1,702 research outputs found

    Populations of Pear Thrips, \u3ci\u3eTaeniothrips Inconsequens\u3c/i\u3e (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Sugar Maple Stands in Vermont: 1989-2005

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    Development of an effective IPM strategy for pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a pest of sugar maple, Acer saccharum Marshall, demands an understanding of their population fluctuations over time. Pear thrips populations were monitored using a standardized soil sampling method every fall from 1989 – 2005 in 14 counties of Vermont (U.S.). Data from individual sites were combined into north, central and south regions. High numbers of thrips emerged from soil sampled in 1989, 1990, 1993 and 2001, particularly in the north region (Washington, Lamoille, and Franklin counties). The central and south regions had lower pear thrips populations over all years. These results provide, for the first time, fundamental knowledge of pear thrips populations across a wide geographical area of Vermont and will assist in the design of suitable control strategies for pear thrips in the future

    The potential use of lures for thrips biological control in greenhouses: practice and theory

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    Exploiting the response of thrips pest species to odours has long been a goal for improving thrips pest management including biological control. Applications of attractants could include improved monitoring, push-pull (in conjunction with a repellent odour), lure and kill, and lure and infect technologies, and surveillance for invasive organisms. We have recently discovered that 4-pyridyl carbonyl compounds can elicit responses from a range of thrips species (Thrips tabaci, T. major, T. obscuratus and Frankliniella occidentalis) in the laboratory, in glasshouses and in open field bioassays. Some of these compounds can increase the trap capture of these thrips species in both commercial greenhouses and broad acre commercial crops where these species are considered pests. However, our understanding of the mechanisms eliciting this response in thrips is still only rudimentary. Greater knowledge of the underlying behavioural mechanisms, including the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may affect these responses, as well as optimal trap design and configuration, and odour formulation, will be essential if semiochemical-based approaches are to be integrated into thrips management programme

    Identifikasi Status Hama Pada Budidaya Paprika (Capsicum Annuum Var. Grossum) Di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat

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    . Prabaningrum, L. and T.K. Moekasan. 2007. Identification of Pests Status on Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) in Bandung District, West Java Province. One of constraints in cultivating sweet pepper is pests and diseases problem. Survey to determine pests status on sweet pepper was carried out in January (rainy season) and August (dry season) in 2003 at Bandung District, West Java. Data were collected using questioner with 30 farmers as respondents. The data consisted of kind of pest, crop loss, and pest control and the data was analyzed descriptively. The results indicated that thrips was a key pest on sweet pepper in either rainy or dry season. Yield loss due to thrips was 10-25% in rainy season and 40-55% in dry season. All farmers used insecticide intensively to control thrips

    Respons Tanaman Paprika (Capsicum Annuum Var. Grossum) terhadap Serangan Thrips Parvispinus Karny (Thysanoptera:Thripidae)

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    . Penelitian mengenai respons tanaman paprika terhadap serangan Thrips parvispinus Karny telah dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret sampai Desember 2003 di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran di Lembang (1.250 m dpl). Tujuannya adalah mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyerangan T. parvispinus terhadap kerusakan tanaman dan kehilangan hasil. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 macam perlakuan, dan tiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 8 kali. Macam perlakuan yang diuji adalah tanaman yang terserang mulai (a) 2 minggu setelah tanam, (b) 4 minggu setelah tanam, (c) 6 minggu setelah tanam, dan (d) 8 minggu setelah tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) serangan trips dapat menurunkan hasil panen paprika secara nyata, (2) serangan T. parvispinus dalam bentuk nimfa maupun imago memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan hasil panen paprika, (3) semakin awal terjadinya serangan, semakin tinggi kerusakan tanaman dan penurunan hasilnya, baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas, (4) tanaman berumur muda atau pada fase vegetatif lebih rentan terhadap serangan trips, dan (5) pengendalian trips pada tanaman paprika harus dilakukan sejak awal tanam

