1,439 research outputs found

    Tactile Interactions with a Humanoid Robot : Novel Play Scenario Implementations with Children with Autism

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    Acknowledgments: This work has been partially supported by the European Commission under contract number FP7-231500-ROBOSKIN. Open Access: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.The work presented in this paper was part of our investigation in the ROBOSKIN project. The project has developed new robot capabilities based on the tactile feedback provided by novel robotic skin, with the aim to provide cognitive mechanisms to improve human-robot interaction capabilities. This article presents two novel tactile play scenarios developed for robot-assisted play for children with autism. The play scenarios were developed against specific educational and therapeutic objectives that were discussed with teachers and therapists. These objectives were classified with reference to the ICF-CY, the International Classification of Functioning – version for Children and Youth. The article presents a detailed description of the play scenarios, and case study examples of their implementation in HRI studies with children with autism and the humanoid robot KASPAR.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Vibrotactile Sensory Augmentation and Machine Learning Based Approaches for Balance Rehabilitation

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    Vestibular disorders and aging can negatively impact balance performance. Currently, the most effective approach for improving balance is exercise-based balance rehabilitation. Despite its effectiveness, balance rehabilitation does not always result in a full recovery of balance function. In this dissertation, vibrotactile sensory augmentation (SA) and machine learning (ML) were studied as approaches for further improving balance rehabilitation outcomes. Vibrotactile SA provides a form of haptic cues to complement and/or replace sensory information from the somatosensory, visual and vestibular sensory systems. Previous studies have shown that people can reduce their body sway when vibrotactile SA is provided; however, limited controlled studies have investigated the retention of balance improvements after training with SA has ceased. The primary aim of this research was to examine the effects of supervised balance rehabilitation with vibrotactile SA. Two studies were conducted among people with unilateral vestibular disorders and healthy older adults to explore the use of vibrotactile SA for therapeutic and preventative purposes, respectively. The study among people with unilateral vestibular disorders provided six weeks of supervised in-clinic balance training. The findings indicated that training with vibrotactile SA led to additional body sway reduction for balance exercises with head movements, and the improvements were retained for up to six months. Training with vibrotactile SA did not lead to significant additional improvements in the majority of the clinical outcomes except for the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale. The study among older adults provided semi-supervised in-home balance rehabilitation training using a novel smartphone balance trainer. After completing eight weeks of balance training, participants who trained with vibrotactile SA showed significantly greater improvements in standing-related clinical outcomes, but not in gait-related clinical outcomes, compared with those who trained without SA. In addition to investigating the effects of long-term balance training with SA, we sought to study the effects of vibrotactile display design on people’s reaction times to vibrational cues. Among the various factors tested, the vibration frequency and tactor type had relatively small effects on reaction times, while stimulus location and secondary cognitive task had relatively large effects. Factors affected young and older adults’ reaction times in a similar manner, but with different magnitudes. Lastly, we explored the potential for ML to inform balance exercise progression for future applications of unsupervised balance training. We mapped body motion data measured by wearable inertial measurement units to balance assessment ratings provided by physical therapists. By training a multi-class classifier using the leave-one-participant-out cross-validation method, we found approximately 82% agreement among trained classifier and physical therapist assessments. The findings of this dissertation suggest that vibrotactile SA can be used as a rehabilitation tool to further improve a subset of clinical outcomes resulting from supervised balance rehabilitation training. Specifically, individuals who train with a SA device may have additional confidence in performing balance activities and greater postural stability, which could decrease their fear of falling and fall risk, and subsequently increase their quality of life. This research provides preliminary support for the hypothesized mechanism that SA promotes the central nervous system to reweight sensory inputs. The preliminary outcomes of this research also provide novel insights for unsupervised balance training that leverage wearable technology and ML techniques. By providing both SA and ML-based balance assessment ratings, the smart wearable device has the potential to improve individuals’ compliance and motivation for in-home balance training.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143901/1/baotian_1.pd

    Design and Assessment of Vibrotactile Biofeedback and Instructional Systems for Balance Rehabilitation Applications.

