11 research outputs found

    Shape-from-intrinsic operator

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    Shape-from-X is an important class of problems in the fields of geometry processing, computer graphics, and vision, attempting to recover the structure of a shape from some observations. In this paper, we formulate the problem of shape-from-operator (SfO), recovering an embedding of a mesh from intrinsic differential operators defined on the mesh. Particularly interesting instances of our SfO problem include synthesis of shape analogies, shape-from-Laplacian reconstruction, and shape exaggeration. Numerically, we approach the SfO problem by splitting it into two optimization sub-problems that are applied in an alternating scheme: metric-from-operator (reconstruction of the discrete metric from the intrinsic operator) and embedding-from-metric (finding a shape embedding that would realize a given metric, a setting of the multidimensional scaling problem)

    3D Object Detection Algorithm Based on the Reconstruction of Sparse Point Clouds in the Viewing Frustum

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    In response to the problem that the detection precision of the current 3D object detection algorithm is low when the object is severely occluded, this study proposes an object detection algorithm based on the reconstruction of sparse point clouds in the viewing frustum. The algorithm obtains more local feature information of the sparse point clouds in the viewing frustum through dimensional expansion, performs the fusion of local and global feature information of the point cloud data to obtain point cloud data with more complete semantic information, and then applies the obtained data to the 3D object detection task. The experimental results show that the precision of object detection in both 3D view and BEV (Bird’s Eye View) can be improved effectively through the algorithm, especially object detection of moderate and hard levels when the object is severely occluded. In the 3D view, the average precision of the 3D detection of cars, pedestrians, and cyclists at a moderate level can be increased by 7.1p.p., 16.39p.p., and 5.42p.p., respectively; in BEV, the average precision of the 3D detection of car, pedestrians, and cyclists at hard level can be increased by 6.51p.p., 16.57p.p., and 7.18p.p., respectively, thus indicating the effectiveness of the algorithm.© 2022 Xing Xu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    GRASS: Generative Recursive Autoencoders for Shape Structures

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    We introduce a novel neural network architecture for encoding and synthesis of 3D shapes, particularly their structures. Our key insight is that 3D shapes are effectively characterized by their hierarchical organization of parts, which reflects fundamental intra-shape relationships such as adjacency and symmetry. We develop a recursive neural net (RvNN) based autoencoder to map a flat, unlabeled, arbitrary part layout to a compact code. The code effectively captures hierarchical structures of man-made 3D objects of varying structural complexities despite being fixed-dimensional: an associated decoder maps a code back to a full hierarchy. The learned bidirectional mapping is further tuned using an adversarial setup to yield a generative model of plausible structures, from which novel structures can be sampled. Finally, our structure synthesis framework is augmented by a second trained module that produces fine-grained part geometry, conditioned on global and local structural context, leading to a full generative pipeline for 3D shapes. We demonstrate that without supervision, our network learns meaningful structural hierarchies adhering to perceptual grouping principles, produces compact codes which enable applications such as shape classification and partial matching, and supports shape synthesis and interpolation with significant variations in topology and geometry.Comment: Corresponding author: Kai Xu ([email protected]

    Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling

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    International audienceA popular mode of shape synthesis involves mixing and matching parts from different objects to form a coherent whole. The key challenge is to efficiently synthesize shape variations that are plausible, both locally and globally. A major obstacle is to assemble the objects with local consistency, i.e., all the connections between parts are valid with no dangling open connections. The combinatorial complexity of this problem limits existing methods in geometric and/or topological variations of the synthesized models. In this work, we introduce replaceable substructures as arrangements of parts that can be interchanged while ensuring boundary consistency. The consistency information is extracted from part labels and connections in the original source models. We present a polynomial time algorithm that discovers such substructures by working on a dual of the original shape graph that encodes inter-part connectivity. We demonstrate the algorithm on a range of test examples producing plausible shape variations, both from a geometric and from a topological viewpoint

    Recovering Functional Mechanical Assemblies from Raw Scans

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    This paper presents a method to reconstruct a functional mechanical assembly from raw scans. Given multiple input scans of a mechanical assembly, our method first extracts the functional mechanical parts using a motion-guided, patch-based hierarchical registration and labeling algorithm. The extracted functional parts are then parameterized from the segments and their internal mechanical relations are encoded by a graph. We use a joint optimization to solve for the best geometry, placement, and orientation of each part, to obtain a final workable mechanical assembly. We demonstrated our algorithm on various types of mechanical assemblies with diverse settings and validated our output using physical fabrication

    Fine-Scaled 3D Geometry Recovery from Single RGB Images

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    3D geometry recovery from single RGB images is a highly ill-posed and inherently ambiguous problem, which has been a challenging research topic in computer vision for several decades. When fine-scaled 3D geometry is required, the problem become even more difficult. 3D geometry recovery from single images has the objective of recovering geometric information from a single photograph of an object or a scene with multiple objects. The geometric information that is to be retrieved can be of different representations such as surface meshes, voxels, depth maps or 3D primitives, etc. In this thesis, we investigate fine-scaled 3D geometry recovery from single RGB images for three categories: facial wrinkles, indoor scenes and man-made objects. Since each category has its own particular features, styles and also variations in representation, we propose different strategies to handle different 3D geometry estimates respectively. We present a lightweight non-parametric method to generate wrinkles from monocular Kinect RGB images. The key lightweight feature of the method is that it can generate plausible wrinkles using exemplars from one high quality 3D face model with textures. The local geometric patches from the source could be copied to synthesize different wrinkles on the blendshapes of specific users in an offline stage. During online tracking, facial animations with high quality wrinkle details can be recovered in real-time as a linear combination of these personalized wrinkled blendshapes. We propose a fast-to-train two-streamed CNN with multi-scales, which predicts both dense depth map and depth gradient for single indoor scene images.The depth and depth gradient are then fused together into a more accurate and detailed depth map. We introduce a novel set loss over multiple related images. By regularizing the estimation between a common set of images, the network is less prone to overfitting and achieves better accuracy than competing methods. Fine-scaled 3D point cloud could be produced by re-projection to 3D using the known camera parameters. To handle highly structured man-made objects, we introduce a novel neural network architecture for 3D shape recovering from a single image. We develop a convolutional encoder to map a given image to a compact code. Then an associated recursive decoder maps this code back to a full hierarchy, resulting a set of bounding boxes to represent the estimated shape. Finally, we train a second network to predict the fine-scaled geometry in each bounding box at voxel level. The per-box volumes are then embedded into a global one, and from which we reconstruct the final meshed model. Experiments on a variety of datasets show that our approaches can estimate fine-scaled geometry from single RGB images for each category successfully, and surpass state-of-the-art performance in recovering faithful 3D local details with high resolution mesh surface or point cloud