927 research outputs found


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    Dalam memutuskan strategi Single Sign-On (SSO) yang efektif, perguruan tinggi perlu memahami manfaat SSO, mengidentifikasi kebutuhan spesifik organisasi, dan memilih protokol yang akan memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efektifitas penerapan SSO protokol SAML dan OAuth 2.0 pada perguruan tinggi Yogyakarta. Langkah penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data, kemudian melakukan analisis penerapan protokol SAML dan OAuth 2.0 terhadap referensi yang relevan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui literatur review, observasi pada domain-domain website resmi perguruan tinggi, survei, dan wawancara kepada 22 responden dari 17 Pusat IT perguruan tinggi. Dari hasil survei dan wawancara ditemukan ketidaksesuaian penerapan protokol pada 7 perguruan tinggi yang mengintegrasikan aplikasi native (desktop-based/mobile-based) dan IoT menggunakan SAML dan juga ditemukan ketidaksesuaian penerapan protokol yaitu OAuth 2.0 pada 2 perguruan tinggi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa beberapa perguruan tinggi belum menerapkan SSO secara efektif. Meskipun 60% perguruan tinggi mengklaim telah melakukan riset dalam pemilihan protokol SSO yang digunakan, namun pada praktiknya masih dijumpai penerapan SSO yang justru menambah kompleksitas permasalahan sebelumnya.   Kata kunci: evaluasi, oauth 2.0, perguruan tinggi, saml, single sign-on &nbsp

    As simple as pressing a button? A review of the literature on BigBlueButton

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    BigBlueButton is an open source virtual classroom software. Since this software was released in 2009, many studies have explored how to use it, especially for e-learning. However, to date, there is no published systematic synthesis of the relevant literature on the subject. This literature review appraises the effectiveness of BigBlueButton in educational settings and pulls relevant pieces of information together into a readable format. The main conclusion is that BigBlueButton is intuitive, interoperable with other software and has the potential to positively affect the learning performance of students. Despite the features and functionalities of BigBlueButton, several limitations are apparent: web conference educators have less control over online teaching compared with their face-to-face counterparts, practical subjects are difficult to teach through web conferencing, technical challenges may affect web-conferencing sessions, web conferencing requires skills additional to those of conventional teaching, cultural differences may affect students' attitudes towards web conference-based learning and educators that teach through web conferencing may feel isolated in their role, both geographically and collegially. By reviewing the features, potential impacts and limitations of BigBlueButton, this study contributes to the growing literature on web conferencing systems and provides insights into the role of BigBlueButton in e-learning. © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Zoom Video Conference: Is It The Best Solution for Remote Learning of English Language Teaching?

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    COVID-19 pandemic has forced many innovations to support remote teaching and learning. With several means available to conduct the teaching and learning, Zoom has become the favorable one. This study investigates how students perceive Zoom as a video conference in English language learning. A survey quantitative method was used to generate the high school students’ perceptions. After distributing the questionnaire, the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result shows that although the difference is not much, students gave more positive statements on the use of Zoom. This positive experience has proved that Zoom might be the best solution for English remote learning

    Nurturing a Digital Learning Environment for Adults 55+

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    Being digitally competent means having competences in all areas of DigComp: Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation, Safety and Problem-solving. More than other demographic categories, adults 55+ have a wide range of levels of digitalization. Depending on their level of competences, individuals may join self-administered online courses to improve their skills, or they may need guidance from adult educators. Taking into consideration the above situation and willing to address adult learners regardless of their initial skill levels, the proposed educational programme is carefully designed for both: self-administrated and educator-led training. It comprises five totally innovative courses that can be separately taught or can be integrated into a complex programme delivered by adult education organizations. These courses are the result of an ERASMUS+ project “Digital Facilitator for Adults 55+”. Chapter 1 introduces the methodology for designing attractive and engaging educational materials for adults’ digital skills improvement. The methodology clarifies the inputs, the development process and the expected results. An ample explanation of the five phases of the 5E instructional strategy is presented to help adult educators build a sequence of coherent and engaging learning stages. With this approach, learners are supported to think, work, gather ideas, identify their own skill levels and needs, analyse their progress, and communicate with others under the guidance of educators. Following up on the proposed methodology, in Chapter 2 researchers from Formative Footprint (Spain), TEAM4Excellence (Romania), Voluntariat Pentru Viata (Romania) and Saricam Halk Egitimi Merkezi (Turkey) developed five course modules in line with the DIGCOMP - Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. These modules address the competence areas of information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety, and problem-solving. Each course module comprises digital textbooks, videos, interactive activities and means for evaluation developed using the 5E instructional model strategy. Understanding that accessibility is one of the main components of lifelong learning education, Chapter 3 of the manual provides an overview of the integration of educational materials, tools, instruments, video tutorials as well as DIFA55+ web app in the digital educational ecosystem. Finally, the authors formulate recommendations for usability and transferability that go beyond individuals, ensuring that educational materials are user-friendly and effective while making it easier to apply successful pedagogical approaches in other complementary educational contexts or projects.Grant Agreement—2021-1-RO01-KA220-ADU-000035297, Digital Facilitator for Adults 55