    Impacts of pear thrips on a Pennsylvania sugarbush: Third year results

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    Pear thrips, Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), were first positively identified as causing damage to sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) in forest environments in the United States in 1980. Damage in Pennsylvania from this insect has occurred consistently since 1980, with the most extensive impact in 1988 (0.5 mfllon ha). Sap characteristics and crown condition were monitored for three years following a 1989 thrips attack in a Pennsylvania sugarbush on 56 trees representing a range of thrips damage. Heavy damage in 1989 was associated with increased crown transparency for two summers following the attack. Calculated syrup production was greatest in all years for trees with light damage and lowest for trees with heavy damage. Reduced syrup production in trees with heavy damage resulted from lower sap volume in all years and lower sap sugar concentration in 1990 and 1992 compared to trees with light damage. The results indicate that pear thrips damage in 1989 had a detrimental impact on sugar maple health and syrup production for three years following the attack

    Penerapan Teknologi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Untuk Mengendalikan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Utama Pada Budidaya Paprika

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    Organisme penganggu yang paling merugikan dalam budidaya paprika ialah hama trips dan penyakit embun tepung. Upaya pengendalian hama tersebut oleh petani bertumpu pada penggunaan pestisida, tetapi sampai saat ini hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Oleh karena itu perlu dicari alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dan salah satu di antaranya ialah dengan menerapkan teknologi pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT). Penelitian mengenai penerapan teknologi PHT pada budidaya paprika dilaksanakan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran di Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat (± 1.250 m dpl) dari bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2007. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui kelayakan komponen teknologi PHT untuk mengendalikan organisme pengganggu tumbuhan (OPT) pada budidaya paprika. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode petak berpasangan untuk membandingkan teknologi PHT dan teknologi konvensional. Komponen teknologi PHT yang dirakit terdiri atas pelepasan predator Menochilus sexmaculatus (1 ekor/ tanaman, 1 kali/ minggu), penyemprotan Verticilium lecanii (3 x 108 spora/ml, 1 kali /minggu), dan penggunaan pestisida selektif berdasarkan ambang pengendalian. Teknologi konvensional ialah teknologi budidaya yang umum digunakan oleh petani paprika di Kabupaten Bandung Barat berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan 20 orang petani. Tiap perlakuan terdiri atas 200 tanaman paprika yang dibudidayakan secara hidroponik di dalam rumah kasa dan tiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknologi PHT dapat mengurangi penggunaan pestisida sebesar 84,60%. Kandungan residu pestisida pada buah paprika dapat ditekan hingga di bawah batas maksimum residu (BMR) yang telah ditetapkan, sedang pada perlakuan konvensional residu insektisida Imidakloprid dan fungisida Fenarimol melampaui nilai BMR. Rakitan teknologi PHT ini layak direkomendasikan kepada petani.Main pests of sweet peppers are thrips and powdery mildew that can reduce the yield. Farmers generally use pesticide for controlling the pests but the result was not satisfy. Therefore it is important to determine alternative methods, and one of them is implementing integrated pests management (IPM). Study of IPM implementation to control main pests on sweet peppers cultivation was conducted in Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute at Lembang (1,250 m asl), West Bandung District, West Java from January until December 2007. The aim of the experiment was to study IPM technology feasibilities to control main pests on sweet peppers. The experimental design used the study was a paired-comparison method to compare IPM technology and conventional technology. The IPM technology tested consisted of the releasing of predator Menochilus sexmaculatus (1 adult/ plant, once a week), spraying of Verticilium lecanii (3 x 108 spores/ ml, once a week), the use of control threshold and selective pesticides. Conventional technology tested was the technology used by farmers in West Bandung District according to the interview with 20 farmers. Each treatment consisted of 200 sweet peppers plants cultivated in hydroponics system in a screenhouse, and each treatment was repeated four times. The results of the study showed that implementation of IPM technology reduced the use of pesticides (84.60%), and reduced the pesticides residue content in the sweet pepper fruit under the maximum residue level (MRL) in the other hand, in the conventional treatment, the residue of Imidacloprid and Fenarimol was above MRL. The yield in both treatments was equal. Integrated Pests Management technology can be recommended to the farmers

    Biology of leaf gall-inducing Thlibothrips manipurenis Muraleedharan, 1982 on Ardisia sp. (Myrsinaceae) in north-eastern India (Thysanoptera: Tubulifera: Phlaeothripidae).

