accessibility has become a major issue especially for people with disabilities .Limitation of assistive technology to render webpage has also been contributing factor for poor web accessibility by the visually impaired users. This issue has caused visually impaired users loss semantic information of webpage besides creating frustration situation of web browsing. In this paper, factors that cause web browsing frustration to the visually impaired users and types of tactile effects that can be implemented in the Braille Line device to render the semantic information of webpage are explored. The main objectives of this project is to build a website reader and program a Braille Line 20 cell device for web browsing focusing on presenting non visual text elements such as font attributes and text hierarchy that can be critical to meaning of the text. Tactile technology have been chosen to be adopted in the Braille Line as the touch is the most active sense of visually-impaired people to acquire knowledge .From the prototype to be build, a sample group of visually impaired users will be taken to test and evaluate the website and the device in terms of technology as well as its effectiveness. The results and recommendations were shared by the end of the project as a key milestone for future renditions of the project

    Synchronizing Audio and Haptic to Read Webpage

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    Constantly emerging technologies present new interactive ways to convey information on the Web. The new and enhanced website design has gradually improved sighted users‟ understanding on the Web content but on the other hand, it creates more obstacles to the visually impaired. The significant technological gap in assistive technology and the Web presents on-going challenges to maintain web accessibility, especially for disabled users. The limitations of current assistive technology to convey non-textual information including text attributes such as bold, underline, and italic from the Web further restrict the visually impaired from acquiring comprehensive understanding of the Web content. This project addresses this issues by investigating the problems faced by the visually impaired when using the current assistive technology. The significance of text attributes to support accessibility and improve understanding of the Web content is also being studied. For this purpose several qualitative and quantitative data collection methods are adopted to test the hypotheses. The project also examines the relationship between multimodal technology using audio and haptic modalities and the mental model generated by the visually impaired while accessing webpage. The findings are then used as a framework to develop a system that synchronizes audio and haptic to read webpages and represents text attributes to visually impaired users is to be develop. From the prototype built, pilot testing and user testing are conducted to evaluate the system. The result and recommendations are shared at the end of project for future enhancement

    Towards Developing Assistive Haptic Feedback for Visually Impaired Internet Users

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    Haptic technologies are thought to have the potential to help blind individuals overcome the challenges experienced when accessing the Web. This paper proposes a structured participatory-based approach for developing targeted haptic sensations for purposes of web page exploration, and reports preliminary results showing how HTML elements can be represented through the use of force-feedback. Findings are then compared with mappings from previous studies, demonstrating the need for providing tailored haptic sensations for blind Internet users. This research aims to culminate in a framework, encompassing a vocabulary of haptic sensations with accompanying recommendations for designers to reference when developing inclusive web solutions

    Haptinen palaute virtuaalitodellisuudessa

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    Tässä tutkielmassa perehdyn haptiseen palautteeseen, virtuaalitodellisuuteen, sekä niiden yhdistämiseen. Haptinen palaute tarkoittaa tuntoaistiin liittyvää palautetta, ja se voidaan jakaa karkeasti vielä tuntopalautteeseen, jota havaitaan ihon tuntoaistinsolujen avulla, ja voimapalautteeseen, jota havaitaan lihasten, nivelten ja jänteiden asento- ja liikeaistinsolujen avulla. Työn tutkimusosiossa vertailen kolmea eri vuorovaikutustekniikkaa objektien käsittelyssä ja tarkkuutta vaativassa merkkaustehtävässä virtuaalitodellisuusympäristössä. Vertailtavat vuorovaikutustekniikat perustuvat voimapalautetta tuottavaan Geomagic Touch X -laitteeseen, tuntopalautetta tuottavaan HTC Vive -virtuaalitodellisuusjärjestelmän ohjaimeen, sekä tavalliseen tietokoneen hiireen, joka ei tuota aktiivista haptista palautetta. Tutkimus suoritettiin lokakuussa 2018 Tampereen yliopiston haptiikkalaboratoriossa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 24 opiskelijaa, joista jokainen suoritti tutkimustehtävät näillä kolmella eri laitteella. Tutkimuksen aikana osallistujien suorituksista kerättiin ohjelmallisesti objektiivista dataa, kuten etäisyyksiä kohdealueiden ja käyttäjän tekemien merkkauspisteiden välillä. Subjektiivista dataa kerättiin kyselylomakkeiden avulla sekä tutkimuksen aikana että sen lopuksi. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin tilastollisesti merkittäviä eroja tarkkuudessa voimapalautelaitteen eduksi ja nopeudessa virtuaalitodellisuusohjaimen eduksi. Tulokset ovat lupaavia, ja tutkimuksen ja kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että haptisen palautteen ja virtuaalitodellisuuden yhdistäminen on erittäin mielenkiintoinen ja lupaava ala. Haptiset laitteet vaativat vielä kehitystä tulevaisuudessa, mutta ne tarjoavat jo tällä hetkellä ainutlaatuisia uusia vuorovaikutustapoja virtuaalitodellisuudessa

