145 research outputs found

    Challenges of continuum robots in clinical context: a review

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    With the maturity of surgical robotic systems based on traditional rigid-link principles, the rate of progress slowed as limits of size and controllable degrees of freedom were reached. Continuum robots came with the potential to deliver a step change in the next generation of medical devices, by providing better access, safer interactions and making new procedures possible. Over the last few years, several continuum robotic systems have been launched commercially and have been increasingly adopted in hospitals. Despite the clear progress achieved, continuum robots still suffer from design complexity hindering their dexterity and scalability. Recent advances in actuation methods have looked to address this issue, offering alternatives to commonly employed approaches. Additionally, continuum structures introduce significant complexity in modelling, sensing, control and fabrication; topics which are of particular focus in the robotics community. It is, therefore, the aim of the presented work to highlight the pertinent areas of active research and to discuss the challenges to be addressed before the potential of continuum robots as medical devices may be fully realised

    A Novel Flexible and Steerable Probe for Minimally Invasive Soft Tissue Intervention

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    Current trends in surgical intervention favour a minimally invasive (MI) approach, in which complex procedures are performed through increasingly small incisions. Specifically, in neurosurgery, there is a need for minimally invasive keyhole access, which conflicts with the lack of maneuverability of conventional rigid instruments. In an attempt to address this fundamental shortcoming, this thesis describes the concept design, implementation and experimental validation of a novel flexible and steerable probe, named “STING” (Soft Tissue Intervention and Neurosurgical Guide), which is able to steer along curvilinear trajectories within a compliant medium. The underlying mechanism of motion of the flexible probe, based on the reciprocal movement of interlocked probe segments, is biologically inspired and was designed around the unique features of the ovipositor of certain parasitic wasps. Such insects are able to lay eggs by penetrating different kinds of “host” (e.g. wood, larva) with a very thin and flexible multi-part channel, thanks to a micro-toothed surface topography, coupled with a reciprocating “push and pull” motion of each segment. This thesis starts by exploring these foundations, where the “microtexturing” of the surface of a rigid probe prototype is shown to facilitate probe insertion into soft tissue (porcine brain), while gaining tissue purchase when the probe is tensioned outwards. Based on these findings, forward motion into soft tissue via a reciprocating mechanism is then demonstrated through a focused set of experimental trials in gelatine and agar gel. A flexible probe prototype (10 mm diameter), composed of four interconnected segments, is then presented and shown to be able to steer in a brain-like material along multiple curvilinear trajectories on a plane. The geometry and certain key features of the probe are optimised through finite element models, and a suitable actuation strategy is proposed, where the approach vector of the tip is found to be a function of the offset between interlocked segments. This concept of a “programmable bevel”, which enables the steering angle to be chosen with virtually infinite resolution, represents a world-first in percutaneous soft tissue surgery. The thesis concludes with a description of the integration and validation of a fully functional prototype within a larger neurosurgical robotic suite (EU FP7 ROBOCAST), which is followed by a summary of the corresponding implications for future work

    Soft Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery and Interventions: Advances and Outlook

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    Since the emergence of soft robotics around two decades ago, research interest in the field has escalated at a pace. It is fuelled by the industry's appreciation of the wide range of soft materials available that can be used to create highly dexterous robots with adaptability characteristics far beyond that which can be achieved with rigid component devices. The ability, inherent in soft robots, to compliantly adapt to the environment, has significantly sparked interest from the surgical robotics community. This article provides an in-depth overview of recent progress and outlines the remaining challenges in the development of soft robotics for minimally invasive surgery

    Characterisation and State Estimation of Magnetic Soft Continuum Robots

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    Minimally invasive surgery has become more popular as it leads to less bleeding, scarring, pain, and shorter recovery time. However, this has come with counter-intuitive devices and steep surgeon learning curves. Magnetically actuated Soft Continuum Robots (SCR) have the potential to replace these devices, providing high dexterity together with the ability to conform to complex environments and safe human interactions without the cognitive burden for the clinician. Despite considerable progress in the past decade in their development, several challenges still plague SCR hindering their full realisation. This thesis aims at improving magnetically actuated SCR by addressing some of these challenges, such as material characterisation and modelling, and sensing feedback and localisation. Material characterisation for SCR is essential for understanding their behaviour and designing effective modelling and simulation strategies. In this work, the material properties of commonly employed materials in magnetically actuated SCR, such as elastic modulus, hyper-elastic model parameters, and magnetic moment were determined. Additionally, the effect these parameters have on modelling and simulating these devices was investigated. Due to the nature of magnetic actuation, localisation is of utmost importance to ensure accurate control and delivery of functionality. As such, two localisation strategies for magnetically actuated SCR were developed, one capable of estimating the full 6 degrees of freedom (DOFs) pose without any prior pose information, and another capable of accurately tracking the full 6-DOFs in real-time with positional errors lower than 4~mm. These will contribute to the development of autonomous navigation and closed-loop control of magnetically actuated SCR

