4 research outputs found

    PoN-S : a systematic approach for applying the Physics of Notation (PoN)

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    Visual Modeling Languages (VMLs) are important instruments of communication between modelers and stakeholders. Thus, it is important to provide guidelines for designing VMLs. The most widespread approach for analyzing and designing concrete syntaxes for VMLs is the so-called Physics of Notation (PoN). PoN has been successfully applied in the analysis of several VMLs. However, despite its popularity, the application of PoN principles for designing VMLs has been limited. This paper presents a systematic approach for applying PoN in the design of the concrete syntax of VMLs. We propose here a design process establishing activities to be performed, their connection to PoN principles, as well as criteria for grouping PoN principles that guide this process. Moreover, we present a case study in which a visual notation for representing Ontology Pattern Languages is designed

    An Ontology-Based Process for Domain-Specific Visual Language Design

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    Em Modelagem Conceitual, tem ocorrido um interesse crescente em Linguagens de Modelagem Visuais Específicas de Domínio ( Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Languages (DSVMLs)) e no suporte que elas provêem para compr eensão do domínio de um problema e comunicação entre modelado res e interessados. Assim, é importante providenciar diretrizes para o design de DSVMLs. Por muitos anos, o foco de pesquisa tem sido na sintaxe abstrata, enqu anto a sintaxe concreta tem recebido menor atenção. Isso é um infortúnio, pois a sintaxe visual impacta significativamente a capacidade de comunicação e de resolução de problemas de modelos conceituais Um dos trabalhos mais disseminados para análise e d esign de aspectos visuais de linguagens de modelagem é a Física das Notações (Po N). PoN define um conjunto de princípios usado para analisar e projetar notaçõ es visuais cognitivamente eficientes. Contudo, PoN tem lacunas, tais como: (i ) Falta um método para aplicar seus princípios; (ii) O design de símbolos não cria sistematicamente símbolos que refletem entidades do mundo real. Nesta pesquisa, nós apresentamos a Física das Notações Sistematizada (PoN-S) para resolver a lacuna (i). PoN-S estabelece um con junto ordenado de atividades de design e sugere quando aplicar os princípios de PoN . Ela também propõe grupos de princípios de PoN. Outra maneira de melhorar a qualidade de DSVMLs é a aplicação de teorias ontológicas, mas ontologias podem ser aplicadas com sucesso no design de sintaxes concretas como tem sido aplicadas para a s intaxe abstrata? Guizzardi (2013) propoem diretrizes ontológicas baseadas na O ntologia de Fundamentação Unificada (UFO) para auxiliar no design de notações visuais. Contudo, tais diretrizes também tem lacunas: (iii) São diretrizes isoladas e não parte de um processo de design; (iv) O conjunto de distinções ontológicas, é restrito; (v) As diretrizes ontológicas são restritas a serem aplicadas no esta belecimento dos símbolos de uma DSVMLs. Para resolver as lacunas (ii) até (v) nós combinamo s as diretrizes ontológicas baseadas em UFO com PoN-S, originando a Física das Notações Ontologizada e Sistematizada (PoNTO-S) . PoNTO-S é um processo de design sistematizado par a sintaxes concretas de DSVMLs que conecta a sintaxe concreta com o significado do mundo-real (isto é, o significado ontológico). Este projeto é um processo de Design Science com di ferentes iterações, cada uma produzindo artefatos próprios. O problema de design é o design de sintaxes concretas de DSVMLs. Os artefatos são melhorias de duas soluções existentes: PoN e diretrizes ontológicas baseadas em UFO. PoN-S e PoNTO-S são classificados como teorias de design, visto serem p rocesso de design. Nós também investimos em estudos empíricos. Foram executados e studos exploratórios para dar suporte as indicações coletadas durante a revisão d e literatura e guiar algumas decisões. Após desenvolver versões de PoN-S e PoNTO -S nós aplicamos novos estudos empíricos que geraram evidências para concl uirmos que PoN-S e PoNTO-S são utéis, e que tais abordagens podem evoluir, dan do origem a abordagens ainda mais úteis

    Design performance specification for school buildings in the vicinity of gas flaring in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria

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    It is evident from research that there is a strong link between poor indoor environments, external façade of school buildings, schoolchildren’s health and academic performance. In order to provide a better indoor environment for schoolchildren, meeting strict criteria in relation to indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, aesthetics and longevity is highly important. Stringent health criteria for school buildings’ design and construction have led to innovations in selecting and manufacturing of materials that meet such criteria. However, the uses of prescriptive specification and outdated national building codes have proved to be challenging leading to the application of Performance Specification (PS). The prescriptive method, unlike the PS which permits innovation, is disruptive and cumbersome; using codes that hamper the adoption of newer and safer materials for today’s environmental challenges. This study developed a guidance document known as a PS to aid the design, selection of materials and construction of schools buildings in the Niger Delta area (NDA) where gas flaring (GF) is predominant. This excessive pollution poses the biggest challenge to indoor environments and building deterioration. School buildings in Nigeria currently follow the prescriptive specification and national building codes that were last updated in 2006. Such practices are clearly inadequate for tackling environmental challenges in the NDA. Therefore, PS, based on performance requirements and fit for purpose, is more likely to help in achieving clean indoor air and durable external façade of school buildings in the vicinity. The study adopted the design science (DS) method as the philosophical approach due to its advantages in integrating other research strategies. Literature on GF impacts and the use of PS was reviewed followed by qualitative and quantitative data collection using both open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview. While 120 open-ended questionnaires were administered, 102 valid responses were retrieved and 10 expert professionals with more than ten years of experience in professional practice in the primary area of study were interviewed. Consequently, the data that emerged were analysed using Nvivo 11 and SPSS to identify specific environmental issues for potential mitigation. The final PS was demonstrated in three iterative processes through subsequent data collection exercise using open-ended questionnaires administered to 102 respondents to provide the required environment specific requirements for design and construction purposes. This was carried out through experienced professionals and evaluated by potential dominant users in the study area. It concludes that the developed PS will potentially change current practices in terms of design and selection of materials for school construction. The use of PS as opposed to the sole reliance on the Nigerian building code which is prescriptive in nature is deemed feasible. The research outcomes also included the development of immediate environmental criteria for limits on hazardous substances and space cooling levels for performance requirements, among others. In addition, innovative triple and double filtration systems for use as air purifiers without energy costs were designed. These locally tailored criteria provide environment specific requirements without mirroring international codes to offer clean IAQ for the research environment. It is expected that the DPS would be used by professionals in the Built environment and policy makers as a guiding tool during the design, selection and construction of buildings in the VGF and/or for (re) designing and renovation process to meet growing indoor air quality needs and achieves building durability in the NDA