312 research outputs found

    Towards Trace Metrics via Functor Lifting

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    We investigate the possibility of deriving metric trace semantics in a coalgebraic framework. First, we generalize a technique for systematically lifting functors from the category Set of sets to the category PMet of pseudometric spaces, showing under which conditions also natural transformations, monads and distributive laws can be lifted. By exploiting some recent work on an abstract determinization, these results enable the derivation of trace metrics starting from coalgebras in Set. More precisely, for a coalgebra on Set we determinize it, thus obtaining a coalgebra in the Eilenberg-Moore category of a monad. When the monad can be lifted to PMet, we can equip the final coalgebra with a behavioral distance. The trace distance between two states of the original coalgebra is the distance between their images in the determinized coalgebra through the unit of the monad. We show how our framework applies to nondeterministic automata and probabilistic automata

    Towards Trace Metrics via Functor Lifting

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    We investigate the possibility of deriving metric trace semantics in a coalgebraic framework. First, we generalize a technique for systematically lifting functors from the category Set of sets to the category PMet of pseudometric spaces, by identifying conditions under which also natural transformations, monads and distributive laws can be lifted. By exploiting some recent work on an abstract determinization, these results enable the derivation of trace metrics starting from coalgebras in Set. More precisely, for a coalgebra in Set we determinize it, thus obtaining a coalgebra in the Eilenberg-Moore category of a monad. When the monad can be lifted to PMet, we can equip the final coalgebra with a behavioral distance. The trace distance between two states of the original coalgebra is the distance between their images in the determinized coalgebra through the unit of the monad. We show how our framework applies to nondeterministic automata and probabilistic automata

    Coalgebraic Behavioral Metrics

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    We study different behavioral metrics, such as those arising from both branching and linear-time semantics, in a coalgebraic setting. Given a coalgebra α ⁣:XHX\alpha\colon X \to HX for a functor H ⁣:SetSetH \colon \mathrm{Set}\to \mathrm{Set}, we define a framework for deriving pseudometrics on XX which measure the behavioral distance of states. A crucial step is the lifting of the functor HH on Set\mathrm{Set} to a functor H\overline{H} on the category PMet\mathrm{PMet} of pseudometric spaces. We present two different approaches which can be viewed as generalizations of the Kantorovich and Wasserstein pseudometrics for probability measures. We show that the pseudometrics provided by the two approaches coincide on several natural examples, but in general they differ. If HH has a final coalgebra, every lifting H\overline{H} yields in a canonical way a behavioral distance which is usually branching-time, i.e., it generalizes bisimilarity. In order to model linear-time metrics (generalizing trace equivalences), we show sufficient conditions for lifting distributive laws and monads. These results enable us to employ the generalized powerset construction

    Distances between States and between Predicates

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    This paper gives a systematic account of various metrics on probability distributions (states) and on predicates. These metrics are described in a uniform manner using the validity relation between states and predicates. The standard adjunction between convex sets (of states) and effect modules (of predicates) is restricted to convex complete metric spaces and directed complete effect modules. This adjunction is used in two state-and-effect triangles, for classical (discrete) probability and for quantum probability

    Expressive Logics for Coinductive Predicates

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    The classical Hennessy-Milner theorem says that two states of an image-finite transition system are bisimilar if and only if they satisfy the same formulas in a certain modal logic. In this paper we study this type of result in a general context, moving from transition systems to coalgebras and from bisimilarity to coinductive predicates. We formulate when a logic fully characterises a coinductive predicate on coalgebras, by providing suitable notions of adequacy and expressivity, and give sufficient conditions on the semantics. The approach is illustrated with logics characterising similarity, divergence and a behavioural metric on automata

    Up-To Techniques for Behavioural Metrics via Fibrations

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    Up-to techniques are a well-known method for enhancing coinductive proofs of behavioural equivalences. We introduce up-to techniques for behavioural metrics between systems modelled as coalgebras and we provide abstract results to prove their soundness in a compositional way. In order to obtain a general framework, we need a systematic way to lift functors: we show that the Wasserstein lifting of a functor, introduced in a previous work, corresponds to a change of base in a fibrational sense. This observation enables us to reuse existing results about soundness of up-to techniques in a fibrational setting. We focus on the fibrations of predicates and relations valued in a quantale, for which pseudo-metric spaces are an example. To illustrate our approach we provide an example on distances between regular languages

