38 research outputs found

    A Physical-Constraint-Preserving Finite Volume WENO Method for Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics on Unstructured Meshes

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    This paper presents a highly robust third-order accurate finite volume weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) method for special relativistic hydrodynamics on unstructured triangular meshes. We rigorously prove that the proposed method is physical-constraint-preserving (PCP), namely, always preserves the positivity of the pressure and the rest-mass density as well as the subluminal constraint on the fluid velocity. The method is built on a highly efficient compact WENO reconstruction on unstructured meshes, a simple PCP limiter, the provably PCP property of the Harten--Lax--van Leer flux, and third-order strong-stability-preserving time discretization. Due to the relativistic effects, the primitive variables (namely, the rest-mass density, velocity, and pressure) are highly nonlinear implicit functions in terms of the conservative variables, making the design and analysis of our method nontrivial. To address the difficulties arising from the strong nonlinearity, we adopt a novel quasilinear technique for the theoretical proof of the PCP property. Three provable convergence-guaranteed iterative algorithms are also introduced for the robust recovery of primitive quantities from admissible conservative variables. We also propose a slight modification to an existing WENO reconstruction to ensure the scaling invariance of the nonlinear weights and thus to accommodate the homogeneity of the evolution operator, leading to the advantages of the modified WENO reconstruction in resolving multi-scale wave structures. Extensive numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the robustness, expected accuracy, and high resolution of the proposed method.Comment: 56 pages, 18 figure

    A two-columns formalism for time-dependent modelling of stellar convection. I. Description of the method

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    Despite all advances in multi-dimensional hydrodynamics, investigations of stellar evolution and stellar pulsations still depend on one-dimensional computations. The present work devises an alternative to the mixing length theory or turbulence models usually adopted for the modelling of convective transport in such studies. Assuming that the largest convective patterns generate the majority of convective transport, the convective velocity field is described using two parallel radial columns to represent up- and downstream flows. Horizontal exchange in the form of fluid flow and radiation over their connecting interface couples the two columns and allows a simple circulating motion. The main parameters of this convective description have a straightforward geometrical meaning, namely the diameter of the columns (corresponding to the size of the convective cells) and the ratio of cross section between up- and downdrafts. For this geometrical setup, the time-dependent solution of the equations of radiation hydrodynamics is computed from an implicit scheme which has the advantage of being not affected by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy time step limit. In order to demonstrate the approach, results for the example of convection zones in Cepheids are presented

    Numerical methods for radiative and ideal relativistic hydrodynamics applied to the study of gamma-ray bursts

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    This thesis is devoted to the application of high-resolution numerical methods for relativistic hydrodynamics (RHD) to the study of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), as well as to the development of new schemes able to describe radiative transfer in relativistic magnetized and unmagnetized flows. On one side, we have performed RHD simulations of relativistic plasma outbursts within the binary-driven hypernova model, developed throughout the last years in the International Center of Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet). This model is based on the so-called induced gravitational collapse scenario, proposed to explain the observed temporal coincidence of GRBs and supernovae (SN) of type Ic. This scenario considers a carbon-oxigen star (CO core) forming a tight binary system with a companion neutron star (NS). When the collapse of the CO core produces a type Ic SN, part of the ejected material is accreted by the NS, which in turn collapses and forms a black hole (BH). It has been proposed, although the details of this process are a matter of current research, that this collapse creates an optically thick electron-positron plasma around the BH that expands due to its own internal pressure and originates a GRB. Our work in this context has focused on the description of such expanding plasma and its interaction with the surrounding SN ejecta, for which we have followed a hydrodynamical approach using the open-source code PLUTO. This allowed us to study this process in high-density regions that had not been explored thus far, and to perform consistency checks of the model taking into account both theoretical and observational constraints such as the system’s size, the initial plasma energy, the observed timing and the Lorentz factor of the outbursts. Three different scenarios are here considered: (I) the expansion of the plasma in low-density regions, proposed to produce most of the GRB emission in the prompt phase; (II) a model in which X-ray flares are produced due to the breakout of shocks created when the plasma interacts with high-density regions of the SN ejecta; and (III) a model for the emission of secondary bursts due to the creation of reflected waves caused by the same interaction. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the main part of our work, which consists in the development of a numerical code for radiative transfer integrated in PLUTO. Our implementation is able to solve the equations of relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics (Rad-RMHD) under the so-called M1 closure, which allows the radiation transport to be handled in both the free-streaming and diffusion limits. Since we use frequency-averaged opacities, this approach is unable to describe frequency-dependent phenomena; instead, the main focus is put on the transport of total energy and momentum. To avoid numerical instabilities arising due to the possibly large timescale disparity caused by the radiation–matter interaction terms, the Rad-RMHD equations are integrated following implicit–explicit (IMEX) schemes. In this way, interaction terms are integrated implicitly, whereas transport and all of the remaining source terms are solved explicitly by means of the same Godunov-type solvers included in PLUTO. Among these, we have introduced a new Harten–Lax–van Leer–contact (HLLC) solver for optically thin radiation transport. The code is suitable for multidimensional computations in Cartesian, spherical, and cylindrical coordinates using either a single processor or parallel architectures. Adaptive grid computations are also made possible by means of the CHOMBO library. We explain in this work the implementation of all of these methods, after which we show the code’s performance in several problems of radiative transfer in magnetized and unmagnetized flows. We pay particular attention to the behavior of the solutions in the free-streaming and diffusion limits, and show the efficiency and scalability properties of the code as compared with its usual nonradiative implementation. Finally, we show an application of this code to the mentioned model for X-ray flares