    Lunar Excursion Module Familiarization Manual

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    Recent Advances in Soft Biological Tissue Manipulating Technologies

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    Biological soft tissues manipulation, including conventional (mechanical) and nonconventional (laser, waterjet and ultrasonic) processes, is critically required in most surgical innervations. However, the soft tissues, with their nature of anisotropic and viscoelastic mechanical properties, and high biological and heat sensitivities, are difficult to manipulated. Moreover, the mechanical and thermal induced damage on the surface and surrounding tissue during the surgery can impair the proliferative phase of healing. Thus, understanding the manipulation mechanism and the resulted surface damage is of importance to the community. In recent years, more and more scholars carried out researches on soft biological tissue cutting in order to improve the cutting performance of surgical instruments and reduce the surgery induced tissue damage. However, there is a lack of compressive review that focused on the recent advances in soft biological tissue manipulating technologies. Hence, this review paper attempts to provide an informative literature survey of the state-of-the-art of soft tissue manipulation processes in surgery. This is achieved by exploring and recollecting the different soft tissue manipulation techniques currently used, including mechanical, laser, waterjet and ultrasonic cutting and advanced anastomosis and reconstruction processes, with highlighting their governing removal mechanisms as well as the surface and subsurface damages

    Low-Cost Technologies for Flexible Endoscopy: Design, Control and Autonomy for a Water-Jet Actuated Soft Continuum Endoscope

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    Despite the outstanding diagnostic performance brought by new technologies in medicine, cancer remains a significant burden worldwide. In addition to prevention strategies, the ability to detect malignancy early is crucial in enabling effective treatment and dramatically increasing the survival rate of patients. In the case of gastric cancer, diagnosis is generally performed using Flexible Endoscopy (or Endoscope) (FE). The FE has been proven to be a powerful, reliable and cost-effective tool in the fight against gastric cancer. However, its effectiveness strongly depends on the skills of trained Gastro Enterologists (GE) who perform the procedures. Moreover, accessibility and availability of such tools are often limited to people residing in major cities, while remote and rural areas remain poorly served by their health systems. The advent of robotics in medicine offers a new solution to these problems. When possible, automating diagnostic procedures or surgical tasks has the potential to deliver reliable, repeatable and cost-effective alternatives to standard human-in-the-loop procedures. Embedding autonomous capabilities into a machine, optimally designed to execute a specific task, could enable the device to automatically adapt to different conditions and non-skilled personnel to perform the procedure by supervising the actions of the robotic platform. In these scenarios, safety represents a major concern and in the majority of the cases, a safe interaction between the robot and the tissues can be guaranteed by building compliant robots made of soft materials. However, if the possibility of using compliant devices offers a number of advantages to the final user or patient, it defines a series of technical challenges that have to be addressed to deliver a stable and reliable control of the platform. Finally, by adopting low-cost designs, single-use solutions can be realised to address the issue and complication of sterilisation. This dissertation discusses the research effort targeted at the development of a water-jet actuated low-cost, disposable gastroscopy platform to offer a safe, cost-effective, fault-free alternative to standard FE

    Novel design and concepts for biopsy in navigated bronchoscopy

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    Bronchoscopy is a minimally invasive intervention with a low risk of complications. If CT-images show suspicious lesions, there may be a need to take a sample of tissue for a definitive diagnosis with a biopsy tool, such as biopsy forceps, cytology brush or transbronchial needles. The success rate of biopsy procedures performed with bronchoscopy is low, i.e. they do not provide a decisive diagnosis and there is often a need for repetitive biopsies. Using an ultrathin bronchoscope and navigation systems will increase the diagnostic yield of a biopsy, from approximately 63% to 73-80% for solitary peripheral lesion > 2 cm. This thesis presents a novel design concept for a biopsy tool and a new step for the biopsy procedure in order to solve some of the challenges and limitations of sampling lung lesions, particularly in the peripheral parts of the lung

