9 research outputs found

    Effect of Supply Chain Cultural Competence on Thai SMEs Performance with Mediating Role of Supply Chain Technology

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    Performance is a key indicator for the survival of any business. Organizational culture must have strong liaison with the goals of organizations because it has direct association with organizational performance. Therefore, the core objective of this study was to investigate the influence of supply chain cultural capabilities on the performance of Thai SMEs with the mediation role of supply chain technology adoption. To achieve the objective of this study, the data was collected from the managers of SMEs by using survey questioner approach. Smart-PLS was used to test the hypotheses and analysis of data. Findings of contemporary study highlighted that supply chain cultural capabilities have significant positive influence on the performance of SMEs in Thailand. Furthermore, results indicated that supply chain technology adoption could increase the performance of organizations. Results of this research illuminated that Adaptability and consistency in organizational cultural support in the adoption of supply chain technology and supply chain technology boost up the performance of organization. This research offer new empirical indication that supply chain cultural capabilities are significant for the performance of SMEs in developing countries like Thailand. Though, this research used only cultural capabilities, the other important capabilities of supply chain such as supply chain technological capabilities, would be used in future research

    Direct and Mediating Influences of User-Developer Perception Gaps in Requirements Understanding on User Participation

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    User participation is considered an effective way to conduct requirements engineering, but user-developer perception gaps in requirements understanding occur frequently. Since user participation in practice is not as active as we expect and the requirements perception gap has been recognized as a risk that negatively affects projects, exploring whether user-developer perception gaps in requirements understanding will hinder user participation is worthwhile. This will help develop a greater comprehension of the intertwined relationship between user participation and perception gap, a topic that has not yet been extensively examined. This study investigates the direct and mediating influences of user-developer requirements perception gaps on user participation by integrating requirements uncertainty and top management support. Survey data collected from 140 subjects were examined and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that perception gaps have a direct negative effect on user participation and negate completely the positive effect of top management support on user participation. Additionally, perception gaps do not have a mediating effect between requirements uncertainty and user participation because requirements uncertainty does not significantly and directly affect user participation, but requirements uncertainty indirectly influences user participation due to its significant direct effect on perception gaps. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed, and limitations and possible future research areas are identified

    The organisational characteristics and knowledge management enabler towards employee entrepreneurial orientation in Klang Valley manufacturing industries

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    The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between organisational characteristics, knowledge management enabler, learning orientation and employee entrepreneurial orientation among the manufacturing industry employees in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The theoretical model based on Resource-Based Theory approach to the employee entrepreneurial orientation was developed. To answer the research questions, seven hypotheses were formulated. These are; (i) There is significant relationship between organisational characteristics and learning orientation, (ii) There is significant relationship between knowledge management enabler and learning orientation, (iii) There is significant relationship between learning orientation and employee entrepreneurial orientation, (iv) There is significant relationship between organisational characteristics and employee entrepreneurial orientation, (v) There is significant relationship between knowledge management enabler and employee entrepreneurial orientation, (vi) learning orientation mediates the relationship organisational characteristics and employee entrepreneurial orientation, and (vii) learning orientation mediates the relationship knowledge management enabler and employee entrepreneurial orientation. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the manufacturing industry employees. A total of 386 manufacturing employees of all levels were involved in this study, making an overall 25.73 percent response rate. This study utilised the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to establish the validity and reliability of the measurement model and test the relationships. The findings of the study showed that both organisational characteristics and knowledge management enabler have significant influences on employee entrepreneurial orientation. The results indicated that learning orientation has a mediating role in the relationship between organisational characteristics towards employee entrepreneurial orientation, and knowledge management enabler towards employee entrepreneurial orientation. The findings offered several theoretical and practical implications to employees and policy makers. The limitations of the study are addressed and recommendations for future research work also offered

