1,580 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential of accounting for embodied carbon emissions in building projects in Uganda

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    With the well-known impacts that the building sector has on the environment, accounting for embodied carbon (EC) emissions in building projects is emerging as an important consideration in project development approval processes. National and international initiatives on accounting for EC have been registered and in some countries, accounting for EC has been made mandatory. However, largely, the potential of accounting for EC is yet to be fully realised due to the prevailing limited integration of EC in building projects. In this paper, the potential of accounting for EC in the building sector in Uganda is explored using a two-stage approach. The first stage comprised of three steps: process discovery − to document prevailing practices; process modelling − to create an as-is system representing prevailing practices, and verification − using semi-structured interviews to ascertain whether the as-is system had been created correctly. The second stage comprised of two steps: analysis and process modelling. Analysis involved drawing evidence from the literature and the verified practices, in order to identify opportunities of introducing EC accounting. Through process modelling, a new (to-be) system incorporating EC was then created. Results from the verification step showed that the prevailing practices had been modelled correctly, further confirming the absence of EC accounting in the referenced context. Analyses revealed that incorporating EC accounting in building projects is plausible but should largely consider national circumstances, such as development approval processes. The overall findings shed more light on the increasingly appreciated phenomenon of accounting for EC in building projects. It is hoped that this work can remind, and at the same time, inform construction management practice and policy of the responsibilities the building sector has towards promoting sustainable construction

    From one word to two words: repetition patterns on the way to structured speech

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    This paper gives an account of the transition from one-word to multiword utterances based on the productions of one child from age 1;5.23 to 1;8.15 in spontaneous interaction with her mother. The authors' interpretation of the observed development emphasizes: (1) the initial dissociation and later co-ordination of temporal chaining of elements on the one hand and meaning-relatedness between elements on the other; and (2) the psychological importance of repetition patterns for the change from single-word functioning to meaning-related and temporally-chained multi-word utterances, i.e. utterances that show the duality of patterning characteristic of human languag

    Performance assessment of urban precinct design: a scoping study

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    Executive Summary: Significant advances have been made over the past decade in the development of scientifically and industry accepted tools for the performance assessment of buildings in terms of energy, carbon, water, indoor environment quality etc. For resilient, sustainable low carbon urban development to be realised in the 21st century, however, will require several radical transitions in design performance beyond the scale of individual buildings. One of these involves the creation and application of leading edge tools (not widely available to built environment professions and practitioners) capable of being applied to an assessment of performance across all stages of development at a precinct scale (neighbourhood, community and district) in either greenfield, brownfield or greyfield settings. A core aspect here is the development of a new way of modelling precincts, referred to as Precinct Information Modelling (PIM) that provides for transparent sharing and linking of precinct object information across the development life cycle together with consistent, accurate and reliable access to reference data, including that associated with the urban context of the precinct. Neighbourhoods are the ‘building blocks’ of our cities and represent the scale at which urban design needs to make its contribution to city performance: as productive, liveable, environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive places (COAG 2009). Neighbourhood design constitutes a major area for innovation as part of an urban design protocol established by the federal government (Department of Infrastructure and Transport 2011, see Figure 1). The ability to efficiently and effectively assess urban design performance at a neighbourhood level is in its infancy. This study was undertaken by Swinburne University of Technology, University of New South Wales, CSIRO and buildingSMART Australasia on behalf of the CRC for Low Carbon Living

    Literariness as a Culturally Based Feature

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    Autor uwaĆŒa, ĆŒe pytanie o literackoƛć dotyczy istoty i spoƂecznej egzystencji teorii literatury jako autonomicznej dyscypliny. Teoretyk literacki nie tylko obserwuje literaturę, ale jest rĂłwnieĆŒ jej uczestnikiem, ktĂłry poƛrednio - poprzez system nauki i edukacji zaangaĆŒowany jest w konstruowanie zarĂłwno samego pojęcia jak i praktyki literackiej. Literackoƛć nie jest inwariantnym zbiorem „obiektywnych" cech dystynktywnych wszystkich tekstĂłw uznawanych za literackie, nie jest rĂłwnieĆŒ wyƂącznie funkcją spoƂeczną. MoĆŒe być zdefiniowana jako funkcjonowanie tekstu w systemie literackim, moĆŒliwe tylko w oparciu o trwaƂoƛć i ĆŒywotnoƛć konwencji oraz istnienie wywiedzionego z paradygmatĂłw kanonu literackiego. Jest więc literackoƛć kulturowo i historycznie zmienna oraz zaleĆŒna od szerszego spoƂecznego i językowego kontekstu

    Evidence of Hindu Religion on the Theory of Chomsky\u27s Transformational Grammar