    To See the Unseen: A History of Planetary Radar Astronomy

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    This book relates the history of planetary radar astronomy from its origins in radar to the present day and secondarily to bring to light that history as a case of 'Big Equipment but not Big Science'. Chapter One sketches the emergence of radar astronomy as an ongoing scientific activity at Jodrell Bank, where radar research revealed that meteors were part of the solar system. The chief Big Science driving early radar astronomy experiments was ionospheric research. Chapter Two links the Cold War and the Space Race to the first radar experiments attempted on planetary targets, while recounting the initial achievements of planetary radar, namely, the refinement of the astronomical unit and the rotational rate and direction of Venus. Chapter Three discusses early attempts to organize radar astronomy and the efforts at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory, in conjunction with Harvard radio astronomers, to acquire antenna time unfettered by military priorities. Here, the chief Big Science influencing the development of planetary radar astronomy was radio astronomy. Chapter Four spotlights the evolution of planetary radar astronomy at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a NASA facility, at Cornell University's Arecibo Observatory, and at Jodrell Bank. A congeries of funding from the military, the National Science Foundation, and finally NASA marked that evolution, which culminated in planetary radar astronomy finding a single Big Science patron, NASA. Chapter Five analyzes planetary radar astronomy as a science using the theoretical framework provided by philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn. Chapter Six explores the shift in planetary radar astronomy beginning in the 1970s that resulted from its financial and institutional relationship with NASA Big Science. Chapter Seven addresses the Magellan mission and its relation to the evolution of planetary radar astronomy from a ground-based to a space-based activity. Chapters Eight and Nine discuss the research carried out at ground-based facilities by this transformed planetary radar astronomy, as well as the upgrading of the Arecibo and Goldstone radars. A technical essay appended to this book provides an overview of planetary radar techniques, especially range-Doppler mapping

    Robotic manipulators for in situ inspections of jet engines

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    Jet engines need to be inspected periodically and, in some instances, repaired. Currently, some of these maintenance operations require the engine to be removed from the wing and dismantled, which has a significant associated cost. The capability of performing some of these inspections and repairs while the engine is on-wing could lead to important cost savings. However, existing technology for on-wing operations is limited, and does not suffice to satisfy some of the needs. In this work, the problem of performing on-wing operations such as inspection and repair is analysed, and after an extensive literature review, a novel robotic system for the on-wing insertion and deployment of probes or other tools is proposed. The system consists of a fine-positioner, which is a miniature and dexterous robotic manipulator; a gross-positioner, which is a device to insert the fine-positioner to the engine region of interest; an end-effector, such as a probe; a deployment mechanism, which is a passive device to ensure correct contact between probe and component; and a feedback system that provides information about the robot state for control. The research and development work conducted to address the main challenges to create this robotic system is presented in this thesis. The work is focussed on the fine-positioner, as it is the most relevant and complex part of the system. After a literature review of relevant work, and as part of the exploration of potential robot concepts for the system, the kinematic capabilities of concentric tube robots (CTRs) are first investigated. The complete set of stable trajectories that can be traced in follow-the-leader motion is discovered. A case study involving simulations and an experiment is then presented to showcase and verify the work. The research findings indicate that CTRs are not suitable for the fine-positioner. However, they show that CTRs with non-annular cross section can be used for the gross-positioner. In addition, the new trajectories discovered show promise in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Soft robotic manipulators with fluidic actuation are then selected as the most suitable concept for the fine-positioner. The design of soft robotic manipulators with fluidic actuation is investigated from a general perspective. A general framework for the design of these devices is proposed, and a set of design principles are derived. These principles are first applied in a MIS case study to illustrate and verify the work. Finite element (FE) simulations are then reported to perform design optimisation, and thus complete the case study. The design study is then applied to determine the most suitable design for the fine-positioner. An additional analytical derivation is developed, followed by FE simulations, which extend those of the case study. Eventually, this work yields a final design of the fine-positioner. The final design found is different from existing ones, and is shown to provide an important performance improvement with respect to existing soft robots in terms of wrenches it can support. The control of soft and continuum robots relevant to the fine-positioner is also studied. The full kinematics of continuum robots with constant curvature bending and extending capabilities are first investigated, which correspond to a preliminary design concept conceived for the fine-positioner. Closed-form solutions are derived, closing an open problem. These kinematics, however, do not exactly match the final fine-positioner design selected. Thus, an alternative control approach based on closed-loop control laws is then adopted. For this, a mechanical model is first developed. Closed-loop control laws are then derived based on this mechanical model for planar operation of a segment of the fine-positioner. The control laws obtained represent the foundation for the subsequent development of control laws for a full fine-positioner operating in 3D. Furthermore, work on path planning for nonholonomic systems is also reported, and a new algorithm is presented, which can be applied for the insertion of the overall robotic system. Solutions to the other parts of the robotic system for on-wing operations are also reported. A gross-positioner consisting of a non-annular CTR is proposed. Solutions for a deployment mechanism are also presented. Potential feedback systems are outlined. In addition, methods for the fabrication of the systems are reported, and the electronics and systems required for the assembly of the different parts are described. Finally, the use of the robotic system to perform on-wing inspections in a representative case study is studied to determine the viability. Inspection strategies are shortlisted, and simulations and experiments are used to study them. The results, however, indicate that inspection is not viable since the signal to noise ratio is excessively low. Nonetheless, the robotic system proposed, and the research conducted, are still expected to be useful to perform a range of on-wing operations that require the insertion and deployment of a probe or other end-effector. In addition, the trajectories discovered for CTRs, the design found for the fine-positioner, and the advances on control, also have significant potential in MIS, where there is an important need for miniature robotic manipulators and similar devices.Open Acces
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