    Expressive Quantale-valued Logics for Coalgebras: an Adjunction-based Approach

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    We address the task of deriving fixpoint equations from modal logics characterizing behavioural equivalences and metrics (summarized under the term conformances). We rely on earlier work that obtains Hennessy-Milner theorems as corollaries to a fixpoint preservation property along Galois connections between suitable lattices. We instantiate this to the setting of coalgebras, in which we spell out the compatibility property ensuring that we can derive a behaviour function whose greatest fixpoint coincides with the logical conformance. We then concentrate on the linear-time case, for which we study coalgebras based on the machine functor living in Eilenberg-Moore categories, a scenario for which we obtain a particularly simple logic and fixpoint equation. The theory is instantiated to concrete examples, both in the branching-time case (bisimilarity and behavioural metrics) and in the linear-time case (trace equivalences and trace distances)

    Coalgebra for the working software engineer

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    Often referred to as ‘the mathematics of dynamical, state-based systems’, Coalgebra claims to provide a compositional and uniform framework to spec ify, analyse and reason about state and behaviour in computing. This paper addresses this claim by discussing why Coalgebra matters for the design of models and logics for computational phenomena. To a great extent, in this domain one is interested in properties that are preserved along the system’s evolution, the so-called ‘business rules’ or system’s invariants, as well as in liveness requirements, stating that e.g. some desirable outcome will be eventually produced. Both classes are examples of modal assertions, i.e. properties that are to be interpreted across a transition system capturing the system’s dynamics. The relevance of modal reasoning in computing is witnessed by the fact that most university syllabi in the area include some incursion into modal logic, in particular in its temporal variants. The novelty is that, as it happens with the notions of transition, behaviour, or observational equivalence, modalities in Coalgebra acquire a shape . That is, they become parametric on whatever type of behaviour, and corresponding coinduction scheme, seems appropriate for addressing the problem at hand. In this context, the paper revisits Coalgebra from a computational perspective, focussing on three topics central to software design: how systems are modelled, how models are composed, and finally, how properties of their behaviours can be expressed and verified.Fuzziness, as a way to express imprecision, or uncertainty, in computation is an important feature in a number of current application scenarios: from hybrid systems interfacing with sensor networks with error boundaries, to knowledge bases collecting data from often non-coincident human experts. Their abstraction in e.g. fuzzy transition systems led to a number of mathematical structures to model this sort of systems and reason about them. This paper adds two more elements to this family: two modal logics, framed as institutions, to reason about fuzzy transition systems and the corresponding processes. This paves the way to the development, in the second part of the paper, of an associated theory of structured specification for fuzzy computational systems

    Quantitative Graded Semantics and Spectra of Behavioural Metrics

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    Behavioural metrics provide a quantitative refinement of classical two-valued behavioural equivalences on systems with quantitative data, such as metric or probabilistic transition systems. In analogy to the classical linear-time/branching-time spectrum of two-valued behavioural equivalences on transition systems, behavioural metrics come in various degrees of granularity, depending on the observer's ability to interact with the system. Graded monads have been shown to provide a unifying framework for spectra of behavioural equivalences. Here, we transfer this principle to spectra of behavioural metrics, working at a coalgebraic level of generality, that is, parametrically in the system type. In the ensuing development of quantitative graded semantics, we discuss presentations of graded monads on the category of metric spaces in terms of graded quantitative equational theories. Moreover, we obtain a canonical generic notion of invariant real-valued modal logic, and provide criteria for such logics to be expressive in the sense that logical distance coincides with the respective behavioural distance. We thus recover recent expressiveness results for coalgebraic branching-time metrics and for trace distance in metric transition systems; moreover, we obtain a new expressiveness result for trace semantics of fuzzy transition systems. We also provide a number of salient negative results. In particular, we show that trace distance on probabilistic metric transition systems does not admit a characteristic real-valued modal logic at all