103 research outputs found

    Using formal methods to develop WS-BPEL applications

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    In recent years, WS-BPEL has become a de facto standard language for orchestration of Web Services. However, there are still some well-known difficulties that make programming in WS-BPEL a tricky task. In this paper, we firstly point out major loose points of the WS-BPEL specification by means of many examples, some of which are also exploited to test and compare the behaviour of three of the most known freely available WS-BPEL engines. We show that, as a matter of fact, these engines implement different semantics, which undermines portability of WS-BPEL programs over different platforms. Then we introduce Blite, a prototypical orchestration language equipped with a formal operational semantics, which is closely inspired by, but simpler than, WS-BPEL. Indeed, Blite is designed around some of WS-BPEL distinctive features like partner links, process termination, message correlation, long-running business transactions and compensation handlers. Finally, we present BliteC, a software tool supporting a rapid and easy development of WS-BPEL applications via translation of service orchestrations written in Blite into executable WS-BPEL programs. We illustrate our approach by means of a running example borrowed from the official specification of WS-BPEL

    An Integrated Methodology for Creating Composed Web/Grid Services

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    This thesis presents an approach to design, specify, validate, verify, implement, and evaluate composed web/grid services. Web and grid services can be composed to create new services with complex behaviours. The BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) standard was created to enable the orchestration of web services, but there have also been investigation of its use for grid services. BPEL specifies the implementation of service composition but has no formal semantics; implementations are in practice checked by testing. Formal methods are used in general to define an abstract model of system behaviour that allows simulation and reasoning about properties. The approach can detect and reduce potentially costly errors at design time. CRESS (Communication Representation Employing Systematic Specification) is a domainindependent, graphical, abstract notation, and integrated toolset for developing composite web service. The original version of CRESS had automated support for formal specification in LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification), executing formal validation with MUSTARD (Multiple-Use Scenario Testing and Refusal Description), and implementing in BPEL4WS as the early version of BPEL standard. This thesis work has extended CRESS and its integrated tools to design, specify, validate, verify, implement, and evaluate composed web/grid services. The work has extended the CRESS notation to support a wider range of service compositions, and has applied it to grid services as a new domain. The thesis presents two new tools, CLOVE (CRESS Language-Oriented Verification Environment) and MINT (MUSTARD Interpreter), to respectively support formal verification and implementation testing. New work has also extended CRESS to automate implementation of composed services using the more recent BPEL standard WS-BPEL 2.0

    Constraint integration and violation handling for BPEL processes

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    Autonomic, i.e. dynamic and fault-tolerant Web service composition is a requirement resulting from recent developments such as on-demand services. In the context of planning-based service composition, multi-agent planning and dynamic error handling are still unresolved problems. Recently, business rule and constraint management has been looked at for enterprise SOA to add business flexibility. This paper proposes a constraint integration and violation handling technique for dynamic service composition. Higher degrees of reliability and fault-tolerance, but also performance for autonomously composed WS-BPEL processes are the objectives

    Automated Analysis and Implementation of Composed Grid Services

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    Service composition allows web services to be combined into new ones. Web service composition is increasingly common in mission-critical applications. It has therefore become important to verify the correctness of web service composition using formal methods. The composition of grid services is a similar but new goal. We have previously developed an abstract graphical notation called CRESS for describing composite grid services. We have demonstrated that it is feasible to automatically generate service implementations as well as formal specifications from CRESS descriptions. The automated service implementations use orchestration code in BPEL, along with the service interfaces and data types in WSDL and XSD respectively for all services. CRESS-generated BPEL implementations currently do not useWSRF features such as implicit endpoint references for WS-Resources and interfacing to standard WSRF port types. CRESS-generated formal models use the standardised process algebra LOTOS. Service behaviour is modelled by processes, while service data types are modelled as abstract data types. Simulation and validation of the generated LOTOS specifications can be performed. In this paper, we illustrate how CRESS can be further extended to improve its generation of service compositions, specifically for WSRF services implemented using Globus Toolkit 4. We also show how to facilitate use of the generated LOTOS specifications with the CADP toolbox

    Model-driven design, simulation and implementation of service compositions in COSMO

