3,800 research outputs found

    IoT-based air quality monitoring systems for smart cities: A systematic mapping study

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    The increased level of air pollution in big cities has become a major concern for several organizations and authorities because of the risk it represents to human health. In this context, the technology has become a very useful tool in the contamination monitoring and the possible mitigation of its impact. Particularly, there are different proposals using the internet of things (IoT) paradigm that use interconnected sensors in order to measure different pollutants. In this paper, we develop a systematic mapping study defined by a five-step methodology to identify and analyze the research status in terms of IoT-based air pollution monitoring systems for smart cities. The study includes 55 proposals, some of which have been implemented in a real environment. We analyze and compare these proposals in terms of different parameters defined in the mapping and highlight some challenges for air quality monitoring systems implementation into the smart city context

    Automated 3D model generation for urban environments [online]

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    Abstract In this thesis, we present a fast approach to automated generation of textured 3D city models with both high details at ground level and complete coverage for birds-eye view. A ground-based facade model is acquired by driving a vehicle equipped with two 2D laser scanners and a digital camera under normal traffic conditions on public roads. One scanner is mounted horizontally and is used to determine the approximate component of relative motion along the movement of the acquisition vehicle via scan matching; the obtained relative motion estimates are concatenated to form an initial path. Assuming that features such as buildings are visible from both ground-based and airborne view, this initial path is globally corrected by Monte-Carlo Localization techniques using an aerial photograph or a Digital Surface Model as a global map. The second scanner is mounted vertically and is used to capture the 3D shape of the building facades. Applying a series of automated processing steps, a texture-mapped 3D facade model is reconstructed from the vertical laser scans and the camera images. In order to obtain an airborne model containing the roof and terrain shape complementary to the facade model, a Digital Surface Model is created from airborne laser scans, then triangulated, and finally texturemapped with aerial imagery. Finally, the facade model and the airborne model are fused to one single model usable for both walk- and fly-thrus. The developed algorithms are evaluated on a large data set acquired in downtown Berkeley, and the results are shown and discussed

    As-Built 3D Heritage City Modelling to Support Numerical Structural Analysis: Application to the Assessment of an Archaeological Remain

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    Terrestrial laser scanning is a widely used technology to digitise archaeological, architectural and cultural heritage. This allows for modelling the assets’ real condition in comparison with traditional data acquisition methods. This paper, based on the case study of the basilica in the Baelo Claudia archaeological ensemble (Tarifa, Spain), justifies the need of accurate heritage modelling against excessively simplified approaches in order to support structural safety analysis. To do this, after validating the 3Dmeshing process frompoint cloud data, the semi-automatic digital reconstitution of the basilica columns is performed. Next, a geometric analysis is conducted to calculate the structural alterations of the columns. In order to determine the structural performance, focusing both on the accuracy and suitability of the geometric models, static and modal analyses are carried out by means of the finite element method (FEM) on three different models for the most unfavourable column in terms of structural damage: (1) as-built (2) simplified and (3) ideal model without deformations. Finally, the outcomes show that the as-built modelling enhances the conservation status analysis of the 3D heritage city (in terms of realistic compliance factor values), although further automation still needs to be implemented in the modelling process

    ‘Greening’ the Cities

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    We are facing an urgent global environmental crisis that requires a reframing of traditional professional and conceptual boundaries within the urban environment. Complex and multidisciplinary issues need complex and multidisciplinary solutions, which result from the collaboration of many different disciplines concerned with the urban environment. A more integrated ecological perspective that recognizes the complexity of urban environments and resituates our ‘artificial’ or human-made world within its natural ecosystem can facilitate this shift towards greater knowledge exchange. C40 Cities case studies provide a framework within which to understand the disciplines and scales encompassed by ecological solutions, while projects at MIT Senseable City Lab and CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati highlight how data is used as a tool in driving ecological solutions. The artificial world of sensors, data and networks creates a bridge between the ‘artificial’ and ‘natural’ elements of our urban environments, allowing us to fully understand the present condition, connect city users and decision makers, and better integrate ecological solutions into the built environment

    Greening’ the Cities: How Data Can Drive Interdisciplinary Connections to Foster Ecological Solutions

