136,860 research outputs found

    Towards a process model for service systems

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    Service Science is a new interdisciplinary approach to the study, design, implementation. and innovation of service systems. However due to the variety in service research, there is no consensus yet about the theoretical foundation of this domain. As a basis for a common understanding of service systems and their interactions, Service Science researchers Spohrer and Kwan proposed the service systems worldview. The ISPAR model was presented as a part of this service systems worldview as a tool for identifying ten possible interaction episodes, i.e., the sequences of activities that are undertaken by two interacting service system entities. In this paper we evaluate the use of the ISPAR model as a process model for service systems. We identify the shortcomings of the ISPAR model and propose possible improvements. This analysis leads to the development of a new service process model which is demonstrated through tree different examples

    Project benefit management: a conceptual framework of target benefit formulation

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    Successful realization of project benefits is strongly associated with organizational performance. Formulating project target benefits is regarded as the first and critical step in the benefit management process. In this study, we drew upon relevant theories and conducted in-depth interviews with senior managers in Australia to develop a conceptual framework of project target benefit formulation and corresponding propositions. Our findings highlight the important role of project target benefits in funding decision-making and suggest seven criteria for their appraisal (strategic fit, target value, measurability, realism, target date, accountability and comprehensiveness) and four constructs which improve the formulated target benefits (a formal benefit formulation process, senior executive leadership, senior executive supports, and public service motivation). These findings extend the current literature on project benefit management by providing a holistic view on how project target benefits should be formulated and appraised

    The premises of the development of the private sector in Poland - some conclusions

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    All this shows that the speed of changes. in the economy must be particularly well balanced and adapted to a concrete situation. Changes in social structures will be taking place at a similar speed enlarging various groups of persons interested in transformation processes. The transformation process will be successful if the main part of the society accepts the system of values corresponding to the new social system. The success of the deep restructuring of economic relations in our economy depends primarily on the effectiveness of the reform aimed to restructuring of ownership in all sectors. This requires a new approach to the prospects of private property growth, i.e. an approach unbiased by any doctrinal prejudices, as well as suggestions glorifying private property as a panacea to cure Poland's economy. The Polish economy is characterised both by objective and subjective premises in the development of the private sector and a strong motivation of individuals to launch their own business activities in this sector.Procesy zmian w przedsiębiorstwach lub szerzej, ekonomiczna transformacja, są częƛcią szerokiego procesu zasadniczych reform systemowych. Reformy te przez jednych autorĂłw nazywane są transformacją systemową lub transformacją ustrojową, inni z kolei wƂączają transformację ustroju spoƂeczno – gospodarczego do caƂoƛciowego procesu reform. Reformy z kolei daƂy początek procesom restrukturyzacji, związanym przede wszystkim ze zmianą struktury wƂasnoƛci, czyli zmianami prywatyzacyjnymi, a nie z dziaƂaniami związanymi z wdraĆŒaniem gƂębokich zmian w przedsiębiorstwach prĂłbujących funkcjonować w nowych warunkach ustrojowych. Prywatyzacja, jako zabieg ekonomiczny (chociaĆŒ moĆŒna oczywiƛcie ją traktować rĂłwnieĆŒ jako dziaƂanie polityczne, czy ideologiczne) peƂni rolę stymulującą w procesie restrukturyzacji, a wręcz jest niezbędnym warunkiem przeprowadzenia skutecznej restrukturyzacji sektorowej. UmoĆŒliwia ona uksztaƂtowanie odpowiedniego podejƛcia do restrukturyzacji przy uwzględnieniu kryteriĂłw efektywnoƛciowych i twardych ograniczeƄ finansowych. Jest praktycznie niezbędna z punktu widzenia pozyskania ƛrodkĂłw finansowych na restrukturyzację. W opracowaniu skoncentrowano się w związku z tym na procesach prywatyzacyjnych, jako dziaƂaniach, ktĂłre juĆŒ same w sobie zawierają elementy zmian struktury w innych obszarach, nie tylko w strukturze wƂasnoƛci. PowyĆŒsze dokonania pokazaƂy pewne tendencje i kierunki zmian strukturalnych, jednakĆŒe nie są to zmiany satysfakcjonujące i speƂniające wczeƛniejsze oczekiwania

    Taming the ‘trolls’ : major public projects in the making

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    Major projects are not yet sufficiently understood, and practices in project governance and project management do not yet reflect the current state of knowledge of large, complex projects. In an attempt to understand the reasons, the authors therefore investigated the latest relevant findings documented in three countries: the UK, Norway, and the Netherlands. Their examination of the effect of implementing governance frameworks for public projects in these countries indicates that efforts to improve major projects are giving rewards: Even if complex public projects, the ‘trolls’, become more challenging, efforts to ‘tame’ them are improving. The results of the study show that project planning has improved and cost overruns are reduced. However, recent observations indicate that the effect may wear off remarkably quickly. Hence, the need for continuous improvement and change is prominent. There are fundamental limitations in the use of formal systems as they cannot detect all problems and there are limitations to humans' ability in terms of optimism bias that cannot be eliminated

