32 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn the past few years, we have seen a tremendous increase in digital data being generated. By 2011, storage vendors had shipped 905 PB of purpose-built backup appliances. By 2013, the number of objects stored in Amazon S3 had reached 2 trillion. Facebook had stored 20 PB of photos by 2010. All of these require an efficient storage solution. To improve space efficiency, compression and deduplication are being widely used. Compression works by identifying repeated strings and replacing them with more compact encodings while deduplication partitions data into fixed-size or variable-size chunks and removes duplicate blocks. While we have seen great improvements in space efficiency from these two approaches, there are still some limitations. First, traditional compressors are limited in their ability to detect redundancy across a large range since they search for redundant data in a fine-grain level (string level). For deduplication, metadata embedded in an input file changes more frequently, and this introduces more unnecessary unique chunks, leading to poor deduplication. Cloud storage systems suffer from unpredictable and inefficient performance because of interference among different types of workloads. This dissertation proposes techniques to improve the effectiveness of traditional compressors and deduplication in improving space efficiency, and a new IO scheduling algorithm to improve performance predictability and efficiency for cloud storage systems. The common idea is to utilize similarity. To improve the effectiveness of compression and deduplication, similarity in content is used to transform an input file into a compression- or deduplication-friendly format. We propose Migratory Compression, a generic data transformation that identifies similar data in a coarse-grain level (block level) and then groups similar blocks together. It can be used as a preprocessing stage for any traditional compressor. We find metadata have a huge impact in reducing the benefit of deduplication. To isolate the impact from metadata, we propose to separate metadata from data. Three approaches are presented for use cases with different constrains. For the commonly used tar format, we propose Migratory Tar: a data transformation and also a new tar format that deduplicates better. We also present a case study where we use deduplication to reduce storage consumption for storing disk images, while at the same time achieving high performance in image deployment. Finally, we apply the same principle of utilizing similarity in IO scheduling to prevent interference between random and sequential workloads, leading to efficient, consistent, and predictable performance for sequential workloads and a high disk utilization

    A survey and classification of software-defined storage systems

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    The exponential growth of digital information is imposing increasing scale and efficiency demands on modern storage infrastructures. As infrastructure complexity increases, so does the difficulty in ensuring quality of service, maintainability, and resource fairness, raising unprecedented performance, scalability, and programmability challenges. Software-Defined Storage (SDS) addresses these challenges by cleanly disentangling control and data flows, easing management, and improving control functionality of conventional storage systems. Despite its momentum in the research community, many aspects of the paradigm are still unclear, undefined, and unexplored, leading to misunderstandings that hamper the research and development of novel SDS technologies. In this article, we present an in-depth study of SDS systems, providing a thorough description and categorization of each plane of functionality. Further, we propose a taxonomy and classification of existing SDS solutions according to different criteria. Finally, we provide key insights about the paradigm and discuss potential future research directions for the field.This work was financed by the Portuguese funding agency FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through national funds, the PhD grant SFRH/BD/146059/2019, the project ThreatAdapt (FCT-FNR/0002/2018), the LASIGE Research Unit (UIDB/00408/2020), and cofunded by the FEDER, where applicable

    CoSMiC: A hierarchical cloudlet-based storage architecture for mobile clouds

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    Storage capacity is a constraint for current mobile devices. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is developed to augment device capabilities, facilitating to mobile users store/access of a large dataset on the cloud through wireless networks. However, given the limitations of network bandwidth, latencies, and devices battery life, new solutions are needed to extend the usage of mobile devices. This paper presents a novel design and implementation of a hierarchical cloud storage system for mobile devices based on multiple I/O caching layers. The solution relies on Memcached as a cache system, preserving its powerful capacities such as performance, scalability, and quick and portable deployment. The solution targets to reduce the I/O latency of current mobile cloud solutions. The proposed solution consists of a user-level library and extended Memcached back-ends. The solution aims to be hierarchical by deploying Memcached-based I/O cache servers across all the I/O infrastructure datapath. Our experimental results demonstrate that CoSMiC can significantly reduce the round-trip latency in presence of low cache hit ratios compared with a 3G connection even when using a multi-level cache hierarchy

