332 research outputs found

    Enabling Social Interaction Through Embodiment in ExCITE

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    No abstract availableThe emerging demographic trends toward an aging population involve an unflagging research of ways of assisting elderly people to stay independent for as long as possible. This means to be active at home and in the labour market, to prevent social isolation and promote societal inclusion. Both ICT and robotics technologies can contribute to help achieving these goals. This paper introduces the aims of the Ambient Assisted Living project ExCITE whose main objective is to enhance a robotic platform for telepresence with features enabling social interaction from a domestic environment to the outside world. The whole ExCITE project uses a user-centered approach hence it evolves around an intensive evaluation to be performed in situ, on a PanEuropean scale. An existing prototype, called Giraff, is to be deployed to targeted end-users, and refined taking into account outcome of the evaluation. This paper introduces the objectives of ExCITE and offers a description of its initial activities particularly focused on the user evaluation

    Money & Trust in Digital Society, Bitcoin and Stablecoins in ML enabled Metaverse Telecollaboration

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    We present a state of the art and positioning book, about Digital society tools, namely; Web3, Bitcoin, Metaverse, AI/ML, accessibility, safeguarding and telecollaboration. A high level overview of Web3 technologies leads to a description of blockchain, and the Bitcoin network is specifically selected for detailed examination. Suitable components of the extended Bitcoin ecosystem are described in more depth. Other mechanisms for native digital value transfer are described, with a focus on `money'. Metaverse technology is over-viewed, primarily from the perspective of Bitcoin and extended reality. Bitcoin is selected as the best contender for value transfer in metaverses because of it's free and open source nature, and network effect. Challenges and risks of this approach are identified. A cloud deployable virtual machine based technology stack deployment guide with a focus on cybersecurity best practice can be downloaded from GitHub to experiment with the technologies. This deployable lab is designed to inform development of secure value transaction, for small and medium sized companies

    Bir Servis Robotu Olarak Telepresence (Uzabulunum) Robotlar

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    Yirmi birinci yüz yılın sanayi devrimi olan Endüstri 4.0, makineleşme ve dijitalleşme sürecinde tüm bileşenleriyle insan unsurunun en aza indirgenerek üretim süreçlerinde maksimum verimin sağlanması prensibine dayanan bir yaklaşımdır. Dijital çağa uyum sağlayabilmek adına birçok bileşeninin ayı anda ya da farklı farklı zaman dilimlerinde üretim süreçlerine uyarlanarak maliyet optimizasyonunun sağlanması hedeflenmiştir. Endüstri 4.0 kapsamında üretim süreçlerine birden fazla donanım ve ileri düzeyde yazılımlarla donatılmış, yapay zekâ tabanıyla insan davranışlarını taklit edebilme, hareket başlatabilme kabiliyetlerine sahip ve bilgisayarlar aracılığıyla kontrol edilebilen robot sistemleri dahil edilmiştir. Kullanıcıları zaman ve mekân kısıtından uzaklaştırarak, bir tablet ya da bilgisayar ekranı ve standı ile uzaktan kontrole imkân veren, farklı bir konumda olabilme ve bu konum içerisinde faaliyet gösterimine imkân veren telepresence robotlar ise bu elektromekanik sistemin bir alt başlığı olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Sağlık, konaklama, inşaat, tarım sektörlerine yönelik profesyonel robotlar geliştirilip, üretilip-satılmaktadır. Telepresence robotlar da sunduğu imkanlarla çeşitli alanlarda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada da çok yeni bir kavram olan ve literatürde çok az değinilen telepresence robotların tanımına, çalışma prensibine ve genel olarak kullanım alanlarına değinilmiştir

    Digital Twins for Industry 4.0 in the 6G Era

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    Having the Fifth Generation (5G) mobile communication system recently rolled out in many countries, the wireless community is now setting its eyes on the next era of Sixth Generation (6G). Inheriting from 5G its focus on industrial use cases, 6G is envisaged to become the infrastructural backbone of future intelligent industry. Especially, a combination of 6G and the emerging technologies of Digital Twins (DT) will give impetus to the next evolution of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) systems. This article provides a survey in the research area of 6G-empowered industrial DT system. With a novel vision of 6G industrial DT ecosystem, this survey discusses the ambitions and potential applications of industrial DT in the 6G era, identifying the emerging challenges as well as the key enabling technologies. The introduced ecosystem is supposed to bridge the gaps between humans, machines, and the data infrastructure, and therewith enable numerous novel application scenarios.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technolog

    Service robots, customers and service employees: what can we learn from the academic literature and where are the gaps?

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    Purpose – Robots are predicted to have a profound impact on the service sector. The emergence of robots has attracted increasing interest from business scholars and practitioners alike. In this article, we undertake a systematic review of the business literature about the impact of service robots on customers and employees with the objective of guiding future research. Design/methodology/approach – We analyzed the literature on service robots as they relate to customers and employees in business journals listed in the Financial Times top 50 journals plus all journals covered in the cross-disciplinary SERVSIG literature alerts. Findings – The analysis of the identified studies yielded multiple observations about the impact of service robots on customers (e.g., overarching frameworks on acceptance and usage of service robots; characteristics of service robots and anthropomorphism; and potential for enhanced and deteriorated service experiences) and service employees (e.g., employee benefits such as reduced routine work, enhanced productivity and job satisfaction; potential negative consequences such as loss of autonomy and a range of negative psychological outcomes; opportunities for human-robot collaboration; job insecurity; and robot-related upskilling and development requirements). We also conclude that current research on service robots is fragmented, is largely conceptual in nature, and focused on the initial adoption stage. We feel that more research is needed to build an overarching theory. In addition, more empirical research is needed, especially on the long(er)-term usage service robots on actual behaviors, the well-being, and potential downsides and (ethical) risks for customers and service employees.Research limitations – Our review focused on the business and service literature. Future work may want to include additional literature streams, including those in computer science, engineering, and information systems.Originality/value – This article is the first to synthesize the business and service literature on the impact of service robots on customers and employees.</div

    Accessibility of Health Data Representations for Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities for Design

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    Health data of consumer off-the-shelf wearable devices is often conveyed to users through visual data representations and analyses. However, this is not always accessible to people with disabilities or older people due to low vision, cognitive impairments or literacy issues. Due to trade-offs between aesthetics predominance or information overload, real-time user feedback may not be conveyed easily from sensor devices through visual cues like graphs and texts. These difficulties may hinder critical data understanding. Additional auditory and tactile feedback can also provide immediate and accessible cues from these wearable devices, but it is necessary to understand existing data representation limitations initially. To avoid higher cognitive and visual overload, auditory and haptic cues can be designed to complement, replace or reinforce visual cues. In this paper, we outline the challenges in existing data representation and the necessary evidence to enhance the accessibility of health information from personal sensing devices used to monitor health parameters such as blood pressure, sleep, activity, heart rate and more. By creating innovative and inclusive user feedback, users will likely want to engage and interact with new devices and their own data

    Customer experience challenges: bringing together digital, physical and social realms

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    This paper discusses important societal issues, such as individual and societal needs for privacy, security, and transparency. It sets out potential avenues for service innovation in these areas

    The Complexity of Engineering Education in a Mission Driven PBL University

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    In this extended abstract, we will argue that education in a mission driven university holds particularities that call for the transformation of not only the research base of education but also the way in which education is conceptualised and practiced. Following a PBL approach, we put the students in the centre of educational activity and propose a conceptual framework for engineering education in a mission driven PBL university.<br/