184 research outputs found

    Towards an anthropomorphic design of minimally invasive instrumentation for soft tissue robotic surgery

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    Minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopy, have significantly decreased blood loss, postoperative morbidity and length of hospital stay. Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) has offered refined accuracy and more ergonomic instruments for surgeons, further minimizing trauma to the patient [1]. On the other hand, training surgeons in minimally invasive surgical procedures is becoming increasingly long and arduous [2]. In this paper, we outline the rationale of a novel design of instruments for robotic surgery with increased dexterity that will provide more natural manipulation of soft tissues. The proposed system will not only reduce the training time for surgeons but also improve the ergonomics of the procedure. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    An anthropomorphic design for a minimally invasive surgical system based on a survey of surgical technologies, techniques and training

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    © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Background: Over the past century, abdominal surgery has seen a rapid transition from open procedures to less invasive methods, such as robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This study aimed to investigate and discuss the needs of MIS in terms of instrumentation and to inform the design of a novel instrument. Methods: A survey was conducted among surgeons regarding their opinions on surgical training, surgical systems, how satisfied they were with them and how easy they were to use. A concept for MIS robotic instrumentation was then developed and a series of focus groups with surgeons were run to discuss it. The initial prototype of the robotic instruments, herein demonstrated, comprises modular rigid links with soft joints actuated by shape memory alloy helix actuators; these instruments are controlled using a sensory hand exoskeleton. Results: The results of the survey, as well as those of the focus groups, are presented here. A first prototype of the system was built and initial laboratory tests have been conducted in order to evaluate this approach. Conclusions: The analysed data from both the survey and the focus groups justify the chosen concept of an anthropomorphic MIS robotic system which imitates the natural motion of the hands

    Anthropomorphic surgical system for soft tissue robot-assisted surgery

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    Over the past century, abdominal surgery has seen a rapid transition from open procedures to less invasive methods such as laparoscopy and robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (R-A MIS). These procedures have significantly decreased blood loss, postoperative morbidity and length of hospital stay in comparison with open surgery. R-A MIS has offered refined accuracy and more ergonomic instruments for surgeons, further minimising trauma to the patient.This thesis aims to investigate, design and prototype a novel system for R-A MIS that will provide more natural and intuitive manipulation of soft tissues and, at the same time, increase the surgeon's dexterity. The thesis reviews related work on surgical systems and discusses the requirements for designing surgical instrumentation. From the background research conducted in this thesis, it is clear that training surgeons in MIS procedures is becoming increasingly long and arduous. Furthermore, most available systems adopt a design similar to conventional laparoscopic instruments or focus on different techniques with debatable benefits. The system proposed in this thesis not only aims to reduce the training time for surgeons but also to improve the ergonomics of the procedure.In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted among surgeons, regarding their opinions on surgical training, surgical systems, how satisfied they are with them and how easy they are to use. A concept for MIS robotic instrumentation was then developed and a series of focus group meetings with surgeons were run to discuss it. The proposed system, named microAngelo, is an anthropomorphic master-slave system that comprises a three-digit miniature hand that can be controlled using the master, a three-digit sensory exoskeleton. While multi-fingered robotic hands have been developed for decades, none have been used for surgical operations. As the system has a human centred design, its relation to the human hand is discussed. Prototypes of both the master and the slave have been developed and their design and mechanisms is demonstrated. The accuracy and repeatability of the master as well as the accuracy and force capabilities of the slave are tested and discussed

    Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook

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    Since the emergence of soft robotics around two decades ago, research interest in the field has escalated at a pace. It is fuelled by the industry's appreciation of the wide range of soft materials available that can be used to create highly dexterous robots with adaptability characteristics far beyond that which can be achieved with rigid component devices. The ability, inherent in soft robots, to compliantly adapt to the environment, has significantly sparked interest from the surgical robotics community. This article provides an in-depth overview of recent progress and outlines the remaining challenges in the development of soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery

    Endoscopic Tactile Capsule for Non-Polypoid Colorectal Tumour Detection

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    An endoscopic tactile robotic capsule, embedding miniaturized MEMS force sensors, is presented. The capsule is conceived to provide automatic palpation of non-polypoid colorectal tumours during colonoscopy, since it is characterized by high degree of dysplasia, higher invasiveness and lower detection rates with respect to polyps. A first test was performed employing a silicone phantom that embedded inclusions with variable hardness and curvature. A hardness-based classification was implemented, demonstrating detection robustness to curvature variation. By comparing a set of supervised classification algorithms, a weighted 3-nearest neighbor classifier was selected. A bias force normalization model was introduced in order to make different acquisition sets consistent. Parameters of this model were chosen through a particle swarm optimization method. Additionally, an ex-vivo test was performed to assess the capsule detection performance when magnetically-driven along a colonic tissue. Lumps were identified as voltage peaks with a prominence depending on the total magnetic force applied to the capsule. Accuracy of 94 % in hardness classification was achieved, while a 100 % accuracy is obtained for the lump detection within a tolerance of 5 mm from the central path described by the capsule. In real application scenario, we foresee our device aiding physicians to detect tumorous tissues

    Snake-Like Robots for Minimally Invasive, Single Port, and Intraluminal Surgeries

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    The surgical paradigm of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) has been a key driver to the adoption of robotic surgical assistance. Progress in the last three decades has led to a gradual transition from manual laparoscopic surgery with rigid instruments to robot-assisted surgery. In the last decade, the increasing demand for new surgical paradigms to enable access into the anatomy without skin incision (intraluminal surgery) or with a single skin incision (Single Port Access surgery - SPA) has led researchers to investigate snake-like flexible surgical devices. In this chapter, we first present an overview of the background, motivation, and taxonomy of MIS and its newer derivatives. Challenges of MIS and its newer derivatives (SPA and intraluminal surgery) are outlined along with the architectures of new snake-like robots meeting these challenges. We also examine the commercial and research surgical platforms developed over the years, to address the specific functional requirements and constraints imposed by operations in confined spaces. The chapter concludes with an evaluation of open problems in surgical robotics for intraluminal and SPA, and a look at future trends in surgical robot design that could potentially address these unmet needs.Comment: 41 pages, 18 figures. Preprint of article published in the Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics 2018, World Scientific Publishing Company www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789813232266_000

    Microfabricated tactile sensors for biomedical applications: a review

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    During the last decades, tactile sensors based on different sensing principles have been developed due to the growing interest in robotics and, mainly, in medical applications. Several technological solutions have been employed to design tactile sensors; in particular, solutions based on microfabrication present several attractive features. Microfabrication technologies allow for developing miniaturized sensors with good performance in terms of metrological properties (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity, low power consumption, and frequency response). Small size and good metrological properties heighten the potential role of tactile sensors in medicine, making them especially attractive to be integrated in smart interfaces and microsurgical tools. This paper provides an overview of microfabricated tactile sensors, focusing on the mean principles of sensing, i.e., piezoresistive, piezoelectric and capacitive sensors. These sensors are employed for measuring contact properties, in particular force and pressure, in three main medical fields, i.e., prosthetics and artificial skin, minimal access surgery and smart interfaces for biomechanical analysis. The working principles and the metrological properties of the most promising tactile, microfabricated sensors are analyzed, together with their application in medicine. Finally, the new emerging technologies in these fields are briefly described

    Medical Robotics

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    The first generation of surgical robots are already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. So far, robots have been used to position an endoscope, perform gallbladder surgery and correct gastroesophogeal reflux and heartburn. The ultimate goal of the robotic surgery field is to design a robot that can be used to perform closed-chest, beating-heart surgery. The use of robotics in surgery will expand over the next decades without any doubt. Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary approach in surgery. In MIS, the operation is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted into the body through small incisions created by the surgeon, in contrast to open surgery with large incisions. This minimizes surgical trauma and damage to healthy tissue, resulting in shorter patient recovery time. The aim of this book is to provide an overview of the state-of-art, to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this expanding area. Nevertheless, many chapters in the book concern advanced research on this growing area. The book provides critical analysis of clinical trials, assessment of the benefits and risks of the application of these technologies. This book is certainly a small sample of the research activity on Medical Robotics going on around the globe as you read it, but it surely covers a good deal of what has been done in the field recently, and as such it works as a valuable source for researchers interested in the involved subjects, whether they are currently “medical roboticists” or not

    Development of Sensing Systems for Improving Surgical Grasper Performance

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    Minimally invasive techniques play a vital and increasing role in modern surgery. In these procedures, surgical graspers are essential in replacing the surgeon’s fingertips as the main manipulator of delicate soft tissues. Current graspers lack haptic feedback, restricting the surgeon to visual feedback. Studies show that this can frequently lead to morbidity or task errors due to inappropriate application of force. Existing research has sought to address these concerns and improve the safety and performance of grasping through the provision of haptic feedback to the surgeon. However, an effective method of grasping task optimisation has not been found. This thesis explores new sensing approaches intended to reduce errors when manipulating soft tissues, and presents a novel tactile sensor designed for deployment in the grasper jaw. The requirements were first established through discussion with clinical partners and a literature review. This resulted in a conceptual approach to use multi-axis tactile sensing within the grasper jaw as a potential novel solution. As a foundation to the research, a study was conducted using instrumented graspers to investigate the characteristics of grasp force employed by surgeons of varying skill levels. The prevention of tissue slip was identified as a key method in the prevention of grasper misuse, preventing both abrasion through slip and crush damage. To detect this phenomena, a novel method was proposed based on an inductive pressure sensing system. To investigate the efficacy of this technique, experimental and computational modelling investigations were conducted. Computational models were used to better understand the transducer mechanisms, to optimise sensor geometry and to evaluate performance in slip detection. Prototype sensors were then fabricated and experimentally evaluated for their ultimate use in slip detection within a surgical grasper. The work concludes by considering future challenges to clinical translation and additional opportunities for this research in different domains
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