3,514 research outputs found

    EazyTrack: Exploring Next-Gen Technology and User Experience Design to Help Relieve Stress

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    In this competitive society with the pace of people’s life speeding up, stress is inevitable. Too much stress though will bring negative effects on people’s physical and emotional wellbeing. According to a survey the American Psychological Association conducted from 2007 to 2016, very few actions are being taken to prevent or relieve stress effectively even though an increasing number of people have realized that stress has an impact on health and wellbeing.¹ Untreated chronic stress can contribute to severe health problems including anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.² Today, there are many stress trackers or guides on the market to help people solve this problem. However, most of these products lack effective solutions for a user’s individual situation and need design improvements from both a user experience and a visual design perspective to help solve people’s daily problems. This leaves a great opportunity open to help people with mental stress issues through wearable technology. The mission of this thesis project is using data visualization and user interface design to first, help people determine their stress level and second, to provide customized scientific methods for relieving that stress. The final project is an interactive prototype of a mobile application that works with a wearable device which tracks data related to the user’s stress. Overall, the project aims to create a tool with a friendly user experience and attractive visual elements for people with stress issues. It will help them to understand their stress and to manage it in an easier, intuitive and accessible way

    The Machinery of Democracy: Voting System Security, Accessibility, Usability, and Cost

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    This report is the final product of the first comprehensive, empirical analysis of electronic voting systems in the United States. It comes after nearly two years of study with many of the nations leading academics, election officials, economists, and security, usability and accessibility experts.Up until this point, there has been surprisingly little empirical study of voting systems in the areas of security, accessibility, usability, and cost. The result is that jurisdictions make purchasing decisions and adopt laws and procedures that have little to do with their overall goals.The Brennan Center analysis finds that there is not yet any perfect voting system or set of procedures. One system might be more affordable, but less accessible to members of the disabled community; certain election procedures might make the systems easier to use, but they compromise security. Election officials and community members should be aware of the trade-offs when choosing one voting system or set of procedures over another, and they should know how to improve the system they choose.Included in this full report is an executive summary of the Brennan Centers analysis of voting system security, voting system usability, as well as voting system accessibility and cost.The Brennan Center analysis of cost is in part based upon a review of voting system contracts provided by jurisdictions around the country and a cost calculator [no longer available]. The cost calculator and contracts should assist jurisdictions in determining the initial on ongoing costs of various voting systems

    Rewriting the Game: Queer Trans Strategies of Survival, Resistance, and Relationality in Twine Games

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    This thesis explores how a selection of video games, created by transgender people using the free software Twine, create space for the survival and flourishing of queer and trans subjects through visions of transformative relationships. It deploys the lenses of queer theories of failure (Halberstam, The Queer Art of Failure), disidentification (Muñoz, Disidentifications), and utopianism (Muñoz, Cruising Utopia) to perform close readings of the techniques of narrative and game mechanics used as strategies for survival, resistance, and relationality in anna anthropy’s Encyclopedia Fuckme and the Case of the Vanishing Entree and Queers in Love at the End of the World, Porpentine Charity Heartscape’s With Those We Love Alive, and ira prince’s Queer Trans Mentally Ill Power Fantasy. The analysis focuses on games produced in and around the moment of the “Twine revolution” (Harvey) that aimed in the early 2010s to radically re-envision video games as spaces for minoritized subjects to thrive. Even as the transformation of video games culture as a whole remains an unrealized ideal, this paper argues for the importance of revisiting the under-examined queer strategies these games depict and enact in order to imagine possibilities for “rewrit[ing] the game” (Halberstam in Halberstam and Juul), and through this for “rewrit[ing] the map of everyday life” (Muñoz, Cruising Utopia 25), possibilities which can allow for the flourishing of queer and trans modes of relationality within and against toxic and exclusive norms in game play and design

    Responses to chest pain. Development and initial evaluation of an evidence-based information resource.

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    Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of premature death in the UK. Chest pain, the most common symptoms associated with this disease, accounts for 1% of all primary care consultations, 5% of visits to emergency departments, and up to 40% of emergency admissions to hospital. When people experience acute coronary symptoms such as chest pain, or other symptoms such as pain in the arms, back or shoulder pain and pain in the jaw and neck, we know that prompt diagnosis and treatment of heart disease can significantly reduce mortality. However, we also know that when people experience these symptoms they can wait sometime before seeking medical help. Part of the problem may be that people do not attribute their symptoms a serious problem such as heart disease. Whilst several campaigns have been aimed at the general population there is no information resource targeted at people who may be at risk of heart disease to help them understand and evaluate their symptoms and take prompt action. The overall aim of this thesis is to fill this gap by producing a piloted draft information resource which aims to help people to respond effectively to symptoms that might be attributable to heart disease for people at high risk of heart disease. Using focus group discussions and individual interviews with people who had experienced symptoms that might be attributable to heart disease or might be at high risk of heart disease experiential data about their response to symptoms were gathered. Participants were also asked their views on what an information resource should be like and their experiences and views formed the basis of the content of the first draft of the information resource. In making sense of their symptom the participants drew upon a range of past experiences and the experiences of others to help them; participants who experienced severe symptoms sought help quickly; those whose symptoms were mild or transient waited, in some cases a considerable time, before seeking help. Previous personal experience may be the factor that helped those who acted quickly. Whereas the experience of others, evident in many of the accounts of those who waited, may not be sufficient to help people interpret and make sense of their own symptom experiences. The information resource incorporated the experiences of people with symptoms that ended up being attributable to heart disease and included examples of the range of symptoms that can be encountered to illustrate the different ways in which heart disease can be manifested as well as information drawn from best practice resources in the management of heart disease. Participants in the original focus group discussions and interviews were asked to be involved in the development of the resource and seventeen agreed. The information resource went through three drafts; at each stage changes were made to incorporate respondent views; at the penultimate draft health professionals’ views were also sought and used to inform the final draft which is now ready for further evaluation