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    We are facing an urgent global environmental crisis that requires a reframing of traditional professional and conceptual boundaries within the urban environment. Complex and multidisciplinary issues need complex and multidisciplinary solutions, which result from the collaboration of many different disciplines concerned with the urban environment. A more integrated ecological perspective that recognizes the complexity of urban environments and resituates our ‘artificial’ or human-made world within its natural ecosystem can facilitate this shift towards greater knowledge exchange. C40 Cities case studies provide a framework within which to understand the disciplines and scales encompassed by ecological solutions, while projects at MIT Senseable City Lab and CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati highlight how data is used as a tool in driving ecological solutions. The artificial world of sensors, data and networks creates a bridge between the ‘artificial’ and ‘natural’ elements of our urban environments, allowing us to fully understand the present condition, connect city users and decision makers, and better integrate ecological solutions into the built environment

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Sensing and Visualizing Social Context from Spatial Proximity

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    The concept of pervasive computing, as introduced by Marc Weiser under the name ubiquitous computing in the early 90s, spurred research into various kinds of context-aware systems and applications. There is a wide range of contextual parameters, including location, time, temperature, devices and people in proximity, which have been part of the initial ideas about context-aware computing. While locational context is already a well understood concept, social context---based on the people around us---proves to be harder to grasp and to operationalize. This work continues the line of research into social context, which is based on the proximity and meeting patterns of people in the physical space. It takes this research out of the lab and out of well controlled situations into our urban environments, which are full of ambiguity and opportunities. The key to this research is the tool that caused dramatic change in individual and collective behavior during the last 20 years and which is a manifestation of many of the ideas of the pervasive computing paradigm: the mobile phone. In this work, the mobile is regarded as a proxy for people. Through it, the social environment becomes accessible to digital measurement and processing. To understand the large amount of data that now becomes available to automatic measurement, we will turn to the discipline of social network analysis. It provides powerful methods, that are able to condense data and extract relevant meaning. Visualization helps to understand and interpret the results. This thesis contains a number of experiments, that demonstrate how the automatic measurement of social proximity data through Bluetooth can be used to measure variables of personal behavior, group behavior and the behavior of groups in relation to places. The principal contributions are: * A methodology to visualize personal social context by using an ego proximity network. Specific episodes can be localized and compared. * method to compare different days in terms of social context, e.g. to support automatic diary applications. * A method to compose social geographic maps. Locations of similar social context are detected and combined. * Functions to measure short-term changes in social activity, based on the distinction between strange and familiar devices. * The characterization of Bluetooth inquiries for social proximity sensing. * A dataset of Bluetooth sightings from an ego perspective in seven different settings. Additionally, some settings feature multiple stationary scanners and Cell-ID measurements. * Soft- and hardware to capture, collect, store and analyze Bluetooth proximity data

    optimización da planificación de adquisición de datos LIDAR cara ó modelado 3D de interiores