    The Benefits of Haptic Feedback in Mobile Phone Camera

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    Communication is basically the act of transferring information from one place to another. Feedback is a system where the reaction or response of the receiver arrives at the sender after he/she has interpreted the message. Feedback is inevitably essential to make two way communications effective. In fact, without feedback communication remains incomplete. At times, feedback could be verbal such as written and oral. Then in some cases, it could be nonverbal. Feedback is mainly a response from your audiences; it allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your message. In fact research shows that the majority of the messages that have been sent are nonverbal and the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is powerful tools that will help people connect with each other. As well as communication where nonverbal shows much more impressive, a sense of touch as known as haptics plays an important role in our new phase of technology. It is the science of applying touch sensation and control to interaction with computer applications by using special input/output devices. It gives users a slight jolt of energy at the point of touch, providing instant sensory feedback, while reducing the audio, visual or audio-visual demand. Haptic technology is an evolutionary step into interacting with objects as an extension of our mind and allows for more socially appropriate and subtle interaction. In this thesis, the benefits of haptic feedback in a mobile phone camera are explored and compared to the existing feedback mechanisms. Discovering expectations from users and gathering ideas in order to improve user experience in haptic feedback of a mobile phone camera will be the main focus as well as to understand “What make end users to use or not to use mobile phone camera?” and “What qualities of haptics could be used in the design of the user interface for mobile phone camera?”. Depending on the settings and the quality of the mobile phones, the feedback from the camera can affect the user experience in many ways. I believe that to improve the existing feedback by applying haptic output such as a vibration or a vibrotactile signal may also considerably improve the user experience. Because haptic feedback is a new technology and proved to be efficient, to apply it to the mobile phone camera feedback should provide better support for users when compared to the existing feedback signals, which are audio and visual only. One of the main objectives was to analyze the users’ needs and expectations regarding the mobile phone camera haptic feedback and applications in various types of difficult situations and challenges users have encountered. Therefore, a user study was done at the beginning of the thesis work. Its aim was to get general results, which can be applied to haptic interaction on the mobile phone camera in order to improve existing applications and help easing users in their photo taking activities with their mobile phone camera. In addition, the results are considered to provide input for further studies as well as to offer concrete input to the development of a prototype

    Interaction design for inclusive electronic government services

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    Orientador: Maria Cecilia Calani BaranauskasDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Serviços do governo eletrônico (eGov, do inglês: electronic government/e-government) são um veículo de comunicação entre as entidades do governo nos diferentes níveis (municipal, estadual, etc.) e os cidadãos. Além de tornar ações do governo mais transparentes e aumentar a eficiência e eficácia, esses serviços visam fortalecer a democracia oferecendo a possibilidade de participação dos cidadãos nos processos democráticos. Para tais fins, serviços de eGov precisam possibilitar o acesso pela população inteira, isto é para pessoas com diferentes competências ou necessidades específicas. A contribuição desse trabalho envolve mostrar caminhos para como interfaces de usuário de serviços de eGov podem ser projetados de uma maneira inclusiva, respeitando a diversidade de uma população. Partindo de uma análise do contexto brasileiro, esse trabalho mostra tanto as principais diferenças entre serviços de eGov e outras aplicações web quanto as diferenças entre países em desenvolvimento e países desenvolvidos a esse respeito. O principal desafio identificado é a adaptaçãao de métodos tradicionais ao contexto de serviços inclusivos de eGov. No próximo passo identificamos barreiras do acesso ao serviços de eGov por usuários com necessidades específicas como diferentes de eficiências, baixo letramento ou baixo letramento digital. Propomos o conceito de técnicas assistivas" que ampliam a visão limitada de tecnologias assistivas para o contexto de nosso cenário, isto é, um uso por pessoas que usam serviços em diferentes situações, inclusive de eficiências. Os desafios identificados e diferentes experiências trazidas de projetos nos motivaram a propor um framework para o design socialmente responsável. Os elementos principais desse framework são métodos e técnicas da Semiótica Organizacional e do Design Participativo para atingir uma visão sócio-tecnica dos problemas de design. Esses métodos e técnicas são aplicados em Práticas Participativas Inclusivas em um Cenário*, um grupo de representantes de usuários finais que foram escolhidos como imagem de características encontradas na sociedade brasileira. Por fim analisamos um conjunto de protótipos que foram criados dentro do contexto do framework de design socialmente responsável. Como o design de serviços inclusivos de eGov depende de fatores culturais entre outros, criamos um design rationale abstrato que discute diferentes questões de design e assim visa apoiar o designer na tomada de decisões adequadas ao respectivo contexto.Abstract: Electronic government (eGov) services are means of communication between entities of the government (on local, state or other levels) and the citizens. Besides making actions of the government more transparent and increasing efficiency and effectiveness, such servicees aim to strengthen democracy by offering citizens possibilities to participate in democratic processes. Thus, eGov services have to enable access to the whole population, including people with different competencies or special needs. The contribution of this work involves showing ways of creating user interfaces to eGov services inclusively and respecting the diversity of the population. Starting with an analysis of the Brazilian country context, this work shows the main differences between eGov services and other web applications as well as differences between developing and developed countries regarding those applications. The principal challenge that has been identified is that of adapting traditional methods to the context of inclusive eGov services. In the next step we identify barriers of access to eGov services that are imposed on users with special needs like impairments, low literacy or low digital literacy. We propose the concept of \assistive techniques" to extend the limited vision of assistive technologies to the context of our scenario, i.e. to people with special needs besides impairments who make use of eGov services in different situations. The challenges identified and different experiences from diffrent projects motivated us to propose a framework for socially responsible design. The main elements of this framework are methods and techniques from Organizational Semiotics and Participatory Design in order to get a socio-technical vision of design problems. These methods and techniques are employed during Participatory Inclusive Practices in a Cenário*, a group of end user representatives that has been composed to mirror the characteristics of the Brazilian society. Finally, we analyze a set of prototypes that have been created within the context of the framework of socially responsible design. Since the design of inclusive eGov services depends on cultural and other factors, we created an abstract design rationale that discusses different design issues and thus supports the designer in taking decisions that are tailored to the respective context.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã