9 research outputs found

    An Experimental Digital Library Platform - A Demonstrator Prototype for the DigLib Project at SICS

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    Within the framework of the Digital Library project at SICS, this thesis describes the implementation of a demonstrator prototype of a digital library (DigLib); an experimental platform integrating several functions in one common interface. It includes descriptions of the structure and formats of the digital library collection, the tailoring of the search engine Dienst, the construction of a keyword extraction tool, and the design and development of the interface. The platform was realised through sicsDAIS, an agent interaction and presentation system, and is to be used for testing and evaluating various tools for information seeking. The platform supports various user interaction strategies by providing: search in bibliographic records (Dienst); an index of keywords (the Keyword Extraction Function (KEF)); and browsing through the hierarchical structure of the collection. KEF was developed for this thesis work, and extracts and presents keywords from Swedish documents. Although based on a comparatively simple algorithm, KEF contributes by supplying a long-felt want in the area of Information Retrieval. Evaluations of the tasks and the interface still remain to be done, but the digital library is very much up and running. By implementing the platform through sicsDAIS, DigLib can deploy additional tools and search engines without interfering with already running modules. If wanted, agents providing other services than SICS can supply, can be plugged in

    LitMiner: integration of library services within a bio-informatics application

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    BACKGROUND: This paper examines how the adoption of a subject-specific library service has changed the way in which its users interact with a digital library. The LitMiner text-analysis application was developed to enable biologists to explore gene relationships in the published literature. The application features a suite of interfaces that enable users to search PubMed as well as local databases, to view document abstracts, to filter terms, to select gene name aliases, and to visualize the co-occurrences of genes in the literature. At each of these stages, LitMiner offers the functionality of a digital library. Documents that are accessible online are identified by an icon. Users can also order documents from their institution's library collection from within the application. In so doing, LitMiner aims to integrate digital library services into the research process of its users. METHODS: Case study RESULTS: This integration of digital library services into the research process of biologists results in increased access to the published literature. CONCLUSION: In order to make better use of their collections, digital libraries should customize their services to suit the research needs of their patrons

    Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Sozialwissenschaften - Projektskizze

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    Das Projekt zielt auf die integrierte Bereitstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Literaturinformationen aus verteilten und inhaltlich unterschiedlich erschlossenen Datenbeständen. In erster Linie sollen Probleme des inhaltlichen Zugriffs auf solch heterogene Dokumentenbestände gelöst werden

    Dynamic Update Techniques for Online Maps and Attributes Data

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    Online databases containing geographic and related tabular data for maps and attributes often require continuous updates from widely distributed sources afield. For some applications, these data are dynamic, and thus are of little value if they do not reflect the latest information or changes. A status map that depicts graphically temporal data affecting accountability is an example of this type of data. How can accommodations be made collectively for the perpetual data updates in the database and the need to deliver online information in real time without making concessions? The goal of the dissertation was to analyze and evaluate techniques and technology for data collection and storage, online data delivery, and real-time upload. The result of this analysis culminated in the design and prototype of a system that allowed real-time delivery of up-to-date maps and attributes information. A literature review revealed that an ample amount of research material existed on the theory and practice of developing dynamic update techniques. Despite that fact, no research literature was available that specifically dealt with dynamic update techniques that provide for real-time delivery of up-to-date maps while allowing online update of attributes information. This dissertation was the first attempt at providing research material in this important area. The procedure consisted of five major steps encompassing a number of small steps, and culminated in the development of a prototype. The steps included gathering data collection and storage information, investigating technological advances in data delivery and access, studying dynamic update techniques, assessing the feasibility of an implementation solution, and developing a prototype. The results revealed that the dynamic update technique as implemented in the prototype met the need for timely delivery of accountability, geospatial, and metadata information within an infrastructure

    The Role of the Einstein Library of Nova Southeastern University in Meeting the Needs of Distance Education Students

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the information needs of a selected segment of the distance learning graduate student population served by the Einstein Library at Nova Southeastern University and to propose a new model of library service based on the implementation of current and emerging technologies. Several survey instruments were developed and administered through electronic mail to students and faculty in the School of Computer and Information Sciences, the Center for Psychological Studies, and the School of Social and Systemic Studies, the Fischler Center for the Advancement of Education and the School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The results of the survey were analyzed using a variation on the Quality Function Deployment Methodology. Based upon this analysis, a model for library services is proposed which integrates electronic and print resources into a unified system of information delivery. Various methods of presenting information resources are compared and used as examples of potential solutions. As distance education continues to expand and develop, innovative methods must be found to provide information resources to students studying at a distance. The proposed model provides a framework for the future development of library services

    Toward Work-Centered Digital Information Services

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    We are engaged in developing technologies to support work-centered digital information services. Work-centered digital information services are a set of library-like services meant to address the mission of the work group. Workplace users have somewhat specialized needs. In particular, they have internal collections of "legacy" document that need to be accessed along with external collections; they frequently want to retrieve information, rather than documents per se; and they require that digital information systems be integrated into, as well as augment, established work practices. Realizing work-centered digital information systems requires a broad technical agenda: Document image analysis, natural language analysis, computer vision analysis are necessary to facilitate information extraction; new user interface paradigms and authoring tools are required for users to better access multimedia information; improved protocols are required for client programs to interact with repositorie..

    Toward work-centered digital information services

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    A Framework For Designing And Implementing The User Interface Of A Geographic Digital Library

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    Geographic data are useful for a large set of applications, such as urban planning and environmental control. These data are, however, very expensive to acquire and maintain. Moreover, their use is often restricted due to a lack of dissemination mechanisms. Digital libraries are a good approach for increasing data availability and therefore reducing costs, since they provide efficient storage and access to large volumes of data. One major drawback to this approach is that it creates the necessity of providing facilities for a large and heteerogeneous community of users to search and interact with these geographic libraries. We present a solution to this problem, based on a framework that allows the design and construction of customizable user interfaces for applications based on Geographic Digital Libraries (GDL). This framework relies on two main concepts: a geographic user interface architecture and a geographic digital library model. © Springer-Verlag 1999.22-3190206Abiteboul, S., Bonner, A., Object and views (1991) In: Proc. of the 1991 ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. On Management of Data, pp. 238-247Adam, N.R., Fordhamm, B.S., Yesha, Y., Some key issues in database systems in a digital library setting (1994) LNCS, 916, pp. 9-20Andresen, D., Carver, L., Dolin, R., Fischer, C., Frew, J., Goodchild, M., Ibarra, O., Zheng, Q., The WWW prototype of the Alexandria Digital Library (1995) Proc. of the Int. Symp. On Digital LibrariesAllen, R.B., Two digital library interfaces which exploit hierarchical structure (1995) Proc. of Electronic Publishing and The Information SuperhighwayAbel, D., Yap, S., Ackland, R., Cameron, M., Smith, D., Walker, G., Environmental decision support system project: An exploration of alternative architectures for geographical information systems (1992) Int. J. Geograph. Inf. 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