46 research outputs found

    Élőlények kollektív viselkedésének statisztikus fizikája = Statistical physics of the collective behaviour of organisms

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    Experiments: We have carried out quantitative experiments on the collective motion of cells as a function of their density. A sharp transition could be observed from the random motility in sparse cultures to the flocking of dense islands of cells. Using ultra light GPS devices developed by us, we have determined the existing hierarchical relations within a flock of 10 homing pigeons. Modelling: From the simulations of our new model of flocking we concluded that the information exchange between particles was maximal at the critical point, in which the interplay of such factors as the level of noise, the tendency to follow the direction and the acceleration of others results in large fluctuations. Analysis: We have proposed a novel link-density based approach to finding overlapping communities in large networks. The algorithm used for the implementation of this technique is very efficient for most real networks, and provides full statistics quickly. Correspondingly, we have developed a by now popular, user-friendly, freely downloadable software for finding overlapping communities. Extending our method to the time-dependent regime, we found that large groups in evolving networks persist for longer if they are capable of dynamically altering their membership, thus, an ability to change the group composition results in better adaptability. We also showed that knowledge of the time commitment of members to a given community can be used for estimating the community's lifetime. Experiments: We have carried out quantitative experiments on the collective motion of cells as a function of their density. A sharp transition could be observed from the random motility in sparse cultures to the flocking of dense islands of cells. Using ultra light GPS devices developed by us, we have determined the existing hierarchical relations within a flock of 10 homing pigeons. Modelling: From the simulations of our new model of flocking we concluded that the information exchange between particles was maximal at the critical point, in which the interplay of such factors as the level of noise, the tendency to follow the direction and the acceleration of others results in large fluctuations. Analysis: We have proposed a novel link-density based approach to finding overlapping communities in large networks. The algorithm used for the implementation of this technique is very efficient for most real networks, and provides full statistics quickly. Correspondingly, we have developed a by now popular, user-friendly, freely downloadable software for finding overlapping communities. Extending our method to the time-dependent regime, we found that large groups in evolving networks persist for longer if they are capable of dynamically altering their membership, thus, an ability to change the group composition results in better adaptability. We also showed that knowledge of the time commitment of members to a given community can be used for estimating the community's lifetime

    SOARNET, Deep Learning Thermal Detection For Free Flight

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    Thermals are regions of rising hot air formed on the ground through the warming of the surface by the sun. Thermals are commonly used by birds and glider pilots to extend flight duration, increase cross-country distance, and conserve energy. This kind of powerless flight using natural sources of lift is called soaring. Once a thermal is encountered, the pilot flies in circles to keep within the thermal, so gaining altitude before flying off to the next thermal and towards the destination. A single thermal can net a pilot thousands of feet of elevation gain, however estimating thermal locations is not an easy task. Pilots look for different indicators: color variation on the ground because the difference in the amount of heat absorbed by the ground varies based on the color/composition, birds circling in an area gaining lift, and certain types of cloud formations (cumulus clouds). The above methods are not always reliable enough and pilots study the weather for thermals by estimating solar heating of the ground using cloud cover and time of year and the lapse rate and dew point of the troposphere. In this paper, we present a Machine Learning based solution for assisting in forecasting thermals. We created a custom dataset using flight data recorded and uploaded to public databases by soaring pilots. We determine where and when the pilot encountered thermals to pull weather and satellite images corresponding to the location and time of the flight. Using this dataset we train an algorithm to automatically predict the location of thermals given as input the current weather conditions and terrain information obtained from Google Earth Engine and thermal regions encountered as truth labels. We were able to converge very well on the training and validation set, proving our method with around a 0.98 F1 score. These results indicate success in creating a custom dataset and a powerful neural network with the necessity of bolstering our custom dataset

    The Value of Step-by-Step Risk Assessment for Unmanned Aircraft

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    Sensors and Navigation Algorithms for Flight Control of Tethered Kites

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    We present the sensor setup and the basic navigation algorithm used for the flight control of the SkySails towing kite system. Starting with brief summaries on system setup and equations of motion of the tethered kite system, we subsequently give an overview of the sensor setup, present the navigation task and discuss challenges which have to be mastered. In the second part we introduce in detail the inertial navigation algorithm which has been used for operational flights for years. The functional capability of this algorithm is illustrated by experimental flight data. Finally we suggest a modification of the algorithms as further development step in order to overcome certain limitations.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, submitted to European Control Conference (ECC) 201

    Review article: The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for natural hazards monitoring and management

