181 research outputs found

    High Performance Computing for DNA Sequence Alignment and Assembly

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    Recent advances in DNA sequencing technology have dramatically increased the scale and scope of DNA sequencing. These data are used for a wide variety of important biological analyzes, including genome sequencing, comparative genomics, transcriptome analysis, and personalized medicine but are complicated by the volume and complexity of the data involved. Given the massive size of these datasets, computational biology must draw on the advances of high performance computing. Two fundamental computations in computational biology are read alignment and genome assembly. Read alignment maps short DNA sequences to a reference genome to discover conserved and polymorphic regions of the genome. Genome assembly computes the sequence of a genome from many short DNA sequences. Both computations benefit from recent advances in high performance computing to efficiently process the huge datasets involved, including using highly parallel graphics processing units (GPUs) as high performance desktop processors, and using the MapReduce framework coupled with cloud computing to parallelize computation to large compute grids. This dissertation demonstrates how these technologies can be used to accelerate these computations by orders of magnitude, and have the potential to make otherwise infeasible computations practical

    Integrating Skips and Bitvectors for List Intersection

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    This thesis examines space-time optimizations of in-memory search engines. Search engines can answer queries quickly, but this is accomplished using significant resources in the form of multiple machines running concurrently. Improving the performance of search engines means reducing the resource costs, such as hardware, energy, and cooling. These saved resources can then be used to improve the effectiveness of the search engine or provide additional added value to the system. We improve the space-time performance for search engines in the context of in-memory conjunctive intersection of ordered document identifier lists. We show that reordering of document identifiers can produce dense regions in these lists, where bitvectors can be used to improve the efficiency of conjunctive list intersection. Since the process of list intersection is a fundamental building block and a major performance bottleneck for search engines, this work will be important for all search engine researchers and developers. Our results are presented in three stages. First, we show how to combine multiple existing techniques for list intersection to improve space-time performance. We combine bitvectors for large lists with skips over compressed values for the other lists. When the skips are large and overlaid on the compressed lists, space-time performance is superior to existing techniques, such as using skips or bitvectors separately. Second, we show that grouping documents by size and ordering by URL within groups combines the skewed clustering that results from document size ordering with the tight clustering that results from URL ordering. We propose a new semi-bitvector data structure that encodes the front of a list, including groups with large documents, as a bitvector and the rest of the list as skips over compressed values. This combination produces significant space-time performance gains on top of the gains from the first stage. Third, we show how partitioning by document size into separate indexes can also produce high density regions that can be exploited by bitvectors, resulting in benefits similar to grouping by document size within one index. This partitioning technique requires no modification of the intersection algorithms, and it is therefore broadly applicable. We further show that any of our partitioning approaches can be combined with semi-bitvectors and grouping within each partition to effectively exploit skewed clustering and tight clustering in our dataset. A hierarchy of partitioning approaches may be required to exploit clustering in very large document collections