    Using the stated preference method for the calculation of social discount rate

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    The aim of this paper is to build the stated preference method into the social discount rate methodology. The first part of the paper presents the results of a survey about stated time preferences through pair-choice decision situations for various topics and time horizons. It is assumed that stated time preferences differ from calculated time preferences and that the extent of stated rates depends on the time period, and on how much respondents are financially and emotionally involved in the transactions. A significant question remains: how can the gap between the calculation and the results of surveys be resolved, and how can the real time preferences of individuals be interpreted using a social time preference rate. The second part of the paper estimates the social time preference rate for Hungary using the results of the survey, while paying special attention to the pure time preference component. The results suggest that the current method of calculation of the pure time preference rate does not reflect the real attitudes of individuals towards future generations

    Spillover-effects, crowding-in and the contributions of FDI to growth in China: A review of the literature

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    The paper presents a review of theoretical concepts and empirical findings on the issue of FDI-induced spillover and crowding-effects in the Chinese economy. Against the background of the peculiar characteristics of China's FDI-inflows the paper discusses various research agendas and results. It finds mostly inconclusive evidence, which is understood to result from an insufficient analytical differentiation of FDI and host economy actors. On the 'supply'-side of FDI it seems to be necessary to include the parameter of 'cultural affinity' in the analysis and differentiate between Overseas Chinese and non-Chinese investors (with the latter probably featuring a greater potential for positive externalities). On the 'demand'-side it seems to be adequate to differentiate between the state and collective / private domestic sector and analyze their respective incentives to actively explore potential spillover effects and actually appropriate new technologies introduced by foreign investors. It seems as if the harder the budget constraints and the more competitive the environment, the greater the realized spillover effects. It becomes obvious that most existing studies are working with data that does not reflect the dynamic developments of the recent ten years. --Foreign direct investment,spillover-effects,crowding-in,Chinese economy

    Throughput optimization strategies for large-scale wireless LANs

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    Thanks to the active development of IEEE 802.11, the performance of wireless local area networks (WLANs) is improving by every new edition of the standard facilitating large enterprises to rely on Wi-Fi for more demanding applications. The limited number of channels in the unlicensed industrial scientific medical frequency band however is one of the key bottlenecks of Wi-Fi when scalability and robustness are points of concern. In this paper we propose two strategies for the optimization of throughput in wireless LANs: a heuristic derived from a theoretical model and a surrogate model based decision engine

    Transcendental Pragmatics and Hermeneutics

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    Abstract: In which sense could transcendental pragmatics combined with a hermeneutical approach provide the social sciences with a critical oriented approach? This essay aims at giving an answer to that question by elaborating the critical intent of Apel"s approach to transcendental pragmatics and hermeneutics. Hermeneutics itself is considered to have critical potentials by its explicit focus upon the normative presuppositions of the social sciences. Hermeneutics does not, however, provide the sciences with any clear-cut criterions of critique. Nor does hermeneutics escape from a certain relativistic strain, due to the contextual, i.e.; socio-historically relative basis of the normative presuppositions of any hermeneutic approach. The meta-normative conditions of transcendental pragmatics are counterpoising the relativism as well as lack of normative criterions inherent in hermeneutical thinking. The meta-normative conditions of symmetry and reciprocity are meant to be a meta-normative standard for critique as well as functioning as conditions of a valid consensus within a community of scientists. Thereby, Apel is giving a solution to the validation-problem, as well as a compensation for the lack of criterions of criticism within hermeneutics. I will divide the essay into three main topics, and i) start with explicating the transcendental-pragmatic approach of Apel, ii) continue by dealing with his criticism of as well as positive appropriation of hermeneutical thinking, and iii) work out examples of a critical-hermeneutical approach in the last parts of the essay. The main example used will be from contemporary Norwegian sociology, dealing with the possibility of a unitary critical approach. The closing part (iv) will have clarifying purposes

    On the right track? : evaluation as a tool to guide spatial transitions

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    Spatial developments are becoming more and more non-linear, dynamic and complex with a wide range of possible actors. The awareness of uncertainty in spatial planning is growing and therefore, projects need to integrate a high level of flexibility. But at the same time, a growing demand for taking more informed and well-argued decisions is noticeable. Predictions out of the ‘best estimated model’ are no longer credible and no longer accepted, because they are too fragile and uncertain. How can we keep these long-lasting, multi-actor projects in permanent transition on the right track? This article presents an evaluation methodology that goes beyond the traditional, rational evaluation attitudes with a low level of flexibility being too linear to match the current spatial developments. There is a need for more interrelated, alert and flexible means of evaluation, co-evolving with the processes and current dynamics in spatial planning. Therefore, different evaluation approaches are introduced, depending on the specific interdependencies of the object of evaluation and its context. Subsequently, the theoretical framework is translated towards a more practical level. A case study conducted in Flanders illustrates the current spatial developments and a possible evaluation approach, incorporated from the beginning of the process, to guide this kind of projects
