4 research outputs found

    Enhanced IPFIX flow processing mechanism for overlay network monitoring

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    Cloud computing is an emerging technology. People are adopting cloud at a faster rate, due to this cloud network traffic is increasing at a pace which is challenging to manage. Monitoring tool is an essential aspect of cloud computing and becomes more apparent with the acquired of cloud services. Overlay network provides new path to converge network and run as an independent virtual network on top of physical network. Currently, cloud overlay network technologies in cloud infrastructure have visibility gaps, which mean cloud provider and consumers miss out the major performance issues for troubleshooting of overlay network traffic. Hence, to keep a close watch on network and catch potential problems, a network monitoring tool required, to track and report more in-depth for not only see the hidden traffic but also presents the related information of cloud overlay network technologies specifically suited to the modern cloud-scale data center. Therefore, this study proposes an enhanced IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) mechanism for cloud overlay network monitoring by adopting flexible flow based technique. Furthermore, the solution provided in this research consist of diverse mechanisms: enhanced packet filtering mechanisms using property match filtering technique and hash-based filtering technique. Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) based flow classification mechanisms using 6-tuple flow pattern and adoptable flow patterns. IPFIX message template mechanisms, which is comprise set of fields for data records within the IPFIX flow processing system. The findings demonstrate that the proposed mechanism can capture multi-tenant overlay network traffic to identify, track, analyze and continuously monitor the performance of cloud overlay network services. The proposed mechanisms are resource efficient where the combination of VFMFM+6tuple+VXLAN Message consume 4.63% less CPU, while the combination of VHFM+AFCM+AFCM Message consume 11.45% less CPU than Standard IPFIX. The contributions of this study would help cloud network operators and end-users to quickly and proactively resolve any overlay network based on performance issues with end-to end visibility and actionable insights

    Towards a NetFlow implementation for OpenFlow software-defined networks

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Obtaining flow-level measurements, similar to those provided by Netflow/IPFIX, with OpenFlow is challenging as it requires the installation of an entry per flow in the flow tables. This approach does not scale well with the number of concurrent flows in the traffic as the number of entries in the flow tables is limited and small. Flow monitoring rules may also interfere with forwarding or other rules already present in the switches, which are often defined at different granularities than the flow level. In this paper, we present a transparent and scalable flow-based monitoring solution that is fully compatible with current off-the-shelf OpenFlow switches. As in NetFlow/IPFIX, we aggregate packets into flows directly in the switches and asynchronously send traffic reports to an external collector. In order to reduce the overhead, we implement two different traffic sampling methods depending on the OpenFlow features available in the switch. We developed our complete flow monitoring solution within OpenDaylight and evaluated its accuracy in a testbed with Open vSwitch. Our experimental results using real-world traffic traces show that the proposed sampling methods are accurate and can effectively reduce the resource requirements of flow measurements in OpenFlow.Peer Reviewe

    Towards a NetFlow implementation for OpenFlow software-defined networks

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Obtaining flow-level measurements, similar to those provided by Netflow/IPFIX, with OpenFlow is challenging as it requires the installation of an entry per flow in the flow tables. This approach does not scale well with the number of concurrent flows in the traffic as the number of entries in the flow tables is limited and small. Flow monitoring rules may also interfere with forwarding or other rules already present in the switches, which are often defined at different granularities than the flow level. In this paper, we present a transparent and scalable flow-based monitoring solution that is fully compatible with current off-the-shelf OpenFlow switches. As in NetFlow/IPFIX, we aggregate packets into flows directly in the switches and asynchronously send traffic reports to an external collector. In order to reduce the overhead, we implement two different traffic sampling methods depending on the OpenFlow features available in the switch. We developed our complete flow monitoring solution within OpenDaylight and evaluated its accuracy in a testbed with Open vSwitch. Our experimental results using real-world traffic traces show that the proposed sampling methods are accurate and can effectively reduce the resource requirements of flow measurements in OpenFlow.Peer Reviewe

    Enabling knowledge-defined networks : deep reinforcement learning, graph neural networks and network analytics