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    The number of scientific studies that consider possible applications of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for the management of natural hazards effects and the identification of occurred damages are strongly increased in last decade. Nowadays, in the scientific community, the use of these systems is not a novelty, but a deeper analysis of literature shows a lack of codified complex methodologies that can be used not only for scientific experiments but also for normal codified emergency operations. RPAS can acquire on-demand ultra-high resolution images that can be used for the identification of active processes like landslides or volcanic activities but also for the definition of effects of earthquakes, wildfires and floods. In this paper, we present a review of published literature that describes experimental methodologiesdeveloped for the study and monitoring of natural hazards

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 293)

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    This bibliography lists 476 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July, 1992. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment, and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Applications, Evolutions, and Challenges of Drones in Maritime Transport

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    The widespread interest in using drones in maritime transport has rapidly grown alongside the development of unmanned ships and drones. To stimulate growth and address the associated technical challenges, this paper systematically reviews the relevant research progress, classification, applications, technical challenges, and possible solutions related to the use of drones in the maritime sector. The findings provide an overview of the state of the art of the applications of drones in the maritime industry over the past 20 years and identify the existing problems and bottlenecks in this field. A new classification scheme is established based on their flight characteristics to aid in distinguishing drones’ applications in maritime transport. Further, this paper discusses the specific use cases and technical aspects of drones in maritime rescue, safety, navigation, environment, communication, and other aspects, providing in-depth guidance on the future development of different mainstream applications. Lastly, the challenges facing drones in these applications are identified, and the corresponding solutions are proposed to address them. This research offers pivotal insights and pertinent knowledge beneficial to various entities such as maritime regulatory bodies, shipping firms, academic institutions, and enterprises engaged in drone production. This paper makes new contributions in terms of the comprehensive analysis and discussion of the application of drones in maritime transport and the provision of guidance and support for promoting their further development and integration with intelligent transport

    Review article: The use of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) for natural hazards monitoring and management

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    The number of scientific studies that consider possible applications of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs) for the management of natural hazards effects and the identification of occurred damages strongly increased in the last decade. Nowadays, in the scientific community, the use of these systems is not a novelty, but a deeper analysis of the literature shows a lack of codified complex methodologies that can be used not only for scientific experiments but also for normal codified emergency operations. RPASs can acquire on-demand ultra-high-resolution images that can be used for the identification of active processes such as landslides or volcanic activities but can also define the effects of earthquakes, wildfires and floods. In this paper, we present a review of published literature that describes experimental methodologies developed for the study and monitoring of natural hazard

    El tratamiento y la representación de las colocaciones verbales en el lenguaje especializado del turismo de aventura