    Thrive: Success Strategies for the Modern-Day Faculty Member

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    The THRIVE collection is intended to help faculty thrive in their roles as educators, scholars, researchers, and clinicians. Each section contains a variety of thought-provoking topics that are designed to be easily digested, guide personal reflection, and put into action. Please use the THRIVE collection to help: Individuals study topics on their own, whenever and wherever they want Peer-mentoring or other learning communities study topics in small groups Leaders and planners strategically insert faculty development into existing meetings Faculty identify campus experts for additional learning, grand rounds, etc. If you have questions or want additional information on a topic, simply contact the article author or email [email protected]://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/facdev_books/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Ergonomics of using a mouse or other non-keyboard input device

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    Ten years ago, when the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations (HSE, 1992) were drafted, the majority of computer interaction occurred with text driven interfaces, using a keyboard. It is not surprising then that the guidance accompanying the DSE Regulations included virtually no mention of the computer mouse or other non-keyboard input devices (NKID). In the intervening period, graphical user interfaces, incorporating ‘windows, icons and pull down menus’ (WIMPS), with a heavy reliance on pointing devices such as the mouse, have transformed user computer interaction. Accompanying this, however, have been increasing anecdotal reports of musculoskeletal health problems affecting NKID users. While the performance aspects of NKID (e.g. accuracy and speed) have been the subject of detailed research, the possible implications for user health have received comparatively little attention. The research presented in this report was commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive to improve understanding of the nature and extent of NKID health problems. This investigation, together with another project examining mobile computing (Heasman et. al., 2000), was intended to contribute to a planned review and updating of the DSE Regulations and accompanying guidance

    Touchscreen interventions for people with dementia

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    This project builds on the existing evidence that suggests that art-based interventions can be beneficial for the wellbeing of people with dementia and their carers, and explores whether such interventions can be delivered via a touchscreen tablet device using an application that allows them to view art images. Twelve pairs of volunteers with dementia and their informal carers were recruited through Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Cafés. A quasi-experimental mixed-methods within-subjects study evaluated the impact of art-viewing on wellbeing using visual analogue scales as well as exploring the experiences of participants qualitatively with thematic analysis. Quantitative results showed a significant effect for change in composite wellbeing from viewing session one to session five. Wellbeing subdomain scores showed an impact on wellbeing which tended to increase with the number of sessions. Qualitative findings were reported in relation to shifts in cognition, changes in behaviour, mood and relationships between people with dementia and their carers. These changes tended to be viewed as positive by interviewees. The results suggest that touchscreen based art interventions have the potential to provide an activity people with dementia can engage in with their carers which can benefit their wellbeing. A larger-scale controlled study would help to further determine whether wider dementia care practice implications can be drawn for clinical psychologists and other healthcare providers

    Designing with community health workers: feedback-integrated multimedia learning for rural community health

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    Community Health Workers (CHWs) are an integral part of the rural health system, and it is imperative that their voices are accommodated in digital health projects. In the mobile health education project discussed in this thesis (The Bophelo Haeso project), we sought to find ways to amplify CHWs' voices, enabling them to directly influence design and research processes as well as technological outcomes. The Bophelo Haeso (BH) project equips CHWs with health videos on their mobile phones to use for educating and counselling the rural public. We investigated how to best co-design, with CHWs, a feedback mechanism atop the basic BH health education model, thus enabling their voices in the design process and in the process of community education. This thesis chronicles this inclusive design and research process - a 30-month process that spanned three sub-studies: an 18-month process to co-design the feedback mechanism with CHWs, a 12-month deployment study of the feedback mechanism and, overlapping with the feedback deployment study, a 17-month study looking at the consumption patterns of the BH educational videos. This work contributes to the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) in three distinct ways. First, it contributes to the growing knowledge of co-design practice with participants of limited digital experience by introducing a concept we termed co-design readiness. We designed and deployed explorative artefacts and found that by giving CHWs increased technical, contextual, and linguistic capacity to contribute to the design process, they were empowered to unleash their innate creativity, which in turn led to more appropriate and highly-adopted solutions. Secondly, we demonstrate the efficacy of incorporating an effective village-to-clinic feedback mechanism in digital health education programs. We employed two approaches to feedback - asynchronous voice and roleplaying techniques. Both approaches illustrate the combined benefits of implementing creative methods for effective human-to-technology and human-tohuman communication in ways that enable new forms of expression. Finally, based on our longitudinal study of video consumption, we provide empirical evidence of offline video consumption trends in health education settings. We present qualitative and quantitative analyses of video-use patterns as influenced by the CHWs' ways of being and working. Through these analyses, we describe CHWs and their work practices in depth. In addition to the three main contributions, this thesis concludes with critical reflections from the lessons and experiences of the 30-month study. We discuss the introduction of smartphones in rural villages, especially among elderly, low-literate, and non-English-speaking users, and present guidelines for designing relevant and usable smartphones for these populations. The author also reflects on her position as an African-born qualitative researcher in Africa, and how her positionality affected the outcomes of this research