919 research outputs found

    Towards Flexible Distribution Systems : Future Adaptive Management Schemes

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    During the ongoing evolution of energy systems toward increasingly flexible, resilient, and digitalized distribution systems, many issues need to be developed. In general, a holistic multi-level systemic view is required on the future enabling technologies, control and management methods, operation and planning principles, regulation as well as market and business models. Increasing integration of intermittent renewable generation and electric vehicles, as well as industry electrification during the evolution, requires a huge amount of flexibility services at multiple time scales and from different voltage levels, resources, and sectors. Active use of distribution network-connected flexible energy resources for flexibility services provision through new marketplaces will also be needed. Therefore, increased collaboration between system operators in operation and planning of the future power system will also become essential during the evolution. In addition, use of integrated cyber-secure, resilient, cost-efficient, and advanced communication technologies and solutions will be of key importance. This paper describes a potential three-stage evolution path toward fully flexible, resilient, and digitalized electricity distribution networks. A special focus of this paper is the evolution and development of adaptive control and management methods as well as compatible collaborative market schemes that can enable the improved provision of flexibility services by distribution network-connected flexible energy resources for local (distribution system operator) and system-wide (transmission system operator) needs.© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Distribution System Operators Observatory 2018

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    The distribution system is a key part of the electricity chain. It links bulk production with end consumers. Recently, radical changes have taken place in every segment of the power industry. These are calling for a changing role of the Distribution System Operators (DSOs) in Europe. This report provides a clear picture of the features of distribution grids in Europe, on the way they are operated and how far DSOs are from the paved provisions proposed in the recent Electricity Directive of the European Commission.JRC.C.3-Energy Security, Distribution and Market

    Accurate Battery Modelling for Control Design and Economic Analysis of Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems in Smart Grid

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    Adoption of lithium-ion battery energy storage systems (Li-ion BESSs) as a flexible energy source (FES) has been rapid, particularly for active network management (ANM) schemes to facilitate better utilisation of inverter based renewable energy sources (RES) in power systems. However, Li-ion BESSs display highly nonlinear performance characteristics, which are based on parameters such as state of charge (SOC), temperature, depth of discharge (DOD), charge/discharge rate (C-rate), and battery-aging conditions. Therefore, it is important to include the dynamic nature of battery characteristics in the process of the design and development of battery system controllers for grid applications and for techno-economic studies analyzing the BESS economic profitability. This thesis focuses on improving the design and development of Li-ion BESS controllers for ANM applications by utilizing accurate battery performance models based on the second-order equivalent-circuit dynamic battery modelling technique, which considers the SOC, C-rate, temperature, and aging as its performance affecting parameters. The proposed ANM scheme has been designed to control and manage the power system parameters within the limits defined by grid codes by managing the transients introduced due to the intermittence of RESs and increasing the RES penetration at the same time. The validation of the ANM scheme and the effectiveness of controllers that manage the flexibilities in the power system, which are a part of the energy management system (EMS) of ANM, has been validated with the help of simulation studies based on an existing real-life smart grid pilot in Finland, Sundom Smart Grid (SSG). The studies were performed with offline (short-term transient-stability analysis) and real-time (long-term transient analysis) simulations. In long-term simulation studies, the effect of battery aging has also been considered as part of the Li-ion BESS controller design; thus, its impact on the overall power system operation can be analyzed. For this purpose, aging models that can determine the evolving peak power characteristics associated with aging have been established. Such aging models are included in the control loop of the Li-ion BESS controller design, which can help analyse battery aging impacts on the power system control and stability. These analyses have been validated using various use cases. Finally, the impact of battery aging on economic profitability has been studied by including battery-aging models in techno-economic studies.Aurinkosähköjärjestelmien ja tuulivoiman laajamittainen integrointi sähkövoimajärjestelmän eri jännitetasoille on lisääntynyt nopeasti. Uusiutuva energia on kuitenkin luonteeltaan vaihtelevaa, joka voi aiheuttaa nopeita muutoksia taajuudessa ja jännitteessä. Näiden vaihteluiden hallintaan tarvitaan erilaisia joustavia energiaresursseja, kuten energiavarastoja, sekä niiden tehokkaan hyödyntämisen mahdollistaviea älykkäitä ja aktiivisia hallinta- ja ohjausjärjestelmiä. Litiumioniakkuihin pohjautuvien invertteriliitäntäisten energian varastointijärjestelmien käyttö joustoresursseina aktiiviseen verkonhallintaan niiden pätö- ja loistehon ohjauksen avulla on lisääntynyt nopeasti johtuen niiden kustannusten laskusta, modulaarisuudesta ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista. Litiumioniakuilla on erittäin epälineaariset ominaisuudet joita kuvaavat parametrit ovat esimerkiksi lataustila, lämpötila, purkaussyvyys, lataus/ purkausnopeus ja akun ikääntyminen. Akkujen ominaisuuksien dynaaminen luonne onkin tärkeää huomioida myös akkujen sähköverkkoratkaisuihin liittyvien säätöjärjestelmien kehittämisessä sekä teknis-taloudellisissa kannattavuusanalyyseissa. Tämä väitöstutkimus keskittyy ensisijaisesti aktiiviseen verkonhallintaan käytettävien litiumioniakkujen säätöratkaisuiden parantamiseen hyödyntämällä tarkkoja, dynaamisia akun suorituskykymalleja, jotka perustuvat toisen asteen ekvivalenttipiirien akkumallinnustekniikkaan, jossa otetaan huomioon lataustila, lataus/purkausnopeus ja lämpötila. Työssä kehitetyn aktiivisen verkonhallintajärjestelmän avulla tehtävät akun pätö- ja loistehon ohjausperiaatteet on validoitu laajamittaisten simulointien avulla, esimerkiksi paikallista älyverkkopilottia Sundom Smart Gridiä simuloimalla. Simuloinnit tehtiin sekä lyhyen aikavälin offline-simulaatio-ohjelmistoilla että pitkän aikavälin simulaatioilla hyödyntäen reaaliaikasimulointilaitteistoa. Pitkän aikavälin simulaatioissa akun ikääntymisen vaikutus otettiin huomioon litiumioniakun ohjauksen suunnittelussa jotta sen vaikutusta sähköjärjestelmän kokonaistoimintaan voitiin analysoida. Tätä tarkoitusta varten luotiin akun ikääntymismalleja, joilla on mahdollista määrittää akun huipputehon muutos sen ikääntyessä. Akun huipputehon muutos taas vaikuttaa sen hyödynnettävyyteen erilaisten pätötehon ohjaukseen perustuvien joustopalveluiden tarjoamiseen liittyen. Lisäksi väitöstutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin akkujen ikääntymisen vaikutusta niiden taloudelliseen kannattavuuteen sisällyttämällä akkujen ikääntymismalleja teknis-taloudellisiin tarkasteluihin.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Framework for Electric Vehicles and Photovoltaic Synergies