    Acoustic Cybersecurity: Exploiting Voice-Activated Systems

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    In this study, we investigate the emerging threat of inaudible acoustic attacks targeting digital voice assistants, a critical concern given their projected prevalence to exceed the global population by 2024. Our research extends the feasibility of these attacks across various platforms like Amazon's Alexa, Android, iOS, and Cortana, revealing significant vulnerabilities in smart devices. The twelve attack vectors identified include successful manipulation of smart home devices and automotive systems, potential breaches in military communication, and challenges in critical infrastructure security. We quantitatively show that attack success rates hover around 60%, with the ability to activate devices remotely from over 100 feet away. Additionally, these attacks threaten critical infrastructure, emphasizing the need for multifaceted defensive strategies combining acoustic shielding, advanced signal processing, machine learning, and robust user authentication to mitigate these risks

    Domestic Violence Legislation, Virtual Legal Methods and Researching One Female Teacher’s Lived Experiences of Recovery from Intimate Partner Violence During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic

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    Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the value of online qualitative research methodologies are increasingly being recognised within violence/abuse and legal research, but few academic papers explore the process of undertaking research wholly online which explores the intersect of both legal research methods and the exploration of the lived experiences of domestic abuse victims. For the potential of legal and domestic scholarly work to be fully recognised within academic publications and teaching, appropriate consideration of methodological issues surrounding qualitative online research methodologies is needed. This paper reflects on the experiences of one domestic abuse researcher undertaking online research during the UK’s national COVID19 lockdown when government legislation meant most socio-legal academics were restricted to conducting all research from their homes. This paper highlights the process where choosing the data collection online method (Microsoft Teams) was carefully considered to provide rich data insights that would help explore the research question under investigation. Online Microsoft Teams interviews were a successful method of undertaking scholarship examining one victims’ experience and its interconnectedness with the law. This was since they provided an in-depth understanding of the topic undertaken in a deeply private setting where a lack of face-to-face interaction seemed to enhance the richness of the data shared. The paper includes a total of five reflections are offered to help future researchers considering, and undertaking, online interviews within the field of domestic violence and legal research

    A single watermark based scheme for both protection and authentication of identities

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    The security of a watermarking scheme is mainly categorised as either robust or fragile. The former can withstand an authorised alteration/attack, primarily used in copyright protection. The latter follows a zero tolerance towards any modification, used primarily in content authentication processes. The existing literature in the field projects that two separate watermarks are required to make a watermarking scheme robust and fragile, thus making the overall process cumbersome and complex. A novel image watermarking scheme that uses only one watermark while achieving both goals of copyright protection and authentication of identities is presented. An unconventional concept of checkpointing is introduced, which equips the proposed scheme to be either robust or fragile, making it superior in its application versatility. First, watermark embedding within the host/original image is achieved by a combination of transform domain techniques along with a novel median-based embedding block selection procedure. Second, checkpointing is performed in the spatial domain. The watermarked image in the absence of an attack is correlated to the one that is being attacked, using the template energy comparison-based approach. In the case of the robust watermark, such checkpointing can establish whether the carried out attack is authorised or not, determining the successful recovery of the watermark or vice-versa. Moreover, in the case of the fragile watermark, a sole confirmation of the occurrence of an attack is sufficient to make the watermark recovery impossible. Finally, the experimental analysis of the proposed scheme illustrates its excellent performance and superiority over state-of-the-art methods within the field

    Pedagogical Models of Digital Learning in the United Kingdom: Lessons for Africa

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    The chapter discusses pedagogical models of digital learning in the United Kingdom with a focus on online and blended learning, rolled out as a case study in one university. The chapter appraises the effectiveness of the model that implemented and foregrounded the evidence in the wider literature on models of digital learning in higher education. The chapter provides thematic analysis and methodological opportunities for the improvement of practice and presents a set of implementation implications and pitfalls to avoid for higher education institutions in Africa. Furthermore, a number of trends regarding the blending of learning and communication synchrony in digital learning have also been identified
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