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    The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the design, validation and implementation of methodologies that allow the geometric and topological modelling of navigable spaces, whether inside buildings or urban environments, to be integrated into three-dimensional geographic information systems (GIS-3D). The input data of this work will consist mainly of point clouds (which can be classified) acquired by LiDAR systems both indoors and outdoors. In addition, the use of BIM infrastructure models and cadastral maps is proposed depending on their availability. Point clouds provide a large amount of environmental information with high accuracy compared to data offered by other acquisition technologies. However, the lack of data structure and volume requires a great deal of processing effort. For this reason, the first step is to structure the data by dividing the input cloud into simpler entities that facilitate subsequent processes. For this first division, the physical elements present in the cloud will be considered, since they can be walls in the case of interior environments or kerbs in the case of exteriors. In order to generate navigation routes adapted to different mobile agents, the next objective will try to establish a semantic subdivision of space according to the functionalities of space. In the case of internal environments, it is possible to use BIM models to evaluate the results and the use of cadastral maps that support the division of the urban environment. Once the navigable space is divided, the design of topologically coherent navigation networks will be parameterized both geometrically and topologically. For this purpose, several spatial discretization techniques, such as 3D tessellations, will be studied to facilitate the establishment of topological relationships, adjacency, connectivity and inclusion between subspaces. Based on the geometric characterization and the topological relations established in the previous phase, the creation of three-dimensional navigation networks with multimodal support will be addressed and different levels of detail will be considered according to the mobility specifications of each agent and its purpose. Finally, the possibility of integrating the networks generated in a GIS-3D visualization system will be considered. For the correct visualization, the level of detail can be adjusted according to geometry and semantics. Aspects such as the type of user or transport, mobility, rights of access to spaces, etc. They must be considered at all times.El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es el diseño, la validación y la implementación de metodologías que permitan el modelado geométrico y topológico de espacios navegables, ya sea de interiores de edificios o entornos urbanos, para integrarse en sistemas de información geográfica tridimensional (SIG). -3D). Los datos de partida de este trabajo consistirán principalmente en nubes de puntos (que pueden estar clasificados) adquiridas por sistemas LiDAR tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Además, se propone el uso de modelos BIM de infraestructuras y mapas catastrales en función de su disponibilidad. Las nubes de puntos proporcionan una gran cantidad de información del entorno con gran precisión con respecto a los datos ofrecidos por otras tecnologías de adquisición. Sin embargo, la falta de estructura de datos y su volumen requiere un gran esfuerzo de procesamiento. Por este motivo, el primer paso que se debe realizar consiste en estructurar los datos dividiendo la nube de entrada en entidades más simples que facilitan los procesos posteriores. Para esta primera división se considerarán los elementos físicos presentes en la nube, ya que pueden ser paredes en el caso de entornos interiores o bordillos en el caso de los exteriores. Con el propósito de generar rutas de navegación adaptadas a diferentes agentes móviles, el próximo objetivo intentará establecer una subdivisión semántica del espacio de acuerdo con las funcionalidades del espacio. En el caso de entornos internos, es posible utilizar modelos BIM para evaluar los resultados y el uso de mapas catastrales que sirven de apoyo en la división del entorno urbano. Una vez que se divide el espacio navegable, se parametrizará tanto geométrica como topológicamente al diseño de redes de navegación topológicamente coherentes. Para este propósito, se estudiarán varias técnicas de discretización espacial, como las teselaciones 3D, para facilitar el establecimiento de relaciones topológicas, la adyacencia, la conectividad y la inclusión entre subespacios. A partir de la caracterización geométrica y las relaciones topológicas establecidas en la fase anterior, se abordará la creación de redes de navegación tridimensionales con soporte multimodal y se considerarán diversos niveles de detalle según las especificaciones de movilidad de cada agente y su propósito. Finalmente, se contemplará la posibilidad de integrar las redes generadas en un sistema de visualización tridimensional 3D SIG 3D. Para la correcta visualización, el nivel de detalle se puede ajustar en función de la geometría y la semántica. Aspectos como el tipo de usuario o transporte, movilidad, derechos de acceso a espacios, etc. Deben ser considerados en todo momento.O obxectivo principal desta tese doutoral é o deseño, validación e implementación de metodoloxías que permitan o modelado xeométrico e topolóxico de espazos navegables, ben sexa de interiores de edificios ou de entornos urbanos, ca fin de seren integrados en Sistemas de Información Xeográfica tridimensionais (SIX-3D). Os datos de partida deste traballo constarán principalmente de nubes de puntos (que poden estar clasificadas) adquiridas por sistemas LiDAR tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Ademáis plantease o uso de modelos BIM de infraestruturas e mapas catastrais dependendo da súa dispoñibilidade. As nubes de puntos proporcionan unha gran cantidade de información do entorno cunha gran precisión respecto os datos que ofrecen outras tecnoloxías de adquisición. Sen embargo, a falta de estrutura dos datos e a seu volume esixe un amplo esforzo de procesado. Por este motivo o primeiro paso a levar a cabo consiste nunha estruturación dos datos mediante a división da nube de entrada en entidades máis sinxelas que faciliten os procesos posteriores. Para esta primeira división consideraranse elementos físicos presentes na nube como poden ser paredes no caso de entornos interiores ou bordillos no caso de exteriores. Coa finalidade de xerar rutas de navegación adaptadas a distintos axentes móbiles, o seguinte obxectivo tratará de establecer unha subdivisión semántica do espazo de acordo as funcionalidades do espazo. No caso de entornos interiores plantease a posibilidade de empregar modelos BIM para avaliar os resultados e o uso de mapas catastrais que sirvan de apoio na división do entorno urbano. Unha vez divido o espazo navigable parametrizarase tanto xeométricamente como topolóxicamene de cara ao deseño de redes de navegación topolóxicamente coherentes. Para este fin estudaranse varias técnicas de discretización de espazos como como son as teselacións 3D co obxectivo de facilitar establecer relacións topolóxicas, de adxacencia, conectividade e inclusión entre subespazos. A partir da caracterización xeométrica e das relación topolóxicas establecidas na fase previa abordarase a creación de redes de navegación tridimensionais con soporte multi-modal e considerando varios niveis de detalle de acordo as especificacións de mobilidade de cada axente e a súa finalidade. Finalmente comtemplarase a posibilidade de integrar as redes xeradas nun sistema SIX 3D visualización tridimensional. Para a correcta visualización o nivel de detalle poderá axustarse en base a xeometría e a semántica. Aspectos como o tipo de usuario ou transporte, mobilidade, dereitos de acceso a espazos, etc. deberán ser considerados en todo momento