    Pengaruh faktor-faktor organisasional dan individual terhadap berbagi pengetahuan dan kaitannya dengan kinerja dan kepuasan kerja auditor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor-faktor organisasional (penghargaan dan dukungan manajemen puncak) dan faktor-faktor individual (efikasi diri dan kesenangan membantu orang lain) terhadap berbagi pengetahuan di antara auditor. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh berbagi pengetahuan terhadap outcomes (kinerja dan kepuasan kerja auditor). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei, baik daring (online) maupun secara langsung. Responden adalah 166 auditor independen yang sedang bekerja di sebuah KAP di wilayah Jawa. Data penelitian diuji menggunakan SEM-PLS untuk menginvestigasi model penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa satu dari faktor organisasional yakni dukungan manajemen puncak berpengaruh positif terhadap berbagi pengetahuan auditor, sedangkan penghargaan tidak ditemukan berpengaruh positif terhadap berbagi pengetahuan, dan kedua faktor individual yakni efikasi diri dan kesenangan membantu orang lain juga berpengaruh positif terhadap berbagi pengetahuan auditor. Selain itu, hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa berbagi pengatahuan berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja dan kepuasan kerja auditor. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa hubungan antara faktor-faktor organisasional dan individual, berbagi pengetahuan, dan outcomes (kinerja dan kepuasan kerja auditor) dapat memberikan petunjuk tentang bagaimana KAP dapat mempromosikan budaya berbagi pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kepuasan kerja auditor secara individual di dalam KAP

    Determinants to knowledge transfer and sharing in multimedia super corridor in Malaysia : the mediating role of trust

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    The increased quest for vision 2020 has certainly meant that the role of MSC status organizations in Malaysia in contributing success becomes the subject of considerable debate. In this context, not much research has been conducted on knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations as well as the mediating role of trust in enhancing knowledge transfer and sharing in the Malaysian organizations. Based on knowledge creation theory, this study examines the determinants of knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations in Malaysia. Primarily, this study explored the relationship between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment, trust and knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations. Partial Least Squares Method (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that eight out of twenty-five hypotheses were found to be positive and significant. Specifically, the hypothesized direct relationships between organizational capacity (top management support), organizational motivation (culture), organizational environment (information technology), trust and knowledge transfer and sharing were supported. The results also revealed that the direct relationships between organizational capacity (human resource practices), and organizational environment (information technology, networks) were significantly related to trust. Furthermore, in terms of trust as mediating variable between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment and knowledge transfer and sharing, one out of eight hypotheses indicated full mediation including the relationship between networks and knowledge transfer and sharing. These results offer theoretical, methodological, and practical implications and will help academics and practitioners in the knowledge management field. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary both to confirm the findings and to incorporate additional variables that may influence results. The results of the study were crucial to be looked into so that MSC status organizations could have a clearer understanding and guidelines if they were to enhance their mission to accomplish phase three 2011-2020 of vision 2020 in transforming Malaysia into a knowledge-based society

    Influence of organisational culture on strategic collaborations amongst the supply chain partners

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    The dynamic and global economy presents organisations with opportunities to prosper, however, the market has increasingly become more competitive. The challenge for organisations is to remain competitive sustainably manner while delivering value to shareholders and stakeholders. Supply chain function plays a vital role in ensuring that an entity stays competitive and what has become prevalent is for entities to enter into strategic supply chain collaborations to maximise on synergies and expertise to increase competitiveness of both partner organisations. Although many collaborations are formed on a mutual basis, not many have succeeded, and organisational culture has been pointed out as one of the leading actors contributing to the failure of such strategic partnerships. A quantitative and explanatory research was conducted with an objective of identifying and isolating the subsets of organisational culture, which influences the outcome of supply chain collaborations. It was found that the adhocracy culture, based on the competing values framework (CVF), is more influential towards a successful outcome of the collaboration. Furthermore, the chances of supply chain collaboration success increase with the more experienced participants being part of the collaboration to provide a leadership role for aligning expectations, roles and responsibilities; and thus, reducing conflict among collaboration partners.Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2017.nk2018Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)MBAUnrestricte

    Examining new product development speed in manufacturing firms in Penang: influence of external intergration and inter-organization relationship

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    Ever shortening product life-cycle and intense competition to capture first mover advantage has forced manufacturing firms to continuously improve their new product development (NPD) speed. In today’s globalized market, it is not possible to win timebased competition by developing new products by a firm itself. Manufacturing firms need to leverage the technologies, resources and market knowledge held by their suppliers, customers and research institutes to speed up the NPD processes. This research aimed to assess external integration as the predictor for NPD speed. External integration in this research included customer involvement, supplier involvement and third party collaboration. Inter-organization relationship as a mediator for the relationship between external integration and NPD speed was studied. This research applied the quantitative research method with close-ended survey questionnaires. The research population was the manufacturing firms in Penang that engaged in the NPD processes. Thus, the unit of analysis was the organization of the manufacturing firm. Based on the sample of 51 manufacturing firms in Penang, customer involvement and third party collaboration were found positively and negatively predicting interorganization relationship respectively. Positive relationship between customer involvement and NPD speed was also confirmed. There was no significant relationship between inter-organization relationship and NPD speed as well as between third party collaboration and NPD speed. The mediating role of inter-organization relationship on the relationship between external integration and NPD speed was not significant. This research confirmed third party collaboration as the third dimension of external integration when third party collaboration was correlated to inter-organization relationship. However, when third party collaboration was correlated to NPD speed, the former could not be empirically validated as the third dimension of external integration. This research confirmed the importance of involving customers in the NPD processes to speed up NPD