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    The success of software development projects to a large extent depends on the quality of the models that are produced in the development process, which in turn depends on the conceptual and practical support that is available for modelling, design and analysis. This paper focuses on model-driven support for service-oriented software development. In particular, it addresses how services and compositions of services can be designed, simulated and implemented. The support presented is part of a larger framework, called COSMO (COnceptual Service MOdelling). Whereas in previous work we reported on the conceptual support provided by COSMO, in this paper we proceed with a discussion of the practical support that has been developed. We show how reference models (model types) and guidelines (design steps) can be iteratively applied to design service compositions at a platform independent level and discuss what tool support is available for the design and analysis during this phase. Next, we present some techniques to transform a platform independent service composition model to an implementation in terms of BPEL and WSDL. We use the mediation scenario of the SWS challenge (concerning the establishment of a purchase order between two companies) to illustrate our application of the COSMO framework

    Graphical Composition of Grid Services

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    Grid services and web services have similarities but also significant differences. Although conceived for web services, it is seen how BPEL (Business Process Execution Logic) can be used to orchestrate a collection of grid services. It is explained how CRESS (Chisel Representation Employing Systematic Specification) has been extended to describe grid service composition. The CRESS descriptions are automatically converted into BPEL/WSDL code for practical realisation of the composed services. This achieves orchestration of grid services deployed using the widely used Globus Toolkit and ActiveBPEL interpreter. The same CRESS descriptions are automatically translated into LOTOS, allowing systematic checks for interoperability and logical errors prior to implementation

    Rigorous Development of Composite Grid Services

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    CRESS (Communication Representation Employing Systematic Specification) is introduced as notation, a methodology and a toolset for service development. The article focuses on rigorous development of composite grid services, with particular emphasis on the principles behind the methodology. A straightforward graphical notation is used to describe grid services. These are then automatically specified, analysed and implemented. Analysis includes formal verification of desirable service properties, formal validation of test scenarios, testing of implementation functionality, and evaluation of implementation performance. The case study that illustrates the approach is document content analysis to compare two pieces of text. This involves two composite services supported by two partner services. The usability of the service design notation is assessed, and a comparison is made of the approach with similar ones. These show that the CRESS approach to developing services is usable and more complete than other comparable approaches

    Self-supervising BPEL Processes

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    Service compositions suffer changes in their partner services. Even if the composition does not change, its behavior may evolve over time and become incorrect. Such changes cannot be fully foreseen through prerelease validation, but impose a shift in the quality assessment activities. Provided functionality and quality of service must be continuously probed while the application executes, and the application itself must be able to take corrective actions to preserve its dependability and robustness. We propose the idea of self-supervising BPEL processes, that is, special-purpose compositions that assess their behavior and react through user-defined rules. Supervision consists of monitoring and recovery. The former checks the system's execution to see whether everything is proceeding as planned, while the latter attempts to fix any anomalies. The paper introduces two languages for defining monitoring and recovery and explains how to use them to enrich BPEL processes with self-supervision capabilities. Supervision is treated as a cross-cutting concern that is only blended at runtime, allowing different stakeholders to adopt different strategies with no impact on the actual business logic. The paper also presents a supervision-aware runtime framework for executing the enriched processes, and briefly discusses the results of in-lab experiments and of a first evaluation with industrial partners

    How validation can help in testing business processes orchestrating web services

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    Validation and testing are important in developing correct and fault free SOA-basedsystems. BPEL is a high level language that makes it possible to implement business processes asan orchestration of web services. In general, the testing requires much more test scenarios than thevalidation. However, in the case of BPEL processes, which have very simple and well structuredimplementation, test scenarios limited to the validation may also be efficient. The paper describes anexperiment that aims at answering a question whether or not the validation test scenarios are alsoadequate for testing an implementation of BPEL processes. The experiment employs a Software FaultInjector for BPEL Processes that is able to inject faults when the test scenarios are running. Theresults of the experiment seem very promising. Hence, it seems that validation tests might give astrong support for testing

    DSOL: a declarative approach to self-adaptive service orchestrations

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    Service oriented computing (SOC) has brought a simplification in the way distributed applications can be built. Mainstream approaches, however, failed to support dynamic, self-managed compositions that would empower even non-technical users to build their own orchestrations. Indeed, because of the changeable world in which they are embedded, service compositions must be able to adapt to changes that may happen at run-time. Unfortunately, mainstream SOC languages, like BPEL and BPMN, make it quite hard to develop such kind of self-adapting orchestrations. We claim that this is mostly due to the imperative programming paradigm they are based on. To overcome this limitation we propose a radically different, strongly declarative approach to model service orchestration, which is easier to use and results in more flexible and self-adapting orchestrations. An ad-hoc engine, leveraging well-known planning techniques, interprets such models to support dynamic service orchestration at run-time