882 research outputs found

    Time-Dependent 2-D Vector Field Topology: An Approach Inspired by Lagrangian Coherent Structures

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    This paper presents an approach to a time-dependent variant of the concept of vector field topology for 2-D vector fields. Vector field topology is defined for steady vector fields and aims at discriminating the domain of a vector field into regions of qualitatively different behaviour. The presented approach represents a generalization for saddle-type critical points and their separatrices to unsteady vector fields based on generalized streak lines, with the classical vector field topology as its special case for steady vector fields. The concept is closely related to that of Lagrangian coherent structures obtained as ridges in the finite-time Lyapunov exponent field. The proposed approach is evaluated on both 2-D time-dependent synthetic and vector fields from computational fluid dynamics

    Aspects of hot Galilean field theory

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    We reconsider general aspects of Galilean-invariant thermal field theory. Using the proposal of our companion paper, we recast non-relativistic hydrodynamics in a manifestly covariant way and couple it to a background spacetime. We examine the concomitant consequences for the thermal partition functions of Galilean theories on a time-independent, but weakly curved background. We work out both the hydrodynamics and partition functions in detail for the example of parity-violating normal fluids in two dimensions to first order in the gradient expansion, finding results that differ from those previously reported in the literature. As for relativistic field theories, the equality-type constraints imposed by the existence of an entropy current appear to be in one-to-one correspondence with those arising from the existence of a hydrostatic partition function. Along the way, we obtain a number of useful results about non-relativistic hydrodynamics, including a manifestly boost-invariant presentation thereof, simplified Ward identities, the systematics of redefinitions of the fluid variables, and the positivity of entropy production.Comment: 65 pages, 1 figur

    A Generalization of the Bargmann's Theory of Ray Representations

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    The paper contains a complete theory of factors for ray representations acting in a Hilbert bundle, which is a generalization of the known Bargmann's theory. With the help of it we have reformulated the standard quantum theory such that the gauge freedom emerges naturally from the very nature of quantum laws. The theory is of primary importance in the investigations of covariance (in contradistinction to symmetry) of a quantum theory which possesses a nontrivial gauge freedom. In that case the group in question is not any symmetry group but it is a covariance group only - that case which has not been deeply investigated. It is shown on the paper that the factor of its representation depends on space and time when the system in question possesses a gauge freedom. In the nonrelativistic theories the factor depends on the time only. In the relativistic theory the Hilbert bundle is over the spacetime in the nonrelativistic one it is over the time. We explain two applications of this generalization: in a theory of a quantum particle in the nonrelativistic limit and in the quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 37 pages, LateX, revised version, submitted to Comm. Math. Phy

    Vortex-antivortex proliferation from an obstacle in thin film ferromagnets

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    Magnetization dynamics in thin film ferromagnets can be studied using a dispersive hydrodynamic formulation. The equations describing the magnetodynamics map to a compressible fluid with broken Galilean invariance parametrized by the longitudinal spin density and a magnetic analog of the fluid velocity that define spin-density waves. A direct consequence of these equations is the determination of a magnetic Mach number. Micromagnetic simulations reveal nucleation of nonlinear structures from an impenetrable object realized by an applied magnetic field spot or a defect. In this work, micromagnetic simulations demonstrate vortex-antivortex pair nucleation from an obstacle. Their interaction establishes either ordered or irregular vortex-antivortex complexes. Furthermore, when the magnetic Mach number exceeds unity (supersonic flow), a Mach cone and periodic wavefronts are observed, which can be well-described by solutions of the steady, linearized equations. These results are reminiscent of theoretical and experimental observations in Bose-Einstein condensates, and further supports the analogy between the magnetodynamics of a thin film ferromagnet and compressible fluids. The nucleation of nonlinear structures and vortex-antivortex complexes using this approach enables the study of their interactions and effects on the stability of spin-density waves.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Non-Relativistic Maxwell Chern-Simons Gravity

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    We consider a non-relativistic (NR) limit of (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional Maxwell Chern-Simons (CS) gravity with gauge algebra [Maxwell] ⊕ u(1)⊕u(1)\oplus \ u(1)\oplus u(1). We obtain a finite NR CS gravity with a degenerate invariant bilinear form. We find two ways out of this difficulty: To consider i) [Maxwell] ⊕ u(1)\oplus\ u(1), which does not contain Extended Bargmann gravity (EBG); or, ii) the NR limit of [Maxwell] ⊕ u(1)⊕u(1)⊕u(1)\oplus\ u(1)\oplus u(1)\oplus u(1), which is a Maxwellian generalization of the EBG.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, subsection 3.3 added, abstract and references modifie
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