    Ko-Entwicklungsprojekte im B2B: Eine Untersuchung von strategischen Einflussfaktoren sowie Auswirkungen auf die Häufigkeit von Markteinführungen

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    Innerhalb der letzten 15 Jahre kann ein Wandel bei Unternehmen festgestellt werden, sich bei der Entwicklung von innovativen Sachgütern und Dienstleistungen nicht mehr auf eine reaktive sondern auf eine proaktive Marktorientierung zu fokussieren. Vorausdenkende Unternehmen haben in diesem Zusammenhang verstärkt damit begonnen, Ko-Entwicklungsprojekte in ihr Geschäftsmodell zu integrieren. Aufgrund dieses Wandels, während der verschiedenen Phasen des Neuproduktentwicklungsprozesses gemeinsam mit Kunden zu interagieren, haben sich für Unternehmen neue Herausforderungen ergeben. So ist oftmals innerhalb von Unternehmen kein Wissen darüber vorhanden, wie eine effektive Steuerung und Förderung von Ko-Entwicklungsprojekten innerhalb des Unternehmens möglich ist, welche verschiedenen Rollen Kunden in diesen Projekten übernehmen können und innerhalb welcher Entwicklungsphasen sie an einer gemeinsamen Produktentwicklung beteiligt werden sollten. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Ko-Entwicklungsprojekte im Hinblick auf mögliche strategische Einflussfaktoren, mit deren Hilfe es Top- und Senior Managern in einem Business-to-Business-Kontext ermöglicht wird Ko-Entwicklungsprojekte aus einer top-down Perspektive zu steuern. Auf Grundlage einer ausführlichen Literaturrecherche sowie Erkenntnissen aus der Innovations- und Führungsforschung wird im Rahmen der Arbeit argumentiert, dass eine innovationsorientierte Strategie sowie ein transaktionales und transformationales Führungsverhalten effektive Top- und Senior-Manager-Instrumente darstellen, innerhalb des Unternehmens eine generelle Offenheit und strategische Orientierung für die Innovationsentwicklung bereitzustellen. Weiterhin wird tiefgreifender auf mögliche Ausgangsgrößen von Ko-Entwicklungsprojekten eingegangen, mit deren Hilfe es möglich ist die Innovationsfähigkeit der ko-entwickelnden Unternehmen feinkörniger zu analysieren. Die Erkenntnisse der Arbeit basieren auf einer empirischen Studie, die in einer der weltweit führenden Zeitschriften im Bereich der Marketing- und Innovationsforschung, dem Journal of Product Innovation Management, veröffentlicht werden konnte. Der Datensatz wurde bei insgesamt 135 Top- und Senior Managern sowie 415 ihrer Mitarbeiter erhoben. Die Datengrundlage wird dazu genutzt, um neben den Haupteffekten der identifizierten strategischen Top- und Senior-Manager-Instrumente auf die Ko-Entwicklung auch deren Interaktionsbeziehung miteinander zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse der hierarchischen Regressionsanalyse bestätigen die hypothetisierten positiven Wirkungsbeziehungen der innovationsorientierten Strategie sowie dem transformationalen Führungsverhalten mit Ko-Entwicklung. Ebenfalls deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass ein transformationales Führungsverhalten die Implementierung einer innovationsorientierten Strategie begünstigt, was für ein transaktionales Führungsverhalten nicht der Fall ist. Im Hinblick auf mögliche Ausgangsgrößen von Ko-Entwicklungsprojekten kann im Rahmen der empirischen Analyse eine umgekehrt U-förmige Wirkungsbeziehung zwischen der Ko-Entwicklung und der Häufigkeit von Markteinführungen eines Unternehmens festgestellt werden, was darauf hindeutet, dass Ko-Entwicklungsprojekte nicht prinzipiell in einem besonders hohen Ausmaß betrieben werden sollten. Abschließend werden anhand der gewonnenen empirischen Erkenntnisse konkrete Implikationen und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Wissenschaft und Unternehmenspraxis abgeleitet. Zudem wird näher auf mögliche Limitationen der Untersuchung sowie Anknüpfungspunkte für die zukünftige Forschung eingegangen