24 research outputs found

    Legal and Ethical Implications of Mobile Live-Streaming Video Apps

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    The introduction of mobile apps such as Meerkat, Periscope, and Facebook Live has sparked enthusiasm for live-streaming video. This study explores the legal and ethical implications of mobile live-streaming video apps through a review of public-policy considerations and the computing literature as well as analyses of a mix of quantitative and qualitative user data. We identify lines of research inquiry for five policy challenges and two areas of the literature in which the impact of these apps is so far unaddressed. The detailed data gathered from these inquiries will significantly contribute to the design and development of tools, signals or affordances to address the concerns that our study identifies. We hope our work will help shape the fields of ubiquitous computing and collaborative and social computing, jurisprudence, public policy and applied ethics in the future

    Let us Get Real! Integrated Approach for Virtual Coaching and Real Time Activity Monitoring in Lifestyle Change Support Systems

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    There is a fast growing number of eHealth systems aiming at supporting a healthy lifestyle. Tailored lifestyle coaching services offer individual users access to web portals where they can communicate about a growing number of ingredients of everyday life concern: physical activity, nutrition, medication, mood, sleep. Mobile technology in combination with body worn sensors support user’s awareness of their physical condition and lifestyle. Despite the large number of available lifestyle interventions and pilot trials, only very few are successfully transferred into the real health care practice. This paper presents new insights and recommendations for the design of lifestyle \ud support systems with personalized virtual coaching based on two user studies. The first study focuses on the mobile physical activity coaching for diabetes patients and office workers. The second study summarizes the persuasive factors on attitudes of \ud high-risk adolescents towards a virtual coach in mobile eHealth applications and social media. We present a new approach that integrates an animated digital coach in an activity monitoring lifestyle change support system

    Online Enlightenment: A Phidget Notification System for Online Status

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    This paper describes a physical device that presents online presence information in a semi-public space. The device uses a map metaphor to represent a set of connected labs, showing online instant messenger status for members of the community. Device users can combine information from the device with information from the physical environment to identify unfamiliar lab members, determine human-to-human interaction strategies, and plan meetings. The paper reports on design decisions that were considered in creating the device, supplying rationale for decisions that were made. In particular, we focus on how people integrate physical information from the world and virtual information from this (and similar) devices in the environment, reflecting on ways in which this type of device can improve communication and enhance community. We describe four envisioned usage scenarios for the device, with early feedback from people who work in the space and whose information is displayed on the device

    Formal analysis of ubiquitous computing environments through the APEX framework

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    Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) systems involve complex interactions between multiple devices and users. This com-plexity makes it difficult to establish whether: (1) observa-tions made about use are truly representative of all possible interactions; (2) desirable characteristics of the system are true in all possible scenarios. To address these issues, tech-niques are needed that support an exhaustive analysis of a system’s design. This paper demonstrates one such exhaus-tive analysis technique that supports the early evaluation of alternative designs for ubiquitous computing environments. The technique combines models of behavior within the environment with a virtual world that allows its simulation. The models support checking of properties based on pat-terns. These patterns help the analyst to generate and verify relevant properties. Where these properties fail then scenar-ios suggested by the failure provide an important aid to redesign. The proposed technique uses APEX, a framework for rapid prototyping of ubiquitous environments based on Petri nets. The approach is illustrated through a smart li-brary example. Its benefits and limitations are discussed.(undefined


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    Wireless and mobile technologies are gradually enabling the provision of innovative information services within almost all environments. This study explores the adoption of ubiquitous museum information systems that can significantly enhance and enrich the museum visit. We draw on traditional IS adoption theories and theories from Museum Studies to develop our theoretical model which is empirically tested through a survey addressed to museum visitors (n=118). Model hypotheses are tested through Partial Least Squares modelling. The results show that Performance Expectancy and Personal Innovativeness still represent the core predictors toward the adoption of museum information systems. However, we also report on the predictive strength of two context-related factors, Invisibility and Interaction, which appear to play a particular role toward the formulation of favourable user perceptions. The paper concludes with implications on the design of museum information systems and specific suggestions for future research

    A Critique of Design Approaches for Notification Systems

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    The Fall 2004 Virginia Tech Undergraduate Research in Computer Science (VTURCS) class, taught by Dr. McCrickard, covered the following topics: problem, activity and information/interaction phases of design; scenario based design; interruption, reaction, and comprehension (IRC) values; stages of action; ubiquitous computing evaluation areas (UEAs) and participatory negotiation. This critique is my assessment and observations of how these design approaches worked for our project

    Constructing Frugal Sales System for Small Enterprises

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    In the current study, the authors report on the application of the design science methodology to construct, utilize, and evaluate a frugal information system that uses mobile devices and cloud computing resources for documenting daily sales transactions of very small enterprises (VSEs). Small enterprises play significant roles in the socioeconomic landscape of a community by providing employment opportunities and contributing to the gross domestic product. However, VSEs have very little access to innovative information technologies that could help them manage their challenges that are restricting their effective growth, sustainability, and participation in a knowledge economy. The results of a field-evaluation experiment, involving 22 VSE entrepreneurs using a newly constructed system, MobiSales, disclosed that user behavior, which demonstrates confidence, excitement, enthusiasm, energy, and trust varied when employing a mobile electronic device for social interactions, as compared to using it for business transactions

    Feasibility and performance analysis of middleware support for a situated virtual-physical civic engagement platform

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    Abstract. With the prevalent ubiquitous computing technologies, it is possible to explore novel solutions for supporting civic engagement as a set of urban practices. One interesting urban practice is the soapbox, traditionally conceived as wooden structure, from where to hold impromptu speeches. For this thesis, a novel soapbox prototype with ubiquitous computing mediated technologies is introduced, with our focus on the feasibility and performance analysis of its middleware support, investigating how our middleware is able to meet the goals of a situated virtual-physical civic engagement platform. Based on our empirical evaluations, it is demonstrated that our prototype is effective to support civic engagement and serve purpose of continuously soapbox streaming