    YOLO: Accélération du temps de démarrage de la machine virtuelleen réduisant les opérations d’I/O

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    Several works have shown that the time to boot one virtual machine (VM) can last up to a fewminutes in high consolidated cloud scenarios. This time is critical as VM boot duration defines how anapplication can react w.r.t. demands’ fluctuations (horizontal elasticity). To limit as much as possible thetime to boot a VM, we design the YOLO mechanism (You Only Load Once). YOLO optimizes the numberof I/O operations generated during a VM boot process by relying on the boot image abstraction, a subsetof the VM image (VMI) that contains data blocks necessary to complete the boot operation. Whenevera VM is booted, YOLO intercepts all read accesses and serves them directly from the boot image, whichhas been locally stored on fast access storage devices (e.g., memory, SSD, etc.). Creating boot imagesfor 900+ VMIs from Google Cloud shows that only 40 GB is needed to store all the mandatory data.Experiments show that YOLO can speed up VM boot duration 2-13 times under different resourcescontention with a negligible overhead on the I/O path. Finally, we underline that although YOLO hasbeen validated with a KVM environment, it does not require any modification on the hypervisor, theguest kernel nor the VM image (VMI) structure and can be used for several kinds of VMIs (in this study,Linux and Windows VMIs have been tested)Plusieurs travaux ont montré que le temps de démarrage d’une machine virtuelle (VM)peut s’étale sur plusieurs minutes dans des scénarios fortement consolidés. Ce délai est critique car ladurée de démarrage d’une VM définit la réactivité d’une application en fonction des fluctuations decharge (élasticité horizontale). Pour limiter au maximum le temps de démarrage d’une VM, nous avonsconçu le mécanisme YOLO (You Only Load Once). YOLO optimise le nombre d’opérations “disque”générées pendant le processus de démarrage. Pour ce faire, il s’appuie sur une nouvelle abstractionintitulée “image de démarrage” et correspondant à un sous-ensemble des données de l’image de la VM.Chaque fois qu’une machine virtuelle est démarrée, YOLO intercepte l’ensemble des accès en lectureafin de les satisfaire directement à partir de l’image de démarrage, qui a été stockée préalablement surdes périphériques de stockage à accès rapide (par exemple, mémoire, SSD, etc.). La création d’imagede démarrage pour les 900 types des VMs proposées sur l’infrastructure Cloud de Google représenteseulement 40 Go, ce qui est une quantité de données qui peut tout à fait être stockée sur chacundes noeuds de calculs. Les expériences réalisées montrent que YOLO permet accélérer la durée dedémarrage d’un facteur allant de 2 à 13 selon les différents scénarios de consolidation. Nous soulignonsque bien que YOLO ait été validé avec un environnement KVM, il ne nécessite aucune modificatfionsur l’hyperviseur, le noyau invité ou la structure d’image de la VM et peut donc être utilisé pourplusieurs types d’images (dans cette étude, nous testons des images Linux et Windows)

    Evaluation of Storage Systems for Big Data Analytics

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    abstract: Recent trends in big data storage systems show a shift from disk centric models to memory centric models. The primary challenges faced by these systems are speed, scalability, and fault tolerance. It is interesting to investigate the performance of these two models with respect to some big data applications. This thesis studies the performance of Ceph (a disk centric model) and Alluxio (a memory centric model) and evaluates whether a hybrid model provides any performance benefits with respect to big data applications. To this end, an application TechTalk is created that uses Ceph to store data and Alluxio to perform data analytics. The functionalities of the application include offline lecture storage, live recording of classes, content analysis and reference generation. The knowledge base of videos is constructed by analyzing the offline data using machine learning techniques. This training dataset provides knowledge to construct the index of an online stream. The indexed metadata enables the students to search, view and access the relevant content. The performance of the application is benchmarked in different use cases to demonstrate the benefits of the hybrid model.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Matching distributed file systems with application workloads

