11 research outputs found

    Secondary special education teachers’ beliefs towards their teaching self-efficacy

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    The self-efficacy of special education teachers is a key aspect of the educational process for inclusive learning and co-teaching. However, research on self-efficacy perceptions in the area of special education and particularly in the field of parallel support is very limited. The aim of this research is to adapt a scale measuring the beliefs of special education teachers’ self-efficacy in supporting students in need of parallel support in secondary education and therefore to investigate those beliefs as well as the factors that affect them. The study involved 147 special educators for supporting students in Greek junior high schools or high schools. To study and investigate the research questions, the “Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale” (TSES) of Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy (2001) was adapted. The results demonstrate that special education teachers report high levels of teaching self-efficacy with male special education teachers being distinguished by significantly higher self-efficacy levels, compared to females. Moreover, a positive correlation between the experience of participants and their levels of self-efficacy, a small negative correlation between the number of supported students and their levels of self-efficacy regarding teaching strategies as well as a medium negative correlation between the number of supported students and their levels of self-efficacy regarding student management, were revealed

    Secondary special education teachers’ beliefs towards their teaching self-efficacy

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    The self-efficacy of special education teachers is a key aspect of the educational process for inclusive learning and co-teaching. However, research on self-efficacy perceptions in the area of special education and particularly in the field of parallel support is very limited. The aim of this research is to adapt a scale measuring the beliefs of special education teachers’ self-efficacy in supporting students in need of parallel support in secondary education and therefore to investigate those beliefs as well as the factors that affect them. The study involved 147 special educators for supporting students in Greek junior high schools or high schools. To study and investigate the research questions, the “Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale” (TSES) of Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk-Hoy (2001) was adapted. The results demonstrate that special education teachers report high levels of teaching self-efficacy with male special education teachers being distinguished by significantly higher self-efficacy levels, compared to females. Moreover, a positive correlation between the experience of participants and their levels of self-efficacy, a small negative correlation between the number of supported students and their levels of self-efficacy regarding teaching strategies as well as a medium negative correlation between the number of supported students and their levels of self-efficacy regarding student management, were revealed

    Sostenibilidad de la convivencia escolar mediante procesos educacionales artivistas aplicados en Perú

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    El artivismo en educación es una propuesta que busca cambiar la sociedad, desde la formación de dimensiones humanas, mediante la participación escolar ante las coyunturas del entorno. A su vez, la convivencia escolar es hasta ahora la preocupación más central de los sistemas educativos actuales, debido a los esquemas sociales que se transmiten al entorno escolar. Por lo descrito, el objetivo de investigación fue determinar los efectos longitudinales de la ejecución de un programa de educación artivista en la convivencia escolar de educación primaria. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, nivel explicativo. La muestra fue de 165 estudiantes de quinto y sexto grado de primaria de contextos vulnerables en la ciudad de Lima (Perú), utilizando escalas de medición para interpretación de los datos. Los resultados reportaron que las actividades artivistas incrementaron la convivencia escolar, manifestándose desde los cuatro o cinco meses de desarrollo del programa de experimentación, demostrándose en las dimensiones democrática y directa (proximal). Se concluye que, esta experiencia fortalece las competencias humanas para conocer, analizar y actuar de forma artivista en la realidad que rodea el entorno estudiantil, considerando desde el conocimiento del otro como parte del grupo social, la autoevaluación, regulación emocional y cooperación como medios de expresión artivista

    Cognitive and Social Strategies to Deal With Anxiety in Speaking: Typical Strategies and Application

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    This study aimed to reveal students’ strategies to deal with anxiety in performing speaking at Nurul Hakim Islamic Boarding School. The study was qualitative with case study design. The subjects of this study were eleventh grade students which were chosen through purposive sampling technique. The techniques of data collection were semi-structured interview and documentation. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data display and data verification and conclusion. Methodological triangulation technique was used to provide valid data. The result of this study showed there were five strategies used by eleventh grade students at Nurul Hakim Islamic Boarding school to deal with anxiety: Rehearsal, Preparation, Cooperation, Self-talk and Relaxation. From the five strategies, Rehearsal is the dominant strategies used by students to deal with speaking anxiety. Except Preparation and Relaxation, the other strategies were claimed effective to reduce anxiety. The five strategies were classified into two classifications: Cognitive strategy and Social strategy. Cognitive strategy involves Rehearsal and Preparation, while Social strategy involves Cooperation, Self-talk, and Relaxation. In this study, there were no strategies that represent the Metacognitive strategy

