1,404 research outputs found

    Towards Testing Concurrent Objects in CLP

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    Testing is a vital part of the software development process. It is even more so in the context of concurrent languages, since due to undesired task interleavings and to unexpected behaviours of the underlying task scheduler, errors can go easily undetected. This paper studies the extension of the CLP-based framework for glass-box test data generation of sequential programs to the context of concurrent objects, a concurrency model which constitutes a promising solution to concurrency in OO languages. Our framework combines standard termination and coverage criteria used for testing sequential programs with specific criteria which control termination and coverage from the concurrency point of view, e.g., we can limit the number of task interleavings allowed and the number of loop unrollings performed in each parallel component, etc

    Testing of Concurrent Programs

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    Testing concurrent systems requires exploring all possible non-deterministic interleavings that the concurrent execution may have, as any of the interleavings may reveal erroneous behaviour. This introduces a new problem: the well-known state space problem, which is often computationally intractable. In the present thesis, this issue will be addressed through: (1) the development of new Partial-Order Reduction Techniques and (2) the combination of static analysis and testing (property-based testing) in order to reduce the combinatorial explosion. As a preliminary result, we have performed an experimental evaluation on the SYCO tool, a CLP-based testing framework for actor-based concurrency, where these techniques have been implemented. Finally, our experiments prove the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed techniques

    Tools for Search Tree Visualization: The APT Tool

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    The control part of the execution of a constraint logic program can be conceptually shown as a search-tree, where nodes correspond to calis, and whose branches represent conjunctions and disjunctions. This tree represents the search space traversed by the program, and has also a direct relationship with the amount of work performed by the program. The nodes of the tree can be used to display information regarding the state and origin of instantiation of the variables involved in each cali. This depiction can also be used for the enumeration process. These are the features implemented in APT, a tool which runs constraint logic programs while depicting a (modified) search-tree, keeping at the same time information about the state of the variables at every moment in the execution. This information can be used to replay the execution at will, both forwards and backwards in time. These views can be abstracted when the size of the execution requires it. The search-tree view is used as a framework onto which constraint-level visualizations (such as those presented in the following chapter) can be attached

    Testing abstract behavioral specifications

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    We present a range of testing techniques for the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language and apply them to an industrial case study. ABS is a formal modeling language for highly variable, concurrent, component-based systems. The nature of these systems makes them susceptible to the introduction of subtle bugs that are hard to detect in the presence of steady adaptation. While static analysis techniques are available for an abstract language such as ABS, testing is still indispensable and complements analytic methods. We focus on fully automated testing techniques including black-box and glass-box test generation as well as runtime assertion checking, which are shown to be effective in an industrial setting

    Introduction to the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming Special Issue

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    We are proud to introduce this special issue of the Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), dedicated to the full papers accepted for the 28th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP). The ICLP meetings started in Marseille in 1982 and since then constitute the main venue for presenting and discussing work in the area of logic programming

    Testing abstract behavioral specifications

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    We present a range of testing techniques for the Abstract Behavioral Specification (ABS) language and apply them to an industrial case study. ABS is a formal modeling language for highly variable, concurrent, component-based systems. The nature of these systems makes them susceptible to the introduction of subtle bugs that are hard to detect in the presence of steady adaptation. While static analysis techniques are available for an abstract language such as ABS, testing is still indispensable and complements analytic methods. We focus on fully automated testing techniques including blackbox and glassbox test generation as well as runtime assertion checking, which are shown to be effective in an industrial setting