109 research outputs found

    A Survey on Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact of Video Streaming

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    Climate change challenges require a notable decrease in worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across technology sectors. Digital technologies, especially video streaming, accounting for most Internet traffic, make no exception. Video streaming demand increases with remote working, multimedia communication services (e.g., WhatsApp, Skype), video streaming content (e.g., YouTube, Netflix), video resolution (4K/8K, 50 fps/60 fps), and multi-view video, making energy consumption and environmental footprint critical. This survey contributes to a better understanding of sustainable and efficient video streaming technologies by providing insights into the state-of-the-art and potential future directions for researchers, developers, and engineers, service providers, hosting platforms, and consumers. We widen this survey's focus on content provisioning and content consumption based on the observation that continuously active network equipment underneath video streaming consumes substantial energy independent of the transmitted data type. We propose a taxonomy of factors that affect the energy consumption in video streaming, such as encoding schemes, resource requirements, storage, content retrieval, decoding, and display. We identify notable weaknesses in video streaming that require further research for improved energy efficiency: (1) fixed bitrate ladders in HTTP live streaming; (2) inefficient hardware utilization of existing video players; (3) lack of comprehensive open energy measurement dataset covering various device types and coding parameters for reproducible research

    A Decoding-Complexity and Rate-Controlled Video-Coding Algorithm for HEVC

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    Video playback on mobile consumer electronic (CE) devices is plagued by fluctuations in the network bandwidth and by limitations in processing and energy availability at the individual devices. Seen as a potential solution, the state-of-the-art adaptive streaming mechanisms address the first aspect, yet the efficient control of the decoding-complexity and the energy use when decoding the video remain unaddressed. The quality of experience (QoE) of the end-users’ experiences, however, depends on the capability to adapt the bit streams to both these constraints (i.e., network bandwidth and device’s energy availability). As a solution, this paper proposes an encoding framework that is capable of generating video bit streams with arbitrary bit rates and decoding-complexity levels using a decoding-complexity–rate–distortion model. The proposed algorithm allocates rate and decoding-complexity levels across frames and coding tree units (CTUs) and adaptively derives the CTU-level coding parameters to achieve their imposed targets with minimal distortion. The experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm can achieve the target bit rate and the decoding-complexity with 0.4% and 1.78% average errors, respectively, for multiple bit rate and decoding-complexity levels. The proposed algorithm also demonstrates a stable frame-wise rate and decoding-complexity control capability when achieving a decoding-complexity reduction of 10.11 (%/dB). The resultant decoding-complexity reduction translates into an overall energy-consumption reduction of up to 10.52 (%/dB) for a 1 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) quality loss compared to the HM 16.0 encoded bit streams

    QoE on media deliveriy in 5G environments

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    231 p.5G expandirá las redes móviles con un mayor ancho de banda, menor latencia y la capacidad de proveer conectividad de forma masiva y sin fallos. Los usuarios de servicios multimedia esperan una experiencia de reproducción multimedia fluida que se adapte de forma dinámica a los intereses del usuario y a su contexto de movilidad. Sin embargo, la red, adoptando una posición neutral, no ayuda a fortalecer los parámetros que inciden en la calidad de experiencia. En consecuencia, las soluciones diseñadas para realizar un envío de tráfico multimedia de forma dinámica y eficiente cobran un especial interés. Para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de servicios multimedia en entornos 5G la investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis ha diseñado un sistema múltiple, basado en cuatro contribuciones.El primer mecanismo, SaW, crea una granja elástica de recursos de computación que ejecutan tareas de análisis multimedia. Los resultados confirman la competitividad de este enfoque respecto a granjas de servidores. El segundo mecanismo, LAMB-DASH, elige la calidad en el reproductor multimedia con un diseño que requiere una baja complejidad de procesamiento. Las pruebas concluyen su habilidad para mejorar la estabilidad, consistencia y uniformidad de la calidad de experiencia entre los clientes que comparten una celda de red. El tercer mecanismo, MEC4FAIR, explota las capacidades 5G de analizar métricas del envío de los diferentes flujos. Los resultados muestran cómo habilita al servicio a coordinar a los diferentes clientes en la celda para mejorar la calidad del servicio. El cuarto mecanismo, CogNet, sirve para provisionar recursos de red y configurar una topología capaz de conmutar una demanda estimada y garantizar unas cotas de calidad del servicio. En este caso, los resultados arrojan una mayor precisión cuando la demanda de un servicio es mayor

    Video-assisted Overtaking System enabled by V2V Communications

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    V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) is a promising technology to diminish road hazards and increase driving safety. This thesis focuses in the transmission of video between vehicles (V2V, Vehicle-to-Vehicle) in an overtaking situation, helping drivers to be more aware and less error-prone in these situations. In the implementation, the vehicle reads from vehicle's CAN and GPS data to setup the system, streams his Line of Sight to the overtaking vehicle and uses DSRC as the communication technology