    Aprendizaje cooperativo en entornos digitales de estudiantes de III ciclo del nivel primaria de instituciones educativas privadas de Lima, 2021

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    El aprendizaje cooperativo es crucial para el desarrollo de aprendizajes pertinentes y significativos en las etapas en las que se desarrollan cursos de tipo virtual, en este sentido se buscó describir el aprendizaje cooperativo que desarrollan los estudiantes de III ciclo de Educación Básica Regular en entornos digitales. El diseño fue de tipo no experimental, desarrollado bajo el enfoque cuantitativo de tipo básico, el nivel de investigación llegó a ser descriptivo transeccional. La muestra se compuso por 150 estudiantes de III ciclo de primaria (primer y segundo grado de nivel primaria), de los distritos de la zona norte de Lima, quienes desarrollaban clases remotas durante el año 2021. El instrumento fue una escala de tipo Likert con validez de contenido y fiabilidad confirmada a través de un plan de pilotaje. Los resultados demuestran bajo nivel de aprendizaje cooperativo, así también en las dimensiones de interacción cara a cara, en la responsabilidad y evaluación individual y de grupo. Como conclusión se puede aseverar poco nivel alto de aprendizaje cooperativo en estos estudiantes del norte de Lima, por lo que se aducen pocas habilidades para socializar de forma básica con sus compañeros en clase o durante el trabajo en equipo

    Nuevas pedagogías artivistas para la educación: evidencias de la construcción de convivencias democráticas y aprendizajes cooperativos en contextos vulnerables

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    The objective of this study is to verify the effects of artivist pedagogies on democratic coexistence and cooperative learning in schoolchildren in vulnerable contexts. The approach was quantitative, experimental design. Two experiments were structured with experimental samples of: a) 85 students from fourth to sixth grade of Primary Education, b) 65 from sixth grade of Primary Education. It was found that: 1) popular artivist pedagogy based on cultural aspects (problems and folklore) develops democratic coexistence in vulnerable contexts, 2) pedagogy based on dactyl theatrical painting develops cooperative learning in a meaningful way and its dimensions, although the interaction Individual is a complex aspect to develop. Therefore, it was determined that popular artivist pedagogy and the experience of dactyl theatrical painting are useful pedagogies for the development of democracy and cooperation for healthy living in contexts of school vulnerability.El objetivo del estudio es comprobar los efectos de pedagogías artivistas en la convivencia democrática y los aprendizajes cooperativos en escolares de contextos vulnerables. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, de diseño experimental. Se estructuraron dos experimentos con muestras experimentales de: a) 85 estudiantes de cuarto a sexto grado de educación primaria, b) 65 de sexto grado de educación primaria. Se halló que: 1) la pedagogía artivista popular basada en aspectos culturales (problemas y folklore) desarrolla la convivencia democrática en contextos vulnerables, y 2) la pedagogía basada en dáctilo pintura teatral desarrolla los aprendizajes cooperativos de forma significativa y sus dimensiones, aunque la interacción individual es un aspecto complejo de desarrollar. Por tanto, se determinó que la pedagogía artivista popular y la experiencia de dáctilo pintura teatral son pedagogías útiles para el desarrollo de la democracia y la cooperación para convivencias saludables en contextos de vulnerabilidad escolar.   &nbsp

    Academic Achievement with Cooperative Learning Using Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Groups

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    Cooperative learning is a proven teaching strategy that teachers have been using for over 40 years. Teachers often group students heterogeneously so that students that are lower achieving are learning from higher achieving students and higher achieving students support and solidify their learning by restating and re-teaching to their lower achieving partners. The purpose of this study was to test homogeneous and heterogeneous grouping while using cooperative learning teaching structure. This dissertation aimed to answer the question, should students be grouped homogeneously or heterogeneously while participating in cooperative learning. The research design for this study was quantitative, quasi-experimental. A convenience sample of fifth-grade students was drawn from a Georgia Christian elementary school in the 2017-2018 school year. The data were analyzed using paired and unpaired T-test. The independent samples t-test was run to compare the scores from the FOSS Survey/Posttest, and the analysis showed no significant difference between the homogeneous and heterogeneous posttest scores. Both groups made significant gains, however in this study the grouping did not have a significant impact on the difference in posttest scores for the two groups

