17 research outputs found

    Design of Mobile Finger Communications Board for Stroke Patient Using The Five Planes of User Experience

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    Stroke, in 2014 to mid-2015 is the first cause of death in Indonesia. The condition of stroke patients whose movements are limited is exacerbated by the psychic condition of patients who are unable to communicate pressure will cause obstacles to the healing process of the patient. This research is designed based on the five planes of user experience which are divided into five areas: strategy, scope, structure, skeleton, and surface. This communication board is operated using the patient's fingers so that it is comfortable for everyday activities. The result of Mobile Finger Communication Board implementation shows that application usability level seen from perception and ergonomic point of view shows satisfaction index of the user at the satisfactory level so that it can be said that the system works with the satisfactory result of the users. It is expected that with the Mobile Finger Communication Board which will be used daily to support the healing process of stroke so that the healing rate of stroke is increasing

    Augmented Reality as Learning Medium for Preservation of Traditional Musical Instruments in Bangka

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    Nowadays the use of technology is something that can be found anywhere. This condition has an impact on the loss of awareness of the Indonesian cultural treasures value in the form of traditional tools. No exception to traditional musical instruments on Bangka Island which began to lose its popularity. At present, most teenagers on Bangka Island cannot play traditional musical instruments. Likewise with the children who do not know and not even know their own regional musical instruments. With the continuation of this condition, it is feared that the existence of traditional Bangka musical instruments will disappear, as well as human resources that can play it. Augmented Reality (AR) is a visual technology that can display objects in 3D. The advantage of this technology is being able to give a display of real-time musical instrument in the form of dynamic 3D visualization of objects and it is in accordance with the movements of the user's smartphone camera. AR has also been applied in various cases as a solution to problem-solving. Therefore, to overcome this problem, an application to preserve the traditional Bangka musical instruments using Augmented Reality (AR) is forming. The 3D objects of musical instruments are made using Maya. Unity is also used as an engine for the application of 3D modeling on the Android system, and Vuforia SDK as it’s augmented reality engine. The results of performance testing obtained 100% running well. From the results of testing the user experience with the HARUS method, it is proven that the system has comprehensibility aspects of 75.98% and manipulability aspects of 80.74% so that the total value HARUS be 78.36%

    A user experience analysis for a mobile Mixed Reality application for cultural heritage

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    Mixed Reality has emerged as a valuable tool for the promotion of cultural heritage. In this context, in particular, the metaphor of virtual portals allows the virtual visit of monuments that are inaccessible or no longer exist in their original form, integrating them into the real environment. This paper presents the development of a Mixed Reality mobile application that proposes a virtual reconstruction of the church of Sant’Elia in Ruggiano, in the southern province of Lecce (Italy). By placing the virtual portal in the same place where the entrance of the church was located, the user can cross this threshold to enter inside and make a virtual journey into the past. The user experience was evaluated by administering a questionnaire to 60 users who tried the application. From the data collected, four user experience factors were identified (interest, focus of attention, presence and usability), which were compared between young and old, male and female users, and between users who had already visited the church in person and all other users. In general, the scores reveal a total independence of the other three factors from usability and a very high level of interest

    KioskAR: An Augmented Reality Game as a New Business Model to Present Artworks

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    Rancangan Media Komunikasi Pasien Stroke Menggunakan Mobile Finger Communication Board Dengan Pendekatan Five Planes Of User Experience

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    Penyakit stroke telah menjadi sebuah fenomena di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2014 hingga pertengahan 2015, penyakit ini menjadi penyebab kematian pertama di Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi perhatian khusus Kementerian Kesehatan sehingga upaya pencegahan, pengobatan dan penanggulangan stroke menjadi lebih ditingkatkan. Kondisi pasien stroke yang terbatas pergerakannya diperparah oleh kondisi psikis tekanan pasien yang tidak dapat berkomunikasi akan menyebabkan hambatan bagi proses penyembuhan pasien. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah media komunikasi pasien stroke dengan menerapkan teknologi Mobile Finger Communication Board dan pendekatan five planes of use experience. Papan komunikasi ini dioperasikan menggunakan jari pasien sehingga tetap nyaman untuk aktifitas sehari-hari. Rancangan Mobile Finger Communication Board berdasarkan five planes of user experience. Hasil dari implementasi Mobile Finger Communication Board menunjukkan bahwa tingkat usabilitas aplikasi dilihat dari sudut pandang persepsi dan ergonomi menunjukkan indeks kepuasan pengguna pada level memuaskan sehingga dapat dikatakan sistem bekerja dengan hasil yang memuaskan para pengguna. Diharapkan dengan Mobile Finger Communication Board yang nyaman digunakan dapat mendukung proses penyembuhan penyakit stroke sehingga tingkat kesembuhan penyakit stroke semakin meningka