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    The purpose of this paper is to broaden the links to Noam Chomsky, the American linguist in order to show that he is not only a product of his own professors or immediate surroundings, nor from links he willingly made to the 17th-19th century scientists and philosophers but also further back to the Hindu mathematician linguist Panini. Individual studies were made in the past to each of these aspects separately but this paper brings concepts together to form a network of similarity of ideas that stands ultimately in contrast to another reality of understanding, that is, two sets of networks. Panini was a Hindu linguist and the Colonial upsurge in Sanskrit studies brought Westerners in contact with this grammarian. What became clear from this paper is that past history and ideas have a pop-up role to play when scientists are at loss what to do or say in their description of science. The scientist is not working purely empirical but his/her epistemology is subconsciously or unconsciously molded by “prooftext” statements of great minds in the past that aligned with the lifestyle choice of the scientist. Chomsky pulled together in his linguistic description statements from scientists that support his own idea. Understanding Hindu religion better, enabled one to see lines of correspondence with the theory and axioms of Leonard Bloomfield and further, also with that of Noam Chomsky in his design of the Transformational Grammar. Knowing more about Panini and his disciples brought one ultimately to understand the epistemology behind transformational grammars and to realize that the conflict with Traditional Grammar is more than a formal or functional one but rooted deeper in a difference of monotheisitc Judeo-Christian epistemology, on the one side, with deistic philosophies or pantheistic Hindu epistemology on the other

    Technical Characteristics of Incunabulum in Europe

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    Incunabula are printed materials created in Europe from the time of Johann Gutenberg\u27s invention until 1500. Incunabula originate from the Latin language (lat. Incunabulum) and mean cradle or the beginning of something. In this paper, the representation of individual states and cities in the creation of incunabula is investigated and presented. The persons responsible for such development are also listed. Special attention is given to the presentation of Croatian incunabula. The mentioned works describe the characteristic features. Incunabula testify to a high level of culture, standards, and technological development of a particular area. The studied works reveal and confirm, as confirmed in this paper, the attitude of society towards literacy, education, and the national culture of each nation. This paper aims to comprehensively present the importance of incunabula for the development of European and Croatian culture, technological and comprehensive progress

    Preacher\u27s Magazine Volume 41 Number 03

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    Publication renamed, The Nazarene Preacher Proposal of a Code of Conduct, V. H. Lewis Why This Special Issue? The Editor Intention — Achievement, Edward Lawlor The Sovereign Claims of God and an Empowered Church, A. E. Airhart Evangelizing the Rural and Urban Communities, Carl B. Clendenen Utilizing Contemporary Communication in Evangelism, H. Dale Mitchell The Pastor’s Involvement in Evangelism, M. Kimber Moulton The Nazarene Evangelist’s Involvement in Evangelism, Robert H. Scott The Responsibility of the Nazarene Evangelist to His Denomination, H. G. Purkhiser Family Communion, B. Edgar Johnson DEPARTMENTS The Pastor’s Supplement Sermonic Studies My Problem Ideas That Work Bulletin Exchange Here and There Among Books Among Ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/1464/thumbnail.jp

    Preacher\u27s Magazine Volume 41 Number 03

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    Publication renamed, The Nazarene Preacher Proposal of a Code of Conduct, V. H. Lewis Why This Special Issue? The Editor Intention — Achievement, Edward Lawlor The Sovereign Claims of God and an Empowered Church, A. E. Airhart Evangelizing the Rural and Urban Communities, Carl B. Clendenen Utilizing Contemporary Communication in Evangelism, H. Dale Mitchell The Pastor’s Involvement in Evangelism, M. Kimber Moulton The Nazarene Evangelist’s Involvement in Evangelism, Robert H. Scott The Responsibility of the Nazarene Evangelist to His Denomination, H. G. Purkhiser Family Communion, B. Edgar Johnson DEPARTMENTS The Pastor’s Supplement Sermonic Studies My Problem Ideas That Work Bulletin Exchange Here and There Among Books Among Ourselveshttps://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_pm/1464/thumbnail.jp

    Everyday futures:A new interdisciplinary area of research

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    An interdisciplinary group of researchers have formed the Everyday Futures Network in July 2016. An inaugural workshop was held at Lancaster University's Institute for Social Futures. Tim Chatterton and Georgia Newmarch's article examines the diversity of ways of living that coexists at any moment in time between different cultures and social groups. The authors argue that some members of the society, including technology designers and researchers, have more power than others to decide the types of futures that get promoted and prioritized. Daniel Welch, Margit Keller, and Guiliana Mandich point out that all too often future visions such as the circular economy gloss over the changed everyday lives essential to their realization. Maureen Meadows and Matthijs Kouw offer a method for developing multiple visions of a better everyday future, emphasizing plurality and potentially conflicting ideas of the good life
