38,141 research outputs found

    A framework for clustering and adaptive topic tracking on evolving text and social media data streams.

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    Recent advances and widespread usage of online web services and social media platforms, coupled with ubiquitous low cost devices, mobile technologies, and increasing capacity of lower cost storage, has led to a proliferation of Big data, ranging from, news, e-commerce clickstreams, and online business transactions to continuous event logs and social media expressions. These large amounts of online data, often referred to as data streams, because they get generated at extremely high throughputs or velocity, can make conventional and classical data analytics methodologies obsolete. For these reasons, the issues of management and analysis of data streams have been researched extensively in recent years. The special case of social media Big Data brings additional challenges, particularly because of the unstructured nature of the data, specifically free text. One classical approach to mine text data has been Topic Modeling. Topic Models are statistical models that can be used for discovering the abstract ``topics\u27\u27 that may occur in a corpus of documents. Topic models have emerged as a powerful technique in machine learning and data science, providing a great balance between simplicity and complexity. They also provide sophisticated insight without the need for real natural language understanding. However they have not been designed to cope with the type of text data that is abundant on social media platforms, but rather for traditional medium size corpora consisting of longer documents, adhering to a specific language and typically spanning a stable set of topics. Unlike traditional document corpora, social media messages tend to be very short, sparse, noisy, and do not adhere to a standard vocabulary, linguistic patterns, or stable topic distributions. They are also generated at high velocity that impose high demands on topic modeling; and their evolving or dynamic nature, makes any set of results from topic modeling quickly become stale in the face of changes in the textual content and topics discussed within social media streams. In this dissertation, we propose an integrated topic modeling framework built on top of an existing stream-clustering framework called Stream-Dashboard, which can extract, isolate, and track topics over any given time period. In this new framework, Stream Dashboard first clusters the data stream points into homogeneous groups. Then data from each group is ushered to the topic modeling framework which extracts finer topics from the group. The proposed framework tracks the evolution of the clusters over time to detect milestones corresponding to changes in topic evolution, and to trigger an adaptation of the learned groups and topics at each milestone. The proposed approach to topic modeling is different from a generic Topic Modeling approach because it works in a compartmentalized fashion, where the input document stream is split into distinct compartments, and Topic Modeling is applied on each compartment separately. Furthermore, we propose extensions to existing topic modeling and stream clustering methods, including: an adaptive query reformulation approach to help focus on the topic discovery with time; a topic modeling extension with adaptive hyper-parameter and with infinite vocabulary; an adaptive stream clustering algorithm incorporating the automated estimation of dynamic, cluster-specific temporal scales for adaptive forgetting to help facilitate clustering in a fast evolving data stream. Our experimental results show that the proposed adaptive forgetting clustering algorithm can mine better quality clusters; that our proposed compartmentalized framework is able to mine topics of better quality compared to competitive baselines; and that the proposed framework can automatically adapt to focus on changing topics using the proposed query reformulation strategy

    Time Aware Knowledge Extraction for Microblog Summarization on Twitter

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    Microblogging services like Twitter and Facebook collect millions of user generated content every moment about trending news, occurring events, and so on. Nevertheless, it is really a nightmare to find information of interest through the huge amount of available posts that are often noise and redundant. In general, social media analytics services have caught increasing attention from both side research and industry. Specifically, the dynamic context of microblogging requires to manage not only meaning of information but also the evolution of knowledge over the timeline. This work defines Time Aware Knowledge Extraction (briefly TAKE) methodology that relies on temporal extension of Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis. In particular, a microblog summarization algorithm has been defined filtering the concepts organized by TAKE in a time-dependent hierarchy. The algorithm addresses topic-based summarization on Twitter. Besides considering the timing of the concepts, another distinguish feature of the proposed microblog summarization framework is the possibility to have more or less detailed summary, according to the user's needs, with good levels of quality and completeness as highlighted in the experimental results.Comment: 33 pages, 10 figure

    Is That Twitter Hashtag Worth Reading

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    Online social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikis and Linkedin have made a great impact on the way we consume information in our day to day life. Now it has become increasingly important that we come across appropriate content from the social media to avoid information explosion. In case of Twitter, popular information can be tracked using hashtags. Studying the characteristics of tweets containing hashtags becomes important for a number of tasks, such as breaking news detection, personalized message recommendation, friends recommendation, and sentiment analysis among others. In this paper, we have analyzed Twitter data based on trending hashtags, which is widely used nowadays. We have used event based hashtags to know users' thoughts on those events and to decide whether the rest of the users might find it interesting or not. We have used topic modeling, which reveals the hidden thematic structure of the documents (tweets in this case) in addition to sentiment analysis in exploring and summarizing the content of the documents. A technique to find the interestingness of event based twitter hashtag and the associated sentiment has been proposed. The proposed technique helps twitter follower to read, relevant and interesting hashtag.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Presented at the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-2015

    Characterizing Geo-located Tweets in Brazilian Megacities

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    This work presents a framework for collecting, processing and mining geo-located tweets in order to extract meaningful and actionable knowledge in the context of smart cities. We collected and characterized more than 9M tweets from the two biggest cities in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. We performed topic modeling using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to produce an unsupervised distribution of semantic topics over the stream of geo-located tweets as well as a distribution of words over those topics. We manually labeled and aggregated similar topics obtaining a total of 29 different topics across both cities. Results showed similarities in the majority of topics for both cities, reflecting similar interests and concerns among the population of Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. Nevertheless, some specific topics are more predominant in one of the cities

    Characterizing Geo-located Tweets in Brazilian Megacities

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    This work presents a framework for collecting, processing and mining geo-located tweets in order to extract meaningful and actionable knowledge in the context of smart cities. We collected and characterized more than 9M tweets from the two biggest cities in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. We performed topic modeling using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to produce an unsupervised distribution of semantic topics over the stream of geo-located tweets as well as a distribution of words over those topics. We manually labeled and aggregated similar topics obtaining a total of 29 different topics across both cities. Results showed similarities in the majority of topics for both cities, reflecting similar interests and concerns among the population of Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. Nevertheless, some specific topics are more predominant in one of the cities