    Compressing and Performing Algorithms on Massively Large Networks

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    Networks are represented as a set of nodes (vertices) and the arcs (links) connecting them. Such networks can model various real-world structures such as social networks (e.g., Facebook), information networks (e.g., citation networks), technological networks (e.g., the Internet), and biological networks (e.g., gene-phenotype network). Analysis of such structures is a heavily studied area with many applications. However, in this era of big data, we find ourselves with networks so massive that the space requirements inhibit network analysis. Since many of these networks have nodes and arcs on the order of billions to trillions, even basic data structures such as adjacency lists could cost petabytes to zettabytes of storage. Storing these networks in secondary memory would require I/O access (i.e., disk access) during analysis, thus drastically slowing analysis time. To perform analysis efficiently on such extensive data, we either need enough main memory for the data structures and algorithms, or we need to develop compressions that require much less space while still being able to answer queries efficiently. In this dissertation, we develop several compression techniques that succinctly represent these real-world networks while still being able to efficiently query the network (e.g., check if an arc exists between two nodes). Furthermore, since many of these networks continue to grow over time, our compression techniques also support the ability to add and remove nodes and edges directly on the compressed structure. We also provide a way to compress the data quickly without any intermediate structure, thus giving minimal memory overhead. We provide detailed analysis and prove that our compression is indeed succinct (i.e., achieves the information-theoretic lower bound). Also, we empirically show that our compression rates outperform or are equal to existing compression algorithms on many benchmark datasets. We also extend our technique to time-evolving networks. That is, we store the entire state of the network at each time frame. Studying time-evolving networks allows us to find patterns throughout the time that would not be available in regular, static network analysis. A succinct representation for time-evolving networks is arguably more important than static graphs, due to the extra dimension inflating the space requirements of basic data structures even more. Again, we manage to achieve succinctness while also providing fast encoding, minimal memory overhead during encoding, fast queries, and fast, direct modification. We also compare against several benchmarks and empirically show that we achieve compression rates better than or equal to the best performing benchmark for each dataset. Finally, we also develop both static and time-evolving algorithms that run directly on our compressed structures. Using our static graph compression combined with our differential technique, we find that we can speed up matrix-vector multiplication by reusing previously computed products. We compare our results against a similar technique using the Webgraph Framework, and we see that not only are our base query speeds faster, but we also gain a more significant speed-up from reusing products. Then, we use our time-evolving compression to solve the earliest arrival paths problem and time-evolving transitive closure. We found that not only were we the first to run such algorithms directly on compressed data, but that our technique was particularly efficient at doing so

    Federating queries in SPARQL 1.1: syntax, semantics and evaluation

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    Given the sustained growth that we are experiencing in the number of SPARQL endpoints available, the need to be able to send federated SPARQL queries across these has also grown. To address this use case, the W3C SPARQL working group is defining a federation extension for SPARQL 1.1 which allows for combining graph patterns that can be evaluated over several endpoints within a single query. In this paper, we describe the syntax of that extension and formalize its semantics. Additionally, we describe how a query evaluation system can be implemented for that federation extension, describing some static optimization techniques and reusing a query engine used for data-intensive science, so as to deal with large amounts of intermediate and final results. Finally we carry out a series of experiments that show that our optimizations speed up the federated query evaluation process

    An Enhanced Visualization Process Model for Incremental Visualization

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    With today’s technical possibilities, a stable visualization scenario can no longer be assumed as a matter of course, as underlying data and targeted display setup are much more in flux than in traditional scenarios. Incremental visualization approaches are a means to address this challenge, as they permit the user to interact with, steer, and change the visualization at intermediate time points and not just after it has been completed. In this paper, we put forward a model for incremental visualizations that is based on the established Data State Reference Model, but extends it in ways to also represent partitioned data and visualization operators to facilitate intermediate visualization updates. In combination, partitioned data and operators can be used independently and in combination to strike tailored compromises between output quality, shown data quantity, and responsiveness—i.e., frame rates. We showcase the new expressive power of this model by discussing the opportunities and challenges of incremental visualization in general and its usage in a real world scenario in particular

