36 research outputs found

    Analysis of Electronic Medical Record Reception using Expanded Technology Acceptance Model

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    Information technology in the health sector has the potential to increase the quality of patient care by improving process efficiency, reducing errors and reducing costs. But this potential cannot be achieved if there is rejection from stakeholders. In this study, we examine the information technology acceptance model in the medical field. We use Moores's model that was developed from Davis's Technology Acceptance Model by adding the variables that determine the success of information technology acceptance. The variables are divided into two categories: information quality consisting of accuracy, content, timeliness, and format. The Enabling factors consisting technical support and self-efficacy. The case study was conducted among medical personnel at a Hospital in East Java. The subject of research is the use of the electronic medical record. Data were obtained through a questionnaire. Then the data is processed with Partial Least Squares algorithm using PLS software. As a result of the sixteen hypotheses proposed there are fourteen hypotheses accepted and the overall model deemed appropriate

    Identifying Factors of Female Students’ Behavioral Intention to use 5G for Online Education in Sichuan, China

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    Purpose: The rapid development of higher education in China realizes the importance of 5G in smart education. Hence, this study examines the factors that influence the behavioral intention of female students in Sichuan universities to use the 5G for online education platform. Seven variables and eight hypotheses are constructed regarding previous research, including perceived ease of use, system quality, information quality, service quality, attitude, social influence, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The quantitative study was conducted by distributing a questionnaire to 560 female university students from three universities in Sichuan. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were applied for data analysis and results. Results: The results showed that attitude was the strongest predictor of behavioral change he strongest predictor of behavioral intention to use followed by social influence and perceived usefulness. Compared to perceived usefulness, the perceived ease of use had the strongest effect on attitude. Conclusions: The findings of this paper contribute to better understanding of 5G for online education developers, marketers, senior managers in higher education institutions, or related practitioners. Therefore, choice and use and ease of use at university would increase positive feedback and enable students to use the platform system for ongoing learning

    Mobile Health Information Technology and Patient Care: Methods, Themes, and Research Gaps

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    The focus of the healthcare industry on delivering Patient-Centered Care (PCC) using Mobile Health Information Technologies (MHIT) is rapidly increasing, yet this critical area is still under-researched in the IS/IT literature despite the fact that mobile devices and their applications are widely spread and are likely to change the way of using and applying healthcare services. In this study we further analyze the literature reviewed in Dadgar et al (2013) to uncover research gaps in the area of MHIT which needs further attention. This work posits a preliminary research agenda, in forms of gaps, which can help propel future work in the field of MHIT for patient centered care

    The (In)Effectiveness of Incentives - A Field Experiment on the Adoption of Personal Electronic Health Records

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    Medication errors are the third-leading cause of death in the US; however, a large number of these cases could be prevented through better medication management. The aging population and the associated high number of individuals taking multiple medications regularly makes medication management even more important. Personal electronic health records (PHRs) can improve medication management significantly and thus increase patient safety. Despite unequivocal benefits for individuals, healthcare professionals, governments, insurers, and employers, the adoption rate of PHRs remains low. Therefore, we seek to identify measures that motivate individuals to adopt PHRs. Drawing on justice theory, we show that incentives in terms of personalization, as well as the signal of fair information practices, increase the adoption rate of PHRs. These effects are mediated by perceived benefits and privacy concerns, respectively. Based on counterintuitive findings on the effects of monetary compensation we start a discussion on the complexity and context-dependency of different incentives

    PenggunaanSmartphone pada Kegiatan Berbagi Pengetahuan Antar Residen Anak RSHS Bandung

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    Pendahuluan.Mobilitas yang cukup tinggi dari seseorang dan juga kebutuhan akaninformasi yang cepat dan akurat membuat penggunaan teknologi informasi dankomunikasi di Indonesia sudah merupakan suatu kebutuhan dan bukan merupakanbarang mahal lagi. Hal tersebut juga berlaku pada dunia kedokteran. Sebagian besardokter sudah merasakan adanya kebutuhan terhadap teknologi informasi dankomunikasi baik untuk mendukung aktivitasnya sehari-hari dalam melakukan tindakanmedis, juga diperlukan untuk mempermudah komunikasi dengan rekan sejawatkhususnya dalam membahas dan menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan yang unikataupun kompleks. Salah satu bentuk teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yangdigunakan oleh sebagian besar dokter adalah smartphone dengan berbagai jenis merekserta spesifikasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana penggunaansmartphone dalam mendukung kinerja seorang dokter khususnya residen padadepartemen ilmu kesehatan anak.Metode.Pengembangan model penelitian mengadopsi model Technology AcceptanceModel (TAM), khususnya yang berkaitan dengan beberapa penelitian terdahulu dalambidang kesehatan. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan metode surveybaik menggunakan paper-based questionnaire maupun computer-based questionnaire.Jumlah kuesioner yang disebar melalui paper-based adalah sebanyak 23 buah dankembali serta dapat diolah sebanyak 100%, sedangkan melalui computer-basedsebanyak 68 buah dan kembali serta dapat diolah sebanyak 39 buah (dengan tarafpartisipasi sebesar 57,35%).Hasil dan Kesimpulan.Hasil dari proses pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakanpartial least square (PLS) menunjukkan bahwa variabel perceived uselfulness memilikinilai t-hitung dan koefisien jalur paling besar dibandingkan variabel lainnya. Hal inimemiliki makna bahwa alas an utama sebagian besar responden menggunakansmartphone lebih disebabkan oleh adanya kesadaran cukup tinggi akan manfaat yangdiperoleh dari teknologi tersebut, namun hal yang cukup menarik adalah bahwa khususuntuk kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan masih didominasi oleh fitur atau fasilitas teleponyang terbilang klasik, bukan fitur-fitur lainnya yang dinilai lebih modern dankomprehensif. Alasan utama dari temuan ini adalah bahwa adanya kebutuhan yangmendesak dari sisi waktu untuk memperoleh informasi maupun pengetahuan yangbenar-benar dibutuhkan oleh seorang dokter pada saat menangani pasien

    Toward a Better Understanding of the Intention to Use mHealth Apps: Exploratory Study

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    Background: An increasing number of mobile health (mHealth) apps are becoming available for download and use on mobile devices. Even with the increase in availability and use of mHealth apps, there has still not been a lot of research into understanding the intention to use this kind of apps. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate a technology acceptance model (TAM) that has been specially designed for primary health care applications. Methods: The proposed model is an extension of the TAM, and was empirically tested using data obtained from a survey of mHealth app users (n=310). The research analyzed 2 additional external factors: promotion of health and health benefits. Data were analyzed with a PLS–SEM software and confirmed that gender moderates the adoption of mHealth apps in Spain. The explanatory capacity (R2 for behavioral intention to use) of the proposed model was 76.4%. Likewise, the relationships of the external constructs of the extended TAM were found to be significant. Results: The results show the importance of healthy habits developed by using mHealth apps. In addition, communication campaigns for these apps should be aimed at transferring the usefulness of eHealth as an agent for transforming attitudes; additionally, as more health benefits are obtained, ease of use becomes greater. Perceived usefulness (PU; β=.415, t0.001;4999=3.442, P=.001), attitude toward using (β=.301, t0.01;499=2.299, P=.02), and promotion of health (β=.210, t0.05;499=2.108, P=.03) were found to have a statistically significant impact on behavior intention to use eHealth apps (R2=76.4%). Perceived ease of use (PEOU; β=.179, t0.01;499=2.623, P=.009) and PU (β=.755, t0.001;499=12.888, P=78.2%). Furthermore, PEOU (β=.203, t0.01;499=2.810, P=.005), health benefits (β=.448, t0.001;499=4.010, P<.001), and promotion of health (β=.281, t0.01;499=2.393, P=.01) exerted a significant impact on PU (R2=72.7%). Finally, health benefits (β=.640, t0.001;499=14.948, P<.001) had a statistically significant impact on PEOU (R2=40.9%), while promotion of health (β=.865, t0.001;499=29.943, P<.001) significantly influenced health benefits (R2=74.7%). Conclusions: mHealth apps could be used to predict the behavior of patients in the face of recommendations to prevent pandemics, such as COVID-19 or SARS, and to track users’symptoms while they stay at home. Gender is a determining factor that influences the intention to use mHealth apps, so perhaps different interfaces and utilities could be designed according to gender

    Information system acceptance and its related factors : case study – Invalidiliitto Ry