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    Modern storage systems have a large number of configurable parameters, distributed over many layers of abstraction. The number of combinations of these parameters, that can be altered to create an instance of such a system, is enormous. In practise, many of these parameters are never altered; instead default values, intended to support generic workloads and access patterns, are used. As systems become larger and evolve to support different workloads, the appropriateness of using default parameters in this way comes into question. This thesis examines the implications of changing some of these parameters and explores the effects these changes have on performance. As part of that work multiple contributions have been made, including the creation of a structured method to create and evaluate different storage configurations, choosing appropriate access sizes for the evaluation, picking representative cloud workloads and capturing storage traces for further analysis, extraction of the workload storage characteristics, creating logical partitions of the distributed file system used for the optimization, the creation of heterogeneous storage pools within the homogeneous system and the mapping and evaluation of the chosen workloads to the examined configurations

    No Provisioned Concurrency: Fast RDMA-codesigned Remote Fork for Serverless Computing

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    Serverless platforms essentially face a tradeoff between container startup time and provisioned concurrency (i.e., cached instances), which is further exaggerated by the frequent need for remote container initialization. This paper presents MITOSIS, an operating system primitive that provides fast remote fork, which exploits a deep codesign of the OS kernel with RDMA. By leveraging the fast remote read capability of RDMA and partial state transfer across serverless containers, MITOSIS bridges the performance gap between local and remote container initialization. MITOSIS is the first to fork over 10,000 new containers from one instance across multiple machines within a second, while allowing the new containers to efficiently transfer the pre-materialized states of the forked one. We have implemented MITOSIS on Linux and integrated it with FN, a popular serverless platform. Under load spikes in real-world serverless workloads, MITOSIS reduces the function tail latency by 89% with orders of magnitude lower memory usage. For serverless workflow that requires state transfer, MITOSIS improves its execution time by 86%.Comment: To appear in OSDI'2