    Relativistic radiation hydrodynamics

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Erweiterung der klassischen (nicht-relativistischen) Gleichungen der Strahlungshydrodynamik auf den relativistischen Formalismus. Beginnend mit einer kurzen Darstellung des relevanten Wissens der speziellen Relativitätstheorie, im ersten Kapitel, wird im zweiten Kapitel, ein kovarianter Formalismus der Größen der Strahlungshydrodynamik, erörtert. Dieser theoretische Teil beruht vor allem auf den Arbeiten von Mihalas ([MWM84]) und Castor ([Cas04]). Im Anschluss daran werden die Gleichungen der relativistischen Strahlungshydrodynamik in ihrer konservativen Schreibweise hergeleitet. Damit sind sie bereit für die Diskretisierung und ihre Implementierung in den bestehenden SHD-Code. Zusätzlich zur Beschreibung der Diskretisierung und des verwendeten SHD-Codes (Kapitel 4) wird ein weiteres Hauptaugenmerk auf die Berechnung der Ableitungen der Gleichungen gelegt. Dies wird mit Hilfe von MATHEMATICA bewerkstelligt, wobei ein alternativer Weg zur ursprünglichen Version (von Matthias Kittel) vorgestellt wird.This work deals with the extension of the classical non-relativistic radiation hydrodynamic equations to their relativistic form. Starting with a recapitulation of some basic knowledge of special relativity (chapter 1), a covariant formalism of the quantities of radiation hydrodynamics is derived (chapter 2). Based on these fundamentals the equations of relativistic radiation hydrodynamics (RRHD) are obtained in their conservative form (chapter 3) and hence ready for the discretization and their implementation in the RHD-code (chapter 4). Chapter 4 also deals with the calculation of derivatives with MATHEMATICA and shows some alternative ways (to the original version established by Matthias Kittel) to deal with them. It must also be noted that the theoretical part of this work is mostly based on the work of Mihalas ([MWM84]) and Castor ([Cas04])

    Multiphysics simulations: challenges and opportunities.

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    Provably convergent Newton-Raphson methods for recovering primitive variables with applications to physical-constraint-preserving Hermite WENO schemes for relativistic hydrodynamics

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    The relativistic hydrodynamics (RHD) equations have three crucial intrinsic physical constraints on the primitive variables: positivity of pressure and density, and subluminal fluid velocity. However, numerical simulations can violate these constraints, leading to nonphysical results or even simulation failure. Designing genuinely physical-constraint-preserving (PCP) schemes is very difficult, as the primitive variables cannot be explicitly reformulated using conservative variables due to relativistic effects. In this paper, we propose three efficient Newton--Raphson (NR) methods for robustly recovering primitive variables from conservative variables. Importantly, we rigorously prove that these NR methods are always convergent and PCP, meaning they preserve the physical constraints throughout the NR iterations. The discovery of these robust NR methods and their PCP convergence analyses are highly nontrivial and technical. As an application, we apply the proposed NR methods to design PCP finite volume Hermite weighted essentially non-oscillatory (HWENO) schemes for solving the RHD equations. Our PCP HWENO schemes incorporate high-order HWENO reconstruction, a PCP limiter, and strong-stability-preserving time discretization. We rigorously prove the PCP property of the fully discrete schemes using convex decomposition techniques. Moreover, we suggest the characteristic decomposition with rescaled eigenvectors and scale-invariant nonlinear weights to enhance the performance of the HWENO schemes in simulating large-scale RHD problems. Several demanding numerical tests are conducted to demonstrate the robustness, accuracy, and high resolution of the proposed PCP HWENO schemes and to validate the efficiency of our NR methods.Comment: 49 page

    Numerical Hydrodynamics in Special Relativity

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