12 research outputs found

    Improved Low-qubit Hidden Shift Algorithms

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    Hidden shift problems are relevant to assess the quantum security of various cryptographic constructs. Multiple quantum subexponential time algorithms have been proposed. In this paper, we propose some improvements on a polynomial quantum memory algorithm proposed by Childs, Jao and Soukharev in 2010. We use subset-sum algorithms to significantly reduce its complexity. We also propose new tradeoffs between quantum queries, classical time and classical memory to solve this problem

    Cryptanalyse quantique de CSIDH

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    National audienc

    Improved Low-qubit Hidden Shift Algorithms

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    Hidden shift problems are relevant to assess the quantum security of various cryptographic constructs. Multiple quantum subexponential time algorithms have been proposed. In this paper, we propose some improvements on a polynomial quantum memory algorithm proposed by Childs, Jao and Soukharev in 2010. We use subset-sum algorithms to significantly reduce its complexity. We also propose new tradeoffs between quantum queries, classical time and classical memory to solve this problem

    Multiparty Non-Interactive Key Exchange and More From Isogenies on Elliptic Curves

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    We describe a framework for constructing an efficient non-interactive key exchange (NIKE) protocol for n parties for any n >= 2. Our approach is based on the problem of computing isogenies between isogenous elliptic curves, which is believed to be difficult. We do not obtain a working protocol because of a missing step that is currently an open mathematical problem. What we need to complete our protocol is an efficient algorithm that takes as input an abelian variety presented as a product of isogenous elliptic curves, and outputs an isomorphism invariant of the abelian variety. Our framework builds a cryptographic invariant map, which is a new primitive closely related to a cryptographic multilinear map, but whose range does not necessarily have a group structure. Nevertheless, we show that a cryptographic invariant map can be used to build several cryptographic primitives, including NIKE, that were previously constructed from multilinear maps and indistinguishability obfuscation

    Orienteering with One Endomorphism

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    In supersingular isogeny-based cryptography, the path-finding problem reduces to the endomorphism ring problem. Can path-finding be reduced to knowing just one endomorphism? It is known that a small endomorphism enables polynomial-time path-finding and endomorphism ring computation (Love-Boneh [36]). An endomorphism gives an explicit orientation of a supersingular elliptic curve. In this paper, we use the volcano structure of the oriented supersingular isogeny graph to take ascending/descending/horizontal steps on the graph and deduce path-finding algorithms to an initial curve. Each altitude of the volcano corresponds to a unique quadratic order, called the primitive order. We introduce a new hard problem of computing the primitive order given an arbitrary endomorphism on the curve, and we also provide a sub-exponential quantum algorithm for solving it. In concurrent work (Wesolowski [54]), it was shown that the endomorphism ring problem in the presence of one endomorphism with known primitive order reduces to a vectorization problem, implying path-finding algorithms. Our path-finding algorithms are more general in the sense that we don't assume the knowledge of the primitive order associated with the endomorphism.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure; 3rd revision implements small corrections and expositional improvement