4 research outputs found

    Towards Testing and Analysis of Systems that Use Serialization

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    AbstractObject serialization facilitates the flattening of structured objects into byte streams and is therefore important for all component-based applications that strongly rely on data-exchange among components. Unfortunately, implementing and controlling the serialization mechanisms may expose the software to subtle faults. This paper paves the way towards testing and analysis techniques specifically tailored to the assessment of software that uses serialization. In particular, we introduce a taxonomy of abstractions and terms to semantically characterize and classify the main data-exchange cases, which serialization can be involved with. The resulting conceptual framework provides a means to forecast how erroneous implementations of serialization would look like in different cases, thus enabling the focusing of testing and analysis techniques to address serialization-related faults

    Data serialization and formats for information exchange

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    Tato práce se zabývá kódováním dat a datovými formáty, které lze použít pro výměnu informací a je možné je použít pro serializaci a deserializaci dat. V rámci přenosu dat je podrobněji vysvětlen serializační a deserializační proces převodu datových struktur, objektů do sekvence bitů, kde později může být uložen ve vyrovnávací paměti, nebo přenesen počítačovou sítí. Jsou důkladně popsány nejznámější datové formáty XML a JSON. Práce hodnotí jednotlivé formáty a porovnává je z hlediska rychlosti počítačového zpracování, paměťové náročnosti a způsobu provedení jednotlivých formátů. Navržení a aplikace vlastního datového formátu pro přenos a ukládání dat.This thesis deals with a data encryption and data formats that can be used to exchange information and can be used to data serialization and deserialization data. The data is further explained and serialization and deserialization process of converting data structures, objects in a sequence of bits, which can later be stored in the cache memory or transferred to a computer network. They are thoroughly described in the best-known data formats, XML and JSON. The paper evaluates the different formats and compares them in terms of processing speed, memory consumption and execution of each format. Design and application of custom data format for data transfer and storage.

    Towards Testing and Analysis of Systems that Use Serialization

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    Object serialization facilitates the flattening of structured objects into byte streams and is therefore important for all component-based applications that strongly rely on data-exchange among components. Unfortunately, implementing and controlling the serialization mechanisms may expose the software to subtle faults. This paper paves the way towards testing and analysis techniques specifically tailored to the assessment of software that uses serialization. In particular, we introduce a taxonomy of abstractions and terms to semantically characterize and classify the main data-exchange cases, which serialization can be involved with. The resulting conceptual framework provides a means to forecast how erroneous implementations of serialization would look like in di#erent cases, thus enabling the focusing of testing and analysis techniques to address serialization-related faults