249,945 research outputs found

    Graphical Technology Information Dissemination

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    Graphical technologies cover a wide range of topics from the modeling software used by animators, to algorithms used in scientific simulations of natural phenomena, to the growing 3D printing industry. While graphical technologies are still relatively new, information regarding these subjects have many outlets in the form of Internet blogs, online magazines, and websites devoted to the changes and advances of these technologies. Example topics include the latest tools in Adobe Photoshop, the algorithms used in a recently released Disney movie, or the newest video card to hit the market. This poster will present what aspects of graphical technology are of interest to different disciplines, namely programming, business, art, and engineering. These results will show which, if any, aspects of graphical technologies impact these fields, and how this technology will grow to be used in the future


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    Clickbait is a surround-sound, audio, video, and audience participation work for live electronics that connects its listeners to the music through the use of a variety of interconnected technologies. The topic of internet clickbait was the initial inspiration that grew into a personal and cultural question. Technological mechanics of live web-based services and data-mining informed those themes further. The interactive nature of internet clickbait drove efforts to establish a deeper connection between the audience and the music. To develop connections between people, applications, and the piece, Node.js, Google Cloud Services, VoiceRSS, and Max/MSP/Jitter video tools were used. This underpins a composition of unique, computer-based music created with modular synthesis, Spitfire Audio’s software instruments, and Max’s MIDI capabilities showcasing explorations of effects processing using Max’s audio tools, Circuit Music Labs’ Petra, and IRCAM’s SuperVP and Spat5. The implementations of these technologies were in service of a central, conceptual theme allowing Clickbait to transcend beyond the normal limits of an ordinary audio work

    Promoting global Internet freedom: policy and technology

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    This report provides information about US government and private sector efforts to promote and support global Internet freedom and a description of Internet freedom legislation and hearings from the 112th Congress. Modern communication tools such as the Internet provide a relatively inexpensive, accessible, easy-entry means of sharing ideas, information, and pictures around the world. In a political and human rights context, in closed societies when the more established, formal news media is denied access to or does not report on specified news events, the Internet has become an alternative source of media, and sometimes a means to organize politically. The openness and the freedom of expression allowed through social networking sites, as well as the blogs, video sharing sites, and other tools of today’s communications technology, have proven to be an unprecedented and often disruptive force in some closed societies. Governments that seek to maintain their authority and control the ideas and information their citizens receive are often caught in a dilemma: they feel that they need access to the Internet to participate in commerce in the global market and for economic growth and technological development, but fear that allowing open access to the Internet potentially weakens their control over their citizens. Internet freedom can be promoted in two ways, through legislation that mandates or prohibits certain activities, or through industry self regulation. Current legislation under consideration by Congress, the Global Online Freedom Act of 2011 (H.R. 3605), would prohibit or require reporting of the sale of Internet technologies and provision of Internet services to “Internetrestricting countries” (as determined by the State Department). Some believe, however, that technology can offer a complementary and, in some cases, better and more easily implemented solution to ensuring Internet freedom. They argue that hardware and Internet services, in and of themselves, are neutral elements of the Internet; it is how they are implemented by various countries that is repressive. Also, Internet services are often tailored for deployment to specific countries; however, such tailoring is done to bring the company in line with the laws of that country, not with the intention of allowing the country to repress and censor its citizenry. In many cases, that tailoring would not raise many questions about free speech and political repression. This report provides information about federal and private sector efforts to promote and support global Internet freedom and a description of Internet freedom legislation and hearings from the 112th Congress. Three appendixes suggest further reading on this topic and describe censorship and circumvention technologies


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    The paper discusses the areas of implementing information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process of training ecology students and the effect that they have on the fulfillment of innovative teaching functions with regard to the training of ecological professionals. The most efficacious information and communication technologies are pointed out. The distinguished general software tools included Internet resources, multimedia software packages, office software packages and educational software. The category of specialized software embraced geographic information systems (GIS) for various purposes, statistical software packages, software tools for analysis and forecasting of ecological processes, expert systems, information and reference systems. It was concluded that the combination of a large number of images, sound, graphic, video and animated materials by using educational e-resources is of a special importance for training ecology experts. Key words: innovative education technologies, information and communication technologies, ecological education, training of ecological experts, expert systems.

