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    BITOUR: A Business Intelligence Platform for Tourism Analysis

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    [EN] Integrating collaborative data in data-driven Business Intelligence (BI) system brings an opportunity to foster the decision-making process towards improving tourism competitiveness. This article presents BITOUR, a BI platform that integrates four collaborative data sources (Twitter, Openstreetmap, Tripadvisor and Airbnb). BITOUR follows a classical BI architecture and provides functionalities for data transformation, data processing, data analysis and data visualization. At the core of the data processing, BITOUR offers mechanisms to identify tourists in Twitter, assign tweets to attractions and accommodation sites from Tripadvisor and Airbnb, analyze sentiments in opinions issued by tourists, and all this using geolocation objects in Openstreetmap. With all these ingredients, BITOUR enables data analysis and visualization to answer questions like the most frequented places by tourists, the average stay length or the view of visitors of some particular destination.This work has been supported by COLCIENCIAS through a PhD scholarship. This work is supported by the Spanish MINECO project TIN2017-88476-C2-1-R.Bustamante, A.; Sebastiá Tarín, L.; Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, E. (2020). BITOUR: A Business Intelligence Platform for Tourism Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9(11):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9110671S123911Nakahira, K. T., Akahane, M., & Fukami, Y. (2012). The Difference and Limitation of Cognition for Piano Playing Skill with Difference Educational Design. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 609-617. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29934-6_59Chua, A., Servillo, L., Marcheggiani, E., & Moere, A. V. (2016). 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    A Review of Text Corpus-Based Tourism Big Data Mining

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    With the massive growth of the Internet, text data has become one of the main formats of tourism big data. As an effective expression means of tourists’ opinions, text mining of such data has big potential to inspire innovations for tourism practitioners. In the past decade, a variety of text mining techniques have been proposed and applied to tourism analysis to develop tourism value analysis models, build tourism recommendation systems, create tourist profiles, and make policies for supervising tourism markets. The successes of these techniques have been further boosted by the progress of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning. With the understanding of the complexity due to this diverse set of techniques and tourism text data sources, this work attempts to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of text mining techniques that have been, or have the potential to be, applied to modern tourism big data analysis. We summarize and discuss different text representation strategies, text-based NLP techniques for topic extraction, text classification, sentiment analysis, and text clustering in the context of tourism text mining, and their applications in tourist profiling, destination image analysis, market demand, etc. Our work also provides guidelines for constructing new tourism big data applications and outlines promising research areas in this field for incoming years

    A Review of Text Corpus-Based Tourism Big Data Mining

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    With the massive growth of the Internet, text data has become one of the main formats of tourism big data. As an effective expression means of tourists’ opinions, text mining of such data has big potential to inspire innovations for tourism practitioners. In the past decade, a variety of text mining techniques have been proposed and applied to tourism analysis to develop tourism value analysis models, build tourism recommendation systems, create tourist profiles, and make policies for supervising tourism markets. The successes of these techniques have been further boosted by the progress of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and deep learning. With the understanding of the complexity due to this diverse set of techniques and tourism text data sources, this work attempts to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of text mining techniques that have been, or have the potential to be, applied to modern tourism big data analysis. We summarize and discuss different text representation strategies, text-based NLP techniques for topic extraction, text classification, sentiment analysis, and text clustering in the context of tourism text mining, and their applications in tourist profiling, destination image analysis, market demand, etc. Our work also provides guidelines for constructing new tourism big data applications and outlines promising research areas in this field for incoming years

    What drives the helpfulness of online reviews? A deep learning study of sentiment analysis, pictorial content and reviewer expertise for mature destinations.

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    User-generated content (UGC) is a growing driver of destination choice. Drawing on dual-process theories on how individuals process information, this study focuses on the role of central and peripheral information processing routes in the formation of consumers’ perceptions of the helpfulness of online reviews. We carried out a two-step process to address the perceived helpfulness of user-generated content, a sentiment analysis using advanced machine-learning techniques (deep learning), and a regression analysis. We used a database of 2,023 comments posted on TripAdvisor about two iconic Venetian cultural attractions, St. Mark’s Square (an open, free attraction) and the Doge’s Palace (a museum which charges an entry fee). Following the application of deep-learning techniques, we first identified which factors influenced whether a review received a “helpful” vote by means of logistic regression. Second, we selected those reviews which received at least one helpful vote to identify, through linear regression, the significant determinants of TripAdvisor users’ voting behaviour. The results showed that reviewer expertise is an influential factor in both free and paid-for attractions, although the impact of central cues (sentiment polarity, subjectivity and pictorial content) is different in both attractions. Our study suggests that managers should look beyond individual ratings and focus on the sentiment analysis of online reviews, which are shown to be based on the nature of the attraction (free vs. paid-for)

    Vandalism and tourism settings: an integrative review

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    Although wide agreement exists in the literature concerning the presence of vandalism in tourism, very little attention has been given to studying the phenomenon. This paper reviews published literature that addresses vandalism, its manifestation in tourism and its prevention. The review provides a comprehensive analysis of empirical research on the motivations for vandalism, deviant visitor behaviour and intervention strategies to manage such behaviours in tourism settings. The paper reviews the micro-level and macro level forces influencing vandalism and provides a definition, thematic analysis of current literature on motivation of vandalism and common themes in vandalism prevention. The analysis demonstrates a range of intervention strategies to curb vandalism. An evolution towards the use of more refined proactive techniques is apparent in recent work. The review provides a foundation for further work by theorists and practitioners