    Proof of Latency Using a Verifiable Delay Function

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    In this thesis I present an interactive public-coin protocol called Proof of Latency (PoL) that aims to improve connections in peer-to-peer networks by measuring latencies with logical clocks built from verifiable delay functions (VDF). PoL is a tuple of three algorithms, Setup(e, λ), VCOpen(c, e), and Measure(g, T, l_p, l_v). Setup creates a vector commitment (VC), from which a vector commitment opening corresponding to a collaborator's public key is taken in VCOpen, which then gets used to create a common reference string used in Measure. If no collusion gets detected by neither party, a signed proof is ready for advertising. PoL is agnostic in terms of the individual implementations of the VC or VDF used. This said, I present a proof of concept in the form of a state machine implemented in Rust that uses RSA-2048, Catalano-Fiore vector commitments and Wesolowski's VDF to demonstrate PoL. As VDFs themselves have been shown to be useful in timestamping, they seem to work as a measurement of time in this context as well, albeit requiring a public performance metric for each peer to compare to during the measurement. I have imagined many use cases for PoL, like proving a geographical location, working as a benchmark query, or using the proofs to calculate VDFs with the latencies between peers themselves. As it stands, PoL works as a distance bounding protocol between two participants, considering their computing performance is relatively similar. More work is needed to verify the soundness of PoL as a publicly verifiable proof that a third party can believe in.Tässä tutkielmassa esitän interaktiivisen protokollan nimeltä Proof of latency (PoL), joka pyrkii parantamaan yhteyksiä vertaisverkoissa mittaamalla viivettä todennettavasta viivefunktiosta rakennetulla loogisella kellolla. Proof of latency koostuu kolmesta algoritmista, Setup(e, λ), VCOpen(c, e) ja Measure(g, T, l_p, l_v). Setup luo vektorisitoumuksen, josta luodaan avaus algoritmissa VCOpen avaamalla vektorisitoumus indeksistä, joka kuvautuu toisen mittaavan osapuolen julkiseen avaimeen. Tätä avausta käytetään luomaan yleinen viitemerkkijono, jota käytetään algoritmissa Measure alkupisteenä molempien osapuolien todennettavissa viivefunktioissa mittaamaan viivettä. Jos kumpikin osapuoli ei huomaa virheitä mittauksessa, on heidän allekirjoittama todistus valmis mainostettavaksi vertaisverkossa. PoL ei ota kantaa sen käyttämien kryptografisten funktioiden implementaatioon. Tästä huolimatta olen ohjelmoinut protokollasta prototyypin Rust-ohjelmointikielellä käyttäen RSA-2048:tta, Catalano-Fiore--vektorisitoumuksia ja Wesolowskin todennettavaa viivefunktiota protokollan esittelyyn. Todistettavat viivefunktiot ovat osoittaneet hyödyllisiksi aikaleimauksessa, mikä näyttäisi osoittavan niiden soveltumisen myös ajan mittaamiseen tässä konteksissa, huolimatta siitä että jokaisen osapuolen tulee ilmoittaa julkisesti teholukema, joka kuvaa niiden tehokkuutta viivefunktioiden laskemisessa. Toinen osapuoli käyttää tätä lukemaa arvioimaan valehteliko toinen viivemittauksessa. Olen kuvitellut monta käyttökohdetta PoL:lle, kuten maantieteellisen sijainnin todistaminen, suorituskykytestaus, tai itse viivetodistuksien käyttäminen uusien viivetodistusten laskemisessa vertaisverkon osallistujien välillä. Tällä hetkellä PoL toimii etäisyydenmittausprotokollana kahden osallistujan välillä, jos niiden suorituskyvyt ovat tarpeeksi lähellä toisiaan. Protokolla tarvitsee lisätutkimusta sen suhteen, voiko se toimia uskottavana todistuksena kolmansille osapuolille kahden vertaisverkon osallistujan välisestä viiveestä

    Method and device for maximizing memory system bandwidth by accessing data in a dynamically determined order

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    A data processing system is disclosed which comprises a data processor and memory control device for controlling the access of information from the memory. The memory control device includes temporary storage and decision ability for determining what order to execute the memory accesses. The compiler detects the requirements of the data processor and selects the data to stream to the memory control device which determines a memory access order. The order in which to access said information is selected based on the location of information stored in the memory. The information is repeatedly accessed from memory and stored in the temporary storage until all streamed information is accessed. The information is stored until required by the data processor. The selection of the order in which to access information maximizes bandwidth and decreases the retrieval time

    An Enhanced Visualization Process Model for Incremental Visualization

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    Abstract-With today's technical possibilities, a stable visualization scenario can no longer be assumed as a matter of course, as underlying data and targeted display setup are much more in flux than in traditional scenarios. Incremental visualization approaches are a means to address this challenge, as they permit the user to interact with, steer, and change the visualization at intermediate time points and not just after it has been completed. In this paper, we put forward a model for incremental visualizations that is based on the established Data State Reference Model, but extends it in ways to also represent partitioned data and visualization operators to facilitate intermediate visualization updates. In combination, partitioned data and operators can be used independently and in combination to strike tailored compromises between output quality, shown data quantity, and responsiveness-i.e., frame rates. We showcase the new expressive power of this model by discussing the opportunities and challenges of incremental visualization in general and its usage in a real world scenario in particular