    A case of conceptualisation: using a grounded theory approach to further explore how professionals define engineering judgement for use in engineering education

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    Students are expected to have developed their engineering judgement throughout the course of their studies as part of their accreditation requirements (as stipulated by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology for example), and yet conceptually it is often ill-defined and therefore difficult to teach. This work was carried out in an attempt to better conceptualise engineering judgement for use in higher education. As such, semi-structured interviews were conducted with established members of academic staff who additionally had extensive industrial experience – who were asked to define engineering judgement and which aspects students ought to develop in their studies. A pragmatic grounded theory approach was used, based on the assumption that a theoretical idea/framework could be developed, enabling us to refer to previous literature and the emerging categories from our data set to help clarify engineering judgement. Several terms help define engineering judgement, including accumulated experience, fundamental theoretical knowledge, and imagination/intuition. Essential criteria for developing judgement includes students’ ability to identify and reduce complex problems, and embrace failure. A theoretical framework has been proposed accommodating a more enhanced definition and conceptualisation of engineering judgement which can be applied and adapted for use within engineering education for students’ ultimate benefit

    Artivismo popular para el desarrollo del aprendizaje cooperativo en estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria de Ventanilla, 2019

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    El Artivismo es una nueva tendencia de expresión urbana, desarrollada en países de Europa y en Latinoamérica, debido a su impacto de transformación social, se ha diversificado en el campo del arte, y de la sociología educativa. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el impacto del artivismo popular en el aprendizaje cooperativo de los estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria, mediante un enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño cuasi experimental, en una muestra de 60 estudiantes de sexto grado de primaria (grupo experimental = 30; X= 11.2 años; D.E.= 0,5; grupo control = 30; X = 11.3 años; D.E.= 0,5), en una institución educativa pública del distrito de Ventanilla Alta, Callao. El instrumento fue el Cuestionario de evaluación de aprendizaje cooperativo - APRECOOP (ad hoc). El programa ARTCO, se basó en los fundamentos del artivismo contemporáneo (Jivkova, Aladro & Sosa, 2019), de acuerdo a los postulados teóricos de la transformación educativa desde la psicología positiva de la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas (Maslow), humanización de Carl Rogers y el aprendizaje socio cultural de Vitgotsky. Se concluyó en la mejora significativa del aprendizaje cooperativo (Mdn (postestGE) = 130.00; sig.=,000; p< ,005). Finalmente, los efectos del programa ARTCOO evidenciaron mejores aptitudes y actitudes de los sujetos de la muestra para desarrollar situaciones cooperativas de aprendizaje, con el plus de introducir nuevas formas de pensamiento crítico en el pensamiento escolar mediante el artivismo como un modelo de interacción socio educativa

    Undergraduate Education Students\u27 Experiences in Online Cooperative Learning Activities: An Embedded Single-Case Study

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    The purpose of this intrinsic case study, which followed a single-case, embedded research design, was to understand undergraduate education students’ experiences in online cooperative learning environments. Garrison, Anderson, and Archer’s community of inquiry model, rooted in Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of learning and Tinto’s student integration theory, were used to guide this study and describe the significance of fostering strong social, cognitive, and teaching presence within online learning environments. To further understand online educational environments the following central research question was posed: How do undergraduate education students describe their experiences with cooperative learning activities within an online education course in terms of social, cognitive, and teaching presence? Subquestions investigated peer interactions, cognitive engagement, and engagement with the instructor and the instructional tools used. The setting for this study was an online teacher education course at a mid-sized postsecondary institution in which cooperative learning activities were embedded in the instructional activities, referred to herein as University of Learning. Participants were identified via purposeful criterion sampling procedures, based on enrollment in EDTE 402. Data were collected and analyzed from course materials, semistructured interviews with 10 participants, and a focus group discussion conducted with volunteer participants. A thick, rich description of the case was gained from fracturing the collected data, member checks, expert reviews, and triangulation. Findings indicated that infusing cooperative activities in online teacher education courses will promote high levels of social, cognitive, and teaching presence within virtual learning settings, leading to increased student learning outcomes