    The shudder of a cinephiliac idea? Videographic film studies practice as material thinking

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    Long after the advent of the digital era, while most university-based film studies academics still choose to publish their critical, theoretical and historical research in conventional written formats, a small but growing number of scholars working on the moving image have begun to explore the online publication possibilities of the digital video essay. This multimedia form has come to prominence in recent years in much Internet-based cinephile and film critical culture. In this article, I will consider, above all from a personal perspective looking back at two of the sixty or so videos that I have made, some of the possibilities that these processes offer for the production of new knowledge, forged out of the conjunction of the film object(s) to be studied, digital technologies of reproduction and editing tools, and the facticity of the researcher(s). I will argue that digital video is usefully seen not only as a promising communicative tool with different affordances than those of written text, but also as an important emergent cultural and phenomenological field for the creative practice of our work as film scholars

    An efficient emergency, healthcare, and medical information system

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    Many of the current Malaysian medical information and emergency systems are still paper-based and stand alone systems that do not fully utilize the Internet, multimedia, wireless and real time technologies. This research work focuses on developing an integrated Emergency, Healthcare, and Medical Information System (IEHMS) that can overcome many of the problems in the current systems. The main aim of this work is to incorporate the real-time and mobility technologies with medical emergency systems. Our proposed system can offer: SMS, MMS, live audio and video coverage. A prototype for the proposed system is implemented using open source tools

    Protecting U.S. Intellectual Property Rights and the Challenges of Digital Piracy

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    According to U.S. industry and government officials, intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement has reached critical levels in the United States as well as abroad. The speed and ease with which the duplication of products protected by IPR can occur has created an urgent need for industries and governments alike to address the protection of IPR in order to keep markets open to trade in the affected goods. Copyrighted products such as software, movies, music and video recordings, and other media products have been particularly affected by inadequate IPR protection. New tools, such as writable compact discs (CDs) and, of course, the Internet have made duplication not only effortless and low-cost, but anonymous as well. This paper discusses the merits of IPR protection and its importance to the U.S. economy. It then provides background on various technical, legal, and trade policy methods that have been employed to control the infringement of IPR domestically and internationally. This is followed by an analysis of current and future challenges facing U.S. industry with regard to IPR protection, particularly the challenges presented by the Internet and digital piracy.Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    The use of internet applications for the dissemination of knowledge for career management

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    This research investigates the interaction between Internet based communication, knowledge management in a virtual environment and career management in the Internet environment. The aim was to combine the students’ need for good career information with the technology used in multiplayer interactive 3D gaming environments, which the Internet generation find so engaging, supplemented by artificial intelligent “bots”.The literature indicates that while the professionals within career management are apprehensive about the effect the use of the Internet and technologies will have on their position within the workforce, they are in fact, adapting by refocusing and redefining their roles. The tools which are available are varied, meaning that some at least could prove useful in this area. The research already completed in the fields of both career management and the development of the tools was examined.In order to explore how these tools and the Internet are currently used, a cross section of employers was interviewed. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to a group of 128 students from different subject majors within a polytechnic. These were also followed by short interviews where the student had indicated a willingness to do this. In all cases, the use of the newer technologies such as 3D worlds and simulations was discussed to assess the openness of the participants on both sides to their use.The data from the questionnaires were coded and SPSS was used to analyse all but the open-ended questions. The open-ended questions and the qualitative data from the interviews were analysed with the help of NVivo.The more adventurous students would use the newer technologies, but almost all of them said they would use the Internet to look for, and possibly, apply for positions. The employers all used the Internet to advertise positions, with most of them using such tools as video conferencing for interviews. There was a mix of opinions in the area of whether they would still need to meet the person before employing them. The general feeling regarding the newer technologies was that if they reached a point where they were easy to access and use, and made the job of recruitment easier, they would use them.The fact that the younger generation use the Internet and the applications currently available not only for entertainment and work, but for all aspects of their lives including socialising, means that the use of similar tools and technologies would attract more interest and involvement from this group.Globalisation means that all aspects of our lives are becoming intertwined with differing countries and cultures and career management is no exception. The pool of potential positions is greater, as is the pool of potential employees. This means that any development which makes the matching of the two has to be good. This research explored the perceptions and openness of all roles within this area to the use of the technologies. The development of tools which are not acceptable or useful to all parties is a waste of time and money.This research has shown that there are no perceived barriers which cannot be overcome, and while the developments in these areas are likely to progress at a pace which could be uncomfortable for some, the participants in this research can see no reason why the Internet and its surrounding technologies cannot be very useful in the processes involved with ensuring suitable career options

    A Systematic Review of Existing Data Mining Approaches Envisioned for Knowledge Discovery from Multimedia

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    The extensive use of multimedia technologies extended the applicability of information technology to a large extent which results enormous generation of complex multimedia contents over the internet. Therefore the number of multimedia contents available to the user is also exponentially increasing. In this digital era of the cloud-enabled Internet of Things (IoT), analysis of complex video and image data plays a crucial role.It aims to extract meaningful information as the distributed storages and processing elements within a bandwidth constraint network seek optimal solutions to increase the throughput along with an optimal trade-off between computational complexity and power consumption. However, due to complex characteristics of visual patterns and variations in video frames, it is not a trivial task to discover meaningful information and correlation. Hence, data mining has emerged as a field which has diverse aspects presently in extracting meaningful hidden patterns from the complex image and video data considering different pattern classification approach. The study mostly investigates the existing data-mining tools and their performance metric for the purpose of reviewing this research track.It also highlights the relationship between frequent patterns and discriminativefeatures associated with a video object. Finally, the study addresses the existing research issues to strengthen up the future direction of research towards video analytics and pattern recognition