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    A collocation is considered a frequent co-occurrence of two words which hold a syntactic relationship and whose elements enjoy a different status. Given their perception as a unit in language, access to the prominent word (base) involves immediate access to the other item (collocate). In terms of meaning, some combinations tend to be more transparent than others. The pervasiveness of these word associations in language has sparked a strong research interest in the last decades. A compelling reason for this approach may be the fact that they are naturally produced by native speakers but must be actively learned by non-native individuals. Not only has this reality led to their treatment in the general language, but it has also become a legitimate field of study in a wide range of specialized languages, such as the environment, computing, law or tourism, which is our object of study. As a consequence, specialized knowledge resources covering this type of word combinations have seen the light with the primary purpose of offering some extra help to people who deal with this type of language, for example, translators, linguists or other professionals. Nevertheless, there is still much to do in this respect. Taken this into account, it is hypothesized that verb collocations in the specialized language of adventure tourism convey specialized meaning that is worth being collected in terminological products. Therefore, this work endeavors, as its main purpose, to perform a deep analysis of verb collocations in this specialized domain and their implementation in the entries for motion verbs in DicoAdventure, a specialized dictionary of adventure tourism, whose inspirational idea was to highlight the significant role of verbs in the linguistic expression of concepts. Accordingly, the following theoretical objectives were set: first, to cover the linguistic branches which influence specialized lexicography; second, to define the concept of specialized collocation; and third, to examine a vast number of lexicographical and terminological resources so as to discover the items of information that would make an adequate representation of collocations in a specialized dictionary and, then, design a model for such task. Furthermore, the following practical objectives were formulated: first, to extract the motion verbs which would be the bases of the collocations implemented; second, to retrieve the lexical collocations of these verbs; and third, to classify the resulting list of collocations according to the meaning expressed, that is, actual motion or fictive (or metaphorical) motion. The practical steps taken in this research were based on the English monolingual specialized corpus ADVENCOR, which contains promotional texts about adventure tourism, and the use of corpus management software. The results of the theoretical work can be summarized as follows: (1) the specialized language of adventure tourism must be considered as specialized as any others; (2) collocations are not usually encoded in verb entries in dictionaries; and (3) a specialized collocation carries specialized knowledge which must be covered in terminological products. On the other hand, regarding the practical work, 12% of the verbs extracted were selected, as they were the ones expressing motion. However, only 46.61% of them produced collocations according to the extraction criteria established. Last, after applying more strict criteria for the collocation classification, only 25.42% of the verbs along with their collocations were collected in the dictionary. In addition to these results, the theory of Frame Semantics proved useful to understand the meaning of the verbs and their collocates. As for their implementation, which was the primary objective of this doctoral dissertation, the inclusion of verb collocations was of paramount importance for the identification of distinct meanings expressed by one verb in different contexts, as collocates conveyed subtle nuances of meaning. Finally, it was concluded that the incorporation of explanations about the combinations in lay terms facilitates the comprehension of the entries to any type of user, from experts to laypersons, which makes DicoAdventure a terminological product that can render valuable assistance to individuals with distinct specialized expertise.Una colocación es una coaparición frecuente de dos palabras que mantienen una relación sintáctica y cuyos elementos alcanzan un estatus diferente. Puesto que se perciben como una unidad del lenguaje, el acceso al elemento prominente (base) conlleva el acceso inmediato al otro componente (colocativo). Con respecto a su significado, algunas combinaciones tienden a ser más transparentes que otras. La constante presencia de las colocaciones en el lenguaje ha despertado gran interés por su investigación en las últimas décadas. Una razón convincente de este acercamiento podría ser el hecho de que los hablantes nativos las producen de forma natural, mientras que los no nativos deben aprenderlas de manera activa. Esta realidad no solo ha llevado a su tratamiento en el lenguaje general, sino también a que se hayan convertido en un campo de estudio legítimo en una amplia gama de lenguajes especializados, como son el medio ambiente, la informática, el derecho o el turismo, que es el objeto de estudio de esta investigación. Como consecuencia, se han creado recursos de conocimiento especializado con el propósito fundamental de ofrecer ayuda a las personas que interactúan con este tipo de lenguaje, por ejemplo, traductores, lingüistas u otro tipo de profesionales. No obstante, aún queda mucho por hacer en este aspecto. Teniendo esto en cuenta, la hipótesis de este trabajo se basa en la idea de que las colocaciones verbales en el lenguaje especializado del turismo de aventura expresan significados especializados que merecen ser recopilados en productos terminológicos. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo el estudio exhaustivo de las colocaciones verbales en este campo de especialidad y su implementación en las entradas de los verbos de movimiento en DicoAdventure, un diccionario especializado del turismo de aventura, cuyo punto de partida fue la intención de destacar el importante papel que juegan los verbos en la expresión lingüística de los conceptos. Por consiguiente, se establecieron los siguientes objetivos teóricos: primero, revisar las ramas de la lingüística que ejercen una influencia en la lexicografía especializada; segundo, definir el concepto de colocación especializada; y tercero, examinar un gran número de recursos lexicográficos y terminológicos para descubrir qué tipo de información conformaría una representación adecuada de colocaciones en un diccionario especializado y, a continuación, diseñar un modelo para esta tarea. Además, se propusieron estos objetivos prácticos: primero, extraer los verbos de movimiento que serían las bases de las colocaciones implementadas; segundo, extraer las colocaciones léxicas de estos verbos; y tercero; clasificar la lista resultante de colocaciones según su significado, es decir, movimiento real o movimiento figurado (o metafórico). Los pasos prácticos que se dieron en esta investigación se llevaron a cabo mediante la gestión del corpus especializado monolingüe en inglés ADVENCOR, que contiene textos promocionales sobre el turismo de aventura, y el uso de software de gestión de corpus. Los resultados de la parte teórica del trabajo se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera: (1) el lenguaje especializado del turismo de aventura debe considerarse tan especializado como otros; (2) las colocaciones no suelen codificarse en las entradas de verbos en los diccionarios; y (3) una colocación especializada contiene conocimiento especializado que debe aparecer en productos terminológicos. Por otro lado, con respecto al trabajo práctico, se seleccionó el 12% de los verbos extraídos, ya que eran los que expresaban movimiento. Sin embargo, solo el 46,61% de ellos produjeron colocaciones según los criterios de extracción establecidos. Por último, después de aplicar criterios más estrictos para la clasificación de las colocaciones, solo el 25,42% de los verbos con sus colocaciones fueron recogidos en el diccionario. Además de estos resultados, se demostró la utilidad de la teoría de la Semántica de Marcos para entender el significado de los verbos y sus colocativos. En cuanto a su implementación, que era el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral, la inclusión de colocaciones verbales fue de suma importancia para la identificación de los distintos significados expresados por un verbo en diferentes contextos, puesto que los colocativos aportaban sutiles matices de significado. Finalmente, se concluyó que la incorporación de explicaciones sobre las combinaciones en términos legos favorece la comprensión de las entradas por parte de cualquier tipo de usuario, desde expertos a personas no especialistas, lo cual hace de DicoAdventure un producto terminológico que puede proporcionar valiosa ayuda a personas con diversa formación especializada