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    Sensory augmentation, a type of biofeedback, is a technique for supplementing or reinforcing native sensory inputs. In the context of balance-related applications, it provides users with additional information about body motion, usually with respect to the gravito-inertial environment. Multiple studies have demonstrated that biofeedback, regardless of the feedback modality (i.e., vibrotactile, electrotactile, auditory), decreases body sway during real-time use within a laboratory setting. However, in their current laboratory-based form, existing vibrotactile biofeedback devices are not appropriate for use in clinical and/or home-based rehabilitation settings due to the expense, size, and operating complexity of the instrumentation required. This dissertation describes the design, development, and preliminary assessment of two technologies that support clinical and home-based balance rehabilitation training. The first system provides vibrotactile-based instructional motion cues to a trainee based on the measured difference between the expert’s and trainee’s motions. The design of the vibrotactile display is supported by a study that characterizes the non-volitional postural responses to vibrotactile stimulation applied to the torso. This study shows that vibration applied individually by tactors over the internal oblique and erector spinae muscles induces a postural shift of the order of one degree oriented in the direction of the stimulation. Furthermore, human performance is characterized both experimentally and theoretically when the expert–trainee error thresholds and nature of the control signal are varied. The results suggest that expert–subject cross-correlation values were maximized and position errors and time delays were minimized when the controller uses a 0.5 error threshold and proportional plus derivative feedback control signal, and that subject performance decreases as motion speed and complexity increase. The second system provides vibrotactile biofeedback about body motion using a cell phone. The system is capable of providing real-time vibrotactile cues that inform corrective trunk tilt responses. When feedback is available, both healthy subjects and those with vestibular involvement significantly reduce their anterior-posterior or medial-lateral root-mean-square body sway, have significantly smaller elliptical area fits to their sway trajectory, spend a significantly greater mean percentage time within the no feedback zone, and show a significantly greater A/P or M/L mean power frequency.Ph.D.Mechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91546/1/channy_1.pd

    Haptic wearables as sensory replacement, sensory augmentation and trainer - a review

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    Sensory impairments decrease quality of life and can slow or hinder rehabilitation. Small, computationally powerful electronics have enabled the recent development of wearable systems aimed to improve function for individuals with sensory impairments. The purpose of this review is to synthesize current haptic wearable research for clinical applications involving sensory impairments. We define haptic wearables as untethered, ungrounded body worn devices that interact with skin directly or through clothing and can be used in natural environments outside a laboratory. Results of this review are categorized by degree of sensory impairment. Total impairment, such as in an amputee, blind, or deaf individual, involves haptics acting as sensory replacement; partial impairment, as is common in rehabilitation, involves haptics as sensory augmentation; and no impairment involves haptics as trainer. This review found that wearable haptic devices improved function for a variety of clinical applications including: rehabilitation, prosthetics, vestibular loss, osteoarthritis, vision loss and hearing loss. Future haptic wearables development should focus on clinical needs, intuitive and multimodal haptic displays, low energy demands, and biomechanical compliance for long-term usage

    Automatic Posture Correction Utilizing Electrical Muscle Stimulation

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    Habitually poor posture can lead to repetitive strain injuries that lower an individual\u27s quality of life and productivity. Slouching over computer screens and smart phones, asymmetric weight distribution due to uneven leg loading, and improper loading posture are some of the common examples that lead to postural problems and health ramifications. To help cultivate good postural habits, researchers have proposed slouching, balance, and improper loading posture detection systems that alert users through traditional visual, auditory or vibro-tactile feedbacks when posture requires attention. However, such notifications are disruptive and can be easily ignored. We address these issues with a new physiological feedback system that uses sensors to detect these poor postures, and electrical muscle stimulation to automatically correct the poor posture. We compare our automatic approach against other alternative feedback systems and through different unique contexts. We find that our approach outperformed alternative traditional feedback systems by being faster and more accurate while delivering an equally comfortable user experience

    Comparing Training Performance With Vibrotactile Hit Alerts vs. Audio Alerts

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    Live, virtual, and constructive training that integrates dismounted warfighter training with convoy training, pilot training, and other systems has been demonstrated to reduce training time, and studies have shown that a high level of immersion and the illusion of presence in a VR environment contribute to this success. However, current force-on-force training simulators lack one major quality that is needed to impart this strong sense of presence for warfighters: the consequence of getting shot. Simulated return-fire systems have been developed for different purposes including military, police and entertainment. Some use projectiles, but that approach is usually limited to a shoot house configuration rather than outdoors. Other methods use on-body electrodes to provide electric shock or tactors that physically strike the body using solenoids or pneumatics. These systems face challenges of either low body localization (with a small number of tactors) or tethering (if a real-time connection to electricity or air is needed to power the tactors). In this paper, a tactile vest containing commercially available vibrating pagers is evaluated. These pagers allow a focused alert to be given to a Warfighter, indicating the bodily location of the shot and appropriate direction for return fire. They are also cost-effective and easily replaceable. The evaluation included a simple training mission while receiving either vibrotactile feedback vs. auditory spoken alerts of virtual sniper hits and direction of fire. Results showed that a tactile vest made from commercial off-the-shelf pagers performed well as an indicator of fire and could be viable option for integration with future LVC training, especially given its low cost. Also, results suggested that there may be strong individual differences between people in terms of their ability to process vibrotactile vs. auditory feedback while cognitively loaded

    Neurofeedback vibrotactile system for parkinsonians overcome freezing of gait first steps in detecting the most perceived frequency

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    Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder for which there is still no cure affecting the non-motor and motor systems. One of the most serious gait disorders are the freezing episodes, denominated by freezing of gait. This paper address the development and validation of a neurofeedback vibrotactile system through a belt for patients with Parkinson’s Disease overcome the freezing episodes, aiming to detect the most perceived frequency. It was verified that the higher frequencies (above 160 Hz) are easily perceived independently of the time interval of vibrotactile feedback.This work is supported by the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) - with the reference project POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-00694

    A fabric-based approach for wearable haptics

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    In recent years, wearable haptic systems (WHS) have gained increasing attention as a novel and exciting paradigm for human-robot interaction (HRI).These systems can be worn by users, carried around, and integrated in their everyday lives, thus enabling a more natural manner to deliver tactile cues.At the same time, the design of these types of devices presents new issues: the challenge is the correct identification of design guidelines, with the two-fold goal of minimizing system encumbrance and increasing the effectiveness and naturalness of stimulus delivery.Fabrics can represent a viable solution to tackle these issues.They are specifically thought “to be worn”, and could be the key ingredient to develop wearable haptic interfaces conceived for a more natural HRI.In this paper, the author will review some examples of fabric-based WHS that can be applied to different body locations, and elicit different haptic perceptions for different application fields.Perspective and future developments of this approach will be discussed

    Cell phone based balance trainer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In their current laboratory-based form, existing vibrotactile sensory augmentation technologies that provide cues of body motion are impractical for home-based rehabilitation use due to their size, weight, complexity, calibration procedures, cost, and fragility.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have designed and developed a cell phone based vibrotactile feedback system for potential use in balance rehabilitation training in clinical and home environments. It comprises an iPhone with an embedded tri-axial linear accelerometer, custom software to estimate body tilt, a "tactor bud" accessory that plugs into the headphone jack to provide vibrotactile cues of body tilt, and a battery. Five young healthy subjects (24 ± 2.8 yrs, 3 females and 2 males) and four subjects with vestibular deficits (42.25 ± 13.5 yrs, 2 females and 2 males) participated in a proof-of-concept study to evaluate the effectiveness of the system. Healthy subjects used the system with eyes closed during Romberg, semi-tandem Romberg, and tandem Romberg stances. Subjects with vestibular deficits used the system with both eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions during semi-tandem Romberg stance. Vibrotactile feedback was provided when the subject exceeded either an anterior-posterior (A/P) or a medial-lateral (M/L) body tilt threshold. Subjects were instructed to move away from the vibration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The system was capable of providing real-time vibrotactile cues that informed corrective postural responses. When feedback was available, both healthy subjects and those with vestibular deficits significantly reduced their A/P or M/L RMS sway (depending on the direction of feedback), had significantly smaller elliptical area fits to their sway trajectory, spent a significantly greater mean percentage time within the no feedback zone, and showed a significantly greater A/P or M/L mean power frequency.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that the real-time feedback provided by this system can be used to reduce body sway. Its advantages over more complex laboratory-based and commercial balance training systems in terms of cost, size, weight, functionality, flexibility, and accessibility make it a good candidate for further home-based balance training evaluation.</p