13,812 research outputs found

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Management Responses to Online Reviews: Big Data From Social Media Platforms

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    User-generated content from virtual communities helps businesses develop and sustain competitive advantages, which leads to asking how firms can strategically manage that content. This research, which consists of two studies, discusses management response strategies for hotel firms to gain a competitive advantage and improve customer relationship management by leveraging big data, social media analytics, and deep learning techniques. Since negative reviews' harmful effects are greater than positive comments' contribution, firms must strategise their responses to intervene in and minimise those damages. Although current literature includes a sheer amount of research that presents effective response strategies to negative reviews, they mostly overlook an extensive classification of response strategies. The first study consists of two phases and focuses on comprehensive response strategies to only negative reviews. The first phase is explorative and presents a correlation analysis between response strategies and overall ratings of hotels. It also reveals the differences in those strategies based on hotel class, average customer rating, and region. The second phase investigates effective response strategies for increasing the subsequent ratings of returning customers using logistic regression analysis. It presents that responses involving statements of admittance of mistake(s), specific action, and direct contact requests help increase following ratings of previously dissatisfied returning customers. In addition, personalising the response for better customer relationship management is particularly difficult due to the significant variability of textual reviews with various topics. The second study examines the impact of personalised management responses to positive and negative reviews on rating growth, integrating a novel method of multi-topic matching approach with a panel data analysis. It demonstrates that (a) personalised responses improve future ratings of hotels; (b) the effect of personalised responses is stronger for luxury hotels in increasing future ratings. Lastly, practical insights are provided

    Implications of changes in land use for ecosystem service values of two highly eroded watersheds in Lake Abaya Chamo sub-basin, Ethiopia

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    This work is part of the RALENTIR (Reducing land degradation and carbon loss from Ethiopia’s soils to strengthen livelihoods and resilience) project, funded by UK Research and Innovation GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund, project reference ES/T003073/1) and the University of Aberdeen.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Experience Innovation in Tourism:The Role of Front-line Employees

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    Sostenibilidad como estrategia corporativa: Una comparación del rendimiento entre pequeños y medianos hoteles ecológicos y tradicionales

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    [ENG] Sustainability in recent years has gained momentum as a business model, given the challenges facing the economy and society. Small and medium‐sized hotel companies have begun to apply new management systems based on sustainability, seeking a dual objective, on the one hand to differentiate themselves from their competition and reach growing market niches, on the other hand to have a more efficient and less polluting business model. When implementing this sustainable management, they also face challenges in its application, such as its lack of regulation by institutions and large investments in innovation. We will carry out an OLS model to identify the internal elements that characterize ecological hotels, and these management systems are being effective for SMEs in Barcelona (Spain). [SPA] Sustainability in recent years has gained momentum as a business model, given the challenges facing the economy and society. Small and medium‐sized hotel companies have begun to apply new management systems based on sustainability, seeking a dual objective, on the one hand to differentiate themselves from their competition and reach growing market niches, on the other hand to have a more efficient and less polluting business model. When implementing this sustainable management, they also face challenges in its application, such as its lack of regulation by institutions and large investments in innovation. We will carry out an OLS model to identify the internal elements that characterize ecological hotels, and these management systems are being effective for SMEs in Barcelona (Spain). [ENG] En los últimos años, la sostenibilidad ha cobrado impulso como modelo de negocio dados los desafíos a los que se enfrenta la economía y la sociedad. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas hoteleras han comenzado a aplicar sistemas de gestión novedosos basados ​​en la sostenibilidad buscando un doble objetivo, por un lado, diferenciarse de su competencia y alcanzar nichos de mercado en crecimiento, por otro, tener un sistema más eficiente y menos contaminante. Al implementar esta gestión sostenible, también enfrentan desafíos en su aplicación como la falta de regulación por parte de las instituciones y las grandes inversiones en innovación. Llevaremos a cabo un modelo MCO para identificar los elementos internos que caracterizan a los hoteles ecológicos y sí estos cambios en la gestión tradicional están siendo efectivos para las PYMEs en Barcelona (España) .The author acknowledges the financial support from Fundación Banco Santander

    What is the economic value of culture? Essays on valuation of cultural activities and consumers preferences

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    Tese de doutoramento em EconomicsA cidade do Porto foi, em 2001, Capital Europeia da Cultura, tendo sido o embrião de várias atividades culturais acompanhadas por um forte investimento para a requalificação urbana e construção de novas infraestruturas. A Casa da Música e a paisagem resultante da requalificação da Cordoaria são os objetos desta tese. O método de valoração contingente, uma metodologia baseada em inquéritos, tem servido para eliciar preferências declaradas do consumidor relativamente a bens culturais. A investigação que tem vindo a ser desenvolvida utiliza métodos muito diversificados. Ainda assim, o desenho do questionário, para corrigir o enviesamento, para instituições culturais apresenta lacunas na literatura científica, sendo que em Portugal raramente foram desenvolvidos estudos para este objeto. Existem três objetivos específicos: i) desenvolvimento de um modelo de preferências do consumidor; ii) aplicação da economia experimental e comportamental na análise da presença de enviesamentos na eliciação do valor de atividades culturais; e, iii) analisar a coerência entre as preferências eliciadas numa escala ordinal e cardinal. A informação recolhida, através de fonte primária, foi analisada econometricamente através de modelos logístico, logístico ordenado, logístico ordenado generalizado, regressão de intervalo e probabilístico ordenado. A escolha do modelo dependeu dos dados recolhidos, das características dos modelos que se podem ajustar a esses dados e do resultado dos testes de validação do modelo. Mais de metade dos inquiridos manifesta uma disponibilidade a pagar positiva em cada um dos estudos independentemente do seu domínio. No caso da Fundação Casa da Música, a disponibilidade a pagar depende de variáveis como o rendimento do agregado familiar, o histórico de experiências culturais, o género e as preferências ordinais de valor estético e de opção. Por sua vez, no que diz respeito à paisagem, a disponibilidade a pagar depende do nível de educação, do género, do rendimento, da ideologia e da importância atribuída à preservação ambiental.In 2001, the city of Porto was designated as the European Capital of Culture, leading to numerous cultural activities accompanied by substantial investments in urban redevelopment and new infrastructure construction. The Casa da Música (Concert Hall) and the landscape resulting from the Cordoaria district restoring were the case studies. The contingent valuation method, a survey-based approach, has been used to elicit consumer preferences for cultural goods. The research conducted has employed a wide range of methods. Nevertheless, the questionnaire design, aimed at correcting various bias, are a work in progress in scientific literature. Few studies addressing these issues have been conducted in Portugal. The specific objectives are threefold: i) application of experimental and behavioural economics to analyse biases in eliciting the value of cultural activities; ii) development of a consumer preference model; and iii) examination of the coherence between preferences elicited on an ordinal and cardinal scale. The collected information, from primary sources, was econometrically analysed using logistic, ordered logistic, generalized ordered logistic, interval regression and ordered probit models. The choice of the model was influenced by the collected data, the characteristics of the models that could fit the data, and the results of model validation tests. In each of the independent studies, more than half of the respondents expressed a positive willingness to pay, regardless of the study domain. Concerning the Casa da Música Foundation, the willingness to pay for a concert depends on variables such as household income, cultural experience history, gender, and ordinal preferences for aesthetic and optional value. The willingness to pay for a landscape depends on education level, gender, income, ideology, and importance attributed to environmental preservation

    Segmenting customers according to online word-of-mouth about hotels

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    There is a renewed interest in the study of online word-of-mouth behavior due to the increasing use of the Internet and the development of social networks. This paper focuses on the receiver perspective to analyze the unequal influence of the antecedents of online consumer searches. The main purpose is to detect the heterogeneity of the effect of different motivations (convenience, risks reduction and social reassurance) and the volume of comments on the willingness to check online reviews. Based on 393 guests of hotels, a mixture regression model indicates the existence of three internally consistent segments, which reveal the varying influence on consumer intentions to look at online comments

    The Role of Hotel Staff in Returning Customers in the Five and Four Star Hotels(Case Study Dead Sea)

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    The study aims to examine the role of hotel staff in returning customers in the five and four star hotels in the Dead Sea reserve. This research adopts, expediency sampling method to carry on a questionnaire andtakes an employee of the hotel a research sample, and send 180 questionnaires and receive 120 questionnaires, The study adopts the SPSS software package carrying on by statistical analysis,we found a role of hotel staff in returning customers in terms of skills and appearance and a better service to satisfy the customers Keywords:Returning Customers,Dead Sea reserve,TQM,Jordan