    Enhancing the Programmability of Cloud Object Storage

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    En un món que depèn cada vegada més de la tecnologia, les dades digitals es generen a una escala sense precedents. Això fa que empreses que requereixen d'un gran espai d'emmagatzematge, com Netflix o Dropbox, utilitzin solucions d'emmagatzematge al núvol. Mes concretament, l'emmagatzematge d'objectes, donada la seva simplicitat, escalabilitat i alta disponibilitat. No obstant això, aquests magatzems s'enfronten a tres desafiaments principals: 1) Gestió flexible de càrregues de treball de múltiples usuaris. Normalment, els magatzems d'objectes són sistemes multi-usuari, la qual cosa significa que tots ells comparteixen els mateixos recursos, el que podria ocasionar problemes d'interferència. A més, és complex administrar polítiques d'emmagatzematge heterogènies a gran escala en ells. 2) Autogestió de dades. Els magatzems d'objectes no ofereixen molta flexibilitat pel que fa a l'autogestió de dades per part dels usuaris. Típicament, són sistemes rígids, la qual cosa impedeix gestionar els requisits específics dels objectes. 3) Còmput elàstic prop de les dades. Situar els càlculs prop de les dades pot ser útil per reduir la transferència de dades. Però, el desafiament aquí és com aconseguir la seva elasticitat sense provocar contenció de recursos i interferències en la capa d'emmagatzematge. En aquesta tesi presentem tres contribucions innovadores que resolen aquests desafiaments. En primer lloc, presentem la primera arquitectura d'emmagatzematge definida per programari (SDS) per a magatzems d'objectes que separa les capes de control i de dades. Això permet gestionar les càrregues de treball de múltiples usuaris d'una manera flexible i dinàmica. En segon lloc, hem dissenyat una nova abstracció de polítiques anomenada "microcontrolador" que transforma els objectes comuns en objectes intel·ligents, permetent als usuaris programar el seu comportament. Finalment, presentem la primera plataforma informàtica "serverless" guiada per dades i elàstica, que mitiga els problemes de col·locar el càlcul prop de les dades.En un mundo que depende cada vez más de la tecnología, los datos digitales se generan a una escala sin precedentes. Esto hace que empresas que requieren de un gran espacio de almacenamiento, como Netflix o Dropbox, usen soluciones de almacenamiento en la nube. Mas concretamente, el almacenamiento de objectos, dada su escalabilidad y alta disponibilidad. Sin embargo, estos almacenes se enfrentan a tres desafíos principales: 1) Gestión flexible de cargas de trabajo de múltiples usuarios. Normalmente, los almacenes de objetos son sistemas multi-usuario, lo que significa que todos ellos comparten los mismos recursos, lo que podría ocasionar problemas de interferencia. Además, es complejo administrar políticas de almacenamiento heterogéneas a gran escala en ellos. 2) Autogestión de datos. Los almacenes de objetos no ofrecen mucha flexibilidad con respecto a la autogestión de datos por parte de los usuarios. Típicamente, son sistemas rígidos, lo que impide gestionar los requisitos específicos de los objetos. 3) Cómputo elástico cerca de los datos. Situar los cálculos cerca de los datos puede ser útil para reducir la transferencia de datos. Pero, el desafío aquí es cómo lograr su elasticidad sin provocar contención de recursos e interferencias en la capa de almacenamiento. En esta tesis presentamos tres contribuciones que resuelven estos desafíos. En primer lugar, presentamos la primera arquitectura de almacenamiento definida por software (SDS) para almacenes de objetos que separa las capas de control y de datos. Esto permite gestionar las cargas de trabajo de múltiples usuarios de una manera flexible y dinámica. En segundo lugar, hemos diseñado una nueva abstracción de políticas llamada "microcontrolador" que transforma los objetos comunes en objetos inteligentes, permitiendo a los usuarios programar su comportamiento. Finalmente, presentamos la primera plataforma informática "serverless" guiada por datos y elástica, que mitiga los problemas de colocar el cálculo cerca de los datos.In a world that is increasingly dependent on technology, digital data is generated in an unprecedented way. This makes companies that require large storage space, such as Netflix or Dropbox, use cloud object storage solutions. This is mainly thanks to their built-in characteristics, such as simplicity, scalability and high-availability. However, cloud object stores face three main challenges: 1) Flexible management of multi-tenant workloads. Commonly, cloud object stores are multi-tenant systems, meaning that all tenants share the same system resources, which could lead to interference problems. Furthermore, it is now complex to manage heterogeneous storage policies in a massive scale. 2) Data self-management. Cloud object stores themselves do not offer much flexibility regarding data self-management by tenants. Typically, they are rigid, which prevent tenants to handle the specific requirements of their objects. 3) Elastic computation close to the data. Placing computations close to the data can be useful to reduce data transfers. But, the challenge here is how to achieve elasticity in those computations without provoking resource contention and interferences in the storage layer. In this thesis, we present three novel research contributions that solve the aforementioned challenges. Firstly, we introduce the first Software-defined Storage (SDS) architecture for cloud object stores that separates the control plane from the data plane, allowing to manage multi-tenant workloads in a flexible and dynamic way. For example, by applying different service levels of bandwidth to different tenants. Secondly, we designed a novel policy abstraction called microcontroller that transforms common objects into smart objects, enabling tenants to programmatically manage their behavior. For example, a content-level access control microcontroller attached to an specific object to filter its content depending on who is accessing it. Finally, we present the first elastic data-driven serverless computing platform that mitigates the resource contention problem of placing computation close to the data