10 research outputs found

    Основные направления современного исследования теории коммуникации

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    В XX веке в среде гуманитарных наук выделяются области знания, претендующие на самостоятельность. Одной из таких областей стала теория коммуникации. Это связано с бурным развитием средств массовой коммуникации и необходимостью осмыслить их роль в жизни общества и степень влияния на процессы, происходящие в нем. Среди множества теорий, выдвинутых отечественными и западными учеными, наиболее интересными нам показались те, о которых мало известно в отечественной литературе, что связано с избирательностью при переводе и публикации трудов западных теоретиков. В данной статье представлены основные положения некоторых теорий

    Activismo digital y nuevos modos de ciudadanía: Una mirada global

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    A la hora de plantear los vínculos entre movimientos sociales y tecnología corremos el riesgo de abordar la cuestión desde el determinismo tecnológico y relegar el análisis de su verdadero potencial transformador tanto del pensamiento subjetivo como social, es decir, de las formas y posibilidades de vida. Los movimientos sociales interrogan los modos de ver y hacer, la naturaleza del poder y las estructuras de la organización colectiva que, precisamente por ello, se entienden como subversivos y amenazantes. De la misma forma, la capacidad transformadora de las tecnologías se encuentra en las posibilidades que brinda de otras maneras de comunicación, de organización y de opciones de vida que no están en su propia naturaleza sino en las formas de hacer y ser de lo humano y colectivo. Por ello, aquí proponemos una mirada a los hechos y cambios que la acción local y colectiva acompañada del uso tecnológico muestra sobre la doble dimensión política de ambas realidades que, cuando operan de manera conjunta, intensifican las transformaciones y el horizonte de posibilidades resultantes.Pp. (1-287

    Activismo digital y nuevos modos de ciudadanía : una mirada global

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    A la hora de plantear los vínculos entre movimientos sociales y tecnología corremos el riesgo de abordar la cuestión desde el determinismo tecnológico y relegar el análisis de su verdadero potencial transformador tanto del pensamiento subjetivo como social, es decir, de las formas y posibilidades de vida. Los movimientos sociales interrogan los modos de ver y hacer, la naturaleza del poder y las estructuras de la organización colectiva que, precisamente por ello, se entienden como subversivos y amenazantes. De la misma forma, la capacidad transformadora de las tecnologías se encuentra en las posibilidades que brinda de otras maneras de comunicación, de organización y de opciones de vida que no están en su propia naturaleza sino en las formas de hacer y ser de lo humano y colectivo. Por ello, aquí proponemos una mirada a los hechos y cambios que la acción local y colectiva acompañada del uso tecnológico muestra sobre la doble dimensión política de ambas realidades que, cuando operan de manera conjunta, intensifican las transformaciones y el horizonte de posibilidades resultantes

    Integrating social media for community empowerment : A study of community reporting in two Greater Manchester urban regeneration areas

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    Despite an unshakable belief in the UK in the empowering and regenerating potential of ICTs locating the benefits of digital inclusion initiatives for deprived urban communities has remained elusive. Given social media discourses of empowerment and social progress this thesis explores whether and how social media may be associated with a greater potential for community empowerment and regeneration. I specifically focus upon the potential of the relationship between participation in community content creation and sharing, (community generated content), community empowerment and regeneration. The exploration is based on a qualitative case study of a Community Reporter Programme with a social media and empowerment focus being integrated within two urban regeneration areas in Greater Manchester. The study draws primarily on the experiences and insights of community reporter participants. The way in which participation in community generated content becomes meaningful within urban regeneration areas and thus potentially empowering, is found to lie in a complex interweave of individual interpretative framing, aspects of identity beyond the demographic frame and strategies for the domestication of the specific social media practice of community reporting. The study finds that empowerment value attached to participation in community generated content is primarily located at the individual level and psychological and social in nature related to a ‘reconnecting’ and ‘feel good’ factor which appears to have a particular benefit for those who have been at risk of social exclusion. The value at the collective level of empowerment constructed as ‘voice’ is found to be limited and potentially disempowering within a social context of audience inattention and subtle dangers of ‘voice’ exploitation and appropriation. The study highlights fresh perspectives on what ICTs might mean for local communities beyond the established links between online and offline social interaction and social capital frame locating empowerment value specifically in the process of social media focused content production. In line with emergent critiques of participatory culture the study also problematises assumptions of ease of participation and voice attached to social media technologies. While the study supports the emergent view within digital inclusion and community informatics research areas that the empowerment value of ICTs may indeed lie in the arena of content production, the importance of viewing the potential through a critical lens of specific co-creative media practices and shining a light on urban regeneration as a potential arena of disempowerment is identified

    Fostering social connections through internet use: visually impaired older people’s use of computer mediated communications

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    In today’s ICT dynamic society, questions continue on how internet use affects social relationships and well being. By building upon past work and conceptualising visually impaired older adults as a distinct user group, this research explored the perceptions of visually impaired older people concerning how they build and maintain social ties via Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). The research attempts to create an understanding of how internet use could be of benefit to visually impaired older adults and what implications it has for their social well being. The study employed tools of ethnography [observations in an internet café specifically for visually impaired people and semi structured interviews]. One to one and focus group interviews were conducted with 23 visually impaired older adults between the ages of 60 87 years. All participants were registered visually impaired members of a Voluntary organisation in Newcastle, UK. Findings show that participants mainly perceived the internet as a means to establish and maintain social relationships rather than a substitute for social contacts in the face of myriad challenges with socialisation offline. It also enabled them to challenge popular stereotypes about older people and use of new technologies. Many participants regarded internet use as a means to enhance social connectedness and overcome feeling isolated. Findings showed how internet use fits into the communication styles of visually impaired older people and enable them to cope with the challenges of vision loss. Some participants regarded the absence of visual cues in CMC as a communication advantage which afforded them a platform to socialise with others on an equal footing. The implication of findings for existing theoretical concepts of CMC and the need for a more inclusive theoretical stance which integrates the position of visually impaired users were discussed. The study concludes that the internet is a vital tool for social integration of visually impaired groups. It has potential for positive impact on their well being if accessibility is further enhanced

    Toward a pervasive communication environment perspective

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    In a world where pervasive communication technologies facilitate an increasing percentage of human interaction, the traditional dichotomy between face-to-face and mediated communication (especially computer mediated communication) obscures more than it illuminates. This has impacts for both teaching and research. To address this, I propose a holistic approach: Pervasive Communication Environment Perspective (PCE). Represented as a graphic model, PCE illustrates the circular flow of information and communication across mediums, channels, and individuals. This provides a conceptual tool with practical applications for teaching as well as research

    Toward a Pervasive Communication Environment Perspective

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    In a world where pervasive communication technologies facilitate an increasing percentage of human interaction, the traditional dichotomy between face-to-face and mediated communication (especially computer mediated communication) obscures more than it illuminates. This has impacts for both teaching and research. To address this, I propose a holistic approach: Pervasive Communication Environment Perspective (PCE). Represented as a graphic model, PCE illustrates the circular flow of information and communication across mediums, channels, and individuals. This provides a conceptual tool with practical applications for teaching as well as research