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    Significant breakthroughs in the last decade in the Machine Learning (ML) field have ushered in a new era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Particularly, recent advances in Deep Learning (DL) have enabled to develop a new breed of modeling and optimization tools with a plethora of applications in different fields like natural language processing, or computer vision. In this context, the Knowledge-Defined Networking (KDN) paradigm highlights the lack of adoption of AI techniques in computer networks and – as a result – proposes a novel architecture that relies on Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and modern network analytics techniques to facilitate the deployment of ML-based solutions for efficient network operation. This dissertation aims to be a step forward in the realization of Knowledge-Defined Networks. In particular, we focus on the application of AI techniques to control and optimize networks more efficiently and automatically. To this end, we identify two components within the KDN context whose development may be crucial to achieve self-operating networks in the future: (i) the automatic control module, and (ii) the network analytics platform. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the construction of efficient automatic control modules. First, we explore the application of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms to optimize the routing configuration in networks. DRL has recently demonstrated an outstanding capability to solve efficiently decision-making problems in other fields. However, first DRL-based attempts to optimize routing in networks have failed to achieve good results, often under-performing traditional heuristics. In contrast to previous DRL-based solutions, we propose a more elaborate network representation that facilitates DRL agents to learn efficient routing strategies. Our evaluation results show that DRL agents using the proposed representation achieve better performance and learn faster how to route traffic in an Optical Transport Network (OTN) use case. Second, we lay the foundations on the use of Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to build ML-based network optimization tools. GNNs are a newly proposed family of DL models specifically tailored to operate and generalize over graphs of variable size and structure. In this thesis, we posit that GNNs are well suited to model the relationships between different network elements inherently represented as graphs (e.g., topology, routing). Particularly, we use a custom GNN architecture to build a routing optimization solution that – unlike previous ML-based proposals – is able to generalize well to topologies, routing configurations, and traffic never seen during the training phase. The second part of this thesis investigates the design of practical and efficient network analytics solutions in the KDN context. Network analytics tools are crucial to provide the control plane with a rich and timely view of the network state. However this is not a trivial task considering that all this information turns typically into big data in real-world networks. In this context, we analyze the main aspects that should be considered when measuring and classifying traffic in SDN (e.g., scalability, accuracy, cost). As a result, we propose a practical solution that produces flow-level measurement reports similar to those of NetFlow/IPFIX in traditional networks. The proposed system relies only on native features of OpenFlow – currently among the most established standards in SDN – and incorporates mechanisms to maintain efficiently flow-level statistics in commodity switches and report them asynchronously to the control plane. Additionally, a system that combines ML and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) identifies the applications that generate each traffic flow.La evolución del campo del Aprendizaje Maquina (ML) en la última década ha dado lugar a una nueva era de la Inteligencia Artificial (AI). En concreto, algunos avances en el campo del Aprendizaje Profundo (DL) han permitido desarrollar nuevas herramientas de modelado y optimización con múltiples aplicaciones en campos como el procesado de lenguaje natural, o la visión artificial. En este contexto, el paradigma de Redes Definidas por Conocimiento (KDN) destaca la falta de adopción de técnicas de AI en redes y, como resultado, propone una nueva arquitectura basada en Redes Definidas por Software (SDN) y en técnicas modernas de análisis de red para facilitar el despliegue de soluciones basadas en ML. Esta tesis pretende representar un avance en la realización de redes basadas en KDN. En particular, investiga la aplicación de técnicas de AI para operar las redes de forma más eficiente y automática. Para ello, identificamos dos componentes en el contexto de KDN cuyo desarrollo puede resultar esencial para conseguir redes operadas autónomamente en el futuro: (i) el módulo de control automático y (ii) la plataforma de análisis de red. La primera parte de esta tesis aborda la construcción del módulo de control automático. En primer lugar, se explora el uso de algoritmos de Aprendizaje Profundo por Refuerzo (DRL) para optimizar el encaminamiento de tráfico en redes. DRL ha demostrado una capacidad sobresaliente para resolver problemas de toma de decisiones en otros campos. Sin embargo, los primeros trabajos que han aplicado DRL a la optimización del encaminamiento en redes no han conseguido rendimientos satisfactorios. Frente a dichas soluciones previas, proponemos una representación más elaborada de la red que facilita a los agentes DRL aprender estrategias de encaminamiento eficientes. Nuestra evaluación muestra que cuando los agentes DRL utilizan la representación propuesta logran mayor rendimiento y aprenden más rápido cómo encaminar el tráfico en un caso práctico en Redes de Transporte Ópticas (OTN). En segundo lugar, se presentan las bases sobre la utilización de Redes Neuronales de Grafos (GNN) para construir herramientas de optimización de red. Las GNN constituyen una nueva familia de modelos de DL específicamente diseñados para operar y generalizar sobre grafos de tamaño y estructura variables. Esta tesis destaca la idoneidad de las GNN para modelar las relaciones entre diferentes elementos de red que se representan intrínsecamente como grafos (p. ej., topología, encaminamiento). En particular, utilizamos una arquitectura GNN específicamente diseñada para optimizar el encaminamiento de tráfico que, a diferencia de las propuestas anteriores basadas en ML, es capaz de generalizar correctamente sobre topologías, configuraciones de encaminamiento y tráfico nunca vistos durante el entrenamiento La segunda parte de esta tesis investiga el diseño de herramientas de análisis de red eficientes en el contexto de KDN. El análisis de red resulta esencial para proporcionar al plano de control una visión completa y actualizada del estado de la red. No obstante, esto no es una tarea trivial considerando que esta información representa una cantidad masiva de datos en despliegues de red reales. Esta parte de la tesis analiza los principales aspectos a considerar a la hora de medir y clasificar el tráfico en SDN (p. ej., escalabilidad, exactitud, coste). Como resultado, se propone una solución práctica que genera informes de medidas de tráfico a nivel de flujo similares a los de NetFlow/IPFIX en redes tradicionales. El sistema propuesto utiliza sólo funciones soportadas por OpenFlow, actualmente uno de los estándares más consolidados en SDN, y permite mantener de forma eficiente estadísticas de tráfico en conmutadores con características básicas y enviarlas de forma asíncrona hacia el plano de control. Asimismo, un sistema que combina ML e Inspección Profunda de Paquetes (DPI) identifica las aplicaciones que generan cada flujo de tráfico.Postprint (published version