9 research outputs found

    Optimasi Penjadwalan Flow Shop Menggunakan Algoritma Hybrid Differential Evolution

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    Penjadwalan produksi merupakan bagian integral di dalam sistem manufaktur. Artikel ini menyelesaikan permasalahan penjadwalan flow shop dengan fungsi obyektif total flow time. Dalam penjadwalan, total flow time menghasilkan konsumsi yang stabil terhadap sumber daya, perputaran job yang cepat serta meminimalkan work in process inventory. Permasalahan penjadwalan flow shop tergolong pada permasalahan optimasi kombinatorial yang merupakan NP-hard. Saat ini, penggunaan algoritma metaheuristik banyak digunakan untuk memecahkan kasus optimasi kombinatorial, termasuk penjadwalan flow shop. Salah satu yang memiliki performa yang baik adalah Algoritma Differential Evolution. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas solusinya, Algoritma Differential Evolution akan ditambahkan dengan prosedur local search yang dinamakan Hybrid Differential Evolution. Untuk mengetahui performa dari algoritma tersebut, dilakukan pengujian menggunakan data penjadwalan flow shop yang ada pada OR-Library. Performa Hybrid Differential Evolution akan dibandingkan dengan algoritma lain. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Hybrid Differential Evolution memberikan performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan algoritma lain

    a hybrid metaheuristic approach for minimizing the total flow time in a flow shop sequence dependent group scheduling problem

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    Production processes in Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) often involve groups of parts sharing the same technological requirements in terms of tooling and setup. The issue of scheduling such parts through a flow-shop production layout is known as the Flow-Shop Group Scheduling (FSGS) problem or, whether setup times are sequence-dependent, the Flow-Shop Sequence-Dependent Group Scheduling (FSDGS) problem. This paper addresses the FSDGS issue, proposing a hybrid metaheuristic procedure integrating features from Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Biased Random Sampling (BRS) search techniques with the aim of minimizing the total flow time, i.e., the sum of completion times of all jobs. A well-known benchmark of test cases, entailing problems with two, three, and six machines, is employed for both tuning the relevant parameters of the developed procedure and assessing its performances against two metaheuristic algorithms recently presented by literature. The obtained results and a properly arranged ANOVA analysis highlight the superiority of the proposed approach in tackling the scheduling problem under investigation

    Problem specific heuristics for group scheduling problems in cellular manufacturing

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    The group scheduling problem commonly arises in cellular manufacturing systems, where parts are grouped into part families. It is characterized by a sequencing task on two levels: on the one hand, a sequence of jobs within each part family has to be identified while, on the other hand, a family sequence has to be determined. In order to solve this NP-hard problem usually heuristic solution approaches are used. In this thesis different aspects of group scheduling are discussed and problem specific heuristics are developed to solve group scheduling problems efficiently. Thereby, particularly characteristic properties of flowshop group scheduling problems, such as the structure of a group schedule or missing operations, are identified and exploited. In a simulation study for job shop manufacturing cells several novel dispatching rules are analyzed. Furthermore, a comprehensive review of the existing group scheduling literature is presented, identifying fruitful directions for future research