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    Information technology is used in a wide variety of different ways in the current highly competitive business environment, and because of this it is highly important for companies to utilize their information systems to the fullest extent in order to remain relevant. The end users of these systems within companies are therefore critical for the success of the organizations as a whole, and their attitudes towards the information systems in use can largely determine their effectiveness. Users that are not satisfied with a system, or lack the proper training for using it will inevitably make the system less efficient and waste most of its potential benefits. Because of the aforementioned reasons it is essential to find out what information system development and implementation practices have positive impact on end user satisfaction. Additionally, it is important to investigate the causes of negative user responses towards information systems, and possible methods for mitigating their effects. The objective of this research is to find out what the causes of poor system successfulness of a document management system that is currently in use at Invalidiliitto Ry are by comparing two models (TAM and IS success model) to interview responses from users of the system.Tietoteknologiaa hyödynnetään monin eri tavoin nykyaikaisessa kilpailukykyä vaativassa liiketoimintaympäristössä, jonka seurauksena on erittäin tärkeää että yritykset pyrkisivät saamaan kaiken mahdollisen hyödyn irti tietojärjestelmistään pysyäkseen kilpailukykyisinä. Erityisesti kyseisten tietojärjestelmien käyttäjät ovat avainasemassa yritysten menestykselle, sillä heidän suhtautumisensa järjestelmiin määrittää suurelta osin niistä saatavan hyödyn. Puutteellisen käyttökoulutuksen saanet tai jostakin muusta syystä tyytymättömät käyttäjät aiheuttavat sen että kaikki tietojärjestelmien potentiaaliset hyödyt eivät realisoidu. Edellämainituista syistä johtuen on siis erittäin tärkeää saada selville millä tietojärjestelmien kehittämis- ja käyttöönottokäytännöillä on myönteinen vaikutus järjestelmien käyttäjien tyytyväisyyteen. On kuitenkin myös yhtä lailla tärkeää selvittää mitkä tekijät aiheuttavat negatiivista suhtautumista järjestelmiä kohtaan, sekä miten niiden vaikutuksia voidaan vähentää. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää mitkä ovat Invalidiliitto Ry:llä tällä hetkellä kaytössä olevan toimintajärjestelmän huonon onnistuneisuuden taustatekijät vertaamalla järjestelmän käyttäjiltä kerättyä haastatteluaineistoa kahteen malliin (TAM ja IS success model)

    A Way to Understand Inpatients Based on the Electronic Medical Records in the Big Data Environment

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    In recent decades, information technology in healthcare, such as Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, is potential to improve service quality and cost efficiency of the hospital. The continuous use of EMR systems has generated a great amount of data. However, hospitals tend to use these data to report their operational efficiency rather than to understand their patients. Base on a dataset of inpatients’ medical records from a Chinese general public hospital, this study applies a configuration analysis from a managerial perspective and explains inpatients management in a different way. Four inpatient configurations (valued patients, managed patients, normal patients, and potential patients) are identified by the measure of the length of stay and the total hospital cost. The implications of the finding are discussed

    Assessing patient and caregiver intent to use mobile device videoconferencing for remote mechanically-ventilated patient management

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    The Michigan Medicine adult Assisted Ventilation Clinic (AVC) supports patients with neuromuscular disorders and spinal cord injuries and their caregivers at home, helping them avoid expensive emergency department visits, hospitalization, and unnecessary or excessive treatments. Mobile device videoconferencing provides an effective capability for remote mechanically-ventilated patient management but must rely upon an unknown infrastructure comprising patient and caregiver mobile device ownership, connectivity, and experience—and intent to use the service if provided. The purpose of this study was to measure the extent of this infrastructure and the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and intent to use this mobile device capability using a questionnaire based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). Of 188 patients and caregivers asked, 153 (n = 153) respondents completed a questionnaire comprised of 14 demographic and 24 Likert-type questions. Inferential results indicated a significant correlation between perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU) of mobile devices in remote care and their intent to use them (sig. \u3c .001). Also, mobile device own/access significantly correlated with PEU and PU (p = .003 & .004, respectively), but not intent to use. No single demographic variable (age, distance to AVC, diagnoses, mobile device experience, tracheostomy, etc.) significantly correlated with intent to use. Descriptive results indicated a significant patient/caregiver provided infrastructure: 96% have cellular/WiFi/Internet access, 91% own or have access to mobile devices, 77% have downloaded apps, 68% have used videoconferencing, and 80% own between two and five ICT devices

    User acceptance of cloud based hospital information system

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    Abstract. In this study, it is aimed to determine the factors that affect system use of the IT specialists. Accordingly, it is aimed to analyze,through web-based survey and Technology Acceptance Model, the factors that influence the cloudbasedsystem usage of the 150 IT specialists, who work for state hospitals, The results related to the structural model developed fromTechnology Acceptance Modelhave been analyzed with AMOS - Analyis of Moment Structures programme and the accordance of the statistical results have been analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling method on model.According to analysis results, the effects of the factors related to the IT specialists’ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on the applicability of this technology with their advantages and disadvantages havealso been discussed, thanks to the data gathered from the users. The Structural model has been confirmed with the statistical results and confirmed hypotheses have been evaluated separately. Suggestions have been offered to the researchers about making prevalent of the cloud based Hospital Information System as a software service, required substructure, its components and applicability. Standards and legal status has also been examined.Keywords. Cloud computing, Technology acceptance model, Cloud basedhospital information system, Structural equation model.JEL. J24, O15, M12, M51, M55