    Usability, user experience and mental workload in a mobile Augmented Reality application for digital storytelling in cultural heritage

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    Augmented Reality (AR) has become an increasingly used technology to support and enhance the enjoyment of cultural heritage. Particularly relevant is its importance for digital storytelling: by framing a portion of a fresco or painting with a smartphone, an AR mobile application can provide contextually relevant information, also in the form of multimedia content, that can help the user to understand the story and meaning behind the images. In this type of application, human factors are of fundamental importance for the effectiveness of the narrative: a mobile AR application must avoid distracting the user’s attention from the content in order to encourage a good level of concentration and immersion. The case study presented in this paper deals with a mobile AR application developed to guide visitors in the interpretation of the frescoes inside the Basilica of Saint Catherina of Alexandria in Galatina. The aim of the study is the analysis of the relations among usability, user experience and mental workload factors in AR-based digital storytelling

    Mixed Reality Flood Visualizations: Reflections on Development and Usability of Current Systems

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    Interest in and use of 3D visualizations for analysis and communication of flooding risks has been increasing. At the same time, an ecosystem of 3D user interfaces has also been emerging. Together, they offer exciting potential opportunities for flood visualization. In order to understand how we turn potential into real value, we need to develop better understandings of technical workflows, capabilities of the resulting systems, their usability, and implications for practice. Starting with existing geospatial datasets, we develop single user and collaborative visualization prototypes that leverage capabilities of the state-of-the art HoloLens 2 mixed reality system. By using the 3D displays, positional tracking, spatial mapping, and hand- and eye-tracking, we seek to unpack the capabilities of these tools for meaningful spatial data practice. We reflect on the user experience, hardware performance, and usability of these tools and discuss the implications of these technologies for flood risk management, and broader spatial planning practice.&nbsp

    Reusable framework for web application development

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    Web application (WA) is among the mainstream enterprise-level software solutions. One of the reasons for this trend was due to the presence of Web application framework (WAF) that in many ways has helped web developer to implement WA as an enterprise system. However, there are complexity issues faced by the developers when using existing WAFs as reported by the developers themselves. This study is proposed to find a solution to this particular issue by investigating generic issues that arise when developers utilize Web as a platform to deliver enterprise-level application. The investigation involves the identification of problems and challenges imposed by the architecture and technology of the Web itself, study of software engineering (SE) knowledge adaptation for WA development, determination of factors that contribute to the complexity of WAF implementation, and study of existing solutions for WA development proposed by previous works. To better understand the real issues faced by the developers, handson experiment was conducted through development testing performed on selected WAFs. A new highly reusable WAF is proposed, which is derived from the experience of developing several WAs case studies guided by the theoretical and technical knowledge previously established in the study. The proposed WAF was quantitatively and statistically evaluated in terms of its reusability and usability to gain insight into the complexity of the development approach proposed by the WAF. Reuse analysis results demonstrated that the proposed WAF has exceeded the minimum target of 75% reuse at both the component and system levels while the usability study results showed that almost all (15 out of 16) of the questionnaire items used to measure users’ attitudes towards the WAF were rated at least moderately by the respondents

    Usabilitat en entorns de realitat augmentada

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria InformĂ tica, Facultat de MatemĂ tiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2023, Director: Mireia Ribera[en] This project aims to develop a specific evaluation plan for Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Two representative applications of the technology will be evaluated: RoomPlanner and YouCam Makeup. Augmented Reality is an emerging and promising technology that combines virtual objects with the real world, but still lacks clear standards in terms of usability. The first objective is to create a usability evaluation plan adapted to the unique characteristics of Augmented Reality applications. This involves exploring existing practices and methods in the field of usability and adapting them to AR. The second objective is to apply the evaluation plan developed in the RoomPlanner and YouCam Makeup applications. These applications represent different functionalities and problems of Augmented Reality. Usability tests will be performed and relevant data will be collected to verify the effectiveness of the plan. In summary, this project seeks to contribute to the creation of norms and standards in the design of interaction with users in the emerging technology of Augmented Reality. Specific applications will be evaluated and an evaluation plan adapted to this technology will be developed