    Toward personalised and dynamic cultural routing: a three-level approach

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    This paper introduces the concept of “smart routing” as a recommender system for tourists that takes into account the dynamics of their personal user profiles. The concept relies on three levels of support: 1) programming the tour, i.e. selecting a set of relevant points of interests (POIs) to be included into the tour, 2) scheduling the tour, i.e. arranging the selected POIs into a sequence based on the cultural, recreational and situational value of each, and 3) determining the tour’s travel route, i.e. generating a set of trips between the POIs that the tourist needs to perform in order to complete the tour. The “smart routing” approach intends to enhance the experience of tourists in a number of ways. The first advantage is the system’s ability to reflect on the tourists’ dynamic preferences, for which an understanding of the influence of a tourist’s affective state and dynamic needs on the preferred activities is required. Next, it arranges the POIs together in a way that creates a storyline that the tourist will be interested to follow, which adds to the tour’s cultural value. Finally, the POIs are connected by a chain of multimodal trips that the tourist will have to make, also in accordance with the tourist’s preferences and dynamic needs. As a result, each tour can be personalised in a “smart” way, from the perspective of both the cultural and the overall experience of taking it. We present the building blocks of the “smart routing” concept in detail and describe the data categories involved. We also report on the current status of our activities with respect to the inclusion of a tourist’s affective state and dynamic needs into the preference measurement phase, as well as discuss relevant practical concerns in this regard

    Destination image online analyzed through user generated content: a systematic literature review

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    Destination Image is a concept that has been studied for a long time in tourism research. The question of how a destination is perceived by tourists and potential new guests is an important insight, especially for local tourism managers, in order to evaluate the implemented strategies and to plan further tactics. Since the last two decades, due to a drastic digitalization, tourism research is now increasingly examining the Destination Image online. This creates new challenges in the selection of sources, methods, and in data collection. The aim of the present study was to systematically capture the approach to analyze the online Destination Image through User Generated Content using studies from the last ten years. Therefore, a Systematic Literature Review on primary research from academic databases was conducted. As a summary of the findings, a conceptual model was developed, based on the insights of the studies in the dataset, to contribute a guidance for the preparation phase of future online Destination Image research. In short, the main findings are: TripAdvisor.com is the main source for online Destination Image analysis. Researchers recommend using the help of software and programming languages to collect and analyzed the data. Equally to earlier Destination Image studies, the main methods applied in online Destination Image analysis are quantitative content analysis, qualitative content analysis and sentiment analysis. In combination with the examination of cognitive and affective factors, co-occurrence analysis, and correlation analysis. The present study has several limitations, which are: the loss of detail information due to reducing the studies to comparable key parameters, the absence of Anglo-American studies, due to the database selection as well as the lack of quality testing of the studies included.A Destination Image é um conceito que tem sido estudado há muito tempo na investigação turística. A questão de como o destino é visto pelos turistas e pelos potenciais novos hóspedes é uma perspectiva importante, especialmente para os gestores de turismo da região, a fim de avaliar as estratégias implementadas e de planear novas tácticas. Desde as últimas duas décadas, ocorreu uma digitalização drástica, a investigação turística adaptou-se a este fenómeno e está agora a estudar cada vez mais a imagem do destino online. Esta alteração criou novos desafios na selecção de fontes, métodos, e na recolha de dados. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de captar, de forma sistemática, as abordagens consideradas para analisar a imagem do destino online utilizando estudos dos últimos dez anos. Para este efeito, os estudos primários dos anos 2010-2020 das bases de dados académicos Web of Science, ProQuest e b-on, foram recolhidos utilizando palavras-chave de pesquisa pré-definidas. O grupo de artigos obtidos como resultado foram subsequentemente sujeitos a avaliação de eligibilidade, como recomendado por Moher et al. (2009). Isto significa que os estudos que não cumpriam os critérios pré-definidos foram excluídos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: O trabalho académico tinha de ser uma referência primária de uma revista científica, escrita em inglês e a amostra analisada tinha de ter uma origem associada à comunicação nas social media online. Posteriormente, os restantes 35 artigos foram transferidos para uma base de dados utilizando uma matriz de codificação. A matriz de codificação foi concebida para capturar os parâmetros-chave de cada estudo primário de uma forma padronizada e, portanto, comparável. Foi considerada informação geral, como o ano, localização e revista publicada, bem como informação temática específica, como o campo do turismo pesquisado e os meios analisados, juntamente com as categorias referentes à metodologia considerada, as ferramentas utilizadas e os resultados obtidos. A base de dados resultante foi então utilizada para obter declarações sobre a abordagem metodológica utilizada na análise da imagem de destinos online. Como resumo dos resultados, foi desenvolvido um modelo conceptual, baseado nos conhecimentos obtidos a partir do grupo de artigos, que constituiu o conjunto de dados para análise, para contribuir com um guião para a fase de preparação de uma futura investigação sobre imagem dos destinos online. Em resumo, as principais conclusões são: TripAdvisor.com é a principal fonte para a análise da imagem de destinos online. Os investigadores recomendam a utilização da ajuda de software e linguagens de programação para a recolha e análise dos dados. À semelhança de estudos anteriores de Destination Image, os principais métodos aplicados na análise imagem dos destinos online são a análise quantitativa do conteúdo, a análise qualitativa do conteúdo e a análise dos sentimentos. Em combinação com a análise dos fatores cognitivos e afectivos, análise de co-ocorrência, e análise de correlação. O presente estudo tem várias limitações. Que são: a perda de informação detalhada devido à redução dos estudos a parâmetros-chave comparáveis, a ausência de estudos anglo-americanos, devido à selecção do banco de dados, bem como a falta de testes de qualidade dos estudos incluídos.(TurExperience - Tourist experiences' impacts on the destination image: searching for new opportunities to the Algarve”)