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    Die Biologie der Rollgallen induzierenden Thlibothrips manipurensis wurde auf Ardisia sp. unter Labor­bedingungen untersucht. T. manipurensis legt linear Eier entlang der Ränder der jungen Blätter von Ardisia sp. Die Eier schlüpften in 6,8 d und das Larvalstadium dauerte 3,4 und 8,2 d für Larven I und II. Das Vorpuppenstadium bis zur Vollendung der Verpuppung betrug für T. manipurensis 20,2 Stunden. Nach 4 d begann das Erwachsenenstadium. Jedes Weibchen legte 34±7 Eier und die durchschnittliche Lebensdauer der Erwachsenen (adulten Tiere) betrug 10,2 d. Die Anzahl der Thripse korreliert mit dem Alter der Gallen: 15 Thripse/Galle ist bei jungen (4–10 d) Gallen gefunden, während es 28 in reifen (20 d) Gallen und 36 in alten (25 d) Gallen waren. Das Männchen/Weibchen-Verhältnis in alten Gallen war 1:5. Reife Gallen enthalten eine homogene Gewebestruktur, die aus 12–15 Schichten der Parenchym Zellen besteht, wobei es keinen Unterschied gibt zwischen Schwamm- und Palisaden-Zellen. Die Mesophyll-Zellen in den Gallen grenzen an die obere und untere Epidermis und entwickeln sich im Wesentlichen durch anticlinale Teilung der primordialen Zellen, während diejenigen in der mittleren Region sich durch periclinale Teilung ent­wickeln. Die letztere erleichtert das Einrollen. In der mitteleren Region waren die Zellen der Gallen-Lamina größer als diejenigen der angrenzenden Epidermis. Der Großteil der Zellen in der Mitte der Gallen-Lamina enthielt in Safranin–Lichtgrün-Färbung dunkel erscheinende Einschlüsse, die mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit phenolische Materialien waren. Thliobothrips ist ein Verwandter von Gynaikothrips. Thlibothrips und Gynaikothrips sind die am besten bekannten Gallen induzierenden Taxa. In Südindien sind die Roll-Gallen von Thlibothrips manipurensis in Ardisia sp. (Myrsinaceae, Asteriden, Eudikotyledonen) denen sehr ähnlich, die durch Gynaikothrips flaviantennatus in Blättern der Casearia ellipitca (Salicaceae: Samydeae, Rosiden, Eudikotyledonen) induziert werden. Die Rosiden, Eudikotyledonen sind phylogenetisch ähnlich. Die möglichen Wege von Gynaikothrips und Thlibothrips, verschiedene aber verwandte Pflan­zen­taxa zu befallen, sind bemerkenswert.Stichwörter Ardisia sp., galls, marginal-leaf rolls, Myrsinaceae, Phlaeothripidae, population patterns through development, Thlibothrips manipurensis, Thysanoptera, Tubulifera.Biology of the epiphyllous roll-gall-inducing Thlibothrips manipurensis was studied on Ardisia sp. under laboratory conditions. T. manipurensis laid eggs linearly along the margins of tender leaves. Eggs hatched in 6.8 d and the larval duration was 3.4 and 8.2 d for larvae I and II, respectively. After 20.2 h as prepupa, T. manipurensis grew into pupa; adult emergence occurred in 4 d. Each female laid 34±7 eggs and the mean longevity of the adult was 10.2 d. Increase in thrips numbers correlated with the age of the gall: 15 individuals/gall occurred in young (4–10 d) galls, whereas 28 occurred in mature (20 d) galls, and 36 in old (25 d) galls. Male–female ratio in old galls was 1:5. Mature galls included a homogeneous tissue structure, made of 12–15 layers of parenchyma cells with no distinction into spongy and palisade cells. The gall-mesophyll cells adjacent to the upper and lower epidermises developed essentially through anticlinal divisions of the primordial cells, whereas those in mid regions developed through periclinal divisions; the latter facilitates the blade to roll inwards. Cells in the mid region of the galled lamina were larger than those occurring adjacent to the epidermises. Bulk of the cells in the mid-region of the galled lamina included darkly staining inclusions, which, in high likelihood, were phenolic materials. Thliobothrips is an ally of Gynaikothrips. Thlibothrips and Gynaikothrips are the better known gall-inducing taxa. The roll galls induced by Thlibothrips manipurensis on Ardisia sp. (Myrsinaceae, Asterids, Eudicots) are highly similar to those induced by Gynaikothrips flaviantennatus on the leaves of Casearia elliptica (Salicaceae: Samydeae, Rosids, Eudicots) in southern India. Because the Rosids and Asterids are considered related phylogenetically, the possible pathways taken by species of Gynaikothrips and Thlibothrips to radiate exploring different, but related plant taxa appear striking.Keywords Ardisia sp., galls, marginal-leaf rolls, Myrsinaceae, Phlaeothripidae, population patterns through development, Thlibothrips manipurensis, Thysanoptera, Tubulifera

    Sex allocation in Kelly’s citrus thrips, Pezothrips kellyanus : mechanisms, constraints and the role of endosymbionts

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    Kelly’s citrus thrips, Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), native to Australia and invasive in New Zealand, other Pacific islands and Mediterranean countries, is an important pest of citrus. Despite its wide distribution, not much is known about its biology and reproductive strategies. This PhD study investigated the mechanism of sex allocation in Kelly’s citrus thrips, Pezothrips kellyanus, an economically important Australian native thrips. For the first time for any haplodiploid insect, this study identified a finely tuned egg size-mediated fertilization mechanism which modulates sex ratio and is influenced by mating (see Chapter 2). The study further disentangled the underlying factor (maternal condition) that is responsible for the constrained sex allocation (extremely male-biased brood production) in a fraction of mated P. kellyanus females resulting in the expression of split sex ratios (see Chapter 3) as previously recorded in this species. Furthermore, the study assessed the role of the two common bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia and Cardinium in the reproductive biology of this species, and the mechanism by which they manipulate sex allocation. Both endosymbionts have previously been shown to independently induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) in incompatible crosses which lead to male female mortality (caused by Wolbachia) or partial male development (caused by Cardinium) of fertilised embryos. This study demonstrated that Wolbachia and Cardinium in P. kellyanus also affect resource and sex allocation as well as trade-offs between reproductive and life history/fitness traits (see Chapter 4). Overall, this thesis expands the knowledge about the evolution and mechanisms of sex allocation in thrips and haplodiploid insects; the mechanisms of constrained sex ratio in thrips and haploidploid insects; and the role of maternally inherited endosymbionts in modulating egg size and thereby sex allocation favouring their invasion of host populations

    Kemangkusan Amblyseius Swirskii dan Orius Laevigatus dalam Mengendalikan Hama Thrips Parvispinus pada Paprika

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    . Penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui kemurnian predator introduksi, keamanan jaring kasa Agronet(568 lubang/cm²), serta kemangkusan predator introduksi Amblyseius swirskii dan Orius laevigatus, dilaksanakansejak bulan Oktober 2007 sampai dengan April 2008 di Laboratorium Entomologi dan Fitopatologi Balai PenelitianTanaman Sayuran Lembang (±1.250 m dpl.) dan di Rumah Kasa CV ASB Farm di Desa Cigugurgirang, KecamatanParongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat (±1.100 m dpl.). Uji kemurnian dan keamanan dilakukan di laboratorium,sedang uji kemangkusan predator dilaksanakan di rumah kasa dalam mengendalikan hama T. parvispinus padatanaman paprika. Penelitian di rumah kasa menguji empat macam perlakuan pengendalian, yaitu dengan: (A) 75ekor A.swirskii/m2, (B) O.laevigatus 5 ekor/m2, (C) kombinasi 40 ekor A.swirskii + 3 ekor O.laevigatus/m2, dan (D)kontrol (tanpa predator). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kemasan predator introduksi A.swirskii danO.laevigatus hanya dijumpai kedua jenis predator tersebut dan tungau tepung sebagai makanan A.swirskii. Organismehama dan penyakit tidak ditemukan dalam kemasan, sehingga kedua predator tersebut layak diintroduksi ke Indonesia.Jaring kasa Agronet yang digunakan memiliki anyaman yang cukup rapat, sehingga tidak memungkinkan predatorpredatortersebut melaluinya. Dengan demikian, jaring tersebut aman digunakan sebagai dinding rumah kasa. Daripercobaan di rumah kasa diketahui bahwa A.swirskii efektif mengendalikan trips, sehingga hasil panen paprika dapatdipertahankan
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