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    Historically road transport has been exclusively dominated by petrol and diesel engines. Both alternatives are proved to be unsustainable due to their environmental impacts and the limited nature of their primary resources. Today’s transportation sector in the European Union (EU) accounts for 23% of CO2 emissions, 72% of which is being emitted by road transport. The European Union’s CO2 emission regulation for new cars, has come as a response to set emission performance limits for new passenger cars with the goal of establishing a road map change for automotive sector. Furthermore, the EU has set challenging targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in 2030 (relative to emissions in 1990) and for energy consumed to be generated at least with 27% from renewable sources in 2030. As regards energy efficiency, the 2030 framework also indicated that the cost-effective delivery of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for 2030 would require increased energy savings of the order of 27%. The renewable energy directive particularly identified: technological innovation, energy efficiency and contribution of renewable energy sources in transport sector as one of the most effective tools in reaching the expected targets in terms of sustainability and security of the supply. In such context it is obvious that reaching these challenges will be certainly depending on the rollout of Electric Vehicles (EV) as a mean of sustainable transport, higher penetration of distributed renewable energy sources. One consequential challenge will consist in accommodating such paradigm in the most cost-efficient fashion through active involvement of customer and better flexibility of the demand. This report highlights the current trends and expected evolution in the EU in term of electromobility, Photovoltaic (PV) systems and smart grids, with the aim of identifying mutual synergies aiming at enabling: energy efficiency, sustainable transport and higher share of renewable energy sources in the final energy mix. A technical conceptual architecture for integration of EV facilities and distributed generation sources in the context of smart grid is proposed to identify the predictable penetration limits of PV systems and EV users.JRC.F.3-Energy Security, Systems and Marke

    Improved grid interaction of photovoltaics using smart micro-inverters

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    Improved grid interaction of photovoltaics using smart micro-inverters

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    Review of a disruptive vision of future power grids: a new path based on hybrid AC/DC grids and solid-state transformers

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    Power grids are evolving with the aim to guarantee sustainability and higher levels of power quality for universal access to electricity. More specifically, over the last two decades, power grids have been targeted for significant changes, including migration from centralized to decentralized paradigms as a corollary of intensive integration of novel electrical technologies and the availability of derived equipment. This paper addresses a review of a disruptive vision of future power grids, mainly focusing on the use of hybrid AC/DC grids and solid-state transformers technologies. Regarding hybrid AC/DC grids in particular, they are analyzed in detail in the context of unipolar and bipolar DC grids (i.e., two-wire or three-wire DC grids), as well as the different structures concerning coupled and decoupled AC configurations with low-frequency or high-frequency isolation. The contextualization of the possible configurations of solid-state transformers and the different configurations of hybrid transformers (in the perspective of offering benefits for increasing power quality in terms of currents or voltages) is also analyzed within the perspective of the smart transformers. Additionally, the paper also presents unified multi-port systems used to interface various technologies with hybrid AC/DC grids, which are also foreseen to play an important role in future power grids (e.g., the unified interface of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems), including an analysis concerning unified multi-port systems for AC or DC grids. Throughout the paper, these topics are presented and discussed in the context of future power grids. An exhaustive description of these technologies is made, covering the most relevant and recent structures and features that can be developed, as well as the challenges for the future power grids. Several scenarios are presented, encompassing the mentioned technologies, and unveiling a progressive evolution that culminates in the cooperative scope of such technologies for a disruptive vision of future power grids.This work has been supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has been supported by the FCT Project newERA4GRIDs PTDC/EEI-EEE/30283/2017, and by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEIEEE/30382/2017