513 research outputs found

    Live Programming for Finite Model Finders

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    Finite model finders give users the ability to specify properties of a system in mathematical logic and then automatically find concrete examples, called solutions, that satisfy the properties. These solutions are often viewed as a key benefit of model finders, as they create an exploratory environment for developers to engage with their model. In practice, users find less benefit from these solutions than expected. For years, researchers believed that the problem was that too many solutions are produced. However, a recent user study found that users actually prefer enumerating a broad set of solutions. Inspired by a recent user study on Alloy, a modeling language backed by a finite model finder, we believe that the issue is that solutions are too removed from the logical constraints that generate them to help users build an understanding of the constraints themselves. In this paper, we outline a proof-of-concept for live programming of Alloy models in which writing the model and exploring solutions are intertwined. We highlight how this development environment enables more productive feedback loops between the developer, the model and the solutions

    Model Variations and Automated Refinement of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Robot-Motion Control

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    This paper presents an approach to handling frequent variations of modeling languages and models. The approach is based on Domain-Specific Modeling and linking of modeling tools with adaptive Run-Time Systems. The applicability of our solution is illustrated on an example of domain-specific languages for robot control. Special attention was given to the following problems: 1) model-level debugging; 2) performing fast transformation of models to native code for various hardware platforms and operating systems; and 3) specification of views and view-based generation of applications for validation of meta-models, models, and generated code. The feedback for automated refinement of models and meta-models is provided by a custom adaptive Run-Time System. For the purpose of synchronizing models, meta-models, and the target Run-Time System, we introduce action reports, which allow model-level debugging. In order to simplify handling of frequent model variations, we have introduced the linguistic concept of a modifier

    Cascade: A meta-language for change, cause and effect

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    Live programming brings code to life with immediate and continuous feedback. To enjoy its benefits, programmers need powerful languages and live programming environments for understanding the effects of coding actions and developing running programs. Unfortunately, the enabling technology that powers these languages is missing. Change, a crucial enabler for explorative coding, omniscient debugging and version control, is a potential solution. In this position paper, we argue that an explicit representation of change is instrumental for how these languages are built, and that cause-and-effect relationships are vital for more precise feedback. We aim to deliver generic solutions for creating these languages. We introduce Cascade, a meta-language and framework for expressing languages with interface- and feedback-mechanisms that drive live programming. Our preliminary results show that Cascade is a promising approach that simplifies developing language back-ends

    Analyzing repetitiveness in big code to support software maintenance and evolution

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    Software systems inevitably contain a large amount of repeated artifacts at different level of abstraction---from ideas, requirements, designs, algorithms to implementation. This dissertation focuses on analyzing software repetitiveness at implementation code level and leveraging the derived knowledge for easing tasks in software maintenance and evolution such as program comprehension, API use, change understanding, API adaptation and bug fixing. The guiding philosophy of this work is that, in a large corpus, code that conforms to specifications appears more frequently than code that does not, and similar code is changed similarly and similar code could have similar bugs that can be fixed similarly. We have developed different representations for software artifacts at source code level, and the corresponding algorithms for measuring code similarity and mining repeated code. Our mining techniques bases on the key insight that code that conforms to programming patterns and specifications appears more frequently than code that does not. Thus, correct patterns and specifications can be mined from large code corpus. We also have built program differencing techniques for analyzing changes in software evolution. Our key insight is that similar code is likely changed in similar ways and similar code likely has similar bug(s) which can be fixed similarly. Therefore, learning changes and fixes from the past can help automatically detect and suggest changes/fixes to the repeated code in software development. Our empirical evaluation shows that our techniques can accurately and efficiently detect repeated code, mine useful programming patterns and API specifications, and recommend changes. It can also detect bugs and suggest fixes, and provide actionable insights to ease maintenance tasks. Specifically, our code clone detection tool detects more meaningful clones than other tools. Our mining tools recover high quality programming patterns and API preconditions. The mined results have been used to successfully detect many bugs violating patterns and specifications in mature open-source systems. The mined API preconditions are shown to help API specification writer identify missing preconditions in already-specified APIs and start building preconditions for the not-yet-specified ones. The tools are scalable which analyze large systems in reasonable times. Our study on repeated changes give useful insights for program auto-repair tools. Our automated change suggestion approach achieves top-1 accuracy of 45%-51% which relatively improves more than 200% over the base approach. For a special type of change suggestion, API adaptation, our tool is highly correct and useful

    A Sparse Program Dependence Graph For Object Oriented Programming Languages

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    The Program Dependence Graph (PDG) has achieved widespread acceptance as a useful tool for software engineering, program analysis, and automated compiler optimizations. This thesis presents the Sparse Object Oriented Program Dependence Graph (SOOPDG), a formalism that contains elements of traditional PDG\u27s adapted to compactly represent programs written in object-oriented languages such as Java. This formalism is called sparse because, in contrast to other OO and Java-specific adaptations of PDG\u27s, it introduces few node types and no new edge types beyond those used in traditional dependence-based representations. This results in correct program representations using smaller graph structures and simpler semantics when compared to other OO formalisms. We introduce the Single Flow to Use (SFU) property which requires that exactly one definition of each variable be available for each use. We demonstrate that the SOOPDG, with its support for the SFU property coupled with a higher order rewriting semantics, is sufficient to represent static Java-like programs and dynamic program behavior. We present algorithms for creating SOOPDG representations from program text, and describe graph rewriting semantics. We also present algorithms for common static analysis techniques such as program slicing, inheritance analysis, and call chain analysis. We contrast the SOOPDG with two previously published OO graph structures, the Java System Dependence Graph and the Java Software Dependence Graph. The SOOPDG results in comparatively smaller static representations of programs, cleaner graph semantics, and potentially more accurate program analysis. Finally, we introduce the Simulation Dependence Graph (SDG). The SDG is a related representation that is developed specifically to represent simulation systems, but is extensible to more general component-based software design paradigms. The SDG allows formal reasoning about issues such as component composition, a property critical to the creation and analysis of complex simulation systems and component-based design systems

    Chronic Kidney Disease Android Application

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    Chronic kidney disease is increasingly recognized as a leading public health problem over the world that affects more than 10 percent of the population worldwide, where electrolytes and wastes can build up in your system. Kidney failure might not be noticeable until more advanced stages where it may then become fatal if not for artificial filtering or a transplant. As a result, it is important to detect kidney disease early on to prevent it from progressing to kidney failure. The current main test of the disease is a blood test that measures the levels of a waste product called creatine and needs information such as age, size, gender, and ethnicity. They may be uncomfortable, can lead to infections, and are inconvenient and expensive. I will re-engineer an Android application for Chronic Kidney Disease detection by working on test strip detection zone localization, detection zone focus, capture quality, and dynamic model loading. This uses a smartphone’s camera and allows users to manually focus on an area of the view to analyze. The camera detects where the test strip and its detection zone is and checks if it is in focus. The pixels are sent to the machine learning algorithm. The application can quickly determine the health of a users kidney and can display it. By only requiring a few drops of blood and an Android smartphone, it is very important for those who cannot afford insurance or live in developing countries. This can make a huge difference in early detection of CDK in these areas where people would otherwise disregard the tests in fear of not having enough money

    Automating Software Development for Mobile Computing Platforms

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    Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous in today\u27s computing landscape. These devices have ushered in entirely new populations of users, and mobile operating systems are now outpacing more traditional desktop systems in terms of market share. The applications that run on these mobile devices (often referred to as apps ) have become a primary means of computing for millions of users and, as such, have garnered immense developer interest. These apps allow for unique, personal software experiences through touch-based UIs and a complex assortment of sensors. However, designing and implementing high quality mobile apps can be a difficult process. This is primarily due to challenges unique to mobile development including change-prone APIs and platform fragmentation, just to name a few. in this dissertation we develop techniques that aid developers in overcoming these challenges by automating and improving current software design and testing practices for mobile apps. More specifically, we first introduce a technique, called Gvt, that improves the quality of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for mobile apps by automatically detecting instances where a GUI was not implemented to its intended specifications. Gvt does this by constructing hierarchal models of mobile GUIs from metadata associated with both graphical mock-ups (i.e., created by designers using photo-editing software) and running instances of the GUI from the corresponding implementation. Second, we develop an approach that completely automates prototyping of GUIs for mobile apps. This approach, called ReDraw, is able to transform an image of a mobile app GUI into runnable code by detecting discrete GUI-components using computer vision techniques, classifying these components into proper functional categories (e.g., button, dropdown menu) using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and assembling these components into realistic code. Finally, we design a novel approach for automated testing of mobile apps, called CrashScope, that explores a given android app using systematic input generation with the intrinsic goal of triggering crashes. The GUI-based input generation engine is driven by a combination of static and dynamic analyses that create a model of an app\u27s GUI and targets common, empirically derived root causes of crashes in android apps. We illustrate that the techniques presented in this dissertation represent significant advancements in mobile development processes through a series of empirical investigations, user studies, and industrial case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches and the benefit they provide developers

    The Essence of Software Engineering

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    Software Engineering; Software Development; Software Processes; Software Architectures; Software Managemen

    The Translocal Event and the Polyrhythmic Diagram

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    This thesis identifies and analyses the key creative protocols in translocal performance practice, and ends with suggestions for new forms of transversal live and mediated performance practice, informed by theory. It argues that ontologies of emergence in dynamic systems nourish contemporary practice in the digital arts. Feedback in self-organised, recursive systems and organisms elicit change, and change transforms. The arguments trace concepts from chaos and complexity theory to virtual multiplicity, relationality, intuition and individuation (in the work of Bergson, Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon, Massumi, and other process theorists). It then examines the intersection of methodologies in philosophy, science and art and the radical contingencies implicit in the technicity of real-time, collaborative composition. Simultaneous forces or tendencies such as perception/memory, content/ expression and instinct/intellect produce composites (experience, meaning, and intuition- respectively) that affect the sensation of interplay. The translocal event is itself a diagram - an interstice between the forces of the local and the global, between the tendencies of the individual and the collective. The translocal is a point of reference for exploring the distribution of affect, parameters of control and emergent aesthetics. Translocal interplay, enabled by digital technologies and network protocols, is ontogenetic and autopoietic; diagrammatic and synaesthetic; intuitive and transductive. KeyWorx is a software application developed for realtime, distributed, multimodal media processing. As a technological tool created by artists, KeyWorx supports this intuitive type of creative experience: a real-time, translocal “jamming” that transduces the lived experience of a “biogram,” a synaesthetic hinge-dimension. The emerging aesthetics are